Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 351-2024
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our revised response below and in separate attachments.
1.5.1. If Police have conveyed, the most common reason for Police conveyance by Gender..
We do not gather that information, please refer to the Police
8. Would you kindly provide a copy of the Mobile Phone Policy mentioned in Maxwell Centre Operational Guidance FFV 3110 V.1.1 1.. Appendix 4?
We will send the mobile policy shortly.Section 136 policy, Management structure attached.
FOI Request
Freedom of Information Request
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following
information from Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust . Please may you
provide me with:
1. Number of admissions to the Maxwell Centre, for individuals who were detained under
Section 136 of the Mental Health Act between January and December 2023 Categorised on the
1.1.0. Age 10 - 18, 19 - 21, 22 - 24, 25 - 30, then in increments of 5 years thereafter ..
1.1.1. Gender.
1.1.2. Ethnicity.
1.2.0. Known diagnosed psychiatric disorder by Gender..
1.2.1. Previous engagement with the Crisis and Resolution Home Treatment Team by Gender..
1.3.0. Percentage of detainees searched by Police on admission by Gender..
1.3.1. The most common recorded reason for search by Gender..
1.4.0. Previous attendance on a Section 136 by Gender..
1.4.1. Most common reason for Section 136 detention by Gender..
1.5.0. Method of conveyance to the Section 136 Suite by Gender..
1.5.1. If Police have conveyed, the most common reason for Police conveyance by Gender..
1.6.0. The average time spent under Section 136 by Gender..
1.6.1. The rate at which Mental Health Act Assessments MHHA. begin within a 3-hour period of
arrival by Gender..
1.6.2. The most common recorded reason for delayed MHHA by Gender..
1.7.1. The average time spent waiting for MHAA to commence by Gender..
1.5.1. The average duration of MHAA by Gender..
1.5.2. How often Section 136B of the Mental Health Act is invoked by Gender..
1.5.3. The most common outcome of MHAA by Gender..
2. The percentage frequency at which the Approved Mental Health Professionals AMHP.
Service sent the outcome of the MHAA to the detainees' registered General Practitioners
surgery between January and December 2023?
2.1.0. The average time to be sent.
3. The percentage frequency at which the Section 12 approved doctor sent the outcome of the
MHAA to the detainees' registered General Practitioners surgery between January and
December 2023?
3.1.0. The average time to be sent.
4. Monthly calls to the Crisis and Resolution Home Treatment Team between January and
December 2023 Categorised on the following.:
4.1.0. Age 10 - 18, 19 - 21, 22 - 24, 25 - 30, then in increments of 5 years thereafter ..
4.1.1. Gender.
5. The average waiting time from referral to assessment for the Mental Health Intermediate
Care Team between January and December 2023 Categorised on the following.:
5.1.0. Age 10 - 18, 19 - 21, 22 - 24, 25 - 30, then in increments of 5 years thereafter..
5.1.1. Gender.
6. The average waiting time from referral to assessment for Gloucestershire Talking Therapies
formally Let’s Talk. between January and December 2023 Categorised on the following.:
6.1.0. Age 10 - 18, 19 - 21, 22 - 24, 25 - 30, then in increments of 5 years thereafter ..
6.1.1. Gender.
7. The average waiting time from referral to assessment with a qualified Psychiatrist
Categorised on the following.:
7.1.0. Age 10 - 18, 19 - 21, 22 - 24, 25 - 30, then in increments of 5 years thereafter..
7.1.1. Gender.
8. Information regarding the policies and procedures implemented by the Trust for the Maxwell
Centre in relation to individuals detained under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act.
Additionally, please ensure that a copy of the relevant document is included to fulfil the Trust's
responsibility under Section 132 of the Mental Health Act.
9. The number of complaints received by the Trust regarding Mental Health for the period of
January to December 2023.
9.1.0. The most common theme/type of Mental Health complaint.
9.1.1. The most common way the complaint was dealt with i.e Serious Incident
Framework/Local Resolution etc..
9.1.2. Average timeframe to acknowledge such a complaint.
9.1.3. Average timeframe to fully respond to such a complaint.
10. How many documented cases of self-inflicted injuries occurred in the Maxwell Centre
between January and December 2023? Categorised on the following.
10.1.0. Age
10.1.1. Gender
10.1.2. Method employed in each case per Office of National Static Method categorises i.e
Drowing, Fall and Fracture, Poisoning/Overdose, Hanging/Strangulation/Suffocation, Jumping or
Lying in-front of a moving object, Sharp Object and Other..
11. How many documented cases of self-inflicted deaths occurred in the Maxwell Centre
between January and December 2023? Categorised on the following.
11.1.0. Age
11.1.1. Gender
11.1.2. Method employed in each case per Office of National Static Method categorises i.e
Drowing, Fall and Fracture, Poisoning/Overdose, Hanging/Strangulation/Suffocation, Jumping or
Lying in-front of a moving object, Sharp Object and Other..
12. A copy of the Trusts policy for Section 12 approved doctors pertaining to MHAA Fee’s.
13. A copy of the management structure for the following services, Maxwell Centre,
Gloucestershire Talking Therapies, Crisis and Resolution and Home Treatment Team and
Mental Health Intermediate Care Team.
14. Number of deceased under this Trust care with a recorded cause of death as suicide or
negligence by clinical procedure since October 1
st 2019.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the
cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under
the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further
advice and assistance.
Pursuant to Section 10 of the Freedom of Information Act, it is incumbent upon Gloucestershire
Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust to provide a response to this request within a period of
20 working days. Consequently, I anticipate receiving a response no later than Friday,
February 02
nd 2024