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I am writing to submit a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act FOIA., for access to information related to use of print and print stock management including printed stationery, covering both your operational print requirements and communications requirements; Electronic Patient Records EPR. systems and use of document management services.

As a member of the public, I am seeking information related to the agency’s records management practices, policies, and procedures.
I would be most grateful if you would provide me details in respect to the following:

A. Print and print stock management
1. a. What is the actual spend on print stock management including printed stationery in the last year broken down by contractual managed stock and ad-hoc non-stock.?
b. What is the actual spend on print stock management including printed stationery over the last 5 years broken down by contractual managed stock and ad-hoc non-stock.?
2. What is the trust spending on print stock management including printed stationery – both operational and communications spend that isn’t covered contractually?
3. Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised?
4. a. Has a decision been made yet on whether the frameworks./contracts. are being extended or renewed?
b. If yes, what decision was made?
c. If no, what is the reason the contract is not being extended or renewed?
5. What are the criteria used in selection of print management suppliers?

B. Electronic Patient Records EPR
1. Please could you confirm the main EPR system e.g Cerner Millennium, EPIC etc.. in place at your Trust?
2. a. If you currently do not have an EPR system in place, do you have plans to implement one? Yes/No.?
b. If yes, when?
3. Will a paper scanning system such as MediViewer. be used in conjunction with the EPR system for existing patient records and future documentation of patient records?
4. Is the department required to maintain paper records as well as digital records of patients?
5. a. Are EPR systems used alongside paper records or only one of the two?
b. If only one, please specify which is currently used.
6. a. Is there an existing project in place to fully implement EPR to replace all paper records?
b. If so, what is the expected timeline for this project?
c. If not, is there a plan to introduce one?

C. Document Management Services
1. What is the actual spend on Electronic Documents and Records Management Systems EDRMS. over the last 5 years?
2. What is the actual spend on digital mail rooms and/or hybrid mail rooms over the last 5 years?
3. What is the actual spend on document scanning over the last 5 years?
4. What is the actual spend on document storage over the last 5 years?
5. What is the actual spend on digital dictation over the last 5 years?
6. What is the actual spend on workflow process automation and cloud services over the last 5 years?
7. a. Are there existing contracts for these services?
b. If yes, who are the current suppliers broken down by EDRMS, digital mail rooms and/or hybrid mail rooms, document scanning, document storage, digital dictation workflow process automation and cloud services?
8. a. Were these contracts awarded following a tender process conducted under a framework?
b. If so, kindly provide details.
9. When were the contracts awarded, and for what period of time?
10. What are the records retention schedules including any schedules that outline the length of time records are to be retained and their final disposal, such as destruction or transfer to an archive?

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I would like to make the following request under the Freedom of Information Act. For the most recent month available please provide your usage in terms of financial spend of agency staff for the job types below. Where the information is available, indicate the percentages ‘on-framework’ and ‘off-framework’. The job types are:
1. Nursing 2. HCAs
3. Pharmacists
4. Pharmacy Technicians

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1.Please supply patient’s information ECT leaflet.
2.Please supply patient ECT consent form
3.Please supply any ECT reports/investigations
4.How many ECT in 2022?
5.What proportion of patients were men/women?
6.How old were they?
7.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities POC / BAME.?
8.How many were receiving ECT for the first time?
9.How many patients consented to ECT?
10.How many ECT complaints were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
11.How many patients died during or 1 month after ECT and what was the cause whether or not ECT was considered the cause.?
12.How many patients died within 6 months after ECT and what was the cause whether or not ECT was considered the cause.?
13.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving ECT whether or not ECT was considered the cause.?
14.How many patients have suffered complications during and after ECT and what were those complications?
15.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about ECT?
16.If so, what was their concerns?
17.How many patients report memory loss/loss of cognitive function?
18.What tests are used to assess memory loss/loss of cognitive function?
19.Have MRI or CT scans been used before and after ECT?
20.If so, what was the conclusion?
21.How does the Trust plan to prevent ECT in the future?

Please provide SERIOUS INCIDENT information under the FOI act to the following questions: –
1.Please supply any serious incident reports/investigations?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
4.How old were they?
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities POC / BAME.?
6.How many SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
7.How many patients died during or 1 month after SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS and what was the cause whether or not SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS was considered the cause.?
8.How many patients died within 6 months after SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS and what was the cause whether or not SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS was considered the cause.?
9.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS whether or not SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS was considered the cause.?
10.How many patients have suffered complications during and after SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS and what were those complications?
11.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about SERIOUS INCIDENT REPORTS?
12.If so, what was their concerns?
13.How does the Trust plan to prevent SERIOUS INCIDENTS in the future?

Please provide restraints information under the FOI act to the following questions: –
1.Please supply any Restraints/investigations?
2.How many RESTRAINTS in 2022?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
4.How old were they?
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities POC / BAME.?
6.How many RESTRAINTS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
7.How many patients died during or 1 month after RESTRAINTS and what was the cause whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause.?
8.How many patients died within 6 months after RESTRAINTS and what was the cause whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause.?
9.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving RESTRAINTS whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause.?
10.How many patients have suffered complications during and after RESTRAINTS and what were those complications?
11.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about RESTRAINTS?
12.If so, what was their concerns?
13.Are counts of forced injections available?
14.How does the Trust plan to reduce restraints in the future?

Please provide SECLUSION information under the FOI act to the following questions: –
1.Please supply any SECLUSION reports/investigations
2.How many SECLUSIONS in 2022?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
4.How old were they?
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities POC / BAME.?
6.How many SECLUSIONS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
7.How many patients died during or 1 month after SECLUSION and what was the cause whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause.?
8.How many patients died within 6 months after SECLUSION and what was the cause whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause.?
9.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving SECLUSION whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause.?
10.How many patients have suffered complications during and after SECLUSION and what were those complications?
11.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about SECLUSION?
12.If so, what was their concerns?
13.How does the Trust plan to reduce SECLUSIONS in the future?

Please provide MEDICATION ERRORS information under the FOI act to the following questions: –
1.Please supply any MEDICATION ERRORS reports/investigations
2.How many MEDICATION ERRORS in 2022?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
4.How old were they?
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities POC / BAME.?
6.How many MEDICATION ERRORS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
7.How many patients died during or 1 month after MEDICATION ERRORS and what was the cause whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause.?
8.How many patients died within 6 months after MEDICATION ERRORS and what was the cause whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause.?
9.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving MEDICATION ERRORS whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause.?
10.How many patients have suffered complications during and after MEDICATION ERRORS and what were those complications?
11.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about MEDICATION ERRORS?
12.If so, what was their concerns?
13.How does the Trust plan to prevent MEDICATION ERRORS in the future?

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Freedom of Information Request
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following
information from Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust. Please may you
provide me with:
The most up to date version of the policy and procedure for complaints and concerns
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the
cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under
the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further
advice and assistance.
Pursuant to Section 10 of the Freedom of Information Act, it is incumbent upon Gloucestershire
Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust to provide a response to this request within a period of
20 working days. Consequently, I anticipate receiving a response no later than Monday, March
th 2024.

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I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, the following:
I. The total amount spent by the Trust on bank and agency doctors in each of the last 5 financial years including 2023/24 so far.
II. The total amount spent by the Trust on bank and agency nurses in in each of the last 5 financial years including 2023/24 so far.
III. The largest amount spent by the Trust on a single agency nurse shift in 2023/24
IV. The largest amount spent by the Trust on a single agency doctor’s shift in 2023/24

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Please disclose the following information pertaining to the Trust’s use of agency workers nurses and medical locums etc.. within the 20 working days permitted under the Freedom of Information Act.

Section A: Total Agency Spend Per Job Category – Last 6 Months

1. In the period between 1st August 2023 and 31st January 2024, how much did the Trust spend on Agency Medical Locums including all locum grades, including locum pay, agency fees, on costs etc. – excluding only VAT. Please exclude the cost of any MSP fee managed service provider fee. where such arrangements mean that this is distinguishable from the agency fee.

2. In the period between 1st August 2023 and 31st January 2024, how much did the Trust spend on Agency Nurses including nurse pay, agency fees, on costs etc. – excluding only VAT. Please exclude the cost of any MSP fee managed service provider fee. where such arrangements mean that this is distinguishable from the agency fee. Please include all nursing bands, including band 2 HCAs. If possible, please break down the spend by banding.

3. In the period between 1st August 2023 and 31st January 2024, how much did the Trust spend on Agency AHP/HSS workers including all AHP.HSS job roles, including pay, agency fees, on costs etc. – excluding only VAT. Please exclude the cost of any MSP fee managed service provider fee. where such arrangements mean that this is distinguishable from the agency fee.

4. In the period between 1st August 2023 and 31st January 2024, how much did the Trust spend on Non-Medical / Non-Clinical NMNC. agency workers including all NMNC job roles, including pay, agency fees, on costs etc. – excluding only VAT. Please exclude the cost of any MSP fee managed service provider fee. where such arrangements mean that this is distinguishable from the agency fee.

Section B: Supporting Services Managed Services / Master Vendors / Neutral Vendors / Vendor Management Technology etc..

1.0. For each of the agency staffing categories mentioned above Medical Locums, Agency Nurses, AHP/HSS and NMNC., does the Trust utilise either a technology provision and/or the services of any type of managed service provider MSP., be it Master Vendor, Neutral Vendor, Managed Service or otherwise, in the course of managing the supply of Medical Locums?

If yes to Section B – 1.0, please also answer 1.1 and 1.2:

1.1: For each staff Category, please describe the solution in place – including a. the type of solution i.e. tech or managed services etc.., b. the company providing the service e.g. Medacs, Retinue, NHSP etc.., c. the cost charged for the solution e.g. 4% of agency spend, or [X] per timesheet hour], and d. the procurement Framework under which the solution is contracted e.g. CCS RM6161 or HTE TWS11 Lot 2b etc…

1.2: For each of the solutions you’ve listed above, please state the contract expiry date.

Section C: Procurement Activity and Associated Persons

1. Please advise whether the Trust is likely to undertake procurement activity in relation to any of the solution either that are already in place, or in order to put such a solution in place, in the next 12 months.
2. Please provide the name, email address and telephone number, for the persons. involved in ‘buying’ such solutions. In case of the existing contracts mentioned above, please provide the details of the person who would take overall ownership of evaluating the contract renewal moving forward.

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I am writing to request information regarding ‘care hotels’ as per the following NHS guidance:
Q1. Per month in financial year 2022/23, how many hotel rooms were booked? Please provide a breakdown per hotel, and share both the name of the hotel and the provider/ company that runs the hotel. Q2. Per month in financial year 2022/23, please also share the following information: • The cost of a hotel room per care recipient per day
• The average patient stay in weeks. in a care hotel • Whether the Trust is the sole owner of the bookings, or if the booking is shared with another Trust. If the booking is shared with another Trust, please name the Trust. Q3. Please share the minutes from all Trust Board meetings in financial year 2022/23, including copies of any presentations, such as PowerPoint slideshows, which were shown during meetings and copies of any written documents that were distributed to those attending the meetings. Q4. I assume that the Trust records the complaints made. For the purposes of this request, I am going to call those records “complaints logs”. You may use a different terminology internally such as “complaint records” or “complaint notes”. Please can you conduct a keyword search across the complaints logs in the financial year 2022/23 for the term “hotel” and provide each complaint log, including the summary of the complaint, the date, the hotel and the provider. Please also provide a total for the number of times the term “hotel” appears.

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1. Contract Register Request:
I am seeking the full and entirety of the organisation’s contract register or database. The register should include the following columns/headings or something similar:
Contract Reference -Unique reference number associated with the contract.
Contract Title
Procurement Category –
Supplier Name
Spend Total, Annual or contract value.
Contract Duration
Contract Extensions
Contract Start Date
Contract Expiry Date
Contract Description [Please provide me with as much detail as possible.]
Contact Owner Person that manages the contract register.
Contact details of section 151 officer
CPV codes/Pro-Class
If any of the headings within your contract register has not been provided, please state this within your response.
Please provide the contract’s register file in Excel format.
2. Procurement Strategy Document Request:
Can the organisation provide a full version of their Procurement Strategy for the fiscal year 2023-2024?
If the Procurement Strategy is a strategic direction 2022-2025. instead of an annual plan, please provide an update document for 2023-2024. If an update cannot be provided, please provide information on when an update is planned to be published.
We require the full document. If any parts of this document have been removed, please state this within your response.
3. Contact Details Request:
Provide contact details of the person responsible for API or data sharing, including [Name, Job Title, Telephone, Email Address].
Provide contact details of the person responsible for the actual contract’s register, including [Name, Job Title, Telephone, Email Address].
1. If the organisation has a CRM system or a similar system, ensure there is a facility to download and extract contract data.
2. If providing a weblink to a portal, ensure that all contracts are included, as some organisations may only upload a small portion of their contracts.
3. For organisations planning to make an exemption around spend, clarify that the spend information requested is an overall figure, and a complete breakdown is not required.

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Please confirm the amount of total hours utilised by the Trust for Thornbury Nursing Services on a month by month basis for every month from January 2023 to December 2024.
I would like to add that this is not commercially sensitive information- as it is not asking for any confirmation of charge rates or any other financial data.
This is for safety purposes as I would like to establish the amount of usage an off contract supplier has at the Trust that is not regulated by any regional or national framework agreement. As this information is in the public interest and in the public domain I would expect a response within the 20 day allotted time frame.

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Please could you provide the annual spend for the below suppliers from July 2021 to July 2022? Please note this information is not commercially sensitive as all you will be providing is the total money spent with each supplier not any detail of what you bought. Please could I have this in an excel spread sheet?

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I am writing on behalf of a registered charity dedicated to supporting elderly people in our local community. We are seeking information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to enhance our understanding of the services available to older residents within your NHS’s jurisdiction.

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Please find my request below, which relates to the organisation’s contract relating to their energy management system. Not all organisations have an energy management system and if the organisation does not have one, please ignore the contractual part of my request 1-6. and concentrate on questions 7-12.
1. The supplier who provides the software to the organisation?
2. The cost associated with the software. Please provide me with the annual spend.
3. What is the brand of the software?
4. What is the duration of the contract?
5. When does this contract expires?
6. When does the organisation plan to review this contract?
7. Can you please provide me with the contract description of the services provided under the agreement with the supplier? This also includes potential extensions and support and maintenance services.
8. What is the organisation’s annual energy spend for the following:
a. Electricity
b. Gas
c. Water
9. What is the total number of meter points for Electricity for:
a. Non Half Hourly NHH. meter points
b. Half Hourly HH. meter points
10. What is the total number of Gas meter points?
11. What is the total number of Water meter points?
12. What is the total number of meter points for specialist gases and liquids?
13. Can you please provide me with the contact details of the key person responsible for this contract or around energy management.
14. Can you please send me the organisations’ energy management strategy/plan that covers 2018?

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I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please could you provide me the trust’s commercial income for the financial years 2019/2020, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23 broken down into the following categories:
Clinical Services:
· Private Patient Services
· Overseas Visitors
· Services to Private Hospitals
· Other clinical support services
Intellectual property related:
· Commercialising intellectual property
· Commercial Research including clinical trials
· Commercialising data
· Spin-ins
Commercial Training and Education activities including Continuing Professional Development
Commercial Facilities Management and non-clinical support services
Property and Estates related:
· Retail
· Tech hubs
· Advertising
Car parking
Property rental
Please specify

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1. The amount of waste generated within the last year for each of the below categories:
o General o Recycling
o Food Waste
o Confidential o High Temperature Incineration clinical.
o Alternative Treatment clinical.
o Offensive clinical.
2. The amount of waste Spend within the last year for each of the below categories:
o General o Recycling
o Food Waste
o Confidential o High Temperature Incineration clinical.
o Alternative Treatment clinical.
o Offensive clinical.
3. Contract Start Dates for:
o General Waste Services
o Recycling Services
o Food Waste Services
o Confidential Services
o High Temperature Incineration clinical. Services
o Alternative Treatment clinical. Services
o Offensive clinical. Services
4. Contract End Dates for:
o General Waste Services
o Recycling Services
o Food Waste Services
o Confidential Services
o High Temperature Incineration clinical. Services
o Alternative Treatment clinical. Services
o Offensive clinical. Services
5. Waste Company who holds the current contract
o General Waste Services
o Recycling Services
o Food Waste Services
o Confidential Services
o High Temperature Incineration clinical. Services
o Alternative Treatment clinical. Services
o Offensive clinical. Services
6. Name and Contact Details for the Waste Manager associated to the Trust
7. Name and Contact Details for the Sustainability Lead associated to the Trust
8. Name and Contact Details for the Procurement Lead associated to the Trust
9. Name and Contact Details for the Infection Prevention Control Lead associated to the Trust
10. Do the Trust have a reusable sharps solution in place to reduce the amount of single use plastic that is incinerated in traditional practices?
11. Are there any onsite treatment facilities located on Trust premises which would mitigate the need for ensuing carbon footprint through the road miles that it takes to take the waste away?

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Request for Information under the Freedom of Information Act
I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details with respect to the Trust below, details of which can be found below:
1. Approximately how many endoscopes does the trust own?
2. What brands of endoscope does the Trust own?
3. On average how old are the endoscopes that the Trust owns?
4. Approximately how many of the trust endoscopes are under OEM Warranty?
5. Does the trust subcontract the maintenance of endoscopes and associated equipment such as stack systems and monitors to an outside providers. or does it maintain the devices using internal engineers?
6. If an external providers. is used, what is the name of the companys.?
7. If an external providers. is used, what was the value of the contract when awarded?
8. If an external providers. is used, what is the contract type – PPM/ Fully-Comprehensive / Ad-hoc support?
9. If an external providers. is used, what is the contract renewal dates.?
10. Does your contract include the provision of loan endoscopes to temporarily replace endoscopes that are in for repair?
11. Please provide the name, email address and phone number of the role responsible for managing endoscopy equipment within the trust.
12. Please provide the name, email address, and phone number of the individual responsible for managing endoscopy contracts within the trust?
13. If endoscopy is part of a Managed Equipment Service MES. at the trust, please provide details of the service provider and specify the services provided including whether staffing is part of the MES.
OEM Warranty
Maintenance or repairs covered by the Original Equipment Manufacturer OEM.
Planned Preventative Maintenance, i.e. annual service. Fully Comprehensive Maintenance contract covering the cost of Planned Maintenance and cost of repair parts and labour of equipment.
Ad-hoc support
Subcontracted work to engineering company on an informal basis.
Managed Equipment Service
An MES seeks to provide a more holistic solution to a department, typically encompassing equipment recommendations, supply, replacement and disposal – occasionally providing staff also.
For clarity, contact details are kept in the strictest confidence. These details are used only to contact regarding information of legitimate interest for the relevant contracts.

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information. Please will you provide me with information relating to the waiting lists for Adult and CYP ADHD and ASD referrals. I am seeking:
• How many adults are waiting for a first appointment following referral?
• How many CYP are waiting for a first appointment following referral?
• How long are Adults waiting for a first appointment?
• How long are Adults waiting for an assessment and diagnosis?
• How long are CYP waiting for a first appointment?
• How long are CYP waiting for an assessment and diagnosis?
• How many adults are waiting for a first appointment following referral?
• How many CYP are waiting for a first appointment following referral?
• How long are Adults waiting for a first appointment?
• How long are Adults waiting for an assessment and diagnosis?
• How long are CYP waiting for a first appointment?
• How long are CYP waiting for an assessment and diagnosis?
Please provide the information in the form that is most convenient to the Trust.

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I write under the Freedom of Information Act to request the following information:
What is the furthest that a patient under the care of your trust has been sent in miles. for an inappropriate out of area placement in each of the following years, and the name of the receiving provider to which they were sent:
a. 2022
b. 2021
c. 2020
d. 2019
e. 2018?
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12 of the FOI Act, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

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Please can you provide under the Freedom of Information Act, the details of your Screening & Immunisations staff inclusive of ‘Screening and Immunisation Lead’, ‘Screening and Immunisation Manager’ & ‘Screening and Immunisation Coordinator’ with their full job titles and the names of individuals who hold these positions with email addresses.

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This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, relating to detention under the Mental Health Act in a hospital in the Trust. Q1. Between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2022, how many people were detained under the Mental Health Act? Alongside the total, please provide a breakdown by calendar year. Q2. How many people detained under the Mental Health Act between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2022 were asylum seekers? Alongside the total, please provide a breakdown by calendar year. Q3. Between 1 January 2022 and 31 May 2023, how many people were detained under the Mental Health Act? Alongside the total, please provide a breakdown by month. Q4. How many people detained under the Mental Health Act between January 2022 to May 2023 were asylum seekers? Alongside the total, please provide a breakdown by month.

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This is a freedom of information request.
Please can you provide me with the number of employees employed on 1st April 2023 or the closest date to this where you have the data. whose role is specifically focused on the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion.
Please also provide me with each of these employees’ annual salaries in GBP.
Please present this information in tabular format as a .xlsx file with each branch presented separately.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.
Please provide your response by the statutory deadline of 20 days. This is Friday 28th June.

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I am trying to understand the level of clinical trials activity that is taking place in the UK. Specifically can you tell me how many commercial clinical trials have been taking place in this hospital trust during the calendar year of 2022?
This could be completed trials, or trials that are ongoing. When I say “commercial trials”, I mean trials that are funded or sponsored by a commercial company such as a pharmaceutical company.

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I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act for the total amount spent by your trust on ‘collaborative banks’ between January 2022 and January 2023. Specifically, I am seeking information related to collaborative banks as opposed to the trust bank spend.
I would appreciate it if you could provide the information in electronic format, such as a spreadsheet or a PDF document. If this information is already available in the public domain, please provide me with references to the relevant sources.

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This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, regarding reporting systems for sexual misconduct. 1. 2. 3. Do all hospitals in your Trust have a reporting system for sexual misconduct? If the answer is
4. ‘no’, please share how many hospitals within your Trust do have a reporting system for sexual misconduct and how many do not.
5. 2. 3. 4. If some or all of the hospitals in your Trust have a reporting system for sexual misconduct, please
5. outline the reporting system. 6. 3. 4. 5. If none or not all of the hospitals in your Trust have a reporting system for sexual misconduct,
6. please outline what a Trust staff member should do if they are a victim of sexual misconduct and another Trust staff member is the perpetrator. 7.

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I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like the following information to be provided to me as an electronic copy. If any of this information is already in the public domain, please can you direct me to it, with page references and URLs if necessary. 1. Do you have a dedicated on-site scanning team for paper records? 1. If so, how many FTE are within the team? 2. What volumes are the team scanning on a daily / weekly / monthly / annual basis? 3. Are the team scanning legacy records or day forward, or both? 4. What hardware & software is used by the team? 5. Is the hardware leased, rented or was it purchased outright? 6. Who is responsible within the organisation for the procurement of hardware and software? Please supply contact details. 2. If you do not have a dedicated on-site scanning team, is there a contract for outsourced document scanning provisions? 1. If so, who is this contract with? 2. What is the value of the contract? 3. When is the contract due for renewal? 3. Do you have on-site facilities to store paper records? 4. Do you have contracts. for off-site storage? 1. If so, who is the contract with? 2. Does the contract include scan on demand or digitising services? 3. If so, what volumes of pages / images are scanned daily/weekly/monthly/annually? 4. What is the annual cost for outsourced scanning – either on-demand or scheduled? 5. Are there departments within the organisation that scan their own documents locally? 1. If so, what hardware and software is used to manage this? 2. Are volumes captured? If so, what are they? 3. What types of documents are scanned? 6. Who is responsible for records / document management programmes/systems? Please provide contact details 7. Who manages the contracts. relationships with hardware providers and outsourced storage or scanning providers? Please provide contact details

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Trust regarding. The amount of: 1. How many RGN/RMN shifts have been filled using an “Off Framework” Agency between December 1st 2023, and February 1st 2024. 2. Which “Off Framework” Nursing agencies have been used by the Trust between December 1st 2023, and February 1st 2024. 3. A break down of shifts filled by each “Off Framework” agency between December 1st 2023, and February 1st 2024. E.g. 3 RMN Shifts and 5 RGN shifts were filled by X agency. 4. The total cost for each individual “Off Framework nursing agency between December 1st 2023, and February 1st 2024.

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1. Telephony and UC/ Collaboration
a. Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony systems. that are currently in place b. When is your contract renewal date?
c. Who maintains your telephony systems.?
d. Do you use Unified Communications or Collaboration tools , if so which ones?
2. Microsoft
a. What Microsoft 365 licence do you have across the business e.g. E3, E5
b. Which partner looks after your Microsoft tenant?
c. Where do you host your applications? Do you have on-premise infrastructure or do you host your applications in public or private cloud? Which?
3. Storage
a. Does your organisation use on-premise or cloud storage or both?
b. Please confirm the on-premise hardware manufacturer c. Please confirm your cloud storage provider d. What is your annual spend on cloud storage?
e. How do you back up your data and with who e.g. Backup as a Service

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I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, details in respect to the information below:
1. Do you currently receive a neutral vendor managed service, or master vendor managed service, for the supply of temporary agency staff?
Please provide the following information for each staffing group. If there is no service provider, please state this.
i. Medical / Dental
– Name of the managed service provider?
– Are they a neutral vendor or master vendor?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs. / Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical
– Name of the managed service provider?
– Are they a neutral vendor or master vendor?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
iii. Nursing and Midwifery / Healthcare Assistants HCAs.
– Name of the managed service provider?
– Are they a neutral vendor or master vendor?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
iv. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
– Name of the managed service provider?
– Are they a neutral vendor or master vendor?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
2. Do you currently have a direct engagement DE. provider in place, for VAT reclaim on agency spend?
Please provide the following information for each staffing group. If there is no service provider, please state this.
i. Medical / Dental
– Name of the DE provider?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs. / Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical
– Name of the DE provider?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
iii. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
– Name of the DE provider?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
3. Please can you provide 2022 full calendar year 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2022. spend figures on temporary agency staff agency throughput.? If this is unavailable, please provide figures for FY 21/22.
Please provide the following information for each staffing group. If there is no agency spend, please state this.
i. Medical / Dental
– 2022 spend on temporary agency staff excluding VAT.?
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs. / Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical
– 2022 spend on temporary agency staff excluding VAT.?
iii. Nursing and Midwifery / Healthcare Assistants HCAs.
– 2022 spend on temporary agency staff excluding VAT.?
iv. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
– 2022 spend on temporary agency staff excluding VAT.?
4. Please can you provide the name of the person who looks after temporary agency staffing at the Trust?
Please provide the following information for each staffing group. If multiple people lead this from different departments, please give the details of each person. i. Medical / Dental
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs. / Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
iii. Nursing and Midwifery / Healthcare Assistants HCAs.
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
iv. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
5. Please can you provide the name of the person who leads temporary agency staffing at ICS level?
Please provide the following information for each staffing group. If multiple people lead this from different departments at ICS level, please give the details of each person. i. Medical / Dental
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs. / Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
iii. Nursing and Midwifery / Healthcare Assistants HCAs.
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
iv. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
– Name
– Job Title
– Department

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I am emailing with a Freedom of Information request, regarding digital discharge summaries. My query is:
Where a freetext search is possible, how many digital discharge summaries included any of the terms “spiked”, “spike” or “spiking over the past 5 calendar years, and the year to date. Please provide data for each year:-
1. 2018
2. 2019
3. 2020
4. 2021
5. 2022
6. 2023 – latest available data – please specify period

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. to request information relating to the provision of ADHD Attention deficity hyperactivity disorder. services by Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust.
Please provide the following information to the email address specified below.
1. Please name the organisations. that delivers. CYP children and young people. ADHD assessment / diagnoses in your Trust area
a. When did the contracts. begin and when is the contracts. due to end
b. What is the annual spend for this service for 2022, and for the last 5 years?
c. How is the service contracted – is it Block, Activity-based, or AQP contracting?
d. If the service is commissioned with other CCGs, ICSs or Trusts, which are these?
e. At what prevalence % of the child population. have the contracts been commissioned against?
2. Does the same organisation as for Question 1 also deliver CYP ADHD prescriptions and post-diagnosis ADHD support in your Trust area? If not, please provide the same information for this organisation.
3. Please outline the CYP ADHD pathway in your area, including key referral sources
4. How many children and young people are currently waiting for a CYP ADHD assessment in your area? What is the longest and median wait time from a referral?
a. Within the last year, how many children and young people were assessed within 12 weeks of referral?
b. Within the last year, how many children and young people were discharged without assessment?
c. Please answer Questions 4, 4a, 4b for as many historic years as possible, up to 5 years
5. For the last 5 years, please give the number of CYP patients per year in the Trust who were:
a. Referred for ADHD assessment
b. Given an ADHD assessment
c. Given an ADHD assessment from a ‘Right to Choose’ provider, outside the service contracted
d. Diagnosed with ADHD
6. For the last 5 years, what was the average number of ADHD-qualified staff delivering services in the area? How does this split by role:
a. Qualified psychiatrists
b. Paediatricians
c. Speech and Language therapists
d. Clinical Psychologists
e. For a-d, please also give numbers of trainees
7. Please provide equivalent answers for Questions 1-6, but for Adult ADHD services in the Trust. If the Trust does not distinguish between CYP and Adult ADHD services, please answer Questions 1-6 for all patients collectively

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Please may I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please can you indicate in the table below which services, if any, your organisation procures and advise who currently provides that service. Please confirm the current contract end date, how many journeys are conducted per annum including aborts, excluding cancelled., the approximate spend per annum and lastly, please indicate how many months in the previous 12 they achieve their Inbound and Outbound KPI targets. If you are answering on behalf of multiple sites / Trusts or geographical areas please state which and if the contracts differ between these please complete a separate table as appropriate.
Services Procured Current Provider Contract End Date
Patient journeys per annum Spend per annum In the previous 12 months, how many times was KPI achieved?
Outpatients OUT
Non-emergency patient transport High Dependency Mental Health Renal Dialysis Taxi Services – staff and/or patients

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Under the Freedom of Information Act, please could I request the following information:
1. Please advise if the following services are outsourced to third parties. If outsourced, please provide the scope of services outsourced, the name of organisation outsourced to and the contract end date. Outsourced or in-house? Scope of services Name of organisation outsourced to Contract end date
Finance and Accounting Services e.g. accounts payable & receivable. Payroll Procurement 2. Please advise what software platforms you use for: Name of software platform Version
Finance and Accounting
Finance ERP
e.g. Agresso. Procurement
Requisitioning System
if Finance ERP not used. Catalogue Management System
e.g. GHX Nexus. Inventory Management System
e.g. eDC Gold. Tendering/Sourcing System
e.g. Atamis. Contract Management System
e.g. Atamis.

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In the period 1st August 2024 to 31st October 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
• Total trust spend with framework agencies for locum doctors
Please provide a further breakdown for locum doctors by:
• Spend per grade
• Spend per specialty
• Spend per agency name

In the period 1st August 2024 to 31st October 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
• Total trust spend with off-framework agencies for locums doctors
Please provide a further breakdown for locum doctors by:
• Spend per grade
• Spend per specialty
• Spend per agency name

In the period 1st August 2024 to 31st October 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
• Total trust spend with the internal trust bank or associated external provider for locum doctors
Please provide a further breakdown for locum doctors by:
• Spend per grade
• Spend per specialty
• Spend per internal or associated external provider

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Digital Dictation

● Do you use Digital Dictation? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:

○ Name of the supplier & product?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework?
○ The contract start date?
○ The contract expiry date?
○ Total contract value?
○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR?
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service?
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number?
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered?
Outsourced Transcription

● Do you use Outsourced Transcription? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:

○ Name of the supplier:

○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework:

○ The contract start date:

○ Volume of letters per month:

○ Total contract value:

○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service:

○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number:

○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered:

Speech Recognition
● Do you use Speech Recognition? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:

○ Name of the supplier & product?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework?
○ The contract start date?
○ The contract expiry date?
○ Total contract value?
○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR?
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service?
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number?
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered?
Ambient AI Scribe

● Do you use AI-enabled Ambient Scribe? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:

○ Name of the supplier & product?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework?
○ The contract start date?
○ The contract expiry date?
○ Total contract value?
○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR?
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service?
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number?
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered?
Video Consultation

● Do you use Video Consultation? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:

○ Name of the supplier & product?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework?
○ The contract start date?
○ The contract expiry date?
○ Total contract value?
○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR?
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service?
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number?
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What % of virtual/remote consultations are conducted using video vs telephone?
Health Information Systems
What supplier(s) do you use for the following?

● PAS (Patient Administration System)

● EPR (Electronic Patient Record)

● eDMS (Electronic Document Management System)

● RIS (Radiology Information System)

● LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System)

● e-Correspondence (e.g. Docman)

● Hybrid Mail (e.g. Synertec)

● Patient Portal

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1. Do you have an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system in place?
2. If so, when was the EPR is deployed?
3. What is the value of the EPR contract, either annually or total contract value ?
4. When is the current EPR contract due for renewal?

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1. Tetrabenazine usage. I am trying to determine the disease areas for the usage of Tetrabenazine.
Therefore, where possible to split the usage between the following disease areas:

Huntington’s Disease
Tardive Dyskinesia
Parkinson’s disease
Medication induced Dystonia

2. I am also trying to define the treatment sites for mental health provision within both the hospital and community settings, e.g.

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All available treatment pathways for patients with eating disorders in the Trust’s various specialist services (e.g. inpatient / day patient / community)?
The number of eating disorder patients in total on each available pathway and in each available setting so far this year and in each of the past 5 years.
The number of patients in total with an eating disorder that have died of any cause so far this year and in each of the past 5 years.
Of the patients in question three, above, please provide the location in which the death occurred, for example, in an acute hospital, in the Specialist Eating Disorder Unit, in a palliative care setting, elsewhere in the Trust, or outside any Trust setting.
Please provide a copy of your Trust’s SEED (Severe and Enduring Eating disorder) pathway or similar pathway for patients with long-standing eating disorders.

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• What level of annual resource (full time equivalent) is dedicated to energy management?
• Does the Organisation have a full time energy manager?
• If so, does the energy manager have any formal qualifications in engineering or energy management?
• How many years’ experience does the Energy manager have?
• What NHS pay band is the Energy manager on?
• What scope of work of is addressed by the energy manager (i.e. energy procurement, monitoring and targeting, invoice validation, development of energy efficiency business cases, energy forecasting, energy compliance, etc.).
• What is the Organisation’s annual energy budget in £ (Electricity, Gas and Oil)?
• Are any energy management related services procured from external suppliers?
• If so, what energy related services does the Trust commission from external suppliers?
• How much is spent annually on external energy management services, including compliance services?

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Please provide Electro Convulsive Treatment (ECT) information under the FOI act to the following questions: –
1.Please supply patient’s information ECT leaflet
2.Please supply patient ECT consent form
3.Please supply any ECT reports/investigations
4.How many ECT in 2023?
5.What proportion of patients were men/women?
6.How old were they?
7.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities (“POC / BAME”)?
8.How many people covered by the equality act received ECT ?
9.How many people were offered talking therapy prior to ECT ?
10.How many were receiving ECT for the first time?
11.How many patients consented to ECT?
12.How many ECT complaints were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
13.How many patients died during or 1 month after ECT and what was the cause (whether or not ECT was considered the cause)?
14.How many patients died within 6 months after ECT and what was the cause (whether or not ECT was considered the cause)?
15.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving ECT (whether or not ECT was considered the cause)?
16.How many patients have suffered complications during and after ECT and what were those complications?
17.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about ECT?
18.If so, what was their concerns?
19.How many patients report memory loss/loss of cognitive function?
20.What tests are used to assess memory loss/loss of cognitive function?
21.Have MRI or CT scans been used before and after ECT?
22.If so, what was the conclusion?
23.How does the Trust plan to prevent ECT in the future?

Please provide restraints information under the FOI act to the following questions: –
1.Please supply any Restraints/investigations
2.How many RESTRAINTS in 2023?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
4.How old were they?
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities (“POC / BAME”)?
6.How many people covered by the equality act were restrained?
7.How many RESTRAINTS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
8.How many patients died during or 1 month after RESTRAINTS and what was the cause (whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause)?
9.How many patients died within 6 months after RESTRAINTS and what was the cause (whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause)?
10.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving RESTRAINTS (whether or not RESTRAINTS was considered the cause)?
11.How many patients have suffered complications during and after RESTRAINTS and what were those complications?
12.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about RESTRAINTS?
13.If so, what was their concerns?
14.Are counts of forced injections available?
15.How does the Trust plan to reduce restraints in the future?

Please provide SECLUSION information under the FOI act to the following questions: –
1.Please supply any SECLUSION reports/investigations
2.How many SECLUSIONS in 2023?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
4.How old were they?
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities (“POC / BAME”)?
6.How many people covered by the Equality Act were secluded ?
7.How many SECLUSIONS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
8.How many patients died during or 1 month after SECLUSION and what was the cause (whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause)?
9.How many patients died within 6 months after SECLUSION and what was the cause (whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause)?
10.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving SECLUSION (whether or not SECLUSION was considered the cause)?
11.How many patients have suffered complications during and after SECLUSION and what were those complications?
12.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about SECLUSION?
13.If so, what was their concerns?
14.How does the Trust plan to reduce SECLUSIONS in the future?

Please provide MEDICATION ERRORS information under the FOI act to the following questions: –
1.Please supply any MEDICATION ERRORS reports/investigations
2.How many MEDICATION ERRORS in 2023?
3.What proportion of patients were men/women?
4.How old were they?
5.What proportion of patients were classified people of the global majority or racialised communities (“POC / BAME”)?
6.How many people covered by the equality act endured medication errors ?
7.How many MEDICATION ERRORS were investigated outside the NHS and CCG?
8.How many patients died during or 1 month after MEDICATION ERRORS and what was the cause (whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause)?
9.How many patients died within 6 months after MEDICATION ERRORS and what was the cause (whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause)?
10.How many patients died by suicide within 6 months of receiving MEDICATION ERRORS (whether or not MEDICATION ERRORS was considered the cause)?
11.How many patients have suffered complications during and after MEDICATION ERRORS and what were those complications?
12.Have there been any formal complaints from patients/relatives about MEDICATION ERRORS?
13.If so, what was their concerns?
14.How does the Trust plan to prevent MEDICATION ERRORS in the future?

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I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, i. the number of hospitals in your trust which hold paper only medical records for one or more patients, and ii. the number of patients for whom your trust or hospitals within your trust. holds only paper medical records.

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The main points I am looking to gain info on are as follows:
* The number of nurses employed through International Recruitment within your trust between January 2021 – Present Feb 23..
* The current budget the trust holds for international recruitment between January 2021 – Present Feb 23.
* Your current protocol for recruiting internationally – ie: in house or within agencies?
* If agencies, please list the agencies currently used & if possible, a point of contact for them that I could maybe reach out to for further info? I am happy to have an email address for POC.
* Budget/Cost for agencies used – if any.
* Estimated number of international recruitment needs for 2023 – if any.

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I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, the number of pagers that are currently in use in your Trust.

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Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, could you please provide me with the following information in relation to temporary agency staffing.
1. Neutral Vend NV. or Master Vend MV. Agency Supplier:
i. Medical
– Name of the NV or MV agency supplier
– Expiry date of contract with the NV or MV agency supplier?
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs.
– Name of the NV or MV agency supplier
– Expiry date of contract with the NV or MV agency supplier
iii. Nursing
– Name of the NV or MV agency supplier
– Expiry date of contract with the NV or MV agency supplier
iv. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
– Name of the NV or MV agency supplier
– Expiry date of contract with the NV or MV agency supplier
2. Direct Engagement DE.:
i. Medical
– Name of the DE provider
– Expiry date of contract with the DE provider
– % of DE currently achieved
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs.
– Name of the DE provider
– Expiry date of contract with the DE provider
– % of DE currently achieved
iii. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
– Name of the DE provider
– Expiry date of contract with the DE provider
– % of DE currently achieved
3. Financial Year 2022/2023 or most recent if available. – spend figures on temporary agency staffing – worker pay & agency commission only.:
i. Medical
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs.
iii. Nursing
iv. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
4. Financial Year 2022/2023 – number of hours worked by temporary agency workers:
i. Medical
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs.
iii. Nursing
iv. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
5. Does the Trust or Health Board currently operate a Non-Medical Non-Clinical Staff Bank?
– If yes, what is the name of the provider?
– Expiry Date of the contract with the provider
6. Does the Trust or Health Board utilise an Insourcing Contracting provider in place?
– If yes, what is the name of the provider?
– Expiry Date of the contract with the provider
7. Contact responsible for temporary agency staffing at the Trust or Health Board:
i. Workforce Lead
– Name
– Job Title
ii. Procurement Lead
– Name
– Job Title
iii. Finance Lead
– Name
– Job Title

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1. At the end of every wet AMD injection, what proportion of patients receive an immediate appointment for their next injection versus what proportion have to wait until additional capacity is available (e.g. after 2-3 days)?
2. Number of wet AMD patients and injections being treated in your Trust over the last three financial years seen (ending March)?
3. Number of wet AMD patients and injections being outsourced to each private provider (e.g. SpaMedica, NewMedica, Optegra, Practice Plus Group, Circle, Ramsay, Spire, etc.) over the last three financial years (ending March)? Please segment the injections by year and by private provider

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Connectivity and Network Services
a. Who provides your WAN and internet connectivity and the annual spend on each b. Who provides your SIP trunks and what is the annual spend c. Who provides your WAN services, is this MPLS, SD WAN or Internet, and what is the annual spend d. Who provides your LAN infrastructure and what is your annual spend e. Who provides your WIFI infrastructure and what is your annual spend f. Please confirm the manufacturers. of your wired network core and edge switching?
g. When was your core network installed?
h. Has it been updated subsequently?
i. Who maintains your core network?
j. When is the contract renewal date?
k. Please confirm value of the initial project?
l. Please confirm the value of annual support/maintenance services in £.?

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I write to request information about your use of zero hours contracts in the tax year 2022/2023 under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
We are aware that we sent you a similar request for the data on zero hours contract in 2020/2021. We are now interested to know whether this data has changed and some of the questions are different. For clarification:
By zero hours contract, I refer to the definition provided by section 27A of the Employment Rights Act 1996: a contract for employment or other worker’s contract under which – the undertaking to or perform work or services is an undertaking to do so conditionally on the employer making work available or services available to the worker, and
– there is no certainty that any such work or services will be made available to the worker.
By minimum hours contract, I mean a contract where the employer guarantees a small number of hours work, say 1 to 10 hours a week, which can be topped up by more hours if available.
1. What other terminology to do you use for contracts or arrangements meeting the above legal definition of zero hours contract? 2. How many workers/employees do you currently directly employ on zero hours contracts? What is the breakdown of these figures according to:
a. sex: Male, Female, Other, Prefer not to say
b. age: 16-17, 18-20, 21-22, 23-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+
c. race:
White – English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British Irish
White – Gypsy or Irish Traveller
White – any other background
Asian or Asian British – Indian
Asian or Asian British – Pakistani
Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi
Asian or Asian British – Chinese
Asian or Asian British – Any other background
Black or Black British – Caribbean
Black or Black British – African
Black or Black British – Any other background
Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
Mixed – White and Black African
Mixed – White and Asian
Mixed – Any other mixed background
Other ethnic group
Prefer not to say
3. What is the minimum, maximum and average number of hours per week carried out by zero hours staff?
4. Do you have a policy to offer zero hours shifts with notice, pay for zero hours shifts cancelled at short notice and to offer a fixed hours contracts to zero hours staff based on actual hours worked?
5. How many workers/employees do you currently indirectly employ on zero hours contracts via agencies, contractors or sub-contractors? If this data is not available, please provide the names of the agencies, contractors or sub-contractors that you use to employ workers indirectly.
6. How many workers/employees do you currently directly employ on minimum hours contracts or via agencies, contractors or sub-contractors?
7. How many workers/employees in total do you currently employ? What is the breakdown of these figure according to same breakdown as Question 2? – please note this question concerns your entire workforce, not just zero hours staff.

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Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 360-2024
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below.
– Suppliers who applied for inclusion on each framework/contract and were successful and not
successful at the PQQ & ITT stages
Stericycle was successful and awarded the contract. Tradebe Healthcare National Limited bid and was
– Actual spend on this contract/framework and any sub lots., from the start of the contract to the current
– Start date and duration of framework/contract
18th Jan 2022 – 17th Jan 2027
– Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this
contract was last advertised?
Attached to email
– Is there an extension clause in the frameworks./contracts. and, if so, the duration of the extension?
There is an option to extend the contract by one plus one 1+1-year basis.
– Has a decision been made yet on whether the frameworks./contracts. are being either extended or
Not as of yet as the current contract is due to run until at least 2027.
– Who is the Senior Officer outside of procurement. responsible for this contract + contact information
Under section 40 personal information exemption. there is no obligation to disclose staff personal
– Who is the Infection Control Lead responsible for the Trust + contact information
As above
– Who is the Procurement Lead for Clinical Waste contracts for the Trust + contact information
As above
– Who is the Environmental/Sustainability Lead for the Trust + contact information
As above
– Who is the Waste Management Lead for the Trust + contact information
As above
– Who is the Health and Safety Lead for the Trust + contact information
As above
– Who is the current Clinical Waste incumbent service provider.?
– Does the Trust make use of reusable or disposable sharps containers and who is the service
Yes. We have an ongoing trial with a company called Sharpsmart.

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In the period 1st July 2024 to 30th September 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
• Total trust spend with framework agencies for locum nurses
Please provide a further breakdown for locum nurses by:
• Spend per band
• Spend per agency name

In the period 1st July 2024 to 30th September 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
• Total trust spend with off framework agencies for locum nurses
Please provide a further breakdown for locum nurses by:
• Spend per band
• Spend per agency name

In the period 1st July 2024 to 30th September 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
• Total trust spend with the internal trust bank or associated external provider for locum nurses
Please provide a further breakdown for locum nurses by:
• Spend per band
• Spend per agency name

Please confirm the total number of nursing shifts booked during this period (1st July 2024 to 30th September 2024)

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For each of the last three calendar years (2022, 2023, and 2024) could you please provide me with:
1. the number of mental health patients who have been physically restrained;
2. the individual number of restraint incidents per patient on average;
3. the number that involved face-down restraint;
4. the number of patient injuries as a result of any physical restraint; and
5. the number of staff injuries as a result of any physical restraint.

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1. Expenditure on Elective Insourcing Services: Please provide the total amount spent on elective insourcing services, for the financial years 2022-23, 2023-24, and financial year (2024-2025) to date.

2. Breakdown by Specialty: Please provide the expenditure by medical specialty (e.g., Orthopaedics, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, etc.).

3. Breakdown by clinical setting: Please specify whether this was for outpatients, day case procedures or diagnostic tests.

4. Procurement Framework: Please specify the procurement framework(s) under which these services were purchased (e.g., NHS SBS, NHS Workforce Alliance, or any other relevant frameworks).

5. Providers: If possible, please indicate the providers contracted for these services, per specialty.

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I am currently conducting some personal research on the size and age of imaging equipment across acute NHS Providers in England. To aid my research, I am requesting that you provide (in editable digital formats) the data points listed below per the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

1. CT Scanners
a. Number operated
b. Quantity
i. Make,
ii. model and
iii. age of each scanner
c. Use of outsourced CT service provider
i. Y or N
2. MR Scanners
a. Number operated
b. Quantity
i. Make,
ii. model and
iii. age of each scanner
c. Use of outsourced MR service provider
i. Y or N
3. PET/CT Scanners
a. Number Operated
b. Quantity
i. Make,
ii. model and
iii. age of each scanner
c. Use outsourced PET/CT service provider.
i. Y/N
ii. If Yes
1. Provider Name(s) and
2. Location

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