I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.,
Please provide the following for the calendar year 2023:
1. Number of ADHD assessment referrals received. 2. Number of individuals who were screened for ADHD.
3. Number of individuals who were assessed for ADHD
4. Number of those assessed who received an ADHD diagnosis.
Please also segregate the data further by providing separate figures for Adults and CYP.
Search for a reference number
I am writing to request the following from your NHS trust under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
The number of a. sexual assaults, b. rapes and c. sexual harassment/abuse offences reported at your trust, for the calendar years 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Please list:
• the number of a. sexual assaults, b. rapes including gang rapes – please specify. and c. sexual harassment/abuse offences reported per year
• of those, please specify:
o how many were reported to the police
o how many had staff listed as a suspect, and how many had staff listed as a victim
o how many had a patients. listed as a suspect, and how many had a patients. listed as a victim
o please also specify report outcomes, i.e. how many resulted in police action, without any identifiers
My name is Joswin Corda and I am sending this email on behalf of Health Service Journal HSJ..
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request data about the trust’s use of the apprenticeship levy.
Please could you provide answers to the following questions and input the answers in the attached spreadsheet. The column labels correspond to the questions.
a. Trust name
b. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds received in the financial year 2020-21
c. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds spent in the financial year 2020-21
d. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds received in the financial year 2021-22
e. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds spent in the financial year 2021-2022
f. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds received in financial year 2022-23
g. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds spent in the financial year 2022-23
I am emailing to initiate another Freedom of Information request:
• I would like copies of records of the statutory/mandatory training compliance for all staff working at Berkeley House, including bank and agency staff. from March 2019 to present day.
• I would like to know the number of DATIX reports submitted each calendar month for incidents which occurred at Berkeley House between March 2019 and the present day. If possible, I should like to know the reason/Category of incident for each DATIX report.
• I would like to know the safe staffing numbers for Berkeley House from March 2019 to the present day, including details of how many bank/agency staff were on shift, as well as any breaches where the unit was operating with insufficient staffing levels.
I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.
1. As of 01/03/24, how many inpatients at psychiatric hospitals operated by your trust are transgender, or identify as a different sex to the sex assigned to them at birth?
2. Please provide your guidance on transgender inpatients, including the contact they are allowed with other patients, and whether they are treated on wards that correspond with the gender they identify as, or the gender they were assigned at birth.
Technologies Supplier Software/system Contract expiry date Revised expiry date
Electronic patient record Access UK Rio Jun-24 Electronic patient record Mayden iaptus Nov-22 Electronic patient record TPP SystmOne Jun-24 Electronic patient record Software of Excellence SOEL Health Nov-22 Electronic prescribing and medicines administration ? ? ? Maternity information system ? ? ? Diagnostic imaging information system ? ? ? Laboratory information management system LIMS. ? ? ? Cyber security services Bytes ? Jun-25 Clinical communications system ? ? ? Remote consultation system provider e.g. video and online consultations. ? ? ? Cloud provider ? ? ? Barcode and scanning technology system provider ? ? ? Computer hardware provider laptops, PCs, smartphones, tablets, iPads etc. XMA ? Jul-24 Please note: In relation to cyber security we are asking for the name of your main cyber security provider. We do not need to know the software or sub-contractors used. Clarification on ” Responses:
• Please enter ‘No System Installed’ if your trust does not have such system.
• Please enter ‘No system needed’ if your trust does not have a department or service which requires such a system. Clarification on Contract expiry date: • If the contract is expiring in the next 6 months, please state if the trust plans to renew, re-procure or take any other action?
• If the contact is on a rolling basis, Please enter ‘Rolling’.
Additionally, could you please fill in the missing product names and revised contract expiry dates?
ITV News would like to make a freedom of information request about your adult eating disorder services.
Please provide the following information by the following calendar years:
2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 up to the present date 28/2/24.
During each calendar year, in adult services:
1.How many new referrals started treatment for an eating disorder?
2.How many patients were discharged from your service following treatment for an eating disorder?
3. How many of those patients discharged. had achieved a BMI of 18.5 or higher when they were discharged?
4. How many of those patients discharged. had a BMI of below 15 when they were discharged?
5. What was the lowest BMI recorded of a patient when they were discharged out of patients from point 4.?
6.How many of those patients from point 4. were readmitted within 3 years of being discharged?
Please provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.
Based on your latest available data, how many fines have been handed out to members of staff at your Trust over the past five years for issues related to car parking? This could include parking in the wrong area, not having a permit etc.
How many staff does your Trust currently have and how many of these currently have a car parking permit?
How many are on the waiting list to receive a permit?
If possible, please provide data broken down by year by calendar year. Spreadsheet format preferred if possible.
If it is not possible to provide some of the data requested, I would be grateful if you could provide whichever elements of this FOI request are eligible for release.
My name is Daniel Henry. I am a Sky News Correspondent.
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:
Between 2020 and 2023 – How many patients were admitted to hospitals within your NHS trust for attempted suicide?
It would be particularly helpful an annual breakdown of these figures could be provided:
2020: 10 admissions
2021: 11 admissions
2022: 12 admissions
2023: 13 admissions
This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. My request relates to the number of deaths of mental health patients whilst they were under your care, in the last three years. It also relates to the number of people waiting for treatment.
For the avoidance of doubt, I would like to know the number of deaths, either while the individual was a patient on one of your mental health wards, or within three months of being discharged. I would also like to know on the 1st of January, for the last three years, how many people had been waiting longer than 18 weeks for your services?
ITV News would like to request the following information:
1. In the last 3 years, how many patients have died whilst being treated on one of your mental health units?
2. In the last 3 years, how many patients have died within three months of being discharged from one of your mental health units?
3. For each year, in how many of those deaths do you know the cause of death?
Please break down the data as follows:
1st January 2021 – 31st December 2021
1st January 2022 – 31st December 2022
1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023
4. On the 1st January each year, for the last three years, how many people have been waiting longer than 18 weeks for your services?
Please break down the data as follows:
1st January 2021
1st January 2022
1st January 2023
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to cost of compliance limits, please let me know how I can refine my request.
Please could your trust provide the following information about your employment of locally-employed doctors. By locally employed doctors we mean doctors who are not consultants, not in formal training or on a SAS contract speciality doctor, specialists and associate specialists.. Local contracts mean contracts of employment that are not nationally negotiated. 1. Please provide the number of FTE doctors employed on local contracts at your trust as of 15 January 2024. 2. Please provide the percentage of locally employed doctors who are international medical graduates. 3. Please provide the percentage of locally employed doctors who are from an ethnic minority group.
4. Please provide a sample contract used by your trust for locally employed doctors. 5. Please provide the job titles under which these LE doctors are employed. 6. What proportion of LE doctors have been employed with your organisation for more than two years?
Please could I request information on the following questions:-
How much did your Trust spend in total on education and training in the following financial years? April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Please advise how much of this total spend was with external providers?
April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Please can you break down the overall spend into the following categories?
Apprenticeship training April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Mandatory, statutory and compliance training April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Management and Leadership training
April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Healthcare support worker training
April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Nursing April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Allied Healthcare Professionals April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
What are the top five categories that you procure externally?
In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I request the following information: 1. Please can you provide the number of physical assaults against hospital staff by patients and members of the public on the Trusts premises for the following five years: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023?
2. How many of these physical assaults were reported to the police for the following five years: 2019, 2020,2021, 2022, 2023?
3. If you hold this data, how many had a criminal justice outcome e.g. cautioned, charged, taken to court. for the following five years: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023?
4. Since 2019 has the Trust introduced any additional measures to try to reduce the number of physical assaults against hospital staff? If so, please specify what measures have been taken e.g. body cameras, CCTV in clinical areas, more security guards etc? As you know, under the Act you are required to provide a response within 20 working days.
If you do not provide the information requested, you must explain the legal basis for the information being withheld.
If you decline part of the request due to information being sensitive, the request being too vague, or reasonable cost being exceeded, you must still provide the part you can fulfil.
Under The Freedom of Information Act 2000, could you kindly answer the following questions:
1. How much has your Trust spent on specialist bariatric equipment for obese/bariatric patients patients over 160kg. during the last five financial years? Please give a figure for each year: 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23.
2. How many patients needed special adaptations due to their weight in the past 12 months?
3. Please give a breakdown of the amounts spent by the Trust by the type of specialist bariatric equipment.
3.1 If equipment is used on a rental contract basis, please provide a list of contracts, including the values and suppliers.
4. How many bariatric beds does the Trust own?
5. How many bariatric fridges does the Trust own?
Under the Freedom of Information Act I wish to request the following information: 1. The number of referrals made to each of the below services/through each of the below pathways* during 2015/16, 2022/23 and 2023/24 to date. Please break these figures down by the number of referrals received, the number of referrals accepted and the number of referrals responded to with advice and guidance or support, with the recorded reason for declination. Please provide earliest figures from 2015/16 and reasoning if you do not have 2015/16 figures available. 2. Details of any policy change regarding altered thresholds for referrals, altered access to pathways or triage systems and documentation outlining the change and reasoning of the change if available. as regards referrals to each of the below services/pathways.
092-2023 BBC
Can I please request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.
1. The total amount that the trust has spent on the Good Governance Institute’s services since 2015.
2. A breakdown of the specific work that the Good Governance Institute has completed for the trust e.g. well-led reviews..
3. The basis on which the trust chose the Good Governance Institute as an external facilitator for such reviews, should this be applicable.
068-2023 BBC
For each question, please can you provide data for the following years – 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 to date.
1. How many sexual assaults were reported to the trust?
a. Of these allegations, please advise whether they were:
i. On Staff carried out by a staff Member
ii. On Staff carried out by a patient or visitor
iii. By Staff on a Patient
iv. By Staff on a visitor
v. On Staff carried out by a visitor
vi. On a patient carried out by a patient
b. Of these alleged offences, how many were reported to the police?
c. If these alleged offences involved members of staff or contractors of the trust, please outline whether disciplinary proceedings took place and what was the outcome?
2. How many rapes were reported to the trust?
a. Of these allegations, please advise whether they were:
i. On Staff carried out by a staff Member
ii. On Staff carried out by a patient or visitor
iii. By Staff on a Patient
iv. By Staff on a visitor
v. On Staff carried out by a visitor
vi. On a patient carried out by a patient
b. Of these alleged offences, how many were reported to the police?
c. If these alleged offences involved members of staff or contractors of the trust, please outline whether disciplinary proceedings took place and what was the outcome?
Please may you provide us with answers to the following questions:
1. How many people are currently on your waiting list for ADHD assessments?
Please break this down between children and adults.
2. How many assessments have you carried out every calendar year between 2018 and 2023?
If possible, please break this down between children and adults.
3. How many ADHD referrals did you receive each calendar year between 2018 and 2023?
Please break this down between children and adults.
4. How many ADHD referrals did you accept each calendar year between 2018 and 2023?
Please break this down between children and adults.
5. What is the mean. average time patients wait between referral and an assessment for ADHD for each calendar year between 2018 and 2023?
If possible, please break this down between children and adults.
BBC 128-2023
I am writing to request the following data under the Freedom of Information Act.
If all the below questions cannot be answered within the appropriate time limit, please can you answer the questions in order as below until the limit is reached.
1. In each of the following financial years, how many individuals were referred to IAPT/NHS Talking Therapies by drug and alcohol services?
i. 2018-19
ii. 2019-20
iii. 2020-21
iv. 2021-22
v. 2022-23
2. How many of those in question 2 were a. accepted and b. declined for support from IAPT/NHS Talking Therapies? Please break the information down by the following financial years.
i. 2018-19
ii. 2019-20
iii. 2020-21
iv. 2021-22
v. 2022-23
Please provide a figure for c. other, where relevant. For example, if the individual was referred but didn’t engage further with your service and was therefore neither accepted nor declined.
3. In each of the following financial years, how many individuals with known drug and/or alcohol issues or dependence were referred to IAPT/NHS Talking Therapies by a GP?
Where required for data collection, please take ‘drug and/or alcohol issues or dependence’ to mean the ICD10 codes F10-F19 inclusive.
If data for the number referred ‘by a GP’ is not available, please provide the number referred from primary care.
i. 2018-19
ii. 2019-20
iii. 2020-21
iv. 2021-22
v. 2022-23
4. How many of those in question 3 were a. accepted and b. declined for support from IAPT/NHS Talking Therapies? Please break the information down by the following financial years.
i. 2018-19
ii. 2019-20
iii. 2020-21
iv. 2021-22
v. 2022-23
Please provide a figure for c. other, where relevant. For example, if the individual was referred but didn’t engage further with your service and was therefore neither accepted nor declined.
I am getting in touch from BBC Radio 4, File on 4. I wish to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:
For the following calendar years; 2023 up to date., 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 please provide the following information broken down by calendar year.
1. How many appointment requests for coil fittings did your trust receive? *
2. How many appointment requests for coil removals did your trust receive? 3. How many Intrauterine device IUD. fittings were performed by your trust? 4. How many Intrauterine device IUD. removals were performed by your trust? 5. What was the average wait time for a patient to have a Intrauterine device IUD. fitted? 6. What was the average wait time for a patient to have a Intrauterine device IUD. removed?
7. How many complaints did your trust received regarding coil fittings? 8. How many complaints did your trust received regarding coil removals? If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the time or cost limits identified in Section 12, please provide the information in part and chronologically with a priority placed upon 2022 and 2023 data.
HSJ 118-2023
1. The number of inpatient mental health beds closed by your NHS trust, for each financial year since 2012-13
a. Please break down by type of bed closed i.e. adult acute inpatient, older adult, CYP, etc.
2. The total number of inpatient mental health beds at your NHS trust, for each financial year since 2012-13
3. The average number of available mental health beds at your NHS trust, for each financial year since 2012-13
4. The average number of occupied mental health beds at your NHS trust, for each financial year since 2012-13
5. The total number of times your NHS trust has had no inpatient mental health beds available / bed occupancy has been at 100%, since 2012-13 please break down occasions by year and type of bed if possible.
025-2023 ITN
Could you please provide the following information?
1. The number of allegations of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual
assault and rape that the Trust received from a member of staff against another
member of staff in 2022.
2. The number of allegations of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual
assault and rape that the Trust received from a member of staff against another
member of staff in 2021.
3. The number of allegations of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual
assault and rape that the Trust received from a member of staff against another
member of staff in 2020.
4. The number of allegations of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual
assault and rape that the Trust received from a member of staff against another
member of staff in 2019.
5. The total number of allegations of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment,
sexual assault and rape that the Trust received from a member of staff against another
member of staff between 2019 and 2022.
6. The total number of allegations of sexual misconduct, sexual harassment,
sexual assault and rape received from a member of staff against another member of
staff between 2019 and 2022 which resulted in action being taken against the
individual accused.
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act, can you please provide the following?
3. The number of data breach incidents recorded in the trust between 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023- date March
4. 2024.
8. How much has the trust paid out in compensation for Data Breach claims between 2021/22, 2022/23 and
9. 2023-date March 2024.?
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:
1. Is the Trust commissioned to provide a service for patients assessed as meeting diagnostic criteria for Binge Eating Disorder BED.? 1. For under 18s 2. For 18+ year olds 2. Does the Trust provide any kind of treatment for patients assessed as meeting diagnostic criteria for Binge Eating Disorder BED. or signpost them to services provided by other organisations? 1. For under 18s 2. For 18+ year olds 3. If applicable, please outline the services that the Trust provides for patients assessed as meeting diagnostic criteria for Binge Eating Disorder BED., including: a. the types of treatment that the Trust provides specifically for Binge Eating Disorder BED. e.g. binge eating disorder-focused guided self-help, group eating disorder-focused CBT [group CBT-ED], individual eating disorder-focused CBT [individual CBT-ED]. and, b. how these are provided i.e. by eating disorder service/s, Improving Access to Psychological Therapies IAPT. service/s, other primary care-based mental health services, Weight management services or otherwise.. In the case of self-help, please specify whether this is guided or unguided. 4. If applicable, please describe any service restrictions/eligibility criteria around accessing treatment specifically for Binge Eating Disorder BED. e.g. age, weight/BMI, comorbidity, severity etc.. If the Trust provides more than one relevant service, please list answers separately against each.
TEST 027-2023
Under the FOI Act please provide me with the information below. Please confirm receipt of this request as soon as possible. The number of inpatients who are currently medically fit to leave hospital in your area, but still reside there. Please provide this as a series of data points for the last calendar year and the year to date, broken down by day. For each day, please break the data into further categories which detail the reason behind the delayed discharge. I am aware that some of the data showing the total number of delayed transfers of care is published here: https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/discharge-delays-acute-data/ however I am looking for further information relating to the cause of the discharge delay. For example, the Welsh Government also used to publish a detailed breakdown of reasons behind delayed discharge - https://statswales.gov.wales/Catalogue/Health-and-Social-Care/NHS-Performance/Delayed-Transfers-of-Care By way of illustration, a response may look like this: 01/01/22 - 100 people awaiting discharge, 20 awaiting physiotherapy, 30 awaiting transport home, 50 awaiting care packages 02/01/22 – 90 people awaiting discharge, 15 awaiting physiotherapy, 30 awaiting transport home, 45 awaiting care packages And so on…. Please provide this data in a spreadsheet format such as excel or a .csv file, with columns for the date, total number of patients and reasons for delay.
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act. Please can you provide the following:
1. How many fatalities have been due to cancer wrong diagnosis or failure/delay diagnosis in the last three years Between 2021-up to and including any data held for 2024.?
For example: The number of incidents where the Primary Cause is ‘Wrong Diagnosis’ or ‘Failure/Delay Diagnosis’ and where both injury codes ‘Cancer’ and ‘Fatality’ are recorded?
Can this be broken down by year and presented in PDF format?
I hope you are well.
I’m a journalist at the BMJ. I’m writing an article about how effective the Growth Assessment Protocol GAP. is in terms of reducing stillbirth in the UK.
This is in the public interest: finding a protocol that works could save many babies’ lives.
Under the FOI Act may I request the following from your NHS trust:
· Annual stillbirth rates since 2010, finishing with the most recent data per 100,000 and in real numbers if possible; ie: 55 stillbirths in 2021.
· Annual perinatal mortality rates since 2010, finishing with the most recent data per 100,000 and in real numbers if possible; ie: 55 perinatal deaths in 2021.
· Does the trust use the GAP protocol?
Finally, please indicate in your response which of the categories below best describes the facilities at your trust: Level 3 NICU and neonatal surgery
Level 3 NICU
4,000 or more births
3,000 or more births Less than 2,000 births
Thank you for your help.
Yours faithfully,
PS: I’m on 07956579381; please call if you have any queries; thanks.
I wish to request the following information under the FOI Act that Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust holds. 1. How many refused asylum seekers hold NHS debt in your trust? 2. How many female refused asylum seekers hold NHS debt in your trust?
3. How many female refused asylum seekers hold NHS debt due to accessing maternity care on the NHS in your trust? 4. What is the total amount of NHS debt refused asylum seekers hold in GBP in your trust? 5. What is the total amount of NHS debt female refused asylum seekers hold in GBP in your trust? 6. What is the total amount of NHS debt female refused asylum seekers hold due to accessing maternity care on the NHS in GBP in your trust? If possible, can you also provide historic information and break each data set down per year from 2010/11 to present. Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust must hold some of this information and must pass this information onto the Home Office because there was a judicial review this summer about a case in which a women was detained for an NHS debt at the airport on her arrival into the UK https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Admin/2023/1272.html..
If this request is unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as I understand that under the Act, you are required to advise and assist requesters. If any of this information is already in the public domain, please can you direct me to it, with page references and URLs if necessary.
If the release of any of this information is prohibited on the grounds of breach of confidence, I ask that you supply me with copies of the confidentiality agreement and remind you that information should not be treated as confidential if such an agreement has not been signed. If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
I understand that you are required to respond to my request within the 20 working days after you receive this letter. I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing today that you have received this request.
Many thanks for clarifying your position on this.
Your response to my initial FOI request states:
Please note that our response does not cover all patients that have been on End of Life pathway, but
does cover those that have been on the pathway and passed away at Mulberry Ward.
With this in mind, I am now requesting the numbers of ALL patients that have been on End of Life pathways on Mulberry Ward for each and every month from June 2012 until the present day – including any patients which may have been transferred to other wards/hospitals.
Under the freedom of information act 2000 I’m requesting the following information on NHS hospital pharmacy services at your trust:
1. How many patient safety incidents, related to medication errors, were reported through your local risk management system in the past five financial years as follows:
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20
e. 2018/19
2. What percentage of inpatients at your trust received a reconciled list of medications within 24 hours of admission, in line with NICE guidance, in each of the following years:
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20
e. 2018/19
3. Please can you provide the number of full-time equivalent pharmacists and pharmacy technicians per 100 beds in your trust, and the vacancy rate for each, in the past five financial years as follows:
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20
e. 2018/19
4. What percentage of inpatient beds at your trust were visited daily by pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in the past five financial years as follows:
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20
e. 2018/19
Please provide the information by email. If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
Sent: 24 March 2022 11:48
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: RE: FOI 040-2022 – Clarification Required This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact ghcit@ghc.nhs.uk
Yes many thanks JACQUI LLOYD
114 – 116 BROADWAY
M50 2UW
TEL: +44 0.161 832 2007
FAX: +44 0.161 832 2003
TWITTER: @NineLivesMedia
Nine Lives Media is a Double Bafta, RTS and International Emmy Award Winning Company
Company Number: 3557150
VAT Number: 921267145
Registered Office: Nine Lives Media Limited, 114 – 116 Broadway, MediaCityUK, Salford, M50 2UW
This email is intended only for the addressee and may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please excuse us, tell us immediately and do not disclose, use for any purpose, or store or copy the information in it. Emails are not necessarily secure and can change in transmission. You must virus check any attachments.
From: Freedom of Information
To: Jacqui Lloyd
Subject: FOI 040-2022 – Clarification Required ————————-Jacqui, Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 040-2022
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. In order to respond to your request our information teams are seeking the below clarification:
Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS FT was formed in October 2019 therefore we can only provide data from this time. Please can you confirm if this is acceptable and we will continue with your request?
Would you be able to provide clarification around the information you are expecting the response to include for this question?
Kind Regards,
– —
Legal Services Officer Legal Services. Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Address: Edward Jenner Court, Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, GL3 4AW
Telephone: 0300 421 8357 — Website: www.ghc.nhs.uk
From: Jacqui Lloyd [mailto:jacqui.lloyd@ninelivesmedia.co.uk] Sent: 24 February 2022 16:26
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: FAO FOI OFFICER – FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact ghcit@ghc.nhs.uk
————————-FOI Officer,
I am a journalist writing from Nine Lives Media. We are an independent television production company who make current affairs programmes for all the main broadcasters.
I am writing to request the information below under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
If it is convenient, please use the table to provide the information:
Q1.. For each of the past five years please state the number of complaints reported by members of staff including locums, agency workers or casual staff. against other members of staff received of:
2016 2017 2018 2019 2021
Sexual Misconduct
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Assault
Rape Allegation Q2.. By year for each of the complaints recorded above can you state the outcome following each allegation:
a. Complaint withdrawn
b. Insufficient evidence to make a finding of fact.
c. Perpetrator cautioned – or similar note made on their employment file
d. Disciplinary action
e. Sacked
Q3.. By year can you state in each Category in the table how many of the complaints were referred to the police?
Q4.. By year, please state the number of settlement/compromise agreements which contain non-disclosure clauses your organisation made with current or former staff which involve or relate to sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape. For each of these, please state the number and financial value of the settlements.
I would be interested in any information held by your organisation regarding my request. I understand that I do not have to specify particular files or documents and it is the departments’ responsibility to provide the information I require. If you need further clarification, please contact me by email.
I would like the above information to be emailed to me in electronic form to Jacqui.lloyd@ninelivesmedia.co.uk
If my request is denied in whole or in part, I ask that you justify all redactions/withholding of material by reference to specific exemptions of the act. I will also expect you to release all non-exempt material. I reserve the right to appeal your decision to withhold any information or to charge excessive fees.
I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request. I look forward to your response within 20 working days as outlined by the statute.
Thank you for your help. Jacqui Lloyd Assistant Producer
Nine Lives Media
0161 832 2007
114 – 116 BROADWAY
M50 2UW
TEL: +44 0.161 832 2007
FAX: +44 0.161 832 2003
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BI Team, Sally Pitt, Lyn Sansom————————-FOI team,
I am sending this request under the Freedom of Information Act to ask for the following information.
1. How many beds on CAMHS inpatient wards were provided by your Trust on 1 March in each of the following years?
i. 2017
ii. 2018
iii. 2019
iv. 2020
v. 2021
2. What was the total amount spent on agency nurses in each of the following years, in relation to CAMHS inpatient services?
i. 2017
ii. 2018
iii. 2019
iv. 2020
v. 2021
3. What was the total amount spent on bank nurses in each of the following years, in relation to CAMHS inpatient services? Please understand ‘bank nurses’ to be nurses employed via NHS nursing banks.
i. 2017
ii. 2018
iii. 2019
iv. 2020
v. 2021
Please also answer the following question if it is possible within the cost limit. If the following question would exceed the cost limit then please only answer questions 1 to 3 above.
4. How many full-time equivalent unregistered/support worker staff were you employing in relation to CAMHS inpatient services on 1 March in the following years:
i. 2018
ii. 2019
iii. 2020
iv. 2021
v. 2022
Please also answer the following question if it is possible within the cost limit. If the following question would exceed the cost limit then please only answer questions 1 to 4 above.
5. On how many shifts were bank and agency nurses combined. used on CAMHS inpatient wards in the following years?
i. 2019
ii. 2020
iii. 2021 Please send the response via email to adam.eley@bbc.co.uk.
If you need any further information from me in order to deal with my request, please email me or call me on 07813 354685.
Please can you acknowledge receipt of this request.
Many thanks for your assistance.
For the years 2018, 2019, 2020,2021 and 2022 please provide the following broken down by calendar year
1. Number of people who sought/were referred for an ADHD diagnosis.
2. Number of individuals assessed for ADHD
3. Number of individuals diagnosed for ADHD
Please also break down the data into the following two categories: Children and Young people and Adults.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the time or cost limits identified in Section 12, please provide the information in part and chronologically with a priority placed upon 2022 data. Please also advise and assist, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request if needs be.
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Trust.
Can it be broken down for the past five years into each calendar year?
1. How many reports of stolen medical equipment has your Trust made to the police over the past five years?
2. Can you provide a list of medical equipment reported stolen to the police broken down via each department
3. Can you provide a total estimated financial cost for the equipment reported as stolen
Under the FOI Act please provide me with the information below. Please confirm receipt of this request as soon as possible. Please provide additional details of clinical service incidents caused by estates and infrastructure failures which resulted in clinical services being delayed, cancelled or otherwise interfered with owing to problems or failures related to the estates and infrastructure failure, as measured in the ERIC return, in the 2022/23 financial year. This information could be collected from incident reporting systems.
Where estates and facilities staff availability is a cause e.g. porters;
External incidents which estates and infrastructures should have mitigated, e.g. utility power failures where the trust’s backup power system failed to offset;
Equivalent failures by services contracted out to subsidiaries, PFI, LIFT and NHS Property Services Ltd;
Both inpatient and outpatient service incidents;
Types of incidents:
Design of healthcare buildings;
Engineering of healthcare buildings i.e. medical gas system and lift failure;
Fires, false alarms and evacuations exclude where caused by equipment faults or malfunction and/or deliberate/malicious causes.;
Infection control relating to the built environment;
Resilience of healthcare premises including flooding;
Heating including overheating;
Hospital food services;
Cleaning and cleanliness in healthcare premises;
Linen and laundry services;
Pest control;
Water and/or sewerage supply;
Decontamination of surgical instruments;
NHS car parking;
Healthcare waste management;
Bedside TVs, telephones and mobile phones;
Physical security of the NHS estate;
For each incident, please provide:
1. A summary of the incident.
2. The number of patients affected.
3. The service affected.
4. How long the service was delayed/if it was cancelled.
I’d like to request information for this financial year 2023/24. for Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust.
I’m requesting this information under the Freedom of Information Act because I couldn’t find it in your relevant Integrated Care Board’s ICB. published papers.
We had sent FOI requests to the relevant ICBs but were told we would need to send FOI requests to NHS trusts.
My request is as follows:
Firstly, please could you tell me the NHS agency/locum spending cap/ceiling agreed at the start of this financial year.
Secondly, please could you send me the following data from the financial plans submitted at the start of the year, giving the planned positions for each month from M1 to M12:
1. Trust financial position revenue expenditure.
a. Planned surplus/deficit
b. Planned expenditure
2. Workforce expenditure
a. Planned agency/locum spend
b. Planned bank spend
c. Planned total staff expenditure
3. Efficiency savings
a. Planned efficiency savings
Finally, please could you send me the following data for each month of this financial year to date:
1. Trust financial position
a. Actual surplus/deficit, and forecast outturn for M12
b. Actual expenditure, and forecast outturn for M12
2. Workforce expenditure
a. Actual agency/locum spend, and forecast outturn for M12
b. Actual bank spend, and forecast outturn for M12
c. Actual spend relating to industrial action, and forecast outturn for M12
d. Actual total staff expenditure, and forecast outturn for M12
3. Efficiency savings
a. Achieved efficiency savings, and forecast outturn for M12
4. Prescribing costs
a. Actual spend relating to prescribing, and forecast outturn for M12
I would appreciate it if you could return the data in a computer-readable format such as CSV or XLSX.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
On Thu, 17 Mar 2022 at 15:27, Freedom of Information
Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 048-2022
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. In order to respond to your request our information teams are seeking the below clarification:
Regarding the email below – is the question about COT-3 agreements specifically about medical staff only, the same as question 1?
Would you be able to provide clarification around the information you are expecting the response to include for this question?
Kind Regards,
– —
Legal Services Officer Legal Services. Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Address: Edward Jenner Court, Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, GL3 4AW
Telephone: 0300 421 8357 — Website: www.ghc.nhs.uk
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact ghcit@ghc.nhs.uk
Under the Freedom of Information Act please could you answer the following questions:
1. How many agreements with medical staff has your trust entered into under the following sections of the law in the past five years?
Section 1473. of the Equality Act 2010
Section 203 3. Employment Rights Act 1996
Section 11A Employment Rights Act 1996
2. How many COT-3 agreements have been entered into?
3. Please provide the total amount paid out in total by the trust for those agreements.
Please feel free to call me with any questions.
Sent: 03 February 2022 18:24
To: Jack Leather
Subject: Freedom of Information request
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact ghcit@ghc.nhs.uk
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your trust. Please may you provide me with figures on the following:
As of 3 February 2022, how many staff members in your trust were defined as ‘health and social care workers who have face-to-face contact with service users’?
As of 3 February 2022, how many of those staff members had not received any Covid vaccination?
How many are medically exempt?
Please provide the information in the form of an email to jack.leather@telegraph.co.uk.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for and discuss the request, my details are outlined below.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.
Best wishes,
061-2023 BBC
I hope you are well. Following on from my previous FOI, as of the 9th May, I would like to send an updated corrected FOI, replacing the last one. Please do let me know if there are any issues.
1.How many cases of total adult patients with eating disorders have been referred to your eating disorder services every calendar year from 2018 to 2022?
2a. I would like to know the average waiting time in days. for adult patients between referral and treatment for non-urgent routine eating disorder treatment after being referred from CAMHS to your adult eating disorder services for each calendar year from 2018 to 2022?
2b. I would like to know the longest maximum wait time in days. for adult patients between referral and treatment for non-urgent routine eating disorder treatment who were referred from CAMHS to your adult eating disorder services. I would like this one figure for each calendar year from 2018 to 2022?
3a. I would like to know the average waiting time in days. for an adult patient between referral and treatment for urgent eating disorder treatment who were referred from CAMHS to your adult eating disorder services. I would like this one figure for each calendar year from 2018 to 2022?
3b. I would like to know the longest maximum wait time in days. for adult patients between referral and treatment for urgent eating disorder treatment who were referred from CAMHS to your adult eating disorder services. I would like this one figure for each calendar year from 2018 to 2022?
4a. . I would like to know the average waiting time in days. for adult patients between referral and treatment for non-urgent routine eating disorder treatment after being referred from a GP service to your adult eating disorder services? I would like this one figure for each calendar year from 2018 to 2022?
4b. I would like to know the longest maximum wait time in days. for adult patients between referral and treatment for a non-urgent routine eating disorder treatment who were referred from a GP service to your adult eating disorder services. I would like this one figure for each calendar year from 2018 to 2022?
5a. I would like to know the average waiting time in days. for an adult patient between referral and treatment for urgent eating disorder treatment who were referred from a GP service to your adult eating disorder services. I would like this one figure for each calendar year from 2018 to 2022?
5b. I would like to know the longest maximum wait time in days. for adult patients between referral and treatment for urgent eating disorder treatment who were referred from CAMHS to your adult eating disorder services. I would like this one figure for each calendar year from 2018 to 2022?
My request concerns your NHS mental health services. Please provide the following information as a month-by-month breakdown each month from 1 November 2018 to 1 November 2022.
On the first day of each month, how many people were on the waiting list for the following:
diagnosis from your NHS Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services CYPMHS.?
treatment from your NHS Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services CYPMHS.?
diagnosis from your NHS adult mental health services?
treatment from your NHS adult mental health services?
Of those, how many were – at that time – waiting for:
3 months?
6 months?
12 months?
more than 12 months?
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with the following information about incidents of sexual misconduct and sexual violence, including but not limited to sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault and rape, at the trust. See after the question for clarification on these definitions..
In order to assist you, I understand that some, if not all of this information should be recorded in the trust’s safety incident reporting system, e.g. Datix, NRLS or similar. or it may be recorded by your HR team.
N.B. For each question, please provide the data for each of the following years, and the five-year total. Please use the attached spreadsheet to provide your answers:
If you only have information for some of the above years, please provide what you have and explain the gaps in your data.
Sexual violence and misconduct by staff against patients
1. Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual violence allegedly perpetrated by staff against patients has the trust recorded?
1.1 Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual misconduct allegedly perpetrated by staff against patients has the trust recorded?
1.2 Over the past five years, how many staff have been formally disciplined for sexual violence and/or sexual misconduct against patients?
Sexual violence and misconduct by patients against other patients
2. Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual violence allegedly perpetrated by patients against other patients has the trust recorded?
2.1 Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual misconduct allegedly perpetrated by patients against other patients has the trust recorded?
Sexual violence and misconduct by patients against staff
3. Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual violence allegedly perpetrated by patients against staff has the trust recorded?
3.1 Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual misconduct allegedly perpetrated by patients against staff has the trust recorded?
Sexual violence and misconduct by staff against other staff
4. Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual violence allegedly perpetrated by staff against other staff has the trust recorded?
4.1 Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual misconduct allegedly perpetrated by staff against other staff has the trust recorded?
4.2 Over the past five years, how many staff have been formally disciplined for sexual misconduct and/or sexual violence against other staff?
Sexual violence and misconduct by visitors against patients
5. Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual violence allegedly perpetrated by visitors against patients has the trust recorded?
5.1 Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual misconduct allegedly perpetrated by visitors against patients has the trust recorded?
Sexual violence and misconduct by visitors against staff
6. Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual violence allegedly perpetrated by visitors against staff has the trust recorded?
6.1 Over the past five years, how many incidents of sexual misconduct allegedly perpetrated by visitors against staff has the trust recorded?
Sexual misconduct covers a broad range of inappropriate, unwanted sexual behaviour. From the most severe forms of sexual violence, including rape and sexual assault, it also extends across to sexual harassment, stalking, and abusive or degrading remarks.
The NHS definition of sexual violence describes it as any sexual act that a person did not consent to, or is forced into against their will, including rape, sexual assault, unwanted sexual touching, forced kissing, child sexual abuse, sexual torture and other sexual offences.
I am a senior journalist at the BBC, working with our health editor, Hugh Pym.
We are doing some work on the NHS workforce and are requesting information from every NHS Hospital Trust in England.
I want to place a Freedom of Information request with your hospital –
Q1: Please can you confirm what percentage of your wage bill is spent on
a. Agency staff?
b. Bank staff?
Q2: What does the answer to Q1 a. equate to in Pounds Sterling £.?
Q3: What percentage of all your medical and clinical patient facing shifts are filled with staff that are paid above the ‘break glass’ ceiling rate above the agency rules pay cap.?
Hope you are well. I’m researching sexual misconduct and assault in the healthcare sector. Under the Freedom of Information Act, please could you provide me with the following information:
• The number of offences relating to sexual misconduct including rape, assault, groping, and sexually inappropriate language. that have been reported to your trust in the past five years up to and including June 2022.
• • A breakdown of this data which details:
• o The month and year an offence was reported
o Who filed the report/complaint i.e. patient, member of public, or staff member – please specify if they were aged over or under 18., what type of sexual misconduct report/complaint they filed, and who they filed the report/complaint against – i.e. Patient complaining against staff, staff complaining against staff, or staff complaining against patient?
o The outcome of a reported offence – i.e. Was the alleged perpetrator disciplined? If so, how? And by whom? Was a payment made? Or, was the report/complaint dismissed?
o How many and which sexual misconduct reports/complaints were reported to the police?
• The number of non-disclosure agreements your organisation holds with current or former staff which involve or relate to sexual misconduct including rape, assault, groping, and sexually inappropriate language.?
Please let me know if you’d like me to clarify any details of my request. I would be grateful if the trust could confirm in writing that it has received this request, and I look forward to hearing from you.
The contents of this e-mail including any attachments. are confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of its contents is strictly prohibited, and you should notify the sender immediately and then delete it including any attachments. from your system.
The Independent: Independent Digital News and Media Limited, 2 Derry Street, London, W8 5HF, U.K. reg. no 7320345.
Evening Standard: Evening Standard Limited, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, Kensington, London, W8 5TT, U.K. reg. no 6770098.
London Live: ESTV Limited, 2 Derry Street, Kensington, London, W8 5HF, U.K. reg. no 8169523.
All companies are registered in England and Wales.
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information regarding Hospital Managers Mental Health Act section 23;
Please can you provide me with information on the questions below by completing either the table or answering the questions and email responses to leo.heinl@nhs.net Within your Trust:
1. How much does your Trust pay your Hospital Managers for undertaking panel hearings? 2. Are the fees paid per session4 hours. or per patient panel hearing? 3. Do you pay the Chairs of the Hospital Managers hearing an extra fee? 4. Do you pay the Chairs of the Hospital Managers hearing an extra fee? 5. Are Hospital Managers paid any other expenses apart from travel i.e. a reading fee for reading lengthy reports etc?
Sent: 25 May 2021 15:42
Subject: CAMHS waiting times data FOI
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact ghcit@ghc.nhs.uk
I am sending this request under the Freedom of Information Act to ask for the following information:
1. For the 2020-21 financial year please tell me the following information regarding waiting times for young people in all CAMHS that you run:
a. The total number of young people referred to your CAMHS
b. The average waiting time between referral and second contact in days.
c. The number of people waiting between 0 and 4 weeks
d. The number of people waiting between 4 and 6 weeks
e. The number of people waiting between 6 and 8 weeks
f. The number of people waiting between 8 and 10 weeks
g. The number of people waiting between 10 and 12 weeks
h. The number of people waiting over 12 weeks
i. The number of people where referral was closed before treatment
j. The number of people still waiting, no contact
k. The number of contacts before referral
2. Could you also give a quarterly breakdown of these figures in the 2020-21 financial year please?
3. Could you also give me the same information for the 2019-20 financial year:
a. In total
b. As a quarterly breakdown
NOTE: By second contact I mean either assessment or treatment, whichever came first.
If you need any further information from me in order to deal with my request, please call me on 07772206481.
If you are encountering practical difficulties with complying with this request, please contact me as soon as possible in line with your section 16 duty to advise and assist requesters. so that we can discuss the matter and if necessary I can modify the request.
Please send me the data requested in the form of an Excel spreadsheet or as a csv file.
If it is necessary for any reason to redact any information, please redact the minimum necessary and send me the rest of the material, explaining the legal grounds for each redaction.
Please can you acknowledge receipt of this request.
Many thanks for your assistance.
I am requesting the following information regarding under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 FOIA..
Use of WhatsApp by or within the NHS Trust
Since January 2021, has the WhatsApp mobile application been used by the Trust, or any employee of The Trust permanent or agency. in the course of their work at The Trust, either with patients or between employee groups? If so, please also provide details of how often WhatsApp has been used The Trust and for what purpose.
I am writing to obtain information, under the Freedom of Information Act, about your Trust’s funding of Complementary and Alternative Medicine CAM. services they provided.
To outline my query as clearly as possible, I am requesting:
How much the Trust has spent on CAM services for the following financial years: 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22. This includes salaries for those employed to carry out these services, costs of medicine, equipment and any additional costs involved.
A list of all services provided under CAM.
I would prefer an electronic response however, if this is not possible I would gladly accept
letter at the address below.
I am aware that under the freedom of information act, I am entitled to a response within 20
working days. Please acknowledge this information request as soon as possible.
Under the FOI Act please provide me with the information below. Please confirm receipt of this request as soon as possible. The number of inpatients who are currently medically fit to leave hospital in your area, but still reside there. Please provide this as a series of data points for the last calendar year and the year to date, broken down by day. For each day, please break the data into further categories which detail the reason behind the delayed discharge. I am aware that some of the data showing the total number of delayed transfers of care is published here: https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/discharge-delays-acute-data/ however I am looking for further information relating to the cause of the discharge delay. For example, the Welsh Government also used to publish a detailed breakdown of reasons behind delayed discharge - https://statswales.gov.wales/Catalogue/Health-and-Social-Care/NHS-Performance/Delayed-Transfers-of-Care By way of illustration, a response may look like this: 01/01/22 - 100 people awaiting discharge, 20 awaiting physiotherapy, 30 awaiting transport home, 50 awaiting care packages 02/01/22 – 90 people awaiting discharge, 15 awaiting physiotherapy, 30 awaiting transport home, 45 awaiting care packages And so on…. Please provide this data in a spreadsheet format such as excel or a .csv file, with columns for the date, total number of patients and reasons for delay.
I’m requesting the following information from your organisation under the Freedom of Information Act 2000:
• A copy of the trust’s sexual safety policy