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with you, for you
Responses > 312-2024

Freedom of Information request 312-2024

Response published: 27 January 2025

FOI Request

• Provide the name, job title and contact details for the person responsible for car park management
• Provide the name, job title and contact details for the person responsible for procuring any external provider of car park management services
• Confirm if your car parks are managed by yourselves 'in house' or are managed by an external contractor
• Where an external contractor manages your car parks please state the following:
o Company name(s)
o Value of the current contract(s)
o Start and end date of current contract(s)
o Any contract extensions already implemented, or planned to be implemented, and the length of these extensions
• For external provision of the service, please confirm the procurement route used to tender for these services (eg. via a named framework agreement, direct award, etc.)
• What methods do you currently have in place to manage your car parks (eg. attendant, ANPR, barrier, permit system)
• What is the planned date(s) for the renewal of your contract(s) or re-tender of the car park management services
• How do you plan to procure your next external provider of car park management services and what is the time scale for this?

FOI Response

Freedom of Information Request – Ref: 312-2024

Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below.

You asked:

Provide the name, job title and contact details for the person responsible for car park management

Our response:

Car parks are managed locally by the individual sites with Estates oversight for maintenance, e.g. barriers.

You asked:

Provide the name, job title and contact details for the person responsible for procuring any external provider of car park management services

Our response:

Nicholas (Monty) Bond – Deputy Property Manager – 07974 350970

You asked:

Where an external contractor manages your car parks, please state the following:

  • Company name(s)
  • Value of the current contract(s)
  • Start and end date of current contract(s)
  • Any contract extensions already implemented, or planned to be implemented, and the length of these extensions

Our response:


    • Company name(s) – NSGL Parking
    • Value of the current contract(s) – No value to contract
    • Start and end date of current contract(s) – Start Date: 01/12/2023 / No End Date
    • Any contract extensions already implemented, or planned to be implemented, and the length of these extensions – Not Applicable


    • Company name(s) – NPC
    • Value of the current contract(s) – No value
    • Start and end date of current contract(s) – Contract currently not started, should be within the next few months
    • Any contract extensions already implemented, or planned to be implemented, and the length of these extensions –  Not Applicable

You asked:

For external provision of the service, please confirm the procurement route used to tender for these services (eg. via a named framework agreement, direct award, etc.)

Our response:

As there is no cost to these contracts, no formal procurement process was needed.

You asked:

What methods do you currently have in place to manage your car parks (eg. attendant, ANPR, barrier, permit system)

Our response:

We currently use 1 ANPR system at ILC and 1 more to be implemented in Tewkesbury. We have barriers at various car parks around the locality and a permit system for a couple of car parks, these permits are managed locally by the site the car park is for.

You asked:

What is the planned date(s) for the renewal of your contract(s) or re-tender of the car park management services

Our response:

The current ANPR contract is a rolling contract, therefore, there is no renewal date or re-tender.

You asked:

How do you plan to procure your next external provider of car park management services and what is the time scale for this?

Our response:

To continually market test for other suppliers and compare to the current supplier we are using now.

Next steps:

Should you have any queries in relation to our response, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you are unhappy with the response you have received in relation to your request and wish to ask us to review our response, you should write to:

Louise Moss
Head of Legal Services / Associate Director of Corporate Governance
c/o Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Edward Jenner Court
1010 Pioneer Avenue
Gloucester Business Park
Brockworth, GL3 4AW

If you are not content with the outcome of any review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for further advice/guidance. Generally, the ICO will not consider your case unless you have exhausted your enquiries with the Trust which should include considering the use of the Trust’s formal complaints procedure. The ICO can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.