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Responses > 429-2024

Freedom of Information request 429-2024

Response published: 3 February 2026

FOI Request

I am emailing to initiate another Freedom of Information request: • I would like copies of records of the statutory/mandatory training compliance for all staff working at Berkeley House, including bank and agency staff. from March 2019 to present day.

FOI Response

Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below.
– I would like copies of records of the statutory/mandatory training compliance for all staff working at
Berkeley House, including bank and agency staff. from March 2019 to present day.
The collation of training data is a complex process due to the complexity of the information. The
attached spreadsheet is our attempt to convey the requested information in a simple, accessible way.
We are not able to provide training records for Agency staff. Our contracts with the agencies require
them to only provide staff who have received appropriate training for their roles, and therefore these
records are held by the agencies and not by ourselves. Data attched