Levy funds received in
Levy funds spent
Levy funds received
in 2021‐22
Levy funds
spent 2021‐22
Levy funds received in
Levy funds spent
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Trust 738,375 249,008 741,406 422,060 813,051 535,46
FOI Request
My name is Joswin Corda and I am sending this email on behalf of Health Service Journal HSJ..
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request data about the trust’s use of the apprenticeship levy.
Please could you provide answers to the following questions and input the answers in the attached spreadsheet. The column labels correspond to the questions.
a. Trust name
b. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds received in the financial year 2020-21
c. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds spent in the financial year 2020-21
d. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds received in the financial year 2021-22
e. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds spent in the financial year 2021-2022
f. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds received in financial year 2022-23
g. Total amount of apprenticeship levy funds spent in the financial year 2022-23