As at 31 March 22 LTFT equals Less than Full Time
Non Clinical staff Band 8 and Above
Staff Group Pay Scale Count of Employee Number Sum of FTE
Administrative and Clerical XN08 31.00 28.41
XN09 22.00 21.51
XN10 9.00 8.20
XN11 7.00 6.50
XR08 3.00 2.25
Grand Total 72.00 66.87
Non Clinical Staff band 9 and above
NOTE: Full time salary based on number of FTE’s against
position title not per FTE
Position Title Headcount FTE Full time Salary Notes
Associate Director ‐ Contracts & Planning 1.00 1.00 £65,664.00
Associate Director of Business Inteligence 1.00 1.00 £78,192.00
Associate Director of IT & Clinical Systems 1.00 1.00 £65,664.00
Associate Director of OD, Learning & Development 1.00 1.00 £65,664.00
Associate Director Workforce Systems & Planning 1.00 1.00 £65,664.00
Community Mental Health Transformation Lead 1.00 1.00 £63,862.00
Dental Services Manager 1.00 1.00 £54,764.00
Deputy Director of Finance 1.00 1.00 £90,387.00
Deputy Director of HR & OD 1.00 1.00 £90,387.00
Deputy Director of Strategy & Partnership 1.00 1.00 £90,387.00
Deputy Performance & Development Lead 1.00 1.00 £54,764.00
Deputy Service Director 2.00 2.00 £127,724.00
Deputy Service Director‐Perfomance & Development 1.00 1.00 £54,764.00
Head of Clinical Systems 1.00 1.00 £63,862.00
Head of Communications 1.00 1.00 £75,874.00
Head of Corporate Governance 1.00 1.00 £90,387.00
Head of Facilities & Estates 1.00 1.00 £75,874.00
Head of Financial Accounting 1.00 1.00 £63,862.00
Head of Operational Business Intelligence 1.00 1.00 £63,862.00
Head of Organisational Resilience 1.00 1.00 £54,764.00
Head of Transformation 1.00 1.00 £63,862.00
Interim Deputy Chief Operating Officer 1.00 1.00 £78,192.00
Interim Senior HR Consultant 1.00 0.50 £90,387.00 LTFT
Lead Management Accountant 2.00 1.60 £127,724.00 LTFT one post only LTFT.
Locality Manager 1.00 1.00 £75,874.00
Manager of Compliance 1.00 1.00 £63,862.00
Operational Governance & Performance Lead 1.00 1.00 £54,764.00
Senior Contracts & Procurement Manager 1.00 1.00 £54,764.00
Senior Operational Finance Manager 1.00 1.00 £63,862.00
Service Director 1.00 0.91 £63,862.00 LTFT
Assistant Director ‐ Financial Accounts 1.00 1.00 £63,862.00
Deputy Head of Integrated Community Teams 1.00 1.00 £63,862.00
Head of Organisational Development 1.00 1.00 £63,862.00
Interim Deputy Director of Strategy & Partnerships 1.00 1.00 £65,664.00
Senior Planning & Costing Manager 1.00 1.00 £54,764.00
STP Workforce & OD Project Manager 1.00 0.20 £75,874.00 LTF
FOI Request
This is an information request relating to how many NHS trust full time non clinical staff are earning over £50,000.
Please include the following information for each of the following financial years; 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23:
• The total number of full-time non-clinical employees that are in pay band 8a or above at the Trust
• A breakdown of full-time non-clinical employees by NHS pay bands over 8a
• For the most senior staff within pay band 9 and above:
• The employee’s name, if possible
• The employee’s job title
• The employee’s FTE earnings
• Salary calculation to use full time equal FTE. figures and a note of where a listed member of staff is not working full time.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.