Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 398-2022
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below.
1. The number of patients referred or self-referred to the service and accepted for treatment, broken down by year 2. The number of patients referred or self-referred to the service and rejected, broken down by year. 3. A list of the reasons patients were rejected from the service, by year, broken down by proportion. 4. The number of appointments per year held by phone, online and in person broken down by type. 5. The average waiting time for a patient between referral and first appointment, broken down by year. 2020 2021 2022 to 30/11.
1 Referrals received and accepted 383 469 557
2 Referrals received and rejected 18 20 28
4 Telephone attendances 880 490 290
Online attendances 546 815 362
In person attendances 1352 1506 2185
5 Average wait in days to 1st contact 9 12 15
FOI Request
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust Perinatal Mental Health Team. I’m interested in data held between 2020 and the present day. Please can you tell me: 1. The number of patients referred or self-referred to the service and accepted for treatment, broken down by year 2. The number of patients referred or self-referred to the service and rejected, broken down by year. 3. A list of the reasons patients were rejected from the service, by year, broken down by proportion. 4. The number of appointments per year held by phone, online and in person broken down by type. 5. The average waiting time for a patient between referral and first appointment, broken down by year.