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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Trust/organisation.

Please may you provide details of the following:

1. Confirmation that the Trust/organisation is responsible for the provision of inpatient and or community mental health services in your area?
2. Has the Trust/organisation received a copy of the national MDO Victim Protocol check name and insert date. and the date received from the Ministry of Justice?
3. Define the specific arrangements within your Trust/organisation to meet the requirements set in the national MDO Victim Protocol?
4. Is there a Trust/organisation policy/procedure for enacting the arrangements for Victim work set out in the national MDO Victim Protocol? Please can you provide a copy?
5. Confirmation of the resources dedicated to Victims such as a lead post or designated team. to meet the requirements set out in the MDO Victim Protocol? Please describe the model and staffing resource?

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.

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I am writing from the organisation EveryDoctor, and would like to submit a Freedom of Information FOI. request to ask the following questions please.

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1. Do you currently have a contractual agreement in place for supply of services from S12 Solutions Limited based at 5 Kelso Place, Bath BA1 3AU?
2. If yes, when is that agreement due to end?
3. Could you please provide a copy of the service/product specification given to all bidders for when this contract was last advertised?
4. Is there an extension clause in the contract and, if so, the duration of the extension?
5. Has a decision been made yet on whether the contract are being either extended or renewed?
6. Who is the senior officer outside of procurement. responsible for this contract?
7. What is the total value of the contract?

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I am involved in negotiations with colleagues in my current service to acquire additional NHS budget to allow counsellors to be awarded the same salary as other therapists at the same level High Intensity Step 3. as recommended by all relevant NHS information. Part of this work requires the collation of the salaries paid by other Talking Therapies Services within England.
Under the Freedom of Information Act could you therefore please supply the following information –
The NHS Banding and salary range paid to counsellors who work within your service.

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1. Could you please confirm whether your organisation uses a digital dictation provider? If so, kindly specify the name of the provider.
2. Could you confirm whether you employ a speech recognition system? If yes, please provide details about the provider.
3. Does your organisation use an outsourced transcription provider? If so, kindly state the name of the provider.
4. For all the services mentioned above, I would appreciate clarification on the contract expiration date. Alternatively, if your contracts are on a rolling basis, please indicate so.

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1. Does your trust deal with any of the following: A yes/no is sufficient.
a. Adult ADHD diagnosis
b. Child and/or Adolescent ADHD diagnosis
c. Adult Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis
d. Child and/or Adolescent Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis
If Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Trust does deal with any of these diagnosis pathways, for all that apply, please provide:
i. average wait-time from referral to first appointment
ii. average wait-time from referral to decision on diagnosis/discharge from diagnostic service
iii. Number of individuals on the wait list as of 31 December 2023 or nearest available date.
iv. average wait-time from first appointment to decision on diagnosis/discharge from diagnostic service

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1. Has your trust implemented an integrated primary and community care team for adults and older adults with severe mental illnesses as outlined on page 25 of the implementation plan linked above?
2. How many vacancies for pharmacists were created in Adult Mental Health SMI. Community Care teams in each of the following financial years:
a. 2019/20
b. 2020/21
c. 2021/22
d. 2022/23
e. 2023/24 to date
3. How many pharmacists were in place in Adult Mental Health SMI. Community Care teams in each of the following financial years:
a. 2019/20
b. 2020/21
c. 2021/22
d. 2022/23
e. 2023/24 to date
4. How many current unfilled vacancies are there for pharmacists in Adult Mental Health SMI. Community Care teams?
Please provide the information by email. If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

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Can you please carry out an internal review of the handling of my request? My specific queries that necessitate this review are outlined below in this email. I look forward to receiving your response within the next 20 working days, as outlined in the Information Commissioner’s guidance.

Questions 1 and 3 – Please can you answer these questions? I am familiar with the national guidance, however there are differing interpretations of it across the country, which is a large part of the reason that we conducted this request.

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This is an information request relating to Pride Month.
Please include the following information:
• Whether any events have been organised for Pride month. If so please provide the date, start and end time, and title/topic of the event
• Whether any LGBT themed merchandise has been purchased for Pride month. i.e. since the beginning of the 2023/24 financial year. If so please provide me with information on what has been purchased and the cost
• Whether the organisation has sponsored any Pride events. If so which events and please provide details of the nature of the sponsorship particularly the financial value.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

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I am making this FOI request to obtain copies of any job descriptions and person specs you have in relation to Health Records.

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Please can we request the following information under FOI.

1. How many patients were excluded from care at your Trust in the calendar years 2010,2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
2. How many of the above patients received a planned review of their status?
3. How many excluded patients were subject of an Equality Impact Assessment?
4. Where do you record patients excluded status?
5. Do you have a policy for the exclusion of patients?
6. Please supply a copy of that policy?

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Please can you provide me with the Information below?

1. What framework are you associated with for sterile service agency supply?

2. Who is responsible for agency usage on framework and off framework in the Sterile Services/Decontamination department at all hospitals associated with the Trust?

3. Please can you provide the contact number and email address for the managers. in questions 1 and 2.

4. Have you used off-framework agency staff between March 2023 and March 2024 in Sterile Services?

5. How much was your Off-Framework agency spend for Sterile Services between March 2023 and March 2024?

6. Do you currently outsource your Sterile Services/Decontamination department, if yes, who do you outsource it to?

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Request 1
Please confirm or deny if Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust has a specific policy on provision of support for all forms of infant feeding, specifically breastfeeding, formula feeding, and combination feeding.
If confirm, please provide a copy of this policy.
Request 2
Please confirm or deny if Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust holds information on the number of infants breastfed, formula fed, and combination fed.
If confirm, please release this data.
Request 3
Please confirm or deny if Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust provides information on all forms of infant feeding including breastfeeding, formula feeding, and combination feeding. at the 28-week antenatal appointment as outlined in the NICE guideline NG201, post-birth before the family has been discharged and at any other times.
If confirm, please provide a copy of the information on infant feeding that is provided and confirm how as well as when it is delivered.
Request 4
Please confirm or deny if Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust requires mothers to sign a consent form before any information or advice is given on formula feeding OR before an infant receives formula milk in the hospital instead of or alongside breastmilk.
If confirm, please publish a copy of the associated policy and corresponding form.
Request 5
Please confirm or deny if Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust holds information on the number of infants admitted with malnutrition every year, over the last 5 years.
If confirm, please release this data and please publish the Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust policy for addressing infant malnutrition.

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I’d be grateful if you could provide me with details of which hospitals. within your trust area:
1. Have medical staff/surgical team trained to carry out bloodless surgery.
2. Have autologous blood transfusion and patient’s own cell salvage equipment available.
3. Keep stocks of synthetic blood transfusion substitutes.

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RE: Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Dear Information Team
This is an information request relating to EHIC cards.
Please include the following information for the 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years:
• How much has the organisation spent broken down by financial year. on providing treatment to foreign patients supplying an EHIC card
• How much has been recovered broken down by financial year. from the relevant health authorities for treatment provided through EHIC
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for.
I would prefer a response via email, but if this is not possible, I will gladly accept letters to the address below.
Please acknowledge this information request as soon as possible.

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Trust. Please may you provide me with:

1. The number of days on average, from referral to completion of treatment, for Children and Adolescents Mental Health Service CAMHS. patients, by financial year, since 2010.

2. The single longest number of days from referral to completion of treatment, for Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service CAMHS. patients, by financial year, since 2010.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for and discuss the request.

Please provide this data in a table format.

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I would like to make a freedom of information request.

I am doing a research project investigating call-off contracts in the public sector. I have identified two potential call-off contracts awarded by Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust, but I can’t find details of the framework agreements they were awarded from.

I have attached an Excel file that contains the information I am looking at. The last two columns Title of framework used and Further framework info. is where I am missing information. Please could you provide the name of the specific framework agreements or DPS agreements used here. If there is any further info which you think would help me locate the framework agreements e.g., a link to the framework’s Contract Finder or FTS listing, the framework provider, or a widely-used reference number such as CCS’s RM codes., please use the final column for this.

Please note that I have identified these contracts as possible call-off contracts, so some of them might not be. Some could be, for instance, procured directly without being called off from a framework agreement., or could be themselves notices of the establishment of a framework agreement. Therefore I would kindly ask you to specify in these incidences what kind of procurement was used in the Title of framework used column.

I have provided the title, description, details of the email contact from the notice, the publication date, and procedure type used to award both potential call-offs, as well as a URL link to the call-off in question and a unique reference ID for each potential call-off. Please let me know if there is anything else you need to complete the request.

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I wish request information related to the Trust under the Freedom of Information act.
Can you please provide the following information:

1. Number of Employees
2. Number of IT Staff
3. The Name of your current IT Service Management Software and the company that supplies it?
4. Whether this is a Cloud / SaaS / or On Premise solution
5. The number of Licenses and whether these are Named or Concurrent
6. The length of your current contract for this Software / Service
7. The Contract expiry date, and whether you intend to change it
8. The Contract Review date or approximation
9. The Annual Cost of the Contract
10. The Total Cost of the Contract
11. The person responsible for this Software / Service. Please provide Contact Name, Email and Direct Phone Number
12. The lead person to Contact about future IT related Project. Contact Name, Email and Direct Phone Number.

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1. In the last 60 days how many hours has your trust utilised Thornbury Nursing Services for agency nurses?
2. In the last 60 days which wards, departments were these TNS requests for?
3. Please can you confirm how many nursing shifts have been filled by Thornbury Nursing Services?
4. In the last 60 days has your Trust utilised any other off framework provider for agency nurses? If yes, please name these providers.
5. Please can you confirm how many shifts have been released/allocated to off framework agencies within the last 60 days?
6. In the last 60 days which wards, or departments were these off framework requests for?
7. Please can you confirm how many nursing shifts have been filled by off framework agencies within the last 60 days?
8. How many long-term lines of work or block bookings are currently being supplied by off framework agencies?
9. Which off framework agencies is the trust currently utilising for Nursing vacancies and what is the spend on these agencies year to date?
10. What is the average charge for both RMN’s and RGN’s from off framework agencies?
11. Who at director level is responsible for patient safety and staffing levels?
12. Who at temporary staffing is responsible for onboarding new agencies and could you provide me with their contact details?
13. Can you confirm if your Off-Framework agency suppliers list PSL. is always looking to onboard new agencies. If not, what dates does the Trust review this list and look to bring new agencies onto It?

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Thank you for your recent response to my FOI request. I would like to submit a follow up request. Please answer the questions below under the FOI Act.
This request relates to FOI 480-2023 your reference., in which you stated 2 people with diagnosed eating disorders primary or secondary diagnosis. were discharged from inpatient services within your trust with a BMI <15 between 1 Jan 2018 and 31 Dec 2022. Of those 2 inpatients discharged with a BMI <15 2018-22.: 1. Please state the number of patients that were discharged from a. a specialist inpatient eating disorder service if you have one, and b. general inpatient care. 2. Please state the number of patients that were a. 18 and above, and b. below 18. 3. Please state the number of patients who had a BMI of a. 14-14.99, b. 13-13.99, c. 12-12.99 and d. <12 4. Please state the exact BMI of the patient discharged with the lowest BMI 5. Please state how many were a. self-discharged and b. discharged by the service 6. Please state how many were subject to an MDT-informed clinical assessment before discharge 7. Please state how many were discharged under a community treatment order 8. Please provide a breakdown of where patients were discharged to - i.e. NHS intensive day-patient care / NHS outpatient care / no onwards care organised by the trust etc. If data is not recorded or retrievable in this format, please provide any information you have available concerning which NHS or non-NHS treatment/service these patients were discharged to.

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I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding your current Patient Level Information and Costing Systems PLICS. provider.

Specifically, I would like to request the following information:
• Name of your current PLICS provider
• Renewal date of your current PLICS contract
• Annual support and maintenance rates for your current PLICS provider

If your trust uses multiple PLICS providers, please provide the above information for each provider.

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This is an information request relating to events held staff networks within the Trust.
Please include the information for the current financial year, 2022/23 to the present.
• A list of the events organised by the staff networks
• Full details of each event, including which network ran/hosted the event, the start and end time, the date, whether it was held online or in-person, the length, the topic and/or title, the number of attendees if held. and the speaker if possible.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for.

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The name, email address, and contact number of the person(s) or department responsible for managing the supply of temporary staffing for Allied Health Professionals (AHP) and Health Science Services (HSS) within your trust.

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• In each year, how many MHPS investigations were instigated?
• Please provide the length of time each investigation took to complete. Length of time should begin on the date the clinician was notified that an MHPS investigation was instigated and end on the date the Case Manager wrote to confirm the outcome of the initial fact-finding report and decision on next steps.
• How many of these MHPS investigations resulted in disciplinary proceedings?
• How many of these MHPS investigations concluded the allegations were not substantiated? How many MHPS investigations were incomplete at the date of this request?
• In how many of the MHPS investigations were external investigators appointed?
• Please provide the names of the external investigators and/or the companies for whom they worked or were contracted. What are the criteria by which an external investigator is appointed?
• For each calendar year what was the financial cost to the Trust of employing the services of an external investigator?
• In how many of these MHPS investigations did the allegations relate solely to conduct?
• In how many of these MHPS investigations did the allegations relate solely to capability?
• In how many of these investigations were the clinicians excluded during the investigation?
• In how many exclusions was the reason for exclusion capability concerns?
• In how many exclusions was the reason for exclusion concern of interference in investigation process?
• What was the shortest and the longest period of exclusion?
• What proportion of the investigated were male?
• What proportion of the excluded were male?
• How many investigations involved a clinician over the age of 50?
• What ethnic origin does the clinician under investigation identify as?
• What ethnic origin does the clinician excluded identify as?

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1. How many people do you have in your access request team?
2. How many data access requests do you get annually on average?
3. What is the average time spent on a single access request?
4. How many different systems are checked as part of an access request on average?
5. What is the approx. number or percentage of requests that breach the expected response time over an annual period?
6. What system or process do you currently use to manage your SAR requests
7. Are the Trust medical records digital, paper, or mixed
8. If digital, what EPR and/or EDM system is used to manage these records.
9. When is the expiry date to the EPR and/or EDMS contract?

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1. Staff Count: Could you please provide the current total number of staff employed by the trust? (please could this be broken down by each year from 2019 to 2024)
2. Remote/Hybrid Workers: How many staff members are currently designated as remote or hybrid workers? (please could this be broken down by each year from 2019 to 2024)
3. How many days per week are hybrid employees allowed to work from home?
4. Remote Working Policy: I would appreciate it if you could share a copy of the remote working policy implemented within the organisation.
5. How long has this been the policy and has it changed since the pandemic?
6. Monitoring Work Hours: How do you ensure that remote or hybrid workers fulfil their full contractual hours?
7. Laptop Purchases in 2024: In the year 2024 so far, how many new laptops have been procured specifically for remote or hybrid working?
8. Cost of Laptop Purchases: What has been the total cost associated with the procurement of these laptops in 2024 so far?

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1.In the last 60 days how many hours has your Trust utilised Thornbury Nursing Services for agency nurses? 3547.6
2. In the last 60 days which wards, or departments were these TNS requests for? Cashes Green – Stroud Hospital
Charlton Lane – Chestnut Ward
Charlton Lane – Mulberry Ward
Charlton Lane – Willow Ward
Ciren Hosp – IP Coln Ward
Ciren Hosp – IP Windrush Ward
CRHT Cots & Vale
CRHT West Glos
Dilke Hosp – Forest Ward
Honeybourne Rehab Inpatients
Jubilee Ward Laurel Rehab Inpatients
Lydney Hosp – Lydney Ward
MIiu – Cirencester Hospital
MIiU – Lydney Hosp
MIiU – Nth Cots Hosp
MIiU – Stroud Hosp
MIiU – Tewkesbury Hospital MIiU – Vale
Montpellier Low Secure Unit
NC Hosp – Cotswold View Ward
Stroud Hosp – Theatre Tewks Hosp – Abbey View Ward
Tewks Hosp – Theatre Vale Hosp – Peak View Ward
Wotton Lawn – Abbey Ward
Wotton Lawn – Dean Ward
Wotton Lawn – ECT Suite
Wotton Lawn – Greyfriars Ward
Wotton Lawn – Kingsholm Ward
Wotton Lawn – Priory Ward
3. Please can you confirm how many nursing shifts have been filled by Thornbury Nursing Services, within the last 60 days? 234
4. In the last 60 days has your Trust utilised any other off framework provider for agency nurses? If yes, please name these providers. Medgen
5. Please can you confirm how many shifts have been released/allocated to off framework agencies within the last 60 days? 644
6. In the last 60 days which wards, or departments were these off framework requests for? Cashes Green – Stroud Hospital
Charlton Lane – Chestnut Ward
Charlton Lane – Mulberry Ward
Charlton Lane – Willow Ward
Ciren Hosp – IP Coln Ward
Ciren Hosp – IP Windrush Ward
CRHT Cots & Vale
CRHT West Glos
Dilke Hosp – Forest Ward
Honeybourne Rehab Inpatients
Jubilee Ward Laurel Rehab Inpatients
Lydney Hosp – Lydney Ward
MIiu – Cirencester Hospital
MIiU – Lydney Hosp
MIiU – Nth Cots Hosp
MIiU – Stroud Hosp
MIiU – Tewkesbury Hospital MIiU – Vale
Montpellier Low Secure Unit
NC Hosp – Cotswold View Ward
Stroud Hosp – Theatre Tewks Hosp – Abbey View Ward
Tewks Hosp – Theatre Vale Hosp – Peak View Ward
Wotton Lawn – Abbey Ward
Wotton Lawn – Dean Ward
Wotton Lawn – ECT Suite
Wotton Lawn – Greyfriars Ward
Wotton Lawn – Kingsholm Ward
Wotton Lawn – Priory Ward
7. Please can you confirm how many nursing shifts have been filled by off framework agencies within the last 60 days? 271
8. How many long-term lines of work or block bookings are currently being supplied by off framework agencies? Nil
9. Which off framework agencies is the trust currently utilising for Nursing vacancies and what is the spend on these agencies year to date? 10. What is the average charge for both RMN’s and RGN’s from off framework agencies? £56.69

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Dear Information Team

This is an information request relating to NHS Translators.

Please include the following information for the following years: 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23:

• Trust’s overall spending on Translation and Interpreting
• Services

• Total translators employed by the Trust

• The hourly pay for in-house interpreters

• What languages do they cover

• Total number of in-person/face to face interpreting sessions
• booked break down by language and clinical area.

• How many appointments or procedures have had to be rescheduled/cancelled
• due to lack of an interpreter

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

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Do you have a disaster recovery strategy/business continuity plan?
For each device detailed below please provide the requested information
Does your trust have a hosting supplier?
Does your trust use a data warehouse?
Does your trust have a service desk?
Does your trust use a help desk?

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Can you please confirm that Dr Olusola Kolawole has an E – learning account with you and all courses are alligned to CSTF or UK Resus as applicable.

Also, please confirm if BLS Level 2 Resuscitation Session is practical or online training.

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1. Codes used by insourcing provider: Please provide a list of each individual tariff (HRG) code, HRG reference name, and total count of references for each code for activity completed by third party insourcing providers. We do not need to know the provider nor the spend. Just the total number of references per code (e.g., FZ51Z, Diagnostic Colonoscopy. Count: 76).
2. Breakdown by Specialty: Please associate and provide the medical specialty (e.g., Gastroenterology, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, etc.).
3. Breakdown by clinical setting: Please specify whether this was for outpatients, day case procedures or diagnostic tests.
4. This information is requested for the financial years 2022-23, 2023-24, and financial year (2024-2025) to date.
Clarification of Terms:
For the purposes of this request, “HRG tariff” renamed “NHS Payment Scheme” refers to the standardised categories and pricing used for specific specialties and delivery types within the NHS.
For the purpose of this request, “elective insourcing services” refers to services provided by an external organisation within your facilities, typically aimed at reducing waiting lists and improving patient access to elective care.

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1. Please can you confirm if there are any plans for new bedspaces to be created within your trust in the next five years? This can be either proposed at a discussion point or a more formal stage of the decision process.
I would like to capture new treatment areas or areas that would offer both day or overnight bed spaces. If so, please could you record the proposed site and an estimated number of additional beds to be added per year. Any example response would be as follows
2025 – example general hospital 20 bed
2026 – example wing 45 beds
2027 – example new site 30 beds

2. Please can you confirm if there are any proposed new theatres planned to be created within your trust in the next five years. Please use the example format highlighted in Q1.

3. Please can you confirm if any of your current bed spaces or theatres are planned to be moved into a new building or area in the next 5 years. Please use the example format highlighted in Q1

4. If questions 1-3 have highlighted a response that confirms new facilities, please could you confirm which organisation has been authorised to lead on the work if the project has reached the stage of awarding.

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Please could you give us current information in relation to how prostate cancer patients are managed when they are eligible for active surveillance/monitoring. Including:

Inclusion criteria

Diagnosis and treatment decision support

Follow-up pathways and protocols

Follow-up testing frequencies

Triggers for stopping active surveillance

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Overview of Services:
A comprehensive list of all services and programmes currently offered specifically for people with co-existing mental health and substance use needs.
Details on whether these services are integrated (addressing both issues simultaneously) or if they operate separately.
Access and Eligibility:
The eligibility criteria for accessing these services.
Information on referral processes, including whether self-referrals are accepted.
Performance and Outcomes:
Copies of any evaluations, audits, or performance reports related to these services from the past three years.
Key performance indicators used to measure the effectiveness of the services.
Partnerships and Collaborations:
Information on any partnerships with other organisations (e.g., NHS trusts, charities, community groups) in delivering these services.
Details of joint initiatives or programmes aimed at supporting this client group.
Future Developments:
Any planned changes, expansions, or reductions to these services in the next 12 months.
Strategies in place to improve service delivery for individuals with co-existing mental health and substance use needs.
Access and Eligibility:
Average waiting times from referral to initial assessment and from assessment to commencement of treatment.
Service Capacity and Utilisation:
The total number of individuals who have accessed these services in the past three years, broken down by year.
The maximum capacity of each service or programme.
The number of staff dedicated to these services, including their professional qualifications.
Staffing and Expertise:
Details of any specialised training provided to staff for working with co-existing conditions.
Funding and Resources:
The annual budget allocated to these services for the past three financial years.
Information on any funding changes during this period and the reasons for such changes.

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Please include the following information for 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24:
– What lactose intolerance medication is prescribed by the NHS Trust
Total expenditure by the NHS Trust on
– Lactose intolerance medication for each financial year.
– Total number of people that received lactose intolerance
– A breakdown of the spending in terms of what form of lactose intolerance medication is administered.

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I am making a Freedom of Information Request for both ICD10 first diagnosis discharge codes and cases (and the same for OPCS codes and cases if you have any), recorded per individual facility in your health authority.
Any information must be totally anonymised.
I am requesting the data for the last five calendar years, i.e. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.
The suggested data format is in columns:
1. Facility name
2. Primary diagnosis ICD-10 4 or 5 digits (The ICD 10 data set I am asking for comprises the range A000 to Q999)
3. (all OPCS codes)
4. Number of cases
5. Years

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Please accept this request under the Freedom of Information Act. I’m seeking:

• Copies of any Information Sharing Agreements or Data Sharing Agreements to which both Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust and Avon & Somerset Police are party.

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I am submitting a Freedom of Information request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please could you provide the following information:
1. Total Falls by Hospital: The total number of inpatient falls by hospital, covering the last five years?

2. Total Falls by Ward: The total number of inpatient falls by ward, covering the last five years?

3. Contact for Falls Leads: A list of NHS email addresses for falls leads/groups within the trust or the individuals responsible for fall prevention?

4. Falls Compensation Claims: The average annual compensation paid out by the trust in relation to inpatient falls over the past five years?

5. Absconded Patients by Ward: The number of inpatients who absconded from wards (defined as leaving without informing staff, resulting in a missing person status) by ward, covering the last five years?

6. Absconding Compensation Claims: The average annual compensation paid out by the trust in relation to absconding incidents over the past five years?

7. One-to-One Support for Fall Risk Patients: The average cost per patient, per day, for one-to-one support provided to patients at risk of falls?

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In an Excel spreadsheet with information for Q 6 – 21 broken down by each pathology provider in your trust
1. What is the size of your trust’s serviceable population?
2. How many patients has the trust tested for the following clinical biochemical markers in the last 12 months?
a. C-reactive protein (CRP)
b. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)
c. Lipoprotein-a (Lp(a))
3. Is there a limit to the frequency of the following tests per patient?
a. C-reactive protein (CRP)
b. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)
c. Lipoprotein-a (Lp(a))
4. Please provide the name and post code of all the pathology providers in your trust
5. Do you outsource any testing to commercial labs? If yes, please provide the names of each commercial provider
Please answer the following questions for each pathology provider in your trust
6. Does the laboratory currently offer testing for the following?
a. C-reactive protein (CRP)
b. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)
c. Lipoprotein-a (Lp(a))
7. What is the average turnaround time for an outpatient from blood sample collection to sharing of results for CRP and hs-CRP?
8. Is CRP offered as a standalone test or part of a panel?
9. Is hs-CRP offered as a standalone test or part of a panel?
10. What machines are used to conduct CRP testing in your laboratory?
11. What machines are used to conduct hs-CRP testing in your laboratory?
12. What is the lowest limit of detection (in mg/L) that you report for CRP?
13. What is the lowest limit of detection (in mg/L) that you report for hs-CRP?
14. How many requests for measurement of CRP did your laboratory complete in the last 12 months?
15. How many requests for measurement of hs-CRP did your laboratory complete in the last 12 months?
16. What is the maximum number of CRP tests that your laboratory can conduct in one month?
17. What is the maximum number of hs-CRP tests that laboratory can conduct in one month?
18. What is the cost of running a single CRP test in your laboratory? Please provide a breakdown of cost of running the test and all-in cost considering operations, FTEs etc.
19. What is the cost of running a single hs-CRP test in your laboratory? Please provide a breakdown of cost of running the test and all-in cost considering operations, FTEs etc.
20. How much are you reimbursed for a single CRP test in your laboratory?
21. How much are you reimbursed for a single hs-CRP test in your laboratory?

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I would like to request the following information for each of the last three financial years:
Total equipment waste:
• The volume (in units) and value (in £) of medical equipment that was discarded, either by being placed in skips, incinerated or otherwise disposed of, rather than reused or recycled.
• Please provide a breakdown by equipment type (e.g., walking frames, crutches, beds, etc.).
Costs associated with waste:
• What is the annual cost of purchasing new patient medical equipment (crutches, walking frames etc)
Recycling and reuse mechanisms:
• Details of any mechanisms, schemes, or policies your Trust has in place for reusing, recycling, or donating medical equipment, including:
o How returned equipment is processed (e.g., decontamination and refurbishment).
o The percentage of equipment successfully reused or recycled.
o Any partnerships with charities or external organisations to recycle or donate equipment.
o Who is the named person in your NHS Trust responsible for holding this work (Just job title please)
Financial savings or revenue:
• The financial savings your Trust has made through recycling or reusing medical equipment (if applicable).
• Any revenue generated from recycling or selling used equipment, including the breakdown by equipment type.
Contractor involvement:
• The total amount of money paid to contractors or suppliers for the provision of medical equipment that could potentially be reused or recycled.
Plans for future action:
• Any current or future initiatives aimed at reducing the waste of medical equipment and improving recycling or reuse efforts.”

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1. Does Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust use single use endoscopes for any of its endoscopy procedures?
a. If so, can you state in which procedures they are used?
b. If so, can you state which brand/s of endoscopes are used?

2. Can Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust state how many single use endoscopes have been used in 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024?

3. Can Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust state how many single use endoscopes are planned to be used in 2024, 2025, and 2026.

4. Does Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust have plans to increase the use of single use endoscopes to help in the delivery of Community Diagnostic Centres and temporary out-of-hours hubs to reduce waiting lists?

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1. Number of Freedom of Information requests received.
2. Percentage that were sent out on time.
3. Number of which were sent back for internal review
4. Number of which were referred to the ICO.
5. Number of staff that you had in the year to process Freedom of Information requests. (if this changed throughout the year, please can we request the total number budgeted for and the average number actually in post)

Please can this be broken down into the following years.
a) 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023
b) 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024
c) 1st April 2024 – to date

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This is an information request relating to staff networks at the Trust.
Please include the following information for 2020/22, 2022/23, 2023/24:
• A list of all the staff networks at the trust.
• Whether each network receives funding from the trust and, if so, how much (please express annually for the last three financial years)
• How much FTE equivalent staff time each network is entitled to. For example, a staff network may have a chair who’s entitled to spend 10% of their working hours devoted to the network (please express annually for the last three financial years)
• A list of events that each network has held in this financial year so far (April to the present day), including the title of the event, information on any guest speakers and the time of the event.

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1. How many NHS Staff have taken at least one day off work due to mental health issues in the past three years? (Broken down by years: 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24)

2. Could these issues be broken down into specific types of mental conditions such as stress, work-related stress, anxiety, depression, low mood, etc.? (Broken down by years: 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24).

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1. How is waitlist validation carried out in your Trusts? Please select one of the following options: Manually / Semi-automated / Automated.
a. If your response was semi-automated or automated, which tools do you use? Please specify the types of tools or software used.
2. How many FTEs currently work on waitlist validation and what band are they? Please specify the number per band.
3. How has your FTE count working on waitlist validation increased in the past 2-3 years? Please provide an estimate if you do not have the exact number.
4. In the past 12 months, approximately how long has the waitlist validation process taken? Please provide an estimate if you do not have the exact number.
5. What data quality issues have been identified the most frequently as part of the waitlist validation process? Please select those that apply from the list below:
a. Decision to admit but no waiting list entry
b. Missing waiting list or pathway information (e.g. due date, intended procedure)
c. Patients on an admitted waiting list without an active RTT (Referral to Treatment Pathway) clock
d. Past TCI (To Come In) dates
e. Potential duplicates
f. Other – please specify
6. What are your current approaches to linking data? Please select one of the following options: Manually or semi-automated / Automated
7. What is the proportion of data linkage that is manual and automated? Please provide an estimate if you do not have the exact number.
a. If automated, what tools are used? Please provide the name of the tools.
b. If manual, what tools are used e.g. R, data bricks? Please provide the name of the tools.
8. Currently, is the data linking process cumbersome? Please select one option: Yes/No
9. And does it take away from people’s everyday role? Please select one option: Yes/No

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Description of the information requested: Information relating to children and young people’s mental health service including information on transition between children’s and adult’s mental health services.
How information is to be provided: Electronically to the following email addresses: and Please find below a request under the Freedom of Information Act. 1. Please provide the figures for the total number of children and young people discharged from children’s mental health services with a referral to adult mental health services for each of the last three full financial years: o 2019/20. 2020/21. 2021/22. 2. Please provide the waiting time figures between discharge for CAMHS services and first appointment with adult mental health services for the last three full financial years: o 2019/20. 2020/21. 2021/22. Including: o % Waiting 0-4 weeks. o % Waiting 4-6 weeks. o % Waiting 6-8 weeks. o % Waiting 8-10 weeks. o % Waiting 10-12 weeks. o % Waiting over 12 weeks. o % Still waiting no contact. 3. Please provide figures for the last three full financial years: 2019/20. 2020/21. 2021/22. with the proportion of people who: o Did have a care plan in place when they were discharged from CAMHS to adult mental health services. o Did not have a care plan in place when they were discharged from CAMHS to adult mental health services. 4. Do mental health services for children and young people have a transition policy in place to support people to transfer to adult mental health services? o If you answered yes to question 4, please provide a link or a copy of the transition policy. o Please provide information about how you track compliance of the transition policy.

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1. How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services for between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023?
2. Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services were used between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023? 3. How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used Nutrix, Genesis or AMC nursing agency for between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023?
4. Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where Nutrix, AMC or Genesis were used between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023?
5. Please name any other OFF CONTRACT SUPPLIERS who have been utilised by the Trust between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023 above the NHS Improvement + 50% caps and how many shifts each of these agencies have filled. 6. If for any reason you are unable to supply data up until 1st January 2023 and 1st March 2023?
7. Can you confirm your head of procurement name, phone number and email address? 8. Can you confirm the head of bank office department phone number and email address?

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FOI Request – Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Starlight Children’s Foundation uses the power of play to make the experience of illness and treatment within health care settings better for children and their families. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information to help us build a profile of the ‘state of play’ in health care settings. This will support Starlight effectively and proactively target and deliver our services to those settings that most need it. 1. Do you provide services to children aged 0-17 years? Yes☐ No☐
If yes, we would like to know, for the period between 1st April 2021 and 31st March 2022:
2. The types of services e.g., eating disorders, community mental health. provided to children aged 0-17 years and the name of the base of any community/hospital setting 3. The number of admissions/attendances/referrals whichever is applicable. for 0–17-year-olds – broken down by age and main specialty
4. A breakdown of the ethnicity, gender, and deprivation deciles using the index of multiple deprivation. for 0–17-year-olds admitted/seen
5. Do you have a Play Team members of staff trained to provide play opportunities for children.?
Yes☐ No☐
If yes, please tell us the number of the following roles, salary band, approximately how many hours do they work per week, and which services/locations they cover:
Job Title Total Number of Staff Salary Band Full-Time 40+ hours. Full Time 32-40 hours. Part Time 18-31 hours. Part Time Less than 18 hours. Zero Hours Contract Location/Service
Play Team – Leader/Manager Play Team – Health Play Specialist HPS. Play Team – Senior HPS Play Team – HPS Student Play Team – Play Therapist Play Team – Play worker or play leader Play Team- Bank Staff Play Team – Volunteers Other Play Staff please specify. 6. Does the Play Team leads./managers., if you have them, hold a Foundation Degree in Healthcare Play Specialism? Yes- all ☐ Yes- some ☐ No ☐ Not applicable ☐ 7. If any, how many of your health play specialists are registered with the Healthcare Play Specialist Education Trust HPSET.? 8. How many hours do your play team typically work during one shift? 9. Which shifts do the Play Team typically work? Select all that are applicable. Morning shifts Afternoon shifts Evening shifts Day shifts 12-hour shifts Weekends 10. If you do not have a play team, do you have staff members that are trained to create opportunities for play with children but are not health play specialists nor play workers?
Yes☐ No ☐ If yes, what are their job titles and which services/locations do they cover?
11. Does play feature in your planning for services and treatment for 0-17-year-olds?
Yes ☐ No ☐ 12. Do you have a guidance/policy for staff members to incorporate play during assessments/treatments to put children at ease?
Yes ☐ No ☐ If yes, please can you attach a copy of this or a link where it can be accessed Attached ☐ Link provided ☐ Unable to provide ☐ 13. Do you have any of the following in each of your service locations? a. Playrooms or play areas please specify if these are age-specific. Yes-age specific ☐ Yes- not age specific ☐ No ☐ i. If yes, where are they located: b. Toys, games, activities, and play items please specify if these are age-specific. Yes-age specific ☐ Yes- not age specific ☐ No ☐ i. If yes, where are they located/services they cover: c. Commissioned or voluntary external entertainers Yes ☐ No ☐ i. If yes, where are they located/services they cover: d. Starlight provisions services offered by Starlight. Yes ☐ No ☐ i. If yes, where are they located/services they cover: e. Other donations for toys and activities Yes ☐ No ☐ i. If yes, where are they located/services they cover:
14. Is there an annual budget for the delivery of play e.g., toys, staffing, etc.. for your trust? If yes:
a. What is the overall annual budget?
b. How much of the budget is for staffing?
c. How much of the budget is spent on resources and materials for play?

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Details of the request.
I’m interested in gaining the following information regarding Trust Procurement of pre-printed stationery, that is NOT produced within the Trust.

1. Under which OJEU/Framework contract reference is the trust currently operating under for stock and ad-hoc printing services and what is a value of each contract?
2. What is the annual spend on printed stationery for the organisation and what % of spend is ad-hoc?
3. When was the contract awarded and for what period of time? If in an extension period, when does it end?
4. Who is the current contracted supplier?
5. Is stock held by a 3rd party? If yes, what value of stock is being held by the 3rd party supplier?
6. Does the Trust have a Communication’s Department? If so, please can you advise the contact details?
7. For the further conversation, who is the main contact within the trust to discuss ongoing print contracts?

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