1. In your NHS Trust, how many patients have been seen with insomnia over the last 12 months?
As insomnia is a common feature of many MH difficulties, patients with insomnia are likely to be seen but none of them would have been referred or treated
primarily for Insomnia. Therefore, we are unable to provide numbers as the information is not captured in a way that can be extracted.
2. Does your NHS Trust currently offer face-to-face Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia for people experiencing chronic insomnia symptoms?
In NHS talking therapies, insomnia may be treated at both step 2 and step 3 as part of the treatment intervention for a common mental health problem. The
Talking Therapies services is commissioned to treat common mental health problems including anxiety and depression but insomnia is often co-presenting.
The same is true in secondary mental health services where people are referred with a serious mental health condition rather than with insomnia as the
primary problem. Where insomnia is part of the presenting difficulties, this may be addressed as part of the wider treatment plan.
In all cases, psychological intervention may be provided face-to-face or online depending on need and preference of the service user.
3. Has your NHS Trust previously offered face-to-face Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia for people experiencing chronic insomnia symptoms,
but now no longer do so?
– see question 2
4. Does your NHS Trust currently offer or signpost to digital Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia for people experiencing chronic
insomnia symptoms?
Our ICB does not commission sleep apps. We will let people know of their availability. But there is a cost involved.
5. Has your NHS Trust previously offered or signposted to digital Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia for people experiencing chronic
insomnia symptoms, but now no longer do so?
– see question 4
6. Within your NHS Trust, could you provide a figure for how many referrals were made to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia services
within the last 12 months that you have figures for?
We do not collect this data as we do not record insomnia as a primary presenting problem