I would like to obtain information, via the Freedom of Information Act, from your NHS Trust.
1. Please can you provide information on the current wait time to access mental health services in your Trust, by the number of days/weeks between initial referral to receiving the support.
2. Please can you provide information on how many people are currently on your waiting list to access mental health support? 3. Please can you also provide the number of referrals to mental health services made for young adults aged 16-25:
a. Per month for 2022 year to date., 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
i. If a breakdown by month is not possible, please provide a breakdown by year or year to date
Search for a reference number
Sent: 23 March 2022 10:35
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: FOI Request
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact ghcit@ghc.nhs.uk
————————-Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, I am a PhD Student within the Division of Psychology & Mental Health at the University of Manchester. I am writing to make a Freedom of Information request to Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, which I am entitled to under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. My PhD topic is ‘Understanding the Psychological Impact of Online Child Sexual Abuse OCSA.’. As part of this PhD, I am interested in understanding NHS responses to OCSA. Current literature examining the psychological impact of OCSA on young people highlights the difficulty many young people face when trying to access services or explain their experience of online abuse to healthcare professionals Hamilton-Giachritsis et al., 2020; Martin, 2014.. This often makes the healing process more difficult for victims. Likewise, literature exploring healthcare professionals’ perspectives of OCSA, has shown that many practitioners find the assessment tools used to assess for child sexual abuse CSA. to be too general to also assess for OCSA El-Asam et al., 2021.. This past year the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children NCMEC. has seen a 100% increase in the reports from the public of online sexual abuse, and the incidence of online grooming significantly increased WeProtect, 2021.. Qualitative interview-based studies are important for gaining a foundational understanding of how practitioners respond to OCSA. However, due to the rapid increase of OCSA in the past year, it is also valuable to understand treatment availability for OCSA from a wider service level. Therefore, I am sending Freedom of Information requests to NHS Trusts, with affiliated Sexual Assault Referral Centre SARC. or Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services CAMHS.. This will help highlight gaps in current response procedures for OCSA and inform future intervention methods. Attached to this email is a Word Document with a list of questions categorised by service i.e., SARC and CAMHS.. Please answer the questions for the services. affiliated with your Trust. The word document also contains definition of technology facilitated sexual abuse. Please respond to this request by emailing the answers to the questions to Please let me know if you have any concerns, or let me know if the request is too wide or unclear. Additionally, in the instance that any of this information is already in the public domain, could you please direct me to where to locate this information and if needed any page references and URLs.
I understand that you are required to respond to my request within the 20 working days after you receive this email. I would ask if you could confirm that you have received this request by responding to this email.
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact ghcit@ghc.nhs.uk
To whom it may concern,
Please may I have the following:
In the last financial year, for which there are records, how much did the trust spend on private healthcare insurance for a. medical staff, b. administrative staff, c. all staff. Please may you provide all necessary information in electronic form. Thanks in advance for your help.
Sent: 31 March 2022 14:26
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information request – EPR and Patient Administration System PAS. Query
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact ghcit@ghc.nhs.uk
————————-FOI Team,
We are currently updating data on your trust’s EPR and Patient Administration System PAS.. Can you please complete the fields below with what you currently hold?
Please enter ‘No System Installed’ under supplier name if your trust does not use the system:
System type – EPR
Supplier name –
System name –
Date installed –
Contract expiration –
Total value of contract £. –
Is this contract annually renewed? – Yes/No
Do you currently have plans to replace this system? – Yes/No
Procurement framework –
Other systems it integrates with? –
Notes – e.g. we are currently out to tender
System type – PAS
Supplier name –
System name –
Date installed –
Contract expiration –
Total value of contract £. –
Notes – e.g. we are currently out to tender
Is this contract annually renewed? – Yes/No
Do you currently have plans to replace this system? – Yes/No
Procurement framework –
Other systems it integrates with? –
Notes – e.g. we are currently out to tender
System definition:
Electronic Patient Record EPR. – An electronic patient/health record is a digital version of a patient’s paper chart.
Patient Administration Systems PAS. – these are the core enterprise systems, containing a Master Patient Index, used by NHS trusts to enable them to know when a patient has arrived, who they are, who they were seen by, what treatment they received and what happened to them. This core functionality, needed by every trust, covers admission, discharge and transfer.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
Is freedomofinformation@glos-care.nhs.uk the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation’s FOI page.
Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 085-2022
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below.
Please provide information for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 financial years on how much the organisation spent on communications, press relations, public relations, digital, social media and other such activities. Please include a full breakdown including:
A list of your staff working in these fields including job titles and annual salaries. If you cannot provide an exact salary please provide a pay band 2020/21
Head of Comms Deputy Head of Comms Two Communications Managers Communications Specialist Communications Officer Social media and web officer Graphic Designer Comms administrator 2021/22
Head of Comms Deputy Head of Comms Two Communications Managers Communications Specialist Graphic design lead Graphic designer Comms administrator We cannot confirm salaries or banding as this would then become identifiable. Spending on social media advertising 2020-2021 equals £1717.73 2021-2022 equals £11,540.00
Spending on contractors or any other outside bodies hired for the purpose of these activities
Spending on any software, for example media monitoring software, used for these purposes 2020-2021 Software, Website, Adobe Creative Suite, Promotional films including Be Well Project includes Facebook advertising for Be well Project. equals £86,680.42 2021–2022 Software, Website, Adobe Creative Suite, Promotional films equals £35,473.10
Spending on any subscriptions the organisation holds for these purposes, for example newspaper subscriptions We don’t have any specific subscriptions within our Communications team. We do have a HSJ subscription and we also have library subscriptions. Should you have any queries in relation to our response in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you are unhappy with the response you have received in relation to your request and wish to ask us to review our response, you should write to:-
– Head of Legal Services / Associate Director of Corporate Governance Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Edward Jenner Court
1010 Pioneer Avenue
Gloucester Business Park
E-mail: —
If you are not content with the outcome of any review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office ICO. for further advice/guidance. Generally, the ICO will not consider your case unless you have exhausted your enquiries with the Trust which should include considering the use of the Trust’s formal complaints procedure. The ICO can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information Officer
On behalf of Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust
Please provide the following information for the past five financial years 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23. If the 2022-23 data is not available yet, please omit this from your response and advise as to when it will be available.
1. How many referrals to CAMHS and/or CYPMHS did you receive?
Of these referrals:
2a. How many were refused support by CAMHS / CYMPHS?
2b. How many have a closure date falling within this period? If possible, please please split such information by closure reason.
2c. How many have a rejection date within this period?
2d. How many mentioned an autism diagnosis – or other neurodivergent condition diagnosis? Please include those with any type of diagnosis, including but not limited to. previous, provisional, primary and secondary.
3.Please supply your CAMHS / CYMPHS policy on autism and specify if your service has an autism team.
I would like to request some information under the freedom of information act.
I would like the organisation to provide me with the following departmental documents around ICT and corporate procurement.
Many organisations within your region have different document title names:
1. 2023/24 IT Department Documents ;- these types of documents have detailed information on the department’s future plans and strategies. These documents could include:
ICT Strategy/Plan, ICT Department Plan, ICT Financial Plan
2. ICT Org Chart ;- with names and job titles
3. Corporate Procurement Strategy that covers 2023/24 and more.
I have received a request from Colleen George copied in. for the following information:
Email from me to Gary Dodson, dated 13/01/2023 at 12:02 and his response, dated 13/01/2023 at 13:16
The emails relate to conversations about Colleen’s son, Thomas GEORGE-PAIN 1138992.
Colleen has requested the eligibility / referral criteria and operational policy for both our Recovery and Assertive Outreach Teams.
I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the FOI Act 2000.
Please enter ‘No System Installed’ or ‘No Department’ under supplier name if your trust does not use the system or have the department:
System type – Clinical decision support in e-prescribing
Supplier name
System name –
Date installed –
Contract expiration –
Is this contract annually renewed? – Yes/No
Do you currently have plans to replace this system? – Yes/No
Procurement framework –
Other systems it integrates with? –
Total value of contract £. –
Notes – e.g. we are currently out to tender
System name -Observations – vital signs
Date installed –
Contract expiration –
Is this contract annually renewed? – Yes/No
Do you currently have plans to replace this system? – Yes/No
Procurement framework –
Other systems it integrates with? –
Total value of contract £. –
Notes – e.g. we are currently out to tender
System type –Oncology e-prescribing
Supplier name
System name –
Date installed –
Contract expiration –
Is this contract annually renewed? – Yes/No
Do you currently have plans to replace this system? – Yes/No
Procurement framework –
Other systems it integrates with? –
Total value of contract £. –
Notes – e.g. we are currently out to tender
System type – Diagnostic imaging
Supplier name
System name –
Date installed –
Contract expiration –
Is this contract annually renewed? – Yes/No
Do you currently have plans to replace this system? – Yes/No
Procurement framework –
Other systems it integrates with? –
Total value of contract £. –
Notes – e.g. we are currently out to tender
System definitions:
Clinical decision support in e-prescribing – within, or in conjunction with, its e-prescribing systems, Clinical Decision Support CDS. assists prescribing clinicians in safely identifying suitable medicines, doses and titrations, for individual patients.
Observations – vital signs – a system for electronic recording at the bedside of patient vital sign data, together with a mechanism to include in the patient’s electronic record.
Oncology e-prescribing – module or functionality that supports electronic chemotherapy prescribing, medication administration and dispensing activities.
Diagnostic imaging – electronic medical imaging systems providing the core capabilities to manage diagnostic images and associated reports.
I hope you are well.
I am making this request under the Freedom of Information Act.
My requests are outlined below as specifically as possible, however if any of the below is unclear, I would appreciate it if you could get in touch at simon.l.morse@gmail.com
Please could you provide answers to the following questions for Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust:
Public Facing NHS Trust Website
1. What CMS/software and version does your public facing NHS Trust website use? e.g. In-house, Sharepoint, Jadu, Drupal 7.
2. Is your public facing NHS Trust website hosted and supported by a third party IT partner or on-premise? If a third party, when does your current contract expire?
3. When was your public facing NHS Trust website launched?
4. What are your separate budgets for hosting/supporting and development for your public facing NHS Trust website?
5. Which team/department/individual is responsible for maintaining your public facing NHS Trust website?
Digital Accessibility
1. When was your public facing NHS Trust website last audited for accessibility compliance?
2. Which team/department/individual is responsible for maintaining accessibility compliance across your public facing websites?
Website Content
1. Do you work with external marketing/communications suppliers to create content for your public facing services?
2. When was the last time you conducted a content audit on your website to remove outdated content?
I would like the organisation to review my freedom of information request below, that’s focused around contract data for services around facilities management specifically around the services below:
1. Office and building cleaning – Service contract that is focused around office, commercial and building cleaning services.
2. Lift service and maintenance – Service contract for lift service and maintenance.
3. Food – Service contract that is focused around catering services.
4. General waste services contracts – The organisation’s primary general waste service contract.
5. Laundry services – where clothes and linen can be washed and ironed. 1. Contract profile questionnaire for each type of contract:
2. Supplier/Provider of the services
3. Total Annual Spend – The spend should only relate to each of the service contracts listed above.
4. A description of the services provided under this contract please includes information if other services are included under the same contract.
5. The number of sites the contract covers
6. [ONLY FOR LIFT CONTRACT] The Brand name of the type of lifts used by the organisation
7. The start date of the contract
8. The end date of the contract
9. The duration of the contract, please include information on any extensions period.
10. Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contracts? name, Job Title, contact number and email address.
Under the provision of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 please can you answer the following questions relating to the staffing systems. you currently use as of December 2023.
Our preference is that you copy the tables below into an excel spreadsheet and fill up the relevant fields. However, how you complete the request is entirely up to you.
For each of the staff group categories: Medical and Dental Nursing and HCAs AHPs and HSS
Does your Trust use an E-Rostering provider? Yes/No – if No, have you previously tried to implementation an e-rostering provider? Please name the provider..
What is the name of your E-Rostering provider?
When does the contract for the software you currently use for E-Rostering expire? dd/mm/yyyy.
How many licenses is your contract for?
What is the cost per annum for the provider?
For each of the staff group categories: Medical and Dental Nursing and HCAs AHPs and HSS
Do you have a Digital staff bank provider?
What is the name of your Digital staff bank provider?
What is the contract expiry date for the provider you currently use for your Digital staff bank? dd/mm/yyyy.
What is the cost per annum for the provider?
Agency Management Software/Agency Tech
For each of the staff group categories: Medical and Dental Nursing and HCAs AHPs and HSS
Do you use a Agency Tech provider? Yes/No/Not Applicable.
What is the name of your VMS Provider?
What is the contract expiry date for the provider you currently use? dd/mm/yyyy.
What is the cost per annum for the provider?
I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
How much has this trust spent on overseas recruitment including all recruitment related activities, overseas recruitment trips, agency fees, staff salaries of overseas recruits of all occupations – such as nurses, doctors, admin staff etc – including costs of relocation, flights etc. from 1st January 2017 – the present 31st October 2022.?
If possible please break this down by year and by cost type examples given above..
Please acknowledge receipt of this request.
I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the FOI Act 2000.
Please enter ‘No System Installed’ or ‘No Department’ under supplier name if your trust does not use the system or have the department:
System type – Accident & Emergency
Supplier name
System name –
Date installed –
Contract expiration –
Is this contract annually renewed? – Yes/No
Do you currently have plans to replace this system? – Yes/No
Procurement framework –
Other systems it integrates with? –
Total value of contract £. –
Notes – e.g. we are currently out to tender
System type – Digital Dictation
Supplier name
System name –
Date installed –
Contract expiration –
Is this contract annually renewed? – Yes/No
Do you currently have plans to replace this system? – Yes/No
Procurement framework –
Other systems it integrates with? –
Total value of contract £. –
Notes – e.g. we are currently out to tender
System type – Document Management
Supplier name
System name –
Date installed –
Contract expiration –
Is this contract annually renewed? – Yes/No
Do you currently have plans to replace this system? – Yes/No
Procurement framework –
Other systems it integrates with? –
Total value of contract £. –
Notes – e.g. we are currently out to tender
System type – Scheduling
Supplier name –
System name –
Date installed –
Contract expiration –
Is this contract annually renewed? – Yes/No
Do you currently have plans to replace this system? – Yes/No
Procurement framework –
Other systems it integrates with? –
Total value of contract £. –
Notes – e.g. we are currently out to tender
System definitions:
Accident & Emergency – A specialist system used to manage patients and patient clinical notes in the Emergency Department ED.
Digital Dictation – Device used for recording and managing natural speech, allowing staff to verbally input a patients’ note into a system without having to manually input it.
Document Management – Converts records into electronic format so that they can be viewed, moved around, and managed electronically on screen. Acts as a live filing system.
Scheduling – Enterprise level systems that are designed to effectively and efficiently allocate resources staff, equipment, treatment and even data. to patients at the necessary time and place. Systems in this area range from appointment booking, typically for clinic slots, through to far more sophisticated SAP-style resource allocation and scheduling systems.
Please could you help me answer the following, in regards to the FOI requests:
1. Please provide a list of all the hospitals within your NHS trust
2. Please provide the number of inpatient wards within each hospital
3. Please provide the number of inpatient beds within each hospital
Could you please answer the following questions:
1. Within your Organisation
a. Are you using medication pill pouches for your patients?
b. Who provides these pouches? E.g., Hospitals, community pharmacies Please state name & address..
2. On discharge long or short term. a. Do you discharge patients on medication pill pouches?
b. Who provides the medication pill pouches?
c. Do you provide other medication prompts aids?
d. Do you provide medication prompt visits?
I am writing to request the following under the Freedom of Information Act: 1. Please provide the name of your NHS Trust 2. Do you have a specific policy for employees undergoing fertility treatment? a. if so, please provide a copy. b. if not, please advise which policy this is covered by, and provide an extract of the relevant section. 3. Do you provide paid leave for employees undergoing fertility treatment? 4. How many days paid absence are employees entitled to for fertility treatment? 5. How is the absence recorded i.e., sick leave, special leave, other, etc..? 6. How many employees have had paid time off for fertility treatment in the last 3 financial years 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23.. 7. What wellbeing support is available for employees undergoing fertility treatment? 8. What guidance is available for managers to help them support and manage employees undergoing fertility treatment?
1. Do you currently use any off framework agencies for Nursing, if so please include agency name?
2. Do you currently use any off framework agecnies for HCA/support workers, if so please include agency name?
3. Since May 2023 till now, how many shifts have been booked with off framework agency for nursing?
4. Since May 2023 till now, how many shifts have been booked with off framework agency for healthcare assisant/support workers?
5. Do you have any off framework agencies who currently charge £50+ per hour for nursing staff, if so who may they be?
6. Do you have any off framework agencies who currently charge £24+ per hour for healthcare assitant/support workers, if so who may they be?
Wednesday 4th May 2022
RE: Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
————————-Information Team
This is an information request relating to internal magazines at the Trust.
Please include the information for each of the following periods; 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22:
• Any expenditure on any internal magazine produced by the Trust. Please breakdown expenditure by year
• Copies of the magazine
• Any income received from the production of the magazine, for example through advertising
For an example of what I mean, see here: https://www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/about-us/publications/gist If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for.
I would prefer a response via email, but if this is not possible, I will gladly accept letters to the address below.
Please acknowledge this information request as soon as possible.
Can you please let me know the following;
What was the trusts off framework spend in 2022?
Which agency had the biggest spend and how much was the spend?
I would like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:
1. The total spend for businesses that have supported your staff bank services in each of the last 12 months, starting from Jan 2022 – Jan 2023. 2. A breakdown of how these funds have been spent, including any categories or types of expenditures, in each of the last 12 months, starting from Jan 2022 – Jan 2023.
I would like to make a request for the following information:
1. Does your trust utilise off-framework agencies for Nursing or Care, if so which agencies?
2. How many hours have been covered by off-framework agencies for Nursing and Care AUG 22-PRESENT?
3. Who at director level is responsible for patient safety and staffing levels?
I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to request the following data specifically about Mental Health Act inpatients within your trust:
1. Please provide the number of allegations reported within your trust, clinical commissioning group or other care setting as defined, of
• Rape
• Sexual assault
• Sexual harassment
• Sexual misconduct
2. Please advise the location of these offences and or alleged offences broken down by location Mental Health Unit, Hospital, Other Hospital Setting to be clearly defined.
3. Please provide this data for the years – 2020, 2021, 2022 and to date. 4. Please provide a month by month and location. 5. Please identify if these allegations are:
• On Staff carried out by a staff Member
• On Staff carried out by a patient or visitor
• By Staff on a Patient
• By Staff on a visitor
• On Staff carried out by a visitor
6. For each of these allegations please advise if a suspect was identified and or arrested. 7. If a suspect was identified and the suspect was identified as a member or staff or a contractor to the trust, CCG or group.
• What was the outcome?
• Was the suspect subsequently arrested, charged, convicted or NFA?
• Was the suspect subsequently investigated, suspended or dismissed from the Trust.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits Section 12., it would be appreciated if you could provide advice and assistance Section 16 obligations of the Act. as to how I can refine my request. Should you hold information on some parts of the request but not others, please could you provide that information, rather than a blanket refusal.
I hope this email finds you well.
I would be very grateful if you could provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, information with respect to the following there is an excel attached which helps simplify the instructions.:
Please provide total amount of money spent £. by your trust on each of the following sub-categories as stated on the NHS supply chain website. stated below for the following Financial Years FY. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.:
i. Enteral Feeding, Bile Bags and Associated Products
1. Lot 1 – Enteral Feeding Syringes and Accessories
2. Lot 2 – Enteral Feeding Devices
3. Lot 3 – Enteral Feeds, Drinks and Giving Sets
4. Lot 4 – Bile Bags, Ryles Tubes and Levin Tubes
ii. Infant Feeding and Associated Accessories
1. Lot 1 – Infant Food
2. Lot 2 – Infant Feeding Accessories
Please provide total volumes Units Purchased. of each of the categories as stated on the NHS supply chain website. below for the following Financial Years FY. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022., at your trust:
iii. Enteral Feeding, Bile Bags and Associated Products
1. Lot 1 – Enteral Feeding Syringes and Accessories
2. Lot 2 – Enteral Feeding Devices
3. Lot 3 – Enteral Feeds, Drinks and Giving Sets
4. Lot 4 – Bile Bags, Ryles Tubes and Levin Tubes
iv. Infant Feeding and Associated Accessories
1. Lot 1 – Infant Food
2. Lot 2 – Infant Feeding Accessories
Please provide a list of suppliers your trust has purchased from under the following categories as stated on the NHS supply chain website. for the following Financial Years FY. 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.:
v. Enteral Feeding, Bile Bags and Associated Products
1. Lot 1 – Enteral Feeding Syringes and Accessories
2. Lot 2 – Enteral Feeding Devices
3. Lot 3 – Enteral Feeds, Drinks and Giving Sets
4. Lot 4 – Bile Bags, Ryles Tubes and Levin Tubes
vi. Infant Feeding and Associated Accessories
1. Lot 1 – Infant Food
2. Lot 2 – Infant Feeding Accessories
vii. How much money per supplier within each Category
I am getting in touch to request data under the Freedom of Information Act.
For each question, could I please ask for responses to be split into the five most recent financial years.
I appreciate the current financial year is still ongoing.
a. 2022/23
b. 2021/22
c. 2020/21
d. 2019/20
e. 2018/19
1. How many days have trust staff taken off sick leave not holiday.?
2. How many days have trust staff taken off for stress or anxiety?
3. Please provide a staff breakdown for the figure for question two – ie, how many days were taken off by doctors, nurses, porters, cleaners, admin staff etc.
4. How many days have trust employees taken off due to a. covid and b. Covid contact-related self-isolation?
5. How many trust staff have taken more than a month off in one given year due to stress or anxiety.
6. What was the longest period a single member of staff has taken due to stress or anxiety? Please provide their job type or role if possible and an answer for each year.
I hope this email finds you well, and I extend my wishes for a Happy New Year.
I am writing to you under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request specific information related to your organisation’s ICT testing practices. This information is requested for academic research purposes. My questions are as follows:
1. Do you have a dedicated Informatics and Communications Technology ICT. test team?
2. Do you outsource project testing?
3. Do you outsource Business as Usual BAU. testing?
4. Do you test core functions not just key applications. before releasing your regular Operating System patches and updates to the ICT estate?
5. Do you test your new End User Devices and peripherals before deploying to the ICT estate?
6. Would you consider using an independent Testing as a Service TaaS. option? If not, please explain why.
From 1st November 2023 until 31st December 2023 how many shifts has your Trust or Health Board utilised Thornbury Nursing services for?
Within this same time frame 1st November 2023 until 31st December 2023. please list all wards or departments that utilised this agency and display the number of shifts in each.
Within this same time frame 1st November 2023 until 31st December 2023. please list all other off contract agencies utilised by the Trust or Health Board for nursing and break down a list of each ward or department and total number of shifts for each off contract agency. Please list any suppliers with a general Band 5 day charge rate of over £50 per hour that have been booked for the Trust or Health Board in this time period 01/11/2023- 31/12/2023.
Please list any suppliers with a general Band 5 night charge above £60 per hour that have been booked for the Trust or Health Board in this time period 01/11/2023- 31/12/2023.
Please list any suppliers with a critical day rate charge Band 5 or 6. ITU/A&E/Theatre or any other Speciality above the rate of £60 per hour that have been utilised in this time period Please list any suppliers with a critical night rate charge Band 5 or 6. ITU/A&E/Theatre or any other Speciality above the rate of £70 per hour that have been utilised in this time period
Freedom of Information Request
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following
information from Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust . Please may you
provide me with:
1. Number of admissions to the Maxwell Centre, for individuals who were detained under
Section 136 of the Mental Health Act between January and December 2023 Categorised on the
1.1.0. Age 10 – 18, 19 – 21, 22 – 24, 25 – 30, then in increments of 5 years thereafter ..
1.1.1. Gender.
1.1.2. Ethnicity.
1.2.0. Known diagnosed psychiatric disorder by Gender..
1.2.1. Previous engagement with the Crisis and Resolution Home Treatment Team by Gender..
1.3.0. Percentage of detainees searched by Police on admission by Gender..
1.3.1. The most common recorded reason for search by Gender..
1.4.0. Previous attendance on a Section 136 by Gender..
1.4.1. Most common reason for Section 136 detention by Gender..
1.5.0. Method of conveyance to the Section 136 Suite by Gender..
1.5.1. If Police have conveyed, the most common reason for Police conveyance by Gender..
1.6.0. The average time spent under Section 136 by Gender..
1.6.1. The rate at which Mental Health Act Assessments MHHA. begin within a 3-hour period of
arrival by Gender..
1.6.2. The most common recorded reason for delayed MHHA by Gender..
1.7.1. The average time spent waiting for MHAA to commence by Gender..
1.5.1. The average duration of MHAA by Gender..
1.5.2. How often Section 136B of the Mental Health Act is invoked by Gender..
1.5.3. The most common outcome of MHAA by Gender..
2. The percentage frequency at which the Approved Mental Health Professionals AMHP.
Service sent the outcome of the MHAA to the detainees’ registered General Practitioners
surgery between January and December 2023?
2.1.0. The average time to be sent.
3. The percentage frequency at which the Section 12 approved doctor sent the outcome of the
MHAA to the detainees’ registered General Practitioners surgery between January and
December 2023?
3.1.0. The average time to be sent.
4. Monthly calls to the Crisis and Resolution Home Treatment Team between January and
December 2023 Categorised on the following.:
4.1.0. Age 10 – 18, 19 – 21, 22 – 24, 25 – 30, then in increments of 5 years thereafter ..
4.1.1. Gender.
5. The average waiting time from referral to assessment for the Mental Health Intermediate
Care Team between January and December 2023 Categorised on the following.:
5.1.0. Age 10 – 18, 19 – 21, 22 – 24, 25 – 30, then in increments of 5 years thereafter..
5.1.1. Gender.
6. The average waiting time from referral to assessment for Gloucestershire Talking Therapies
formally Let’s Talk. between January and December 2023 Categorised on the following.:
6.1.0. Age 10 – 18, 19 – 21, 22 – 24, 25 – 30, then in increments of 5 years thereafter ..
6.1.1. Gender.
7. The average waiting time from referral to assessment with a qualified Psychiatrist
Categorised on the following.:
7.1.0. Age 10 – 18, 19 – 21, 22 – 24, 25 – 30, then in increments of 5 years thereafter..
7.1.1. Gender.
8. Information regarding the policies and procedures implemented by the Trust for the Maxwell
Centre in relation to individuals detained under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act.
Additionally, please ensure that a copy of the relevant document is included to fulfil the Trust’s
responsibility under Section 132 of the Mental Health Act.
9. The number of complaints received by the Trust regarding Mental Health for the period of
January to December 2023.
9.1.0. The most common theme/type of Mental Health complaint.
9.1.1. The most common way the complaint was dealt with i.e Serious Incident
Framework/Local Resolution etc..
9.1.2. Average timeframe to acknowledge such a complaint.
9.1.3. Average timeframe to fully respond to such a complaint.
10. How many documented cases of self-inflicted injuries occurred in the Maxwell Centre
between January and December 2023? Categorised on the following.
10.1.0. Age
10.1.1. Gender
10.1.2. Method employed in each case per Office of National Static Method categorises i.e
Drowing, Fall and Fracture, Poisoning/Overdose, Hanging/Strangulation/Suffocation, Jumping or
Lying in-front of a moving object, Sharp Object and Other..
11. How many documented cases of self-inflicted deaths occurred in the Maxwell Centre
between January and December 2023? Categorised on the following.
11.1.0. Age
11.1.1. Gender
11.1.2. Method employed in each case per Office of National Static Method categorises i.e
Drowing, Fall and Fracture, Poisoning/Overdose, Hanging/Strangulation/Suffocation, Jumping or
Lying in-front of a moving object, Sharp Object and Other..
12. A copy of the Trusts policy for Section 12 approved doctors pertaining to MHAA Fee’s.
13. A copy of the management structure for the following services, Maxwell Centre,
Gloucestershire Talking Therapies, Crisis and Resolution and Home Treatment Team and
Mental Health Intermediate Care Team.
14. Number of deceased under this Trust care with a recorded cause of death as suicide or
negligence by clinical procedure since October 1
st 2019.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the
cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under
the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further
advice and assistance.
Pursuant to Section 10 of the Freedom of Information Act, it is incumbent upon Gloucestershire
Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust to provide a response to this request within a period of
20 working days. Consequently, I anticipate receiving a response no later than Friday,
February 02
nd 2024
This is a request for information being made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. It relates to a National Patient Safety Alert ’NatPSA’. issued by the Department of Health & Social Care on 27/09/2023: ‘Shortage of methylphenidate prolonged-release capsules and tablets, lisdexamfetamine capsules, and guanfacine prolonged-release tablets.’ reference no: NatPSA/2023/011/DHSC.. According to the Central Alerting System website, this alert was issued to Mental Health Trusts see: https://www.cas.mhra.gov.uk/ViewandAcknowledgment/ViewAlert.aspx?AlertIDequals103238.. The alert states that required actions should be completed by 11/10/2023.
The alert states that ‘prescribers should: not initiate new patients on products affected by this shortage until the supply issues resolve’.
The alert states that ‘healthcare professionals in primary care and secondary care if appropriate. should: identify all patients currently prescribed these products; and make early contact with patients to establish how much supply they have remaining.’
The alert states that ‘where patients have insufficient supplies to last until the re-supply date, contact: patient’s specialist team for advice on management options if the product cannot be sourced.’
The alert states that ‘specialist teams should: support primary care teams seeking advice for patients currently prescribed the affected products; provide individualised management plans, where required; and recommend alternatives in line with NICE guidance, where appropriate.’
Please provide the following information:
1. Did your Trust receive the above NatPSA? If so, on what date was it received?
2. Assuming that the answer to the first part of question 1 is yes, was the NatPSA forwarded to relevant specialist teams within your Trust? Which specialist teams was the NatPSA forwarded to?
3. The NatPSA states that ‘prescribers should not initiate new patients on products affected by this shortage until the supply issues resolve.’ Have any new patients under your care who would ordinarily have been prescribed the affected products not been given prescriptions because of this required action? If so, how many?
4. Where appropriate did specialist teams within your Trust ‘identify all patients currently prescribed these products’, as required by the NatPSA? If so, how many patients were identified and by what date was this action carried out?
5. Where appropriate did specialist teams within your Trust ‘make early contact with patients to establish how much supply they have remaining’, as required by the NatPSA? If so, how many patients did you attempt to contact? How many patients were successfully contacted?
6. Assuming that the answer to the first part of question 5 is ‘yes’, and that some patients were successfully contacted, how many patients were identified as having insufficient supplies to last until the re-supply date?
7. The NatPSA states that healthcare professionals should ‘contact patient’s specialist team[s] for advice on management options’. Have any specialist teams within your Trust been contacted by other healthcare professionals seeking such advice? If so, what advice were specialist teams able to provide?
8. Have specialist teams within your Trust ‘[supported] primary care teams seeking advice for patients currently prescribed the affected products’, as required by the NatPSA? If so, how?
9. Have specialist teams within your Trust provided individualised management plans, either to primary care teams or directly to patients? If so, how many?
10. Have specialist teams within your Trust recommended alternative products in line with NICE guidance, where appropriate? If so, how many such recommendations have been made?
11. What policy, if any, exists within your Trust for ensuring compliance with National Patient Safety Alerts? If such a policy exists, please provide a copy of it.
Please could I make the following request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.
1. The name of the Sexual Health Platform used within the Trust?
for example INFORM Sexual Health provided by INFORM, Lilie proved by Idox and MAXIMS PreView solution provided by Maxims
2. The Name of the Provider of the Sexual Health Platform?
3. The date start date and end date of the current contract?
4. The name and email of the person within the Trust that is responsible for The Sexual Health Platform utilized within the Trust
I am submitting this request, on behalf of myself, under the Freedom of Information Act and the Code of Practice on Openness in the NHS.
I would like to receive this information by email.
3. Does your Trust offer a weight management service/support to patients with obesity?
c. If yes, please confirm the name and type of each service
g. What healthcare professionals are delivering these services and how many FTE.?
k. If not, which organisation commissions these services for your population?
o. Please list the relevant services provided to your population.
s. How many places were commissioned for each service for FY 2023/34?
w. How many referrals have been received so far for each service in FY 2023/24?
aa. How many patients are currently waiting for their first appointment for each of these services?
ee. Which funding pots. is used to deliver the weight management services?
ii. What was the value of the budget for each service in FY 23/24?
mm. Do you anticipate expanding, maintaining or decreasing the current service provision in the next financial
nn. year?
rr. Are there currently staffing vacancies in these services, if so please provide the title, grade and
ss. FTE for each vacancy.
ww. Who is the senior person in the Trust who is responsible for commissioning this service?
aaa. Who is the senior person in the Trust who is responsible for the delivery of this service?
eee. If this service is outsourced, who is your provider, and what is the duration and end date of their
fff. contract?
I am submitting this request, on behalf of myself, under the Freedom of Information Act and the Code of Practice on Openness in the NHS.
I would like to receive this information by email.
1. Does your Trust offer diabetes services/support for Type 2 diabetes patients with obesity?
a. If yes, please confirm the name and type of each service
b. What healthcare professionals are delivering this service and how many FTE.?
c. If not, which organisation commissions these services for your population?
d. Please list the relevant services provided to your population.
e. How many places were commissioned for each service for FY 2023/34?
f. How many referrals have been received so far for each service in FY 2023/24?
g. How many patients are currently waiting for their first appointment for each of these services?
h. Which funding pots. is used to deliver these services?
i. What was the value of the budget for each service in FY 23/24?
j. Do you anticipate expanding, maintaining or decreasing the current service provision in the next financial year?
k. Are there currently staffing vacancies in these services, if so please provide the title, grade and FTE for each vacancy.
l. Who is the senior person in the Trust who is responsible for commissioning this service?
m. Who is the senior person in the Trust who is responsible for the delivery of this service?
n. If this service is outsourced, who is your provider, and what is the duration and end date of their contract?
I am submitting this request, on behalf of myself, under the Freedom of Information Act and the Code of Practice on Openness in the NHS.
I would like to receive this information by email.
1. Does your Trust offer Diabetes Structured Education service?
a. If yes, please confirm the name and type of each service
b. What healthcare professionals are delivering this service and how many FTE.?
c. If not, which organisation commissions these services for your population?
d. Please list the relevant services provided to your population.
e. How many places were commissioned for each service for FY 2023/34?
f. How many referrals have been received so far for each service in FY 2023/24?
g. How many patients are currently waiting for their first appointment for each of these services.?
h. Which funding pots. is used to deliver the services.?
i. What was the value of the budget for each service in FY 23/24?
j. Do you anticipate expanding, maintaining or decreasing the current service provision in the next financial year?
k. Are there currently staffing vacancies in these services, if so please provide the title, grade and FTE for each vacancy.
l. Who is the senior person in the Trust who is responsible for commissioning this service?
m. Who is the senior person in the Trust who is responsible for the delivery of this service?
n. If this service is outsourced, who is your provider, and what is the duration and end date of their contract?
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information: 1. Since 1st January 2022 how many staff have been given permission to work remotely outside of the UK?
2. Please provide a list of each unique approval detailing; country, job title of the individual concerned and length of time spent working outside of the UK.
3. Are there any additional associated costs created by staff working outside of the UK. Please provide a breakdown of these costs and the total spent since 1st January 2022.
I am writing to request information under the freedom of information act regarding your organisations rostering utilisation. Please can you complete the below questions. 1. Please provide the rostering solution used for the below staffing groups. Where more than one supplier is used for each staff group, please provide the name of each supplier.
Medical & Dental
Nursing & Health Care Assistants Scientific, Therapeutic & Technical Staff including of Allied Health Professionals Administration and Estates
2. Please list below the staffing groups where e-rostering is currently live and being used?
3. Please tick the below Medical Specialities that are currently rostered on the system- General Medicine
General Surgery Anaesthetics Obstetrics and Gynaecology
4. What percentage of workforce are rostered on the system? Please list the percentages by the staffing groups listed below- Medical & Dental
Nursing & Health Care Assistants
Scientific, Therapeutic & Technical Staff including of Allied Health Professionals Administration and Estates
5. What is the contract start date for your rostering supplier/suppliers? Please list the name of the supplier and contract start date.
6. What is the contract end date for your rostering supplier/suppliers? Please list the name of the supplier and contract end date.
7. What was the annual cost of your rostering supplier/ suppliers for the financial year 22/23 April 2022 – March 2023.? 8. Are there any exit costs incurred for changing rostering supplier/ suppliers? If yes, please state the exit cost for each supplier
9. Did the organisation use a framework to procure your rostering supplier/ suppliers? Please state the name of the supplier and framework it was procured from. 10. From the table below please indicate which interfaces are being used and at what frequency?
Interface In/Out Daily Weekly Monthly Ad Hoc
ESR Generic Attendance Inbound Interface Out
ESR Generic Absence Inbound Interface Out
ESR Generic Outbound Interface In
E-Job Planning In/Out
Junior Doctors In/Out
Staffbank / Agency In/Out
Identity Provider Servers In/Out
11. Please provide the name of the organisations GOSWH Guardian of safe working hours.
12. Please provide the name of the organisations Lead Registrar
13. Please provide the name of the organisations Medical Education Director
14. Please provide the name of the chair of the Junior Doctors forum
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:
For the last financial year, what was the total amount spent on translation costs?
Can you provide a breakdown of these costs by language translated.
Do you hire any dedicated translators? If so provide details of how many, total salary cost and for what language.
Please could you answers the following questions?
1. What is the population size you cover?
2. What proportion of your contracted budget is spent on Mental Health if unknown, please provide an estimate.
3. Please complete the table below for the last 5 financial years starting with the financial year April 2018 and detail the digital funding you have received from NHS sources i.e. NHS England or associated commissioners integrated care boards/clinical commissioning groups..
Month Year Amount of digital funding received £. Funding source i.e NHSE/ICB. Name of funding programme, if applicable Capital/Revenue?
Please can I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act. Please contact me if you have any questions.
1. Please advise what software/systems you use for managing medical devices to be compliant with MHRA Guidance Jan 2021? See link Safeguarding public health publishing.service.gov.uk.
2. If applicable, how long is the contract and when does it expire month and year.?
3. What is the annual budget for the system listed in response to question 1?
4. Please advise on the name and contact for the person responsible for ensuring compliance with the MHRA guidance quoted above.
I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, the following information:
1. The number of a. first consultant appointments after an urgent referral, b. first definitive cancer treatments, and c. subsequent cancer treatments, that were cancelled or rescheduled by your trust in financial year 2022/23:
i. once
b. twice
c. three times or more
2. The most amount of times the date was changed on a single one of the above cancer appointments by your trust in FY 2022/23.
I am writing to request the following information from your NHS trust:
• The number of whistleblowing claims raised with the trust in the past five calendar years 2018-2022., broken down by year, department and main concern i.e. patient safety, poor care/abuse, etc.
• If possible, please specify how many claims were investigated, how many resulted in disciplinary/organisational action, and how many were dismissed
I require details of all of the annual data since the data began to be collected until the present date you provide the information for Gloucestershire and for the UK as a whole for the following areas:
1. Data on the total number of diagnoses on an annual basis for the mental health As defined within the DSM-5 as calculated from UK Mental Health services using the DSM-5 criteria. area for both the UK as a whole and also specifically for Gloucestershire.
2. Data on the number of known misdiagnoses on an annual basis for the mental health As defined within the DSM-5 as calculated from UK Mental Health services using the DSM-5 criteria. area for both the UK as a whole and also specifically for Gloucestershire. And if this data is not known then I require details of why it has not been collected and if that information has been collected anywhere else in any form or as part of any other report..
3. A percentage breakdown of the number of misdiagnoses on an annual level for both Gloucestershire and the UK as a whole and if in place details of any allowable level of misdiagnoses from the legislation passed by the great and the good in both of those places The houses of Parliament and Lords..
4. Details of the number and percentage of specifically Autistic diagnoses as both a number and a percentage along with the total for both the UK and Gloucestershire.
5. Details of the actual number and percentages of the expected number of Autistic diagnoses for both the UK and Gloucestershire.
6. Details of the actual and reported overturned/revised or altered reports and /or misdiagnoses in both the UK and Gloucestershire along with the expected number of overturned/revised or altered reports / and or misdiagnoses for both the UK and Gloucestershire, and if there are no such reports and details in those areas then Why?
I want to make a Freedom of Information request, could you please send me the following information with regards to the organisation’s Mobile Phones contract.
You may have received the same request in the past and this information sent has now expired and I require an update as soon as possible for the following information:
If there is more than one provider, please split all the information including the annual average spend, number of connections, duration, contract dates and internal contact details.
1. Network Providers. – Please provide me with the network provider name e.g., EE, Telefonica, Vodafone, Three
2. Annual Average Spend for each Network Provider – Can you please provide me with the average annual spend over the last 3 years. If this is a new contract, can you please provide the estimated annual spend.
3. Number of Connections- Number of connections for each network provider. Number of voices only devices, voice and data devices, data only devices. please provide me with the breakdown and not the overall total.
4. Duration of the contract- please state if the contract also includes contract extensions for each provider.
5. Contract Start Date- please can you provide me with the start date of the signed agreement. Please do not provide me with the framework contract date. I require the contract dates of the signed agreement. if there are multiple start dates, could you please provide me with the earliest date for each provider.
6. Contract Expiry Date- please can you provide me with the expiry date of the signed agreement. Please do not provide me with the framework contract date. I require the contract dates of the signed agreement. If the contract is rolling, please state.
7. Contract Review Date- Please can you provide me with a date when the organisation plans to review this contract.
8. The person in the organisation responsible for this particular contract. Can you send me the full contact details Contact Name, Job Title, Contact Number and direct email address for each network provider? If full contact details cannot be provided, please send me their actual job title.
9.If the mobile phone contract is provided by a managed contract, please provide me with the actual name of the network provider along with the number of connections and the internal contact from within the organisation responsible for this contract.
Please could you let me know about the services that you use to collect offensive and clinical waste? Forgive me if I’ve missed this on your website. Specifically, could you please let me know when you will next tender for these services, which framework you prefer and the annual tonnage for offensive waste and clinical waste?
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:
Which hospitals in your Trust open elective theatres at the weekend? please list the name of the hospital followed by a Y/N as to whether elective theatres are open at the weekend.
How many of the following scans has your Trust carried out in the last year, broken down by daily activity?
o CT Scans
o MRI Scans
o X Rays
I am writing a request for information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please could you provide me with:
– Numbers of people who have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia from 2019 to 2023;
– How much, in terms of waiting times, did it took to have a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia;
Please provide me with a breakdown per gender and year.
I am submitting this request, on behalf of myself, under the Freedom of Information Act and the Code of Practice on Openness in the NHS.
Please confirm the Trust holds the following data, and where it is held please provide the data as requested. I would like to receive this information by email.
1. Does the Trust provide a Specialist Tier 3 Weight Management Service?
2. What is the title and grade of the clinicians. who is clinically responsible for patients seen in this service?
3. Please provide any clinical pathways and/or protocols or service specifications for this service.
4. Please provide any quality metrics and/or reports for this service.
5. How many patients was/is the Trust commissioned for, in:
a. 2022/23?
b. 2023/24?
6. How many referrals did/has the Trust received., in:
a. 2022/23?
b. 2023/24?
7. How many patients are currently waiting for their first appointment in the T3WM service?
8. How does the Trust charge for this service:
a. NHS Tariff/Payment Scheme.
b. Other Per Appointment Pricing Scheme.
c. Per Patient/Pathway Pricing.
d. Block Arrangement.
Please provide me with the details below. Section 1: Medical Locum Expenditure
1. 1.0 Between 1st April 2023 and 31st October 2023, what did the Trust spend on Agency Medical Locums? Clarification: Include all charges pay, agency fees, managed service fees, etc.. excluding VAT. All grades, including Consultants. a. 1.1 What proportion of this was attributed to the services of a Managed Service Provider MSP. / Neutral Vendor / Master Vendor and/or Technology Provider? Section 2: MSP & Tech 2.
3. 2.0 Does the Trust have a Managed Service / MSP either Neutral Vendor, Master Vendor, or otherwise. and/or technology for managing the supply of agency medics, and/or Direct Engagement? If the answer to question 1.0 is yes, please answer the following questions: a. 2.1 Which company provides this solution? Clarification: If there is more than one company involved, for example, if the tech/software is separate from the service provision, please list all contracts that are in place. Other than where an agency is providing managed services or tech, there is no need to list all of the locum agencies involved in the supply chain. b. 2.2 Which Framework was this contract / were these contracts procured under? c.
3. 2.3 Please disclose the expiry dates. of the contracts. 4.
4. 2.4 Please disclose the fee structure and cost of the above-mentioned provisions. Clarification: Excluding all elements of locum doctor pay / the cost of agency locums and excluding the agency commission charges, and excluding VAT.
2.5 What percentage of spend on agency medics was processed via a Direct Engagement model during October 2023? Clarification: how much of the agency locum spent during this period benefitted from VAT efficiency via a Direct Engagement provision? 2.6 What was the average hourly charge rate paid by the Trust for a Locum Consultant between 1st August – 31st October 2023? Clarification: Including pay and PAYE tax, NI, etc.., and agency fees. Exclude MSP / Tech fees and VAT. 2.7 What was the maximum charge rate paid for a Locum Consultant between 1st August 2023 and 31st October 2023? Please specify the specialty. Clarification: Including pay and PAYE tax, NI, etc.., and agency fees. Exclude MSP / Tech fees and VAT Section 3: Accountable People 5. 3.0 Please provide the name, email address, telephone number, work mobile if applicable, and job title of the person responsible on behalf of the Trust, for the management of the above-mentioned contracts.. a. 3.1 If different, please also provide the same details of the person or persons accountable for delivering the Trust’s strategic objectives in relation to agency medics.
If you do not deal with this, please pass this email along to the department/person in your Trust that does.
Please tell me of the length of the current waiting time between referral acceptance and Diagnostic Assessment for Adult ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder. in your Trust.
Section 1: Agency Nurse Expenditure 1. 1.0 Between 1st April 2023 and 31st October 2023, what did the Trust spend on Agency Nurses? Clarification: Include all charges pay, agency fees, managed service fees, etc.. excluding VAT. 1. 1.1 What proportion of this was attributed to the services of a Managed Service Provider MSP. / Neutral Vendor / Master Vendor and/or Technology Provider? Section 2: MSP & Tech 2. 2.0 Does the Trust have a Managed Service / MSP either Neutral Vendor, Master Vendor, or otherwise. and/or technology for managing the supply of agency nurses? 3.
If the answer to question 1.0 is yes, please answer the following questions: 1.
2. 2.1 Which company provides this solution? Clarification: If there is more than one company involved, for example, if the tech/software is separate from the service provision, please list all contracts that are in place. Other than where an agency is providing managed services or tech, there is no need to list all of the nurse agencies involved in the supply chain. 2. 2.2 Which Framework was this contract / were these contracts procured under? 3. 2.3 Please disclose the expiry dates. of the contracts. 4. 2.4 Please disclose the fee structure and cost of the above-mentioned provisions. Clarification: Excluding all elements of nurse pay / the cost of agency nurses excluding the agency commission charges, and excluding VAT. 5. 2.5 What was the average total cost paid by the Trust for a “Day Rate” Band 5 Agency Nurse between 1st August – 31st October 2022? Clarification: Including pay and PAYE tax, NI, etc.., and agency fees. Exclude MSP / Tech fees and VAT. 6. 2.6 What was the average total cost paid by the Trust for a “Day Rate” Band 5 Agency Nurse between 1st August – 31st October 2023? Clarification: Including pay and PAYE tax, NI, etc.., and agency fees. Exclude MSP / Tech fees and VAT. 7. 2.7 What was the maximum charge rate paid for a Band 5 Agency Nurse between 1st August 2023 and 31st October 2023? Clarification: Including pay and PAYE tax, NI, etc.., and agency fees. Exclude MSP / Tech fees and VAT Section 3: Accountable People 3.
4. 3.0 Please provide the name, email address, telephone number, work mobile if applicable, and job title of the person responsible on behalf of the Trust, for the management of the above-mentioned contracts..
6. 3.1 If different, please also provide the same details of the person or persons accountable for delivering the Trust’s strategic objectives in relation to agency nurses.
I would like to request the following information:
1. Please provide numbers and details of incident reports on psychiatric inpatient wards of any type. where a tampon, period pad, continence pants/pullups and/or menstrual cups or other period products were involved, used or are listed in the incident information .
Please include redacted details where possible.
Methods may relate to swallowing item, using to create ligature or using to block bath/basin, using to block door, using to hide other items etc
There may be other incident reports relating to period products, please provide these.
Please provide these details to the present day from 01/01/2020
This is my real name and I am requesting this information for my use