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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Trust/organisation.

Please may you provide details of the following:

1. Confirmation that the Trust/organisation is responsible for the provision of inpatient and or community mental health services in your area?
2. Has the Trust/organisation received a copy of the national MDO Victim Protocol check name and insert date. and the date received from the Ministry of Justice?
3. Define the specific arrangements within your Trust/organisation to meet the requirements set in the national MDO Victim Protocol?
4. Is there a Trust/organisation policy/procedure for enacting the arrangements for Victim work set out in the national MDO Victim Protocol? Please can you provide a copy?
5. Confirmation of the resources dedicated to Victims such as a lead post or designated team. to meet the requirements set out in the MDO Victim Protocol? Please describe the model and staffing resource?

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.

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My name is Joswin Corda and I am sending this email on behalf of Health Service Journal HSJ..
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request data about the trust’s use of the apprenticeship levy.
Please could you provide answers to the following questions and input the answers in the attached spreadsheet. The column labels correspond to the questions.
a. Trust name
b. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds received in the financial year 2020-21
c. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds spent in the financial year 2020-21
d. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds received in the financial year 2021-22
e. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds spent in the financial year 2021-2022
f. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds received in financial year 2022-23
g. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds spent in the financial year 2022-23

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I am writing to submit a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act FOIA., for access to information related to use of print and print stock management including printed stationery, covering both your operational print requirements and communications requirements; Electronic Patient Records EPR. systems and use of document management services.

As a member of the public, I am seeking information related to the agency’s records management practices, policies, and procedures.
I would be most grateful if you would provide me details in respect to the following:

A. Print and print stock management
1. a. What is the actual spend on print stock management including printed stationery in the last year broken down by contractual managed stock and ad-hoc non-stock.?
b. What is the actual spend on print stock management including printed stationery over the last 5 years broken down by contractual managed stock and ad-hoc non-stock.?
2. What is the trust spending on print stock management including printed stationery – both operational and communications spend that isn’t covered contractually?
3. Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised?
4. a. Has a decision been made yet on whether the frameworks./contracts. are being extended or renewed?
b. If yes, what decision was made?
c. If no, what is the reason the contract is not being extended or renewed?
5. What are the criteria used in selection of print management suppliers?

B. Electronic Patient Records EPR
1. Please could you confirm the main EPR system e.g Cerner Millennium, EPIC etc.. in place at your Trust?
2. a. If you currently do not have an EPR system in place, do you have plans to implement one? Yes/No.?
b. If yes, when?
3. Will a paper scanning system such as MediViewer. be used in conjunction with the EPR system for existing patient records and future documentation of patient records?
4. Is the department required to maintain paper records as well as digital records of patients?
5. a. Are EPR systems used alongside paper records or only one of the two?
b. If only one, please specify which is currently used.
6. a. Is there an existing project in place to fully implement EPR to replace all paper records?
b. If so, what is the expected timeline for this project?
c. If not, is there a plan to introduce one?

C. Document Management Services
1. What is the actual spend on Electronic Documents and Records Management Systems EDRMS. over the last 5 years?
2. What is the actual spend on digital mail rooms and/or hybrid mail rooms over the last 5 years?
3. What is the actual spend on document scanning over the last 5 years?
4. What is the actual spend on document storage over the last 5 years?
5. What is the actual spend on digital dictation over the last 5 years?
6. What is the actual spend on workflow process automation and cloud services over the last 5 years?
7. a. Are there existing contracts for these services?
b. If yes, who are the current suppliers broken down by EDRMS, digital mail rooms and/or hybrid mail rooms, document scanning, document storage, digital dictation workflow process automation and cloud services?
8. a. Were these contracts awarded following a tender process conducted under a framework?
b. If so, kindly provide details.
9. When were the contracts awarded, and for what period of time?
10. What are the records retention schedules including any schedules that outline the length of time records are to be retained and their final disposal, such as destruction or transfer to an archive?

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I am writing from the organisation EveryDoctor, and would like to submit a Freedom of Information FOI. request to ask the following questions please.

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I would like to make the following request under the Freedom of Information Act. For the most recent month available please provide your usage in terms of financial spend of agency staff for the job types below. Where the information is available, indicate the percentages ‘on-framework’ and ‘off-framework’. The job types are:
1. Nursing 2. HCAs
3. Pharmacists
4. Pharmacy Technicians

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I am emailing to initiate another Freedom of Information request:

• I would like copies of records of the statutory/mandatory training compliance for all staff working at Berkeley House, including bank and agency staff. from March 2019 to present day.

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• I would like to know the number of DATIX reports submitted each calendar month for incidents which occurred at Berkeley House between March 2019 and the present day. If possible, I should like to know the reason/Category of incident for each DATIX report.
• I would like to know the safe staffing numbers for Berkeley House from March 2019 to the present day, including details of how many bank/agency staff were on shift, as well as any breaches where the unit was operating with insufficient staffing levels.

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I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.

1. As of 01/03/24, how many inpatients at psychiatric hospitals operated by your trust are transgender, or identify as a different sex to the sex assigned to them at birth?

2. Please provide your guidance on transgender inpatients, including the contact they are allowed with other patients, and whether they are treated on wards that correspond with the gender they identify as, or the gender they were assigned at birth.

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I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, the following:
I. The total amount spent by the Trust on bank and agency doctors in each of the last 5 financial years including 2023/24 so far.
II. The total amount spent by the Trust on bank and agency nurses in in each of the last 5 financial years including 2023/24 so far.
III. The largest amount spent by the Trust on a single agency nurse shift in 2023/24
IV. The largest amount spent by the Trust on a single agency doctor’s shift in 2023/24

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Technologies Supplier Software/system Contract expiry date Revised expiry date
Electronic patient record Access UK Rio Jun-24 Electronic patient record Mayden iaptus Nov-22 Electronic patient record TPP SystmOne Jun-24 Electronic patient record Software of Excellence SOEL Health Nov-22 Electronic prescribing and medicines administration ? ? ? Maternity information system ? ? ? Diagnostic imaging information system ? ? ? Laboratory information management system LIMS. ? ? ? Cyber security services Bytes ? Jun-25 Clinical communications system ? ? ? Remote consultation system provider e.g. video and online consultations. ? ? ? Cloud provider ? ? ? Barcode and scanning technology system provider ? ? ? Computer hardware provider laptops, PCs, smartphones, tablets, iPads etc. XMA ? Jul-24 Please note: In relation to cyber security we are asking for the name of your main cyber security provider. We do not need to know the software or sub-contractors used. Clarification on ” Responses:
• Please enter ‘No System Installed’ if your trust does not have such system.
• Please enter ‘No system needed’ if your trust does not have a department or service which requires such a system. Clarification on Contract expiry date: • If the contract is expiring in the next 6 months, please state if the trust plans to renew, re-procure or take any other action?
• If the contact is on a rolling basis, Please enter ‘Rolling’.
Additionally, could you please fill in the missing product names and revised contract expiry dates?

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1. Do you currently have a contractual agreement in place for supply of services from S12 Solutions Limited based at 5 Kelso Place, Bath BA1 3AU?
2. If yes, when is that agreement due to end?
3. Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised?
4. Is there an extension clause in the contract and, if so, the duration of the extension?
5. Has a decision been made yet on whether the contract are being either extended or renewed?
6. Who is the senior officer outside of procurement. responsible for this contract?
7. What is the total value of the contract?

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ITV News would like to make a freedom of information request about your adult eating disorder services.

Please provide the following information by the following calendar years:

2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 up to the present date 28/2/24.

During each calendar year, in adult services:

1.How many new referrals started treatment for an eating disorder?
2.How many patients were discharged from your service following treatment for an eating disorder?
3. How many of those patients discharged. had achieved a BMI of 18.5 or higher when they were discharged?
4. How many of those patients discharged. had a BMI of below 15 when they were discharged?
5. What was the lowest BMI recorded of a patient when they were discharged out of patients from point 4.?
6.How many of those patients from point 4. were readmitted within 3 years of being discharged?

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Freedom of Information Request
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following
information from Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust. Please may you
provide me with:
The most up to date version of the policy and procedure for complaints and concerns
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the
cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under
the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further
advice and assistance.
Pursuant to Section 10 of the Freedom of Information Act, it is incumbent upon Gloucestershire
Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust to provide a response to this request within a period of
20 working days. Consequently, I anticipate receiving a response no later than Monday, March
th 2024.

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Please provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.

Based on your latest available data, how many fines have been handed out to members of staff at your Trust over the past five years for issues related to car parking? This could include parking in the wrong area, not having a permit etc.

How many staff does your Trust currently have and how many of these currently have a car parking permit?

How many are on the waiting list to receive a permit?

If possible, please provide data broken down by year by calendar year. Spreadsheet format preferred if possible.

If it is not possible to provide some of the data requested, I would be grateful if you could provide whichever elements of this FOI request are eligible for release.

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1.Please supply patient’s information ECT leaflet.
2.Please supply patient ECT consent form
3.Please supply any ECT reports/investigations
4.How many ECT in 2022?
5.What proportion of patients were men/women?
6.How old were they?
7.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities POC / BAME.?
8.How many were receiving ECT for the first time?
9.How many patients consented to ECT?
10.How many ECT complaints were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
11.How many patients died during or 1 month after ECT and what was the cause whether or not ECT was considered the cause.?
12.How many patients died within 6 months after ECT and what was the cause whether or not ECT was considered the cause.?
13.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving ECT whether or not ECT was considered the cause.?
14.How many patients have suffered complications during and after ECT and what were those complications?
15.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about ECT?
16.If so, what was their concerns?
17.How many patients report memory loss/loss of cognitive function?
18.What tests are used to assess memory loss/loss of cognitive function?
19.Have MRI or CT scans been used before and after ECT?
20.If so, what was the conclusion?
21.How does the Trust plan to prevent ECT in the future?

Please provide SERIOUS INCIDENT information under the FOI act to the following questions: –
1.Please supply any serious incident reports/investigations?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
4.How old were they?
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities POC / BAME.?
6.How many SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
7.How many patients died during or 1 month after SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS and what was the cause whether or not SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS was considered the cause.?
8.How many patients died within 6 months after SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS and what was the cause whether or not SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS was considered the cause.?
9.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS whether or not SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS was considered the cause.?
10.How many patients have suffered complications during and after SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS and what were those complications?
11.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS?
12.If so, what was their concerns?
13.How does the Trust plan to prevent SERIOUS INCIDENTS in the future?

Please provide restraints information under the FOI act to the following questions: –
1.Please supply any Restraints/investigations?
2.How many RESTRAINTS in 2022?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
4.How old were they?
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities POC / BAME.?
6.How many RESTRAINTS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
7.How many patients died during or 1 month after RESTRAINTS and what was the cause whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause.?
8.How many patients died within 6 months after RESTRAINTS and what was the cause whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause.?
9.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving RESTRAINTS whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause.?
10.How many patients have suffered complications during and after RESTRAINTS and what were those complications?
11.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about RESTRAINTS?
12.If so, what was their concerns?
13.Are counts of forced injections available?
14.How does the Trust plan to reduce restraints in the future?

Please provide SECLUSION information under the FOI act to the following questions: –
1.Please supply any SECLUSION reports/investigations
2.How many SECLUSIONS in 2022?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
4.How old were they?
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities POC / BAME.?
6.How many SECLUSIONS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
7.How many patients died during or 1 month after SECLUSION and what was the cause whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause.?
8.How many patients died within 6 months after SECLUSION and what was the cause whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause.?
9.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving SECLUSION whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause.?
10.How many patients have suffered complications during and after SECLUSION and what were those complications?
11.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about SECLUSION?
12.If so, what was their concerns?
13.How does the Trust plan to reduce SECLUSIONS in the future?

Please provide MEDICATION ERRORS information under the FOI act to the following questions: –
1.Please supply any MEDICATION ERRORS reports/investigations
2.How many MEDICATION ERRORS in 2022?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
4.How old were they?
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities POC / BAME.?
6.How many MEDICATION ERRORS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
7.How many patients died during or 1 month after MEDICATION ERRORS and what was the cause whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause.?
8.How many patients died within 6 months after MEDICATION ERRORS and what was the cause whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause.?
9.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving MEDICATION ERRORS whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause.?
10.How many patients have suffered complications during and after MEDICATION ERRORS and what were those complications?
11.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about MEDICATION ERRORS?
12.If so, what was their concerns?
13.How does the Trust plan to prevent MEDICATION ERRORS in the future?

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I am involved in negotiations with colleagues in my current service to acquire additional NHS budget to allow counsellors to be awarded the same salary as other therapists at the same level High Intensity Step 3. as recommended by all relevant NHS information. Part of this work requires the collation of the salaries paid by other Talking Therapies Services within England.
Under the Freedom of Information Act could you therefore please supply the following information –
The NHS Banding and salary range paid to counsellors who work within your service.

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My name is Daniel Henry. I am a Sky News Correspondent.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:

Between 2020 and 2023 – How many patients were admitted to hospitals within your NHS trust for attempted suicide?

It would be particularly helpful an annual breakdown of these figures could be provided:


2020: 10 admissions
2021: 11 admissions
2022: 12 admissions
2023: 13 admissions

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Please disclose the following information pertaining to the Trust’s use of agency workers nurses and medical locums etc.. within the 20 working days permitted under the Freedom of Information Act.

Section A: Total Agency Spend Per Job Category – Last 6 Months

1. In the period between 1st August 2023 and 31st January 2024, how much did the Trust spend on Agency Medical Locums including all locum grades, including locum pay, agency fees, on costs etc. – excluding only VAT. Please exclude the cost of any MSP fee managed service provider fee. where such arrangements mean that this is distinguishable from the agency fee.

2. In the period between 1st August 2023 and 31st January 2024, how much did the Trust spend on Agency Nurses including nurse pay, agency fees, on costs etc. – excluding only VAT. Please exclude the cost of any MSP fee managed service provider fee. where such arrangements mean that this is distinguishable from the agency fee. Please include all nursing bands, including band 2 HCAs. If possible, please break down the spend by banding.

3. In the period between 1st August 2023 and 31st January 2024, how much did the Trust spend on Agency AHP/HSS workers including all AHP.HSS job roles, including pay, agency fees, on costs etc. – excluding only VAT. Please exclude the cost of any MSP fee managed service provider fee. where such arrangements mean that this is distinguishable from the agency fee.

4. In the period between 1st August 2023 and 31st January 2024, how much did the Trust spend on Non-Medical / Non-Clinical NMNC. agency workers including all NMNC job roles, including pay, agency fees, on costs etc. – excluding only VAT. Please exclude the cost of any MSP fee managed service provider fee. where such arrangements mean that this is distinguishable from the agency fee.

Section B: Supporting Services Managed Services / Master Vendors / Neutral Vendors / Vendor Management Technology etc..

1.0. For each of the agency staffing categories mentioned above Medical Locums, Agency Nurses, AHP/HSS and NMNC., does the Trust utilise either a technology provision and/or the services of any type of managed service provider MSP., be it Master Vendor, Neutral Vendor, Managed Service or otherwise, in the course of managing the supply of Medical Locums?

If yes to Section B – 1.0, please also answer 1.1 and 1.2:

1.1: For each staff Category, please describe the solution in place – including a. the type of solution i.e. tech or managed services etc.., b. the company providing the service e.g. Medacs, Retinue, NHSP etc.., c. the cost charged for the solution e.g. 4% of agency spend, or [X] per timesheet hour], and d. the procurement Framework under which the solution is contracted e.g. CCS RM6161 or HTE TWS11 Lot 2b etc…

1.2: For each of the solutions you’ve listed above, please state the contract expiry date.

Section C: Procurement Activity and Associated Persons

1. Please advise whether the Trust is likely to undertake procurement activity in relation to any of the solution either that are already in place, or in order to put such a solution in place, in the next 12 months.
2. Please provide the name, email address and telephone number, for the persons. involved in ‘buying’ such solutions. In case of the existing contracts mentioned above, please provide the details of the person who would take overall ownership of evaluating the contract renewal moving forward.

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1. Could you please confirm whether your organisation uses a digital dictation provider? If so, kindly specify the name of the provider.
2. Could you confirm whether you employ a speech recognition system? If yes, please provide details about the provider.
3. Does your organisation use an outsourced transcription provider? If so, kindly state the name of the provider.
4. For all the services mentioned above, I would appreciate clarification on the contract expiration date. Alternatively, if your contracts are on a rolling basis, please indicate so.

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This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. My request relates to the number of deaths of mental health patients whilst they were under your care, in the last three years. It also relates to the number of people waiting for treatment.

For the avoidance of doubt, I would like to know the number of deaths, either while the individual was a patient on one of your mental health wards, or within three months of being discharged. I would also like to know on the 1st of January, for the last three years, how many people had been waiting longer than 18 weeks for your services?

ITV News would like to request the following information:

1. In the last 3 years, how many patients have died whilst being treated on one of your mental health units?

2. In the last 3 years, how many patients have died within three months of being discharged from one of your mental health units?

3. For each year, in how many of those deaths do you know the cause of death?

Please break down the data as follows:
1st January 2021 – 31st December 2021
1st January 2022 – 31st December 2022
1st January 2023 – 31st December 2023

4. On the 1st January each year, for the last three years, how many people have been waiting longer than 18 weeks for your services?

Please break down the data as follows:

1st January 2021

1st January 2022

1st January 2023

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to cost of compliance limits, please let me know how I can refine my request.

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I am writing to request information regarding ‘care hotels’ as per the following NHS guidance:
Q1. Per month in financial year 2022/23, how many hotel rooms were booked? Please provide a breakdown per hotel, and share both the name of the hotel and the provider/ company that runs the hotel. Q2. Per month in financial year 2022/23, please also share the following information: • The cost of a hotel room per care recipient per day
• The average patient stay in weeks. in a care hotel • Whether the Trust is the sole owner of the bookings, or if the booking is shared with another Trust. If the booking is shared with another Trust, please name the Trust. Q3. Please share the minutes from all Trust Board meetings in financial year 2022/23, including copies of any presentations, such as PowerPoint slideshows, which were shown during meetings and copies of any written documents that were distributed to those attending the meetings. Q4. I assume that the Trust records the complaints made. For the purposes of this request, I am going to call those records “complaints logs”. You may use a different terminology internally such as “complaint records” or “complaint notes”. Please can you conduct a keyword search across the complaints logs in the financial year 2022/23 for the term “hotel” and provide each complaint log, including the summary of the complaint, the date, the hotel and the provider. Please also provide a total for the number of times the term “hotel” appears.

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I would like to submit a request for a disclosure of information relating to your NHS trust’s Information Technology IT. Spend, and your current HIMSS EMRAM and INFRAM scores.

Can you please provide your trust’s IT spend for the following financial years:
FY 2021-2022:
FY 2022-2023:

Which HIMSS EMRAM score have your Trust currently achieved 0-7.:
Which HIMSS INFRAM score have your Trust currently achieved 0-7.:
If your Trust are working towards achieving a new HIMSS EMRAM or INFRAM level, what level is this, and when will it be achieved:

Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model EMRAM. – is an eight-stage model, scored from stages zero least mature. to seven most mature.. At each stage, organisations need to demonstrate a progressive and eventual removal of paper, higher pervasiveness of use and compliance statistics, and an increasing reliance on automation and clinical decision support.
Infrastructure Adoption Model INFRAM. – The eight-stage INFRAM measures the maturity of a healthcare facility’s IT infrastructure across five areas: mobility, security, collaboration, transport and data centre.

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1. Does your trust deal with any of the following: A yes/no is sufficient.
a. Adult ADHD diagnosis
b. Child and/or Adolescent ADHD diagnosis
c. Adult Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis
d. Child and/or Adolescent Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis
If Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Trust does deal with any of these diagnosis pathways, for all that apply, please provide:
i. average wait-time from referral to first appointment
ii. average wait-time from referral to decision on diagnosis/discharge from diagnostic service
iii. Number of individuals on the wait list as of 31 December 2023 or nearest available date.
iv. average wait-time from first appointment to decision on diagnosis/discharge from diagnostic service

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Please could your trust provide the following information about your employment of locally-employed doctors. By locally employed doctors we mean doctors who are not consultants, not in formal training or on a SAS contract speciality doctor, specialists and associate specialists.. Local contracts mean contracts of employment that are not nationally negotiated. 1. Please provide the number of FTE doctors employed on local contracts at your trust as of 15 January 2024. 2. Please provide the percentage of locally employed doctors who are international medical graduates. 3. Please provide the percentage of locally employed doctors who are from an ethnic minority group.
4. Please provide a sample contract used by your trust for locally employed doctors. 5. Please provide the job titles under which these LE doctors are employed. 6. What proportion of LE doctors have been employed with your organisation for more than two years?

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Please could I request information on the following questions:-
How much did your Trust spend in total on education and training in the following financial years? April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Please advise how much of this total spend was with external providers?
April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Please can you break down the overall spend into the following categories?
Apprenticeship training April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Mandatory, statutory and compliance training April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Management and Leadership training
April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Healthcare support worker training
April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Nursing April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
Allied Healthcare Professionals April to March 2021-2022 overall spend.
April to March 2022- 2023 overall spend.
What are the top five categories that you procure externally?

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In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I request the following information: 1. Please can you provide the number of physical assaults against hospital staff by patients and members of the public on the Trusts premises for the following five years: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023?
2. How many of these physical assaults were reported to the police for the following five years: 2019, 2020,2021, 2022, 2023?
3. If you hold this data, how many had a criminal justice outcome e.g. cautioned, charged, taken to court. for the following five years: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023?
4. Since 2019 has the Trust introduced any additional measures to try to reduce the number of physical assaults against hospital staff? If so, please specify what measures have been taken e.g. body cameras, CCTV in clinical areas, more security guards etc? As you know, under the Act you are required to provide a response within 20 working days.
If you do not provide the information requested, you must explain the legal basis for the information being withheld.
If you decline part of the request due to information being sensitive, the request being too vague, or reasonable cost being exceeded, you must still provide the part you can fulfil.

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1. Has your trust implemented an integrated primary and community care team for adults and older adults with severe mental illnesses as outlined on page 25 of the implementation plan linked above?
2. How many vacancies for pharmacists were created in Adult Mental Health SMI. Community Care teams in each of the following financial years:
a. 2019/20
b. 2020/21
c. 2021/22
d. 2022/23
e. 2023/24 to date
3. How many pharmacists were in place in Adult Mental Health SMI. Community Care teams in each of the following financial years:
a. 2019/20
b. 2020/21
c. 2021/22
d. 2022/23
e. 2023/24 to date
4. How many current unfilled vacancies are there for pharmacists in Adult Mental Health SMI. Community Care teams?
Please provide the information by email. If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

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Please confirm the amount of total hours utilised by the Trust for Thornbury Nursing Services on a month by month basis for every month from January 2023 to December 2024.
I would like to add that this is not commercially sensitive information- as it is not asking for any confirmation of charge rates or any other financial data.
This is for safety purposes as I would like to establish the amount of usage an off contract supplier has at the Trust that is not regulated by any regional or national framework agreement. As this information is in the public interest and in the public domain I would expect a response within the 20 day allotted time frame.

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1. Contract Register Request:
I am seeking the full and entirety of the organisation’s contract register or database. The register should include the following columns/headings or something similar:
Contract Reference -Unique reference number associated with the contract.
Contract Title
Procurement Category –
Supplier Name
Spend Total, Annual or contract value.
Contract Duration
Contract Extensions
Contract Start Date
Contract Expiry Date
Contract Description [Please provide me with as much detail as possible.]
Contact Owner Person that manages the contract register.
Contact details of section 151 officer
CPV codes/Pro-Class
If any of the headings within your contract register has not been provided, please state this within your response.
Please provide the contract’s register file in Excel format.
2. Procurement Strategy Document Request:
Can the organisation provide a full version of their Procurement Strategy for the fiscal year 2023-2024?
If the Procurement Strategy is a strategic direction 2022-2025. instead of an annual plan, please provide an update document for 2023-2024. If an update cannot be provided, please provide information on when an update is planned to be published.
We require the full document. If any parts of this document have been removed, please state this within your response.
3. Contact Details Request:
Provide contact details of the person responsible for API or data sharing, including [Name, Job Title, Telephone, Email Address].
Provide contact details of the person responsible for the actual contract’s register, including [Name, Job Title, Telephone, Email Address].
1. If the organisation has a CRM system or a similar system, ensure there is a facility to download and extract contract data.
2. If providing a weblink to a portal, ensure that all contracts are included, as some organisations may only upload a small portion of their contracts.
3. For organisations planning to make an exemption around spend, clarify that the spend information requested is an overall figure, and a complete breakdown is not required.

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This is an information request relating to Pride Month.
Please include the following information:
• Whether any events have been organised for Pride month. If so please provide the date, start and end time, and title/topic of the event
• Whether any LGBT themed merchandise has been purchased for Pride month. i.e. since the beginning of the 2023/24 financial year. If so please provide me with information on what has been purchased and the cost
• Whether the organisation has sponsored any Pride events. If so which events and please provide details of the nature of the sponsorship particularly the financial value.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

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Under The Freedom of Information Act 2000, could you kindly answer the following questions:

1. How much has your Trust spent on specialist bariatric equipment for obese/bariatric patients patients over 160kg. during the last five financial years? Please give a figure for each year: 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23.

2. How many patients needed special adaptations due to their weight in the past 12 months?

3. Please give a breakdown of the amounts spent by the Trust by the type of specialist bariatric equipment.

3.1 If equipment is used on a rental contract basis, please provide a list of contracts, including the values and suppliers.

4. How many bariatric beds does the Trust own?

5. How many bariatric fridges does the Trust own?

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Please could you provide the annual spend for the below suppliers from July 2021 to July 2022? Please note this information is not commercially sensitive as all you will be providing is the total money spent with each supplier not any detail of what you bought. Please could I have this in an excel spread sheet?

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Can you please carry out an internal review of the handling of my request? My specific queries that necessitate this review are outlined below in this email. I look forward to receiving your response within the next 20 working days, as outlined in the Information Commissioner’s guidance.

Questions 1 and 3 – Please can you answer these questions? I am familiar with the national guidance, however there are differing interpretations of it across the country, which is a large part of the reason that we conducted this request.

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I am writing on behalf of a registered charity dedicated to supporting elderly people in our local community. We are seeking information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to enhance our understanding of the services available to older residents within your NHS’s jurisdiction.

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I am making this FOI request to obtain copies of any job descriptions and person specs you have in relation to Health Records.

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Under the Freedom of Information Act I wish to request the following information: 1. The number of referrals made to each of the below services/through each of the below pathways* during 2015/16, 2022/23 and 2023/24 to date. Please break these figures down by the number of referrals received, the number of referrals accepted and the number of referrals responded to with advice and guidance or support, with the recorded reason for declination. Please provide earliest figures from 2015/16 and reasoning if you do not have 2015/16 figures available. 2. Details of any policy change regarding altered thresholds for referrals, altered access to pathways or triage systems and documentation outlining the change and reasoning of the change if available. as regards referrals to each of the below services/pathways.

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Please find my request below, which relates to the organisation’s contract relating to their energy management system. Not all organisations have an energy management system and if the organisation does not have one, please ignore the contractual part of my request 1-6. and concentrate on questions 7-12.
1. The supplier who provides the software to the organisation?
2. The cost associated with the software. Please provide me with the annual spend.
3. What is the brand of the software?
4. What is the duration of the contract?
5. When does this contract expires?
6. When does the organisation plan to review this contract?
7. Can you please provide me with the contract description of the services provided under the agreement with the supplier? This also includes potential extensions and support and maintenance services.
8. What is the organisation’s annual energy spend for the following:
a. Electricity
b. Gas
c. Water
9. What is the total number of meter points for Electricity for:
a. Non Half Hourly NHH. meter points
b. Half Hourly HH. meter points
10. What is the total number of Gas meter points?
11. What is the total number of Water meter points?
12. What is the total number of meter points for specialist gases and liquids?
13. Can you please provide me with the contact details of the key person responsible for this contract or around energy management.
14. Can you please send me the organisations’ energy management strategy/plan that covers 2018?

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Please can you provide me with the Information below?

1. What framework are you associated with for sterile service agency supply?

2. Who is responsible for agency usage on framework and off framework in the Sterile Services/Decontamination department at all hospitals associated with the Trust?

3. Please can you provide the contact number and email address for the managers. in questions 1 and 2.

4. Have you used off-framework agency staff between March 2023 and March 2024 in Sterile Services?

5. How much was your Off-Framework agency spend for Sterile Services between March 2023 and March 2024?

6. Do you currently outsource your Sterile Services/Decontamination department, if yes, who do you outsource it to?

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Request for Information under the Freedom of Information Act
I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details with respect to the Trust below, details of which can be found below:
1. Approximately how many endoscopes does the trust own?
2. What brands of endoscope does the Trust own?
3. On average how old are the endoscopes that the Trust owns?
4. Approximately how many of the trust endoscopes are under OEM Warranty?
5. Does the trust subcontract the maintenance of endoscopes and associated equipment such as stack systems and monitors to an outside providers. or does it maintain the devices using internal engineers?
6. If an external providers. is used, what is the name of the companys.?
7. If an external providers. is used, what was the value of the contract when awarded?
8. If an external providers. is used, what is the contract type – PPM/ Fully-Comprehensive / Ad-hoc support?
9. If an external providers. is used, what is the contract renewal dates.?
10. Does your contract include the provision of loan endoscopes to temporarily replace endoscopes that are in for repair?
11. Please provide the name, email address and phone number of the role responsible for managing endoscopy equipment within the trust.
12. Please provide the name, email address, and phone number of the individual responsible for managing endoscopy contracts within the trust?
13. If endoscopy is part of a Managed Equipment Service MES. at the trust, please provide details of the service provider and specify the services provided including whether staffing is part of the MES.
OEM Warranty
Maintenance or repairs covered by the Original Equipment Manufacturer OEM.
Planned Preventative Maintenance, i.e. annual service. Fully Comprehensive Maintenance contract covering the cost of Planned Maintenance and cost of repair parts and labour of equipment.
Ad-hoc support
Subcontracted work to engineering company on an informal basis.
Managed Equipment Service
An MES seeks to provide a more holistic solution to a department, typically encompassing equipment recommendations, supply, replacement and disposal – occasionally providing staff also.
For clarity, contact details are kept in the strictest confidence. These details are used only to contact regarding information of legitimate interest for the relevant contracts.

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1. The amount of waste generated within the last year for each of the below categories:
o General o Recycling
o Food Waste
o Confidential o High Temperature Incineration clinical.
o Alternative Treatment clinical.
o Offensive clinical.
2. The amount of waste Spend within the last year for each of the below categories:
o General o Recycling
o Food Waste
o Confidential o High Temperature Incineration clinical.
o Alternative Treatment clinical.
o Offensive clinical.
3. Contract Start Dates for:
o General Waste Services
o Recycling Services
o Food Waste Services
o Confidential Services
o High Temperature Incineration clinical. Services
o Alternative Treatment clinical. Services
o Offensive clinical. Services
4. Contract End Dates for:
o General Waste Services
o Recycling Services
o Food Waste Services
o Confidential Services
o High Temperature Incineration clinical. Services
o Alternative Treatment clinical. Services
o Offensive clinical. Services
5. Waste Company who holds the current contract
o General Waste Services
o Recycling Services
o Food Waste Services
o Confidential Services
o High Temperature Incineration clinical. Services
o Alternative Treatment clinical. Services
o Offensive clinical. Services
6. Name and Contact Details for the Waste Manager associated to the Trust
7. Name and Contact Details for the Sustainability Lead associated to the Trust
8. Name and Contact Details for the Procurement Lead associated to the Trust
9. Name and Contact Details for the Infection Prevention Control Lead associated to the Trust
10. Do the Trust have a reusable sharps solution in place to reduce the amount of single use plastic that is incinerated in traditional practices?
11. Are there any onsite treatment facilities located on Trust premises which would mitigate the need for ensuing carbon footprint through the road miles that it takes to take the waste away?

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Please can we request the following information under FOI.

1. How many patients were excluded from care at your Trust in the calendar years 2010,2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
2. How many of the above patients received a planned review of their status?
3. How many excluded patients were subject of an Equality Impact Assessment?
4. Where do you record patients excluded status?
5. Do you have a policy for the exclusion of patients?
6. Please supply a copy of that policy?

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I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please could you provide me the trust’s commercial income for the financial years 2019/2020, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23 broken down into the following categories:
Clinical Services:
· Private Patient Services
· Overseas Visitors
· Services to Private Hospitals
· Other clinical support services
Intellectual property related:
· Commercialising intellectual property
· Commercial Research including clinical trials
· Commercialising data
· Spin-ins
Commercial Training and Education activities including Continuing Professional Development
Commercial Facilities Management and non-clinical support services
Property and Estates related:
· Retail
· Tech hubs
· Advertising
Car parking
Property rental
Please specify

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RE: Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Information Team
This is an information request relating to EHIC cards.
Please include the following information for the 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years:
• How much has the organisation spent broken down by financial year. on providing treatment to foreign patients supplying an EHIC card
• How much has been recovered broken down by financial year. from the relevant health authorities for treatment provided through EHIC
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for.
I would prefer a response via email, but if this is not possible, I will gladly accept letters to the address below.
Please acknowledge this information request as soon as possible.

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I’d be grateful if you could provide me with details of which hospitals. within your trust area:
1. Have medical staff/surgical team trained to carry out bloodless surgery.
2. Have autologous blood transfusion and patient’s own cell salvage equipment available.
3. Keep stocks of synthetic blood transfusion substitutes.

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Dear Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust,

Please can you provide the data that answers the following questions:

– What is the current waiting time from referral to first appointment for mental health therapy in general, and what was the waiting time 1, 5, and 10 years ago?

– What is the current waiting time from referral to first appointment for the following, and what was the waiting time 1, 5, and 10 years ago?
Cognitive behavioural therapy CBT.
Guided self-help
Behavioural activation
Interpersonal therapy IPT.
Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing EMDR. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy MBCT. Psychodynamic psychotherapy Couple therapy

– What other mental health therapy options do you offer and what are the waiting times from referral to the first appointment, currently, 1, 5, and 10 years ago?

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Request 1
Please confirm or deny if Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust has a specific policy on provision of support for all forms of infant feeding, specifically breastfeeding, formula feeding, and combination feeding.
If confirm, please provide a copy of this policy.
Request 2
Please confirm or deny if Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust holds information on the number of infants breastfed, formula fed, and combination fed.
If confirm, please release this data.
Request 3
Please confirm or deny if Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust provides information on all forms of infant feeding including breastfeeding, formula feeding, and combination feeding. at the 28-week antenatal appointment as outlined in the NICE guideline NG201, post-birth before the family has been discharged and at any other times.
If confirm, please provide a copy of the information on infant feeding that is provided and confirm how as well as when it is delivered.
Request 4
Please confirm or deny if Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust requires mothers to sign a consent form before any information or advice is given on formula feeding OR before an infant receives formula milk in the hospital instead of or alongside breastmilk.
If confirm, please publish a copy of the associated policy and corresponding form.
Request 5
Please confirm or deny if Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust holds information on the number of infants admitted with malnutrition every year, over the last 5 years.
If confirm, please release this data and please publish the Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust policy for addressing infant malnutrition.

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information. Please will you provide me with information relating to the waiting lists for Adult and CYP ADHD and ASD referrals. I am seeking:
• How many adults are waiting for a first appointment following referral?
• How many CYP are waiting for a first appointment following referral?
• How long are Adults waiting for a first appointment?
• How long are Adults waiting for an assessment and diagnosis?
• How long are CYP waiting for a first appointment?
• How long are CYP waiting for an assessment and diagnosis?
• How many adults are waiting for a first appointment following referral?
• How many CYP are waiting for a first appointment following referral?
• How long are Adults waiting for a first appointment?
• How long are Adults waiting for an assessment and diagnosis?
• How long are CYP waiting for a first appointment?
• How long are CYP waiting for an assessment and diagnosis?
Please provide the information in the form that is most convenient to the Trust.

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I write under the Freedom of Information Act to request the following information:
What is the furthest that a patient under the care of your trust has been sent in miles. for an inappropriate out of area placement in each of the following years, and the name of the receiving provider to which they were sent:
a. 2022
b. 2021
c. 2020
d. 2019
e. 2018?
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12 of the FOI Act, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Trust. Please may you provide me with:

1. The number of days on average, from referral to completion of treatment, for Children and Adolescents Mental Health Service CAMHS. patients, by financial year, since 2010.

2. The single longest number of days from referral to completion of treatment, for Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service CAMHS. patients, by financial year, since 2010.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for and discuss the request.

Please provide this data in a table format.

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For each year 2020 – 2022., please confirm how many cyberattacks your Trust has suffered?

For each year 2020 – 2022., please confirm how many cyberattacks have resulted in the halting of or delay in delivery of care or services to patients?

For each year 2020-2022., please confirm:

The GBP £. value of budget allocated to cybersecurity

What percentage of the Trust’s entire budget for the financial year was spent on cybersecurity?

How many times in the last 12 months have you audited your third-party suppliers’ cybersecurity measures?

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