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Responses > 066-2122

Freedom of Information request 066-2122

Response published: 3 December 2022

FOI Request

I want to submit a request for some information from the organisation, in relation to their contract’s register. The FULL contract register should display all the organisations existing/live contracts I would like the register to display the following columns/headings: 1. Contract Reference -Unique reference number associated with the contract. 2. Contract Title 3. Procurement Category –Please state the Category name of the contract, I wish to know the Category the contract is under. 4. Supplier Name 5. Spend Total or Annual. 6. Contract Duration 7. Contract Extensions 8. Contract Starting Date 9. Expiration Date 10. Contract Description [Please provide me with as much detail as possible.] 11. Contact Owner Full contact details if possible.. 12. CPV codes/ProClass IMPORTANT 1. For those organisations planning to make an exemption around spend, the spend information I have requested is an overall figure and I am not requesting a complete breakdown of services relating to the spend. 2. If the organisation has a CRM system or a similar system, there should be a facility to download and extract contract data. 3. You may forward me a Weblink to a portal to download the contract register, please make sure all of the organisation’s contracts are provided as doing prior research I have found that most organisations have only uploaded a small portion of all of their contracts. Please do not think that this is the only information I require if you could provide me with more information that would be great. Contract Data/API Contact Details 13. Can you also provide me with contact details of the person responsible for the actual contract’s register or someone responsible for API? [Name, Job Title, Telephone, Email Address] At the very least provide me with their actual job title. Meaning of API “a set of functions and procedures that allow the creation of applications which access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service.”. Please provide me with the contract’s register file in an excel format. Thanks in advance.

FOI Response

Trust HQ
Edward Jenner Court
1010 Pioneer Avenue

DATE: 20/04/2021
Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 066-2122
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below.
The FULL contract register should display all the
organisations existing/live contracts I would like
the register to display the following
1. Contract Reference -Unique reference
number associated with the contract.
2. Contract Title
3. Procurement Category –Please state the
Category name of the contract, I wish to
know the Category the contract is under.
4. Supplier Name
5. Spend Total or Annual.
6. Contract Duration
7. Contract Extensions
8. Contract Starting Date
9. Expiration Date
10. Contract Description [Please provide me
with as much detail as possible.]
11. Contact Owner Full contact details if
12. CPV codes/ProClass
Unfortunately, the Trust is unable to respond to
your request. The Trust estimates that the work
involved in collating the data would considerably
exceed the 18 hours limit, specified in Section 12
of the Freedom of Information Act and therefore,
exceeds the appropriate limit of £450.
Can you also provide me with contact details of
the person responsible for the actual contract’s
register or someone responsible for API?
The Trust’s Procurement Service is provided by
Gloucestershire NHS Financial Shared Services.
Please contact the Shared Service at the address
Gloucestershire NHS Procurement Shared Service
Victoria Warehouse
The Docks
Should you have any queries in relation to our response in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact
me. If you are unhappy with the response you have received in relation to your request and wish to ask
us to review our response, you should write to:-

Associate Director of Corporate Governance
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Edward Jenner Court
1010 Pioneer Avenue
Gloucester Business Park
If you are not content with the outcome of any review, you may apply directly to the Information
Commissioner’s Office ICO. for further advice/guidance. Generally, the ICO will not consider your case
unless you have exhausted your enquiries with the Trust which should include considering the use of
the Trust’s formal complaints procedure. The ICO can be contacted at: The Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information Officer
On behalf of Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust