Please can you send me the ICB organisational chart with all names and job titles in Commissioning and Transformation.
Search for a reference number
• Provide the name, job title and contact details for the person responsible for car park management
• Provide the name, job title and contact details for the person responsible for procuring any external provider of car park management services
• Confirm if your car parks are managed by yourselves ‘in house’ or are managed by an external contractor
• Where an external contractor manages your car parks please state the following:
o Company name(s)
o Value of the current contract(s)
o Start and end date of current contract(s)
o Any contract extensions already implemented, or planned to be implemented, and the length of these extensions
• For external provision of the service, please confirm the procurement route used to tender for these services (eg. via a named framework agreement, direct award, etc.)
• What methods do you currently have in place to manage your car parks (eg. attendant, ANPR, barrier, permit system)
• What is the planned date(s) for the renewal of your contract(s) or re-tender of the car park management services
• How do you plan to procure your next external provider of car park management services and what is the time scale for this?
I would like to submit an FOI request for the amount of human albumin in grams purchased by the trust in 2023 and 2024 (the entire calendar year),
a. broken down by manufacturer (Bio Products Laboratory, Grifols, Biotest, CSL Behring, Octapharma, Takeda),
b. by concentration (4.5%, 5%, 20%) and
c. by service ordering albumin (ICU, Liver unit, etc.)
To include, Mammography, Dental, Fluoroscopy, Interventional, Plain Diagnostic, CT, MRI, Ultrasound, DEXA, Mobile X-ray
1. How many Imaging systems/rooms are installed across the Trust?
2. Who is the manufacturer of the installed Imaging system?
3. What imaging model system is installed?
4. How old is the installed Imaging system?
5. Is there a service maintenance contract in place for the installed Imaging system?
6. Who is the service provider for the maintenance contract for the installed Imaging system?
1) Does the Trust / Health Board use a third-party inventory management / point of care solution?
1A) If yes – please confirm:
I: Which inventory management / point of care solution you use.
II: Contract value (p.a.)
III: Contract renewal date
IV: When did the Trust / Health Board first start using this solution?
1B) If no – does the Trust / Health Board use any internally-built IT inventory management / point of care solutions?
2) Please could you indicate which department(s) in the Trust / Health Board use inventory management / point of care solutions, whether third-party or internal?
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request the following information in regards to use of postal services by Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust:
• How many letters were sent via post • How many appointment and appointment reminder letters sent via post
• How many change of appointment letters sent via post
• How much is spent on post for change of appointment letters? • How many pre-admission and pre-arrival letters sent via post
• How much is spent post for pre-admission and pre-arrival letters? • How many pages are in the average letter sent via post
• How much is the total printing costs of letters sent via post • How much is the total stamp / franking costs of letters sent via post • How much is spent on post in total
We would like to request the following information from Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS FT
1. We understand the ICS/Trust has representation on the following Medicines Management / Prescribing / Formulary Committees:
• One Gloucestershire Medicines Optimisation Board OGMOB.
Please confirm if this is correct.
If not correct, please list the relevant Committess.
2. Does the Organisation have representation on any other medicines management / prescribing / formulary committees? If so, please advise which.
3. We have the following formularies listed as used by the Organisation:
• Gloucestershire Joint Formulary
Please confirm if this is correct and if not, please provide online links./copy of relevant formularies.
4. Are any of the above formularies dominant when making prescribing decisions or does this depend on therapy area? Please say which is the relevant formulary of the Organisation.
5. If you use a PDF formulary, have you considered moving it to an online platform like Netformulary, and if yes, when are you planning to do so?
To whom it may concern
Please could you answer the below questions in relation to the trusts off framework usage in financial year 2021-2022;
1. Which off framework agencies did the trust use for HCA and Nursing vacancies and what was the spend on these agencies?
2. What was the average charge for both HCA’s and Nurses from off framework agencies?
3. How many HCA shifts were sent out to off framework agencies?
4. How many of these were filled?
5. How many Nursing shifts were sent out to off framework agencies?
6. How many of these were filled?
Kind regards,
Alice James Commercial Manager
Sent: 14 June 2021 08:38
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Request – Vanguard Healthcare
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Hi -, Thank you for your email and for redirecting my request. Do you have the contact details for or could you redirect me to a website where I can find her details? ——————-
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Unfortunately this does not relate to Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust.
As this request relates to ICS a response would need to come from the CCG and not ourselves. I believe Kerry O’ Hara at the CCG is the ICS lead for this so is probably more appropriate to respond. Kind Regards,
– —
Legal Services Officer Legal Services. Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Address: Edward Jenner Court, Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, GL3 4AW
Telephone: 0300 421 8357 — Website:
From: Catrin Preston [] Sent: 27 May 2021 10:23
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Request – Vanguard Healthcare
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
————————–, Thank you for your email. This FOI request is intended to be directed to the ICS.
Do let me know if you have any further questions. Best wishes,
Catrin Preston for and on behalf of Vanguard Healthcare From: Freedom of Information
To: Catrin Preston
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information Request – Vanguard Healthcare
Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 103-2122
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. In order to respond to your request our information teams are seeking the below clarification:
• Can you please clarify if this FOI Request was meant to be directed to Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS FT or ICS?
Would you be able to provide clarification around the information you are expecting the response to include for this question?
Kind Regards,
– —
Legal Services Officer Legal Services. Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Address: Edward Jenner Court, Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, GL3 4AW
Telephone: 0300 421 8357 — Website:
From: Catrin Preston [] Sent: 04 May 2021 18:58
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information Request – Vanguard Healthcare
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Please find attached an FOI request from Vanguard Healthcare, seeking information around your organisations plans to deliver a Community Diagnostic Hub in line with NHS and Government ambitions. The FOI request questions are included in the attached Excel grid. Please could you fill out this Excel grid accordingly with information as relevant. Our preference is for electronic copy in this Excel spreadsheet.
Could you answer the following questions regarding the purchase of the 7881 licences for Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Plus.
1. What date were the licences purchased?
2. What was the value of the transaction
3. What was the procurement process/how as it awarded? Was it a tender or a direct award or an other.
My name is Murtuza, I am writing to you on behalf of the Health Service Journal HSJ..
I am submitting a request for information held by the trust under the Freedom of Information Act.
We are requesting the name, job title, email address and telephone number for the persons. holding the role of Patient Safety Specialist with this NHS Trust – we are aware that this is not typically listed within their job title but assigned to them.
We respectfully request email and telephone contact information as we would like to discuss directly with them about speaking at our upcoming Patient Safety Congress event in Manchester. Sharing their expertise and knowledge will prove vital for everyone in the NHS involved in patient safety that is in attendance.
If these contact details cannot be shared, we will be happy to accept just their names. and job titles..
I look forward to your full response within 20 working days, as stipulated by the act however I would be grateful if you could acknowledge receipt of this email as soon as possible.
Feel free to respond via email should you have any queries.
Subject: Freedom of Information Request – Agency Spend for Doctors, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
To whom it may concern,
I am making a formal application under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. to obtain the following information:
The total amount spent on agency temporary staff between January 21 – December 21 for the following categories:
Doctors Nurses AHP’s
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act. I would be grateful if you could acknowledge receipt of this request and look forward to your full response within 20 working days, as stipulated by the act. FOI REQUEST please submit your answer to both questions in the attached spreadsheet.: 1. Please state the suppliers – and name of software used – for the following systems used by the trust: Electronic patient record Patient administration system Electronic prescribing and medicines administration Maternity information system Diagnostic imaging information system Electronic document management system Laboratory information management system Cyber security services 2. Please state the expiry date for the trust’s contracts with the suppliers referred to above for the systems in question.
1. What is the combined number of primary care referrals that you received for the period of 1 May 2021 – 30 April 2022 for all services provided by your NHS Foundation Trust?
2. What is the combined number of rejected primary care referrals for the period of 1 May 2021 – 30 April 2022 for all services provided by your NHS Foundation Trust?
3. What is the combined number of primary care referrals that you received for the period of 1 May 2020 – 30 April 2021 for all services provided by your NHS Foundation Trust?
4. What is the combined number of rejected primary care referrals for the period of 1 May 2020 – 30 April 2021 for all services provided by your NHS Foundation Trust?
By rejected referrals I mean all primary care referrals that were returned to the referrer. And by primary care referrals I mean all referrals coming from GP practices.
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your NHS Mental Health Trust. Please may you provide me with:
1. The number of days patients waited between referral and their first appointment under the Early Intervention in Psychosis pathway, broken down by financial year, since 2010.
2. The number of days patients waited between referral and their second appointment under the Early Intervention in Psychosis pathway, broken down by financial year, since 2010.
3. The number of days patients waited between their assessment appointment and their first treatment appointment under the Early Intervention in Psychosis pathway, broken down by financial year, since 2010.
Sent: 04 April 2022 13:11
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information Request
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
I hope this email finds you well? Can you please confirm the name of the providers you have for the following services? Please include journey numbers and mobilities for all patient journeys per annum, start date, end date of contracts, include if any extensions may be applicable and initial length of awarded contract. Please also include all complaints/concerns for each provider, both formal, informal, DATIX, PALS, any SUI’s and CQC reported incidents etc. Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services NEPTS. Any Ambulance services not included in the above, including any specialist services Mental Health Transport Services Pathology Courier Services Any other Courier Services Patient Taxi services – for Taxis booked by the Trust are the providers CQC registered?. For all courier work, please confirm if you have regular GP runs, if yes how many individual runs, what services you supply the GPs, how many GPs are associated to them and the number of journeys per annum?
Can you please advise the name and contact details for the following :-
Head of Waste
Head of Facilities
Head of Estates
Sustainability Manager
Sent: 03 February 2022 15:00
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Steve Simmons, Head of Operational Finance
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Hope you’re well.
As per the freedom of information act, I’m looking to get in touch with Steve Simmons, Head of Operational Finance. Can you please provide me with his email address and a contact number?
Erhan Kemal Director – Finance – Government & Public Sector
Mobile: +44 0. 7972 505 584 8 Salisbury Square London EC4Y 8BB
Sent: 21 February 2022 14:34
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: FOI Request – Organisation Structure Chart – Estates and Campus Services
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Good afternoon,
I am e-mailing to place a request for all information available under the Freedom of Information Act; relating to the Estates & Facilities/Property Maintenance and Projects directorates of your organisation.
I would like to request an Organisation chart for all Directors, Managers, and employees within the Estates, Facilities, Maintenance, Property and Projects departments.
Any information that could be provided would be greatly appreciated. I am contactable via e-mail at
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Trust. Please may you provide me with: 1. The top 10 longest recorded periods of seclusion of a patient in secure mental health units, over the last 12 months. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for and discuss the request.
Please provide complete answers to the following questions:
What is the name of your organisation?
How many employees are at your organisation?
How many mobile phone and mobile broadband data only. connections do you currently have in total?
How many of these are data only for laptops and tablets.?
How many of these are voice and data for mobile phones.?
Who is your mobile phone network provider?
Do you have a shared data bundle or individual allowances?
What is your organisations average total data usage across all connections?
What was your total spend on mobile phone contract and overage costs in April 2021?
What was your total spend on mobile phone contract and overage costs in May 2021?
What was your total spend on mobile phone contract and overage costs in June 2021?
What was your total spend on mobile phone contract and overage costs in July 2021?
What was your total spend on mobile phone contract and overage costs in August 2021?
What was your total spend on mobile phone contract and overage costs in September 2021?
What was your total spend on mobile phone contract and overage costs in October 2021?
What was your total spend on mobile phone contract and overage costs in November 2021?
What was your total spend on mobile phone contract and overage costs in December 2021?
What was your total spend on mobile phone contract and overage costs in January 2022?
What was your total spend on mobile phone contract and overage costs in February 2022?
What was your total spend on mobile phone contract and overage costs in March 2022?
Do these numbers include VAT?
When did you renew your mobile phone contract?
How long does your contract run for?
What is the renewal date of your contract?
How did you source your contract?
What is the value of your hardware/technology/transformation fund provided with the contract if none provided please mark as .
Who is the shareholder/primary contact for this contract?
Under the Freedom of Information Act, please could you answer the following questions and return by email to Nicola Cassidy:
1. Do you use a mass notification system or emergency planning software for major incidents within EPRR.? This also includes pager systems for notifying employees when a major incident occurs.
If yes, please answer the following questions:
a. What company provides the service?
b. Please confirm the value of the initial project and value of annual support/maintenance services in £.?
c. When is the contract renewal date?
2. Who is the EPRR manager within the Trust?
Who is the Emergency Accountable Office within the Trust?
Email Acknowledgement | FOI 120 – 2022 | Freedom of Information Request
REFERENCE: 120-2022
I refer to your freedom of information request in your email below, which you have made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. A final decision on your request would normally be sent to you within 4 weeks 20 days., where a week is defined as 5 working days excluding the weekend and public holidays. There are some limited situations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, where a final decision may take longer than 4 weeks. If this occurs in the case of your request, we will advise you promptly in writing setting out the reason and the new decision date.
Should our final decision not reach you in time, please feel free to email to highlight any problems that may have arisen.
Thank you for your request.
Kind regards,
Information Governance and Records Team
Subject: Freedom of Information
This message originated from outside of NHSmail. Please do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning, Please provide the following statistics from across the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 to date., itemised by year.
1. Calls and/or referrals to the Heart Failure Team.
2. Operational deployments by the Heart Failure Team.
3. Outpatient appointments provided by Cardiology Services.
4. Inpatient consultations provided by Cardiology Services.
Many thanks.
I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
I would like to know the following information for the last ten years 1 April 2011 to 31st March 2022. –
A. How much money was paid out by your Trust regarding claims brought in your maternity unit? Per year.
B. Out of the above claims each year. how many related to 1. mothers dying 2. babies dying 3. still births 4. babies born with brain damage or cerebral palsy.
I am writing to request the following information from your NHS trust, for the calendar years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 so far:
• The number of CAMHS referrals from GPs received by your trust specifying whether they were tier 3 or tier 4
• The number of CAMHS referrals from GPs accepted by your trust specifying whether they were tier 3 or tier 4
• The number of CAMHS referrals from GPs rejected by your trust specifying whether they were tier 3 or tier 4, and reasons for rejection
This Freedom of Information Request refers to patients under a Long COVID Clinic only;
1. Please state the name of your Health Trust
2. Please state how many Long COVID Clinics cover patients in your Health Trust, and please name them all.
3. How many Long COVID patients have had an initial consultation with a Long COVID Clinic in your Trust, and please break down how this was done
4. a. By Phone or video call
5. b. In person
4. How many Long COVID patients went onto have a follow up appointment with a Long COVID Clinic in your Trust, and please break down how this was done.
5. a. By Phone or video call
6. b. In person
For questions 3 & 4, If possible, please state if the initial appointment, then follow up appointment was by phone or in person and vice versa.
5. How many Long COVID patients were screened for blood clots or micro clots at a Long COVID Clinic within your Trust
6. How many Long COVID Patients have died with a blood or micro clot since being under a Long COVID clinic within your Trust
7. Of those who died were they identified as having a blood or micro clot?
Please can you advise if you use a n electronic cloud based Job Evaluation System.
The cost of the contract and the expiry date of the contract.
If you would like a demo of our COVID Management and Booking System/ FLU Management and Booking System or our IJES Agenda for Change Job Evaluation system please email me.
Please think of the environment if you wish to print this e-mail
This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2001.
Please can you provide the following information regarding use of agency staff in your NHS Trust.
Please note there are three parts to this request.
1. Please can you provide the total spend on agency staff in your NHS Trust in the financial year ending April 2022
2. Please can you provide the total spend on agency staff in your NHS Trust in the financial year ending April 2019
3. Please can you provide the total spend on agency staff in your NHS Trust in the financial year ending April 2017
I would like to receive the information electronically. If you feel that a substantive response to this request is not possible within a reasonable time frame, or the request is too broad or too vague, I would be grateful if you could contact me, either by email or telephone 07723324240. and provide assistance as how I could refine the request. Many thanks.
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust ,
Can you please advise contact name and e mail of person or department responsible for catering, vending and beverages at Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Many thanks your help
FOI Team at Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, Please find attached a request for your attention. Can you update the attached spreadsheet where we ask about your trust’s general IT infrastructure please? Digital Health Intelligence continues to deliver free research access to the NHS and as part of this, we are updating our IT infrastructure data held on your organisation.
Please fill in the blank questionnaire and use the ‘Model Answers’ tab, which has sample answers, as guidance to how the questions should be filled out. If you do not already have a free access to Digital Health Intelligence, please contact us and we will set you up. Please do get back to us if you have any questions about filling out the questionnaire. We can be contacted at Thank you for your considered time. The Digital Health Intelligence Team
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Trust Freedom of Information Co-ordinator, Legal Services Department Gloucestershire Royal Hospital Robinswood House Gloucestershire GL1 3NN
Under the Freedom of Information Act please can you supply the requested information in the attached questionnaire.
Please return the completed form to:
Sent: 14 February 2022 07:35
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: FoI Request
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Hi, Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would request you to respond to questions included in the attachment. For any reason if you are unable to open the attachement do let me know. I can then send the questions within the email itself.
Thank you. Regards, Srikanth Tallavelmi
Sent: 24 February 2022 15:00
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information Request
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
To whom it may concern,
Under the freedom of information act 2000, please could Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust provide answers to the following: A. For the financial year 2018-2019 whether an audit of patient urinary catheterisation was carried out by Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust?
B. For the financial year 2019-2020 whether an audit of patient urinary catheterisation was carried out by Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust?
C. For the financial year 2020-2021 whether an audit of patient urinary catheterisation was carried out by Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust?
FOI Team,
I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the FOI Act 2000.
Can you please provide an update on the following 4 questions regarding your Trust’s Infrastructure as it relates to the Data Storage element?
1. Please provide the following details about your Data Storage Cloud Provider:
Does your Data Storage use Cloud Provision Yes / No.? –
Who is your main Cloud provider? –
Annual Spend 2020-21 £’s. –
Contract end date –
Additional Notes – e.g. currently out for tender
2. Does your organisation plan to move your Data Storage to a cloud-based service in the next 2 years Yes or No.? –
Main Supplier –
Additional Notes –
3. For each element detailed below, how does your organisation manage its data storage?
In-house data centre:
On Premise OR Off Premise if does not apply. –
Main Supplier –
Annual Spend 2020-21 £’s. –
Contract end date –
Additional Notes –
Shared service:
On Premise OR Off Premise if does not apply. –
Main supplier –
Annual Spend 2020-21 £’s. –
Contract end date –
Additional Notes –
Data Storage Management:
On Premise OR Off Premise if does not apply. –
Main supplier –
Annual Spend 2020-21 £’s. –
Contract end date –
Additional Notes –
Other please specify.
On Premise OR Off Premise if does not apply. –
Main supplier –
Annual Spend 2020-21 £’s. –
Contract end date –
Additional Notes –
4. Does your Trust have an on-site data centre Yes / No.? –
Do you plan to build an on-site data centre Yes / No. –
If yes, what is the timeframe for this Years. –
Who is your preferred supplier –
Thank you in advance for your time.
Wednesday 22nd June 2022
RE: Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
————————-Information Team
This is an information request relating to net zero jobs at the Trust.
Please can you provide me with the following:
• a list of all currently filled jobs at the Trust which include the term “Net Zero” in the title
• the salary or salary band of each job which contains the term “Net Zero” in the title
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for.
I would prefer a response via email, but if this is not possible, I will gladly accept letters to the address below.
Please acknowledge this information request as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Elliot Keck, Investigations Campaigns Manager
TaxPayers’ Alliance, 55 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3QL
+44 0. 20 7340 6020
+44 0.7562015901
24-hour media line: 07795 084113 No texts.
Good afternoon,
Please can you provide the below information: What capital investment has been made within the Trust for bariatric support in the past 3 years? Please can you provide the amount of spend and a brief summary of works completed. Kind Regards
Good afternoon, I would be very grateful if you could please send me details of the Trust’s spending on services and goods provided by Fire & Rescue Services between 1st April 2021 and 31st March 2022?
Thank you very much for your assistance and I look forward to your response.
Sent: 04 February 2022 09:43
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: FOI Request
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
To whom it may concern,
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Trust regarding.
1. How many RGN and HCA shifts have been filled using an “Off Framework” Agency between November 1st 2021 and January 31st 2022
2. Which “Off Framework” Nursing agencies have been used by the Trust between November 1st 2021 and January 31st 2022
3. Breakdown of shifts filled by each individual “Off Framework” Nursing Agencies between November 1st 2021 and January 31st 2022
4. Total Cost for each “Off Framework” Nursing Agency between November 1st 2021 and January 31st 2022
Please provide the information in the form of an email to
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined, I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for and discuss the request, my details are outlined below.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response within 20 working days as per the statute.
Many thanks,
Adam Mathews
Dear Sir / Madam, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise is a global networking and communications technology vendor with a European heritage and with a major European and UK presence. As an established supplier of technology equipment and services to the public sector, we are keen to understand the digital transformation needs of UK public sector organisations. Please do provide all relevant information to the following questions, with both text and relevant links to documents. Question Response – text and/or links When was your last networking LAN, Core, edge. refresh, and when is the next refresh planned?
When was your last Wi-Fi refresh, and when is the next refresh planned?
When was your last telephony or Unified Communications refresh, and when is the next refresh planned?
When was your last mobile devices/pagers refresh, and when is the next refresh planned?
Can you confirm contract end dates and vendors for the above?
Do you have an integration or workflow solution across the multiple technology systems in the trust? What are the key parts of your Digital Transformation and/or Hospital of the Future strategy going forward? What adoption of Internet of Things has been implemented? Do you have an IOT containment policy?
What adoption of asset tracking/real-time asset monitoring or RFID has been implemented or is being considered or planned? Does this include patient flow? Can you confirm contract dates and vendors?
Under the Freedom of Information Act, could you please provide an answer to the following question:
Which Electronic Patient Record system is in use by the hospitals. in your trust?
I would like to request the following information related to the training carried out for your NHS trust:
1. Amount spent each year on the internal and external training of staff members across all levels of seniority during the period 2018-19 and 2021-22
2. Number of staff members trained each year during the period 2018-19 and 2021-22
Training refers to the internal and external training carried out each year including compliance training, refresher training and onboarding training
Training expenditure would not include the time cost of internal staff members. Only direct expenditures should be included in the amounts
Staff refers to all part-time and full-time members of the payroll
Sent: 03 February 2022 15:00
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Sandra Betney Director of Finance
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Hope you’re well.
As per the freedom of information act, I’m looking to get in touch with Sandra Betney Director of Finance. Can you please provide me with her email address and a contact number?
Erhan Kemal Director – Finance – Government & Public Sector
Mobile: +44 0. 7972 505 584 8 Salisbury Square London EC4Y 8BB
To Whom it may concern,
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am writing to obtain the following details in relation to your use of couriers, taxis, and non-patient transport services:
1. The amount spent on courier/taxi/non-patient transport services in each of the following financial years:
• 2021-22
• 2020-21
• 2019-20
• 2018-19
• 2017-18
2. A breakdown of the amount spent on taxis and courier services by department for example pathology, pharmacy, sterile services, medical records etc. in each of the following financial years:
• 2021-22
• 2020-21
• 2019-20
• 2018-19
• 2017-18
3. A breakdown of the amount spent on taxis and courier services by reason for spend for equipment, specimens, medicine etc. in each of the following financial years:
• 2021-22
• 2020-21
• 2019-20
• 2018-19
• 2017-18
4. The name of your courier/taxi/non-patient transport services suppliers
5. The annual value of your courier/taxi/non-patient transport services suppliers’ contracts
6. The expiry dates of your courier/taxi/non-patient transport services suppliers’ contracts
7. The name of the frameworks. used to procure your courier/taxi/non-patient transport services suppliers’ contracts
8. The total cost of the courier/taxi/non-patient transport services that are not outsourced but are managed in-house
9. The number of staff employed in managing the in-house contracts
10. The number of vehicles either owned or leased to meet the in house courier requirements
11. The names. and emails. of the persons. responsible for the management of courier/taxi/non-patient transport services
12. The names. and emails. of the persons. responsible for the procurement of courier/taxi/non-patient transport services
Thanks and best Regards
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Good afternoon,
To whom this may concern,
Under the Freedom of Information Act FOIA. 2000, I am sending this written request in order to obtain the below information:
1. Which Recruitment/Staffing agencies supplied Nursing or HCA staff in the following periods:
EITHER Financial years 2019/2020
Calendar year 2019
2. What was the value of Spend with each of the above agencies, for Nursing or HCA agency staff supply?
3. Which Recruitment/Staffing agencies supplied Nursing or Agency staff to you under a Framework Agreement?
4. What were the total hours/shifts and the relevant value of spend, for each of those Recruitment/Staffing agencies for the supply of Nursing or HCA agency staff, for the following periods:
EITHER Financial years 2019/2020
Calendar year 2019
5. Which Recruitment/Staffing agencies supplied Nursing or Agency staff to you outside of any Framework Agreements “Off-Framework”.?
6. What were the total hours/shifts and the relevant value of spend for each of those Recruitment/Staffing agencies for the supply of Nursing or HCA agency staff, for the following periods:
EITHER Financial years 2019/2020
Calendar year 2019
7. How many unfilled Nursing and HCA hours/shifts did the Trust have for the following periods?
EITHER Financial years 2019/2020
Calendar year 2019
8. How many Substantive vacancies remained unfilled during the following periods?
EITHER Financial years 2019/2020
Calendar year 2019
I am fully aware that, under the provisions of the section 102. of the 2000 Act, the estimated waiting time for a response from yourself is 20 working days from the receipt of this request. I also understand that some of the requests may be more accessible than others and I would appreciate if you could kindly disclose the information as soon as possible. If for any reasons my request is denied fully or partially, I would highly appreciate if you could provide a justification of your refusal to provide the information by referring to the specific exemptions of the Act. If you require any clarification from my side, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Please acknowledge receipt of this request, and I look forward to your response.
This email is for the attention of Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust. I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I would like to know the total spend of the Trust on information technology between June 1st 2019 and June 1st 2022. What proportion of that total spend was awarded to Amazon Web Services AWS.? What is the total value of those contracts with AWS please provide the amount in GBP.? What is the nature of the service provided by AWS under these contracts?
Please provide any documentation that pertains to the above questions.
and my correspondence address is this email. . I would prefer information electronically and word/excel/pdf are all fine. • Please could you confirm the name, job title and email address of the individual responsible for commissioning IAPT services?
• Please could you confirm if the Trust is the current provider of IAPT services and if not who the provider is?
• If the Trust is the provider of the IAPT service, please could you confirm the name, job title and email address of the individual responsible for managing the IAPT service?
• If different from the above, please could you confirm the name, job title and email address of the individual responsible for managing and improving waiting times for the IAPT service on behalf of the Trust
• Please could you confirm the current total cost of the IAPT service and duration of the contract?
• Please could you confirm when the IAPT service will next be re-tendered on the basis of the current contract duration?
• Please confirm the total number of individuals who have currently been waiting more than 6 months for counselling services?
• Please could you confirm if you have a provider of digital IAPT services either as a sub-contract to the overall provider or as a separate contract., and if so who the digital provider is and what services they provide to patients?
We have recently successfully been awarded a position on the NHS LPP, CCS Framework – Lot 5 RM6161 to supply Social Workers, we would like to request the following information under The Freedom of Information Act 2000:
1. Names and contact details of all Social Care Managers, Team Managers, Service Managers, Head’s of Service and Directors
2. Name and contact details of the current Head of Temporary resourcing or the equivalent person/s
3. Confirmation of whether the trust uses CCS framework – Lot 5 RM6161 to form it’s preferred supplier list or whether a separate list is used to recruit temporary Social Care staff
We appreciate your assistance with this request.