I would like to request a copy of your seclusion policy – as part of my doctoral thesis I am planning to review these to explore current practice in seclusions in the UK.
Search for a reference number
I would like to submit a Freedom of Information Act request regarding the cost of staffing, I have previously requested this information as part of other correspondence but it has not been provided. Specifically, I would like to know,
What is the cost of a Band 5 nurse working a bank shift?
What is the equivalent cost of an Band 3 Agency HCA for the same shift to the trust, not just their hourly rate.?
Do you have a section 117 register that is kept up to date – i.e. new patients added when they have section 117 eligibility and patients removed when eligibility ends?
Is the register accessible to staff within your Trust via the intranet?
Do you have a timescale set for section 117 reviews? – i.e. 3 months, 6 months, annual review etc
Does the register include information about the people on your register that require a section 117 reviews and whether these are in date or overdue?
Does your Trust have processes in place to monitor overdue reviews and the number of people on the register who are eligible for section 117 aftercare? If so can you provide details of monitoring arrangements i.e. MHA Operations Committee, reports to teams etc and the frequency of these
Who is responsible for updating the section 117 register within your Trust – i.e. IT department, Performance team, MHA team
Do you have a single point of access for funding queries i.e. which ICB, which Local Authority is responsible for section 117 funding? If so is this via a legal team, social care team, MHA office?
How many patients do you have on your section 117 register?
What proportion of patients have reviews in date?
What proportion have out of date reviews?
Do you have a system in place i.e. a specific team that will undertake section 117 reviews for patients who have entitlement but are not currently open to services
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act, to confirm if you hold and are able to share the following information.
Clinical Coding
• Please can you share a copy of your Clinical Coding policy if you hold this information?
• Please can you share if you hold any Standard Operating Procedures, Guidance, process guides for the clinical coding function?
Data Quality
• Please can you share a copy of your Data Quality policy if you hold this information?
• Please can you share if you hold any Standard operating Procedures, Guidance of process guides for staff working in the Data Quality Function?
• What training is provided at Trust level to ensure safe and holistic care of the patients with spinal cord injury and which group of professionals is the training directed to?
• What training is available at Trust level for the Spinal Manual Handling competencies, for band 2, 3, 4, 5 and above? Who is responsible for the delivery of such training, does it fall under the Manual Handling or the Spinal Unit/Centre remit?
• How often is training delivered and how are competencies achieved and maintained?Are updates required to maintain competency?
• What guidance document/competency (e.g. MASCIP) is used during training of Spinal Manual Handling skills?
• How frequently trainers on Spinal Manual Handling skills would require updates?
A list of all band 6, 7, 8a mental health/psychiatric nursing jobs that have been advertised since October 2023.
We are instructed on behalf of our above named client in respect of a clinical negligence claim. We understand that our client is an employee of your Trust. No claim is intimated against your organisation. In order that we can properly investigate the claim, it is important that we obtain all relevant information. We accordingly need copies of: 1. Our client’s personnel file; 2. Employment contract; 3. Payslips; 4. Sickness policy; 5. Our client’s occupational health file. We enclose our client’s signed form of authority authorising the release of the documentation pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. We should be grateful if you would ensure that the reference quoted on the top of this letter is detailed in all future correspondence with us
I am a pharmacy technician at Powys Health Board.
We are currently looking at if we have any patients who live in the Powys area who are accessing Clozapine services in neighbouring areas.
Please can you advise who is the best person to contact at Gloucester Health and Care Trust to confirm whether or not you have Powys clozapine patients your services.
I would like to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on behalf of HICCS a body of the Digital Services here at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust..
I would like to request information for the following hospitals: – Cirencester Hospital
– Stroud General Hospital
Our Freedom of Information Request form has been attached to this email for you to fill in. We would appreciate it if you could please return it us, complete, before the deadline.
Submitted details:
How can we help you?
Please select an option… I have a question about the trust Your details
Your name TONY Newsum-Brown Your email address Tony.NewsumBrown@swyt.nhs.uk Your phone number 07585686710 What is your query? I am working on a new NHS Pathway with SWYFT
and wondering if it would be possible for you to pass my details onto a member of the Recovery Team as we are seeking to establish a similar service in the Barnsley area. We are are a small team comprising of myself Peer Support Worker, admin worker, Mental Health Nurses x2 An Associate Practitioner and an OT. I am hoping that you may be able to offer some advice in terms of:
Eligibility criteria for your Recovery Service
Assessment processes
Duration and scope of interventions
Team structure etc
Tony Newsum-Brown
Peer Support Worker
Enabling Recovery Pathway
South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Sent: 17 March 2022 15:28
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: RE: FOI 039-2022 – Clarification Required
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact ghcit@ghc.nhs.uk
Hello, Thank you for your email. Please include a note in your answer to indicate when the PC was formed. Please let me know if you require any further clarifications, From: Freedom of Information
To: Casals Mariona RNU. Oxford Health
Subject: FOI 039-2022 – Clarification Required
This email originated from outside of Oxford Health. Please consider carefully when choosing to open attachments, click links or deal with unexpected or unusual requests.
Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 039-2022
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. In order to respond to your request our information teams are seeking the below clarification:
Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS FT was formed in October 2019 therefore we can only provide data from this time. Please can you confirm if this is acceptable and we will continue with your request?
Would you be able to provide clarification around the information you are expecting the response to include for this question?
Kind Regards,
– —
Legal Services Officer Legal Services. Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Address: Edward Jenner Court, Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, GL3 4AW
Telephone: 0300 421 8357 — Website: www.ghc.nhs.uk
From: Casals Mariona RNU. Oxford Health [mailto:Mariona.Casals@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk] Sent: 01 March 2022 11:06
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Query. Adult MH had to admit under 18s – Gloucester HC
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact ghcit@ghc.nhs.uk
Good morning FOI, I would like to request your help with answering the fields in light blue for the questions that I paste below. Please let me know any questions, Your NHSE/I region: 1. For each adult mental health NHS Trust that is located within the geographical footprint of your Provider Collaborative region: please let us know whether, since 2018, they have sometimes had to admit under-18-year-olds onto adult mental health wards*.
* this does not include being assessed or placed in a Section 136 provision/suite..
Name of Trust Yes No
2. For each of these adult mental health Trusts, since 1st February 2021, how many under-18-year-olds have been admitted to an adult mental health ward*?
* this does not include being assessed or placed in a Section 136 provision/suite..
Name of Trust Number of under-18-year-olds
3. Of these under-18-year-olds admitted to an adult mental health ward since 1st February 2021, how many were awaiting:
Number of under-18-year-olds
a. A bed in a General Adolescent Unit b. A bed in a more specialist unit e.g. PICU; Forensic / Secure; Intellectual disability / ASD; Eating disorder SEDU. unit.? Kind regards
Mariona Casals pronouns she/her.
Contracts and Performance Manager | Thames Valley CAMHS T4 Provider Collaborative and HOPE Adult Eating Disorder Provider Collaborative
Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust | Slade House | Horspath Driftway | Oxford | OX3 7JH 07799658346 E: mariona.casals@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk
Please would you consider answering the below four questions as a FOI request?
1. Which local risk management system does your trust currently use please? eg: Ulysses 2000 Ltd / InPhase Ltd / RLDatix etc etc.
2. How many responses are required as a minimum for your staff to complete a patient safety report?
3. On average how many patient safety forms have been completed by your staff per month over the previous 6 month period please?
4. What is your ratio of events associated with harm to events associated with no harm please?
5. How many staff does your organisation employ?
I am requesting the following attached information under the Freedom of Information Act for all Female only Acute Mental Health Wards, disaggregated by Ward Name.
If the definition is not clear on the template please use the data definitions in the Adults & Older Persons Mental Health Benchmarking exercise – ‘NHSBN Mental Health Spec 2022 Final’
Please respond via email, using the template attached. If any question would exceed the section 12 cost limit to fulfil, please mark that question as ‘information not held’ and respond to the remaining questions.
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following workforce information for your Trust for each of the following pay years: 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23:
• The consultant workforce expressed in headcount average of the monthly totals during each year..
• The consultant workforce expressed in whole time or full time equivalent WTE/FTE., where WTE/FTE reflects all programmed activities undertaken by consultants, including additional programmed activities average of the monthly totals during each year.. By programmed activities, we mean the unit used by hospitals to plan consultant work.
o For avoidance of doubt, this is different to the FTE figure routinely published in the NHS Digital NHS Workforce Statistics https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information/publications/statistical/nhs-workforce-statistics., where individual consultants contributing to that figure can only take up to a value of 1 FTE, even where they are working more than full-time.
• The total number of all programmed activities PAs. performed by consultants during each of the stated years.
• The total number of additional programmed activities APA’s. performed by consultants during each of the stated years. By additional programmed activities, we mean programmed activities that are additional to those in consultant main contracts i.e. those above programmed activities above 10 per week, in the case of a full-time consultant..
• Total number of programmed activities PAs. and/or hours of extra contractual work i.e. excluding APAs, e.g. waiting list initiative activity, additional sessions outside the job plan, etc. performed by consultants during each of the stated years.
• The total number of programmed activities PAs. performed by consultants during a.. weekends, b.. weekday evenings, c.. weekday nights, and d.. weekday days during each of the stated years.
o For avoidance of doubt, we mean:
weekends: any time on a Saturday or a Sunday
weekday evenings: 7 pm to 11 pm Monday to Friday
weekday nights: 11 pm to 7 am Monday to Friday
weekday days: 7 am to 7 pm Monday to Friday
• The number of consultant vacancies in the Trust expressed in whole time or full time equivalent WTE/FTE. at the beginning of each of the stated years.
ID 21 Questions Responses Q1 Has your organiszation outsourced its ERP system? If you answered ‘YES’, please go to Q4.. Q2 What ERP system are you currently using? Q3 How long have you been using your current ERP system? Q4 How many invoices does your organisation process annually? Q5 What percentage of invoices in your ERP system are currently matched to a purchase order? Q6 What percentage of invoices received are single line invoices? Q7 Do you use 3-way matching? Q8 Do you employ price tolerances? Q9 If you answered ‘YES’ , what levels have your price tolerances been set at? Non Receipts Price variance Other
Q10 How many invoices are in query at any given point in time by query type.? – Q11 Do you currently employ an AP Invoice Automation tool to process supplier invoices? Q12 If you answered ‘YES’ to Q11, What AP Invoice automation tool do you use? Q13 Do you receive consolidated invoices from NHSSC, NHSP and Bunzl ?
Does your Trust employ nurse associates or assistant nursing practitioners? Y/N
If you employ nurse associates/assistant nursing practitioners, do these groups of staff undertake any of the nursing roles ascribed to RMNs or LD nurses in the Mental Health Act or the Mental Health Act Code of Practice? Y/N
If so does this role include:
Receipt and scrutiny of section papers?
Explaining s132 rights?
Granting leave at the nurse’s discretion?
Any other duties outlined in the Mental Health Act or the Mental Health Act Code of Practice?
If nurse associates or nursing practitioners undertake these role do they have additional training/supervision to gain competency?
Do other registered clinicians/practitioners working in inpatient care such as Occupational Therapists or Social Workers undertake any of the duties described in the Mental Health Act or the Mental Health Act Code of Practice?
If so can you describe what these are?
1. Who is the head of procurement responsible for approving agency usage for Sterile Services at Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust?
2. Who is responsible for agency usage on and off framework. in the Sterile Services/Decontamination department at all hospitals associated with the Trust?
3. Please can you provide the contact number and email address for the managers. in questions 1 and 2.
4. Have you used off-framework agency staff between March 2021 – March 2022 in Sterile Services?
5. How much was your Off-Framework agency spend for Sterile Services between August 2021 and August 2022?
6. Do you currently outsource your Sterile Services/Decontamination department, if yes, who do you outsource it to?
This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.
This FOI request refers to a Local Care Record or Shared Care Record. This is defined as a way to electronically access patient data from outside your Trust e.g. from local GP surgeries, or other local hospitals/healthcare providers.. This includes software like a clinical portal or healthcare information exchange HIE., or a point-to-point interface. This does not include access to NHS spine summary care records.
1a. In what year was the first implementation of a Local Care Record/Shared Care Record in your Trust? 1b. Please specify the name and vendor software supplier. for this first Local Care Record/Shared Care Record implementation.
1c. What local providers did this Local Care Record/Shared Care Record include? For GPs please specify the regions.. For hospitals, please name the hospital. Many thanks for your help with this data, which is being used for academic purposes. Your time is much appreciated.
Freedom of Information Manager
I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would be grateful if you would send to me the requested information detailed in the attachment to this email address FOI@tor-management-services.co.uk If this request is too wide or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as I understand that under the Act, you are required to advise and assist requesters. If any of this information is already in the public domain, please can you direct me to it, with page references and URLs if necessary.
If the release of any of this information is prohibited on the grounds of breach of confidence, I ask that you supply me with copies of the confidentiality agreement and remind you that information should not be treated as confidential if such an agreement has not been signed.
I understand that you are required to respond to my request within the 20 working days after you receive this letter. I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request.
Sent: 17 May 2021 18:26
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information Act – Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact ghcit@ghc.nhs.uk
I am writing to you to make a request to you under the Freedom of Information Act.
The details for this request in line with your published guidelines are:
My name – Imogen Landers
My email address – thelaurahydefoundation@gmail.com The information I am looking to obtain – In your NHS trust do you have a board/exec level representative responsible for mental health/wellbeing who is solely dedicated to improving staff mental health and wellbeing? This information should cover from Jan 2019 to present day or Jan 2021. if a fixed date is required. The format I would like the information in – Electronic format in either PDF or word Many thanks for reviewing and processing this request.
I hope this finds you well. My name is David Maasdorp and I am an EM middle grade doctor currently working in London. I am hoping you might be able to assist me with a Quality Improvement Project I am currently involved in.
We are doing a national multi-centre QIP looking into the cost-saving potential of reducing single-use items in the NHS, in particular cups, cutlery and crockery. As part of this, we are collecting procurement data from all the NHS acute trusts.
With this in mind, I would be so grateful if you could provide spend data for FY 2019 – 2020 for the whole trust for the following items: plastic cups, paper cups, styrofoam cups, plastic forks, knives, spoons, plastic teaspoons, plastic straws, plastic stirrers, wood stirrers, disposable plates, disposable bowls, and any other single use catering items. Quantity used and amount spent for each item if available, or if not for individual items, then overall amount spent would be useful as well.
For administrative purposes, please consider this email as a Freedom of Information request. I look forward to hearing back from you.