Trust name
Trust Name £ Free text if needed Yes/No Free text if needed £/hour FREE TEXT IF NEEDED Yes/No FREE TEXT IF NEEDED £/hour FREE TEXT IF NEEDED
Gloucestershire Health & Care
NHS Foundation Trust.
£0.00 Consultants did not work noncontractual shifts or act down
during contractual shifts
during the strike dates listed
No. £75 This is the highest hourly rate
the Trust will pay for Junior
Doctors to work noncontractual shifts. The Trust
did not pay for Consultants to
act down
No. £54.12 The maximum hourly rate
paid to Consultants for
non-contractual shifts
undertaken in April 2023
was £52.14 p/hr.
FOI Request
I would like to request some information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please acknowledge receipt of my request by email. The questions relate to how much the trust paid consultants during recent industrial action by junior doctors and whether the paid rates in line with the BMA’s ‘rate card’.
Please answer the following questions in the Excel sheet provided: 1. How much did the trust spend £. in total on paying for consultants to carry out non-contractual shifts, or paying for consultants to act down during contractual shifts, required to cover junior doctors’ during the seven days of industrial action by junior doctors taken between 13 to 16 March, and 11 to 14 April 2023? Please provide a £ figure for the total. Please use the free text box if the trust wants to further explanation its answer. 2. Did the trust pay the hourly rates outlined on the BMA rate card for consultants' non-contractual work, during either of the junior doctors’ strikes in March or April? Please answer Yes or No. Please use the free text box if the trust wants to further explanation its answer. 3. If the trust answered “No” to question 2, what was the maximum hourly rate £/hour. the trust paid for non-contractual shifts, or for consultants to act down during contractual shifts required to cover junior doctors' shifts during either the March or April junior doctors’ strike? If you answered “yes” to question 2, please leave this answer blank. Please use the free text box if the trust wants to further explanation its answer. 4. Did the trust pay the hourly rates outlined on the BMA rate card for consultants' non-contractual shifts as of April 2023? Please answer Yes or No. Please use the free text box if the trust wants to further explanation its answer. 5. If the trust answered “No” to question 4, what is the maximum hourly rate £/hour. the trust paid consultants for non-contractual shifts as of April 2023? If the trust answered “yes” to question 4, please leave this answer blank. Please use the free text box if the trust wants to further explanation its answer. If you need any clarification of this request or if it is too broad, please email me. I would remind you that under your Section 16 duty to advise and assist I would expect you to contact me to discuss any practical difficulties that you may have in fulfilling this request so that I may narrow my request in a way that works for both of us. If some parts of this request are more difficult to answer than others please release the answerable material as it is available rather than hold up the entire request for the contested data. If FOI requests of a similar nature have already been asked could you please include your responses to those requests. I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request, and I look forward to hearing from you within the 20-working day statutory time period.