Gloucestershire Health and Care- NHS Trust logo
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Archive for Procurement

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1. Which software provider does the Trust use for medics rostering software
2. Which software provider does the Trust use for doctors temporary staff management software
3. Which software provider does the Trust use for direct engagement management of medical locums software
4. Which software provider does the Trust use for master vendor management software
5. What was the annual cost for the Trust’s medics rostering software in the last FY
6. What is the contractual end date of your current medics rostering software
7. What is the contractual end date of your current direct engagement software
8. What is the contractual end date of your current master vendor management software
9. What is the contractual end date of your current temporary staff management software

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SECTION 1: Hospital Demographics
1. Please indicate your trust/hospital type and type of care:

1. Trust/Hospital Type:
i) Acute
ii) Mental Health
iii) Community
iv) Ambulance
v) Other (please specify)

2. Type of Care:
i) Secondary
ii) Tertiary
iii) Other (please specify)

3. Total Number of Beds: Please indicate the total number of inpatient beds in your hospital, including all types (e.g., general, ICU, maternity) if applicable.

4. ICU/ITU Bed Count: How many beds are designated for intensive or high-dependency care?

5. Annual Admissions: Please provide the total number of patient admissions in the last calendar year. If exact figures are unavailable, please provide your best estimate.

SECTION 2: Procurement and Inventory Management
1. Formal Procurement Policies: Does your hospital have formal policies or guidelines for medical equipment procurement?
i) Yes (please provide a copy or summary)
ii) No

2. Designated Procurement Roles: Is there a designated individual or team responsible for managing the procurement of medical equipment? If yes, please provide the role(s) and a brief description of responsibilities.
i) Yes – Individual
ii) Yes – Team
iii) No

3. Inventory Review Frequency: How often is your medical equipment inventory reviewed for excess or unused items?
i) Monthly
ii) Quarterly
iii) Biannually
iv) Annually
v) Other (please specify)

4. Primary Sources for Procurement:
What are the primary sources for your medical equipment procurement?
Please indicate the proportion sourced from the NHS supply chain versus individual suppliers, and provide any additional details as applicable.

SECTION 3: Waste and Disposal
1. Excess/Expired Equipment:
What percentage of your medical equipment inventory was classified as excess, unused, or expired in the last 12 months?
Please provide a breakdown by equipment type, if available.

2. Disposal Responsibility: Is there a specific role or department responsible for overseeing the disposal of medical equipment? If yes, please provide the role(s) and responsibilities.
i) Yes – Individual
ii) Yes – Department
iii) No

3. Formal Disposal Policy: Does your hospital have a formal policy for the disposal of medical equipment?
i) Yes (please provide a copy or summary of any policies)
ii) No

4. Types of Commonly Disposed Equipment: Please specify the types of medical equipment most commonly disposed of due to expiry or non-use. Include examples and approximate percentages for each type, if possible.
i) Surgical instruments
ii) Diagnostic devices
iii) Monitoring equipment
iv) Imaging equipment
v) Other (please specify)

SECTION 4: Sustainability and Environmental Impact
1. Sustainability Initiatives: Does your hospital have a sustainability initiative for recycling, reuse, or redistribution of excess or unused medical equipment?
i) Yes (please provide details)
ii) No

2. Disposal of Excess or Expired Equipment: How does your hospital manage the disposal of excess, expired, or damaged equipment? Please provide a breakdown by disposal method and indicate the approximate amount (in tonnes) used per year for each method.
i) Recycling
ii) Donation
iii) General waste
iv) Other (please specify)

SECTION 5: Policies and Compliance
1. Compliance with Disposal Guidelines: How does your hospital ensure compliance with national or NHS guidelines on the disposal and management of medical equipment?
i) Internal audits
ii) External audits
iii) Regular staff training
iv) Other (please specify)

2. Internal Audits of Equipment Management: Has your hospital conducted internal audits within the last 12 months to assess the management of excess medical equipment?
i) Yes (If yes, please indicate the frequency of audits and any key findings, if available)
ii) No

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For all psychiatry grades (e.g. Consultant, SAS) and all sub-specialties (e.g. General Adult, Old Age, CAMHS) for the periods 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/2024 and April to September 2024:

1. Please could you provide the data for total spend, for each locum agency used, divided between on and off framework

2. Please confirm the total number of agency locum psychiatrists working per month, for each agency supplier divided between on and off framework.

3. Please confirm the total number of hours worked by agency locum psychiatrists per month, for each agency supplier divided between on and off framework.

4. Please confirm the total number of unfilled vacancies (excluding locum filled posts) per month.

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This is in relation to the use of social value weighting of 10 per cent in your procurement of goods and services, which has been mandated by government for NHS Trusts and Foundation Trusts since April 2022.
Please send me:
1. What methods do you use to measure social value from your procurements? Please include any additional measurement methods you use (e.g. TOMs) as well as the NHS Social Value Model.
2. What is the total social value accrued by your procurement activities each year from April 2022, according to how you measure and report this at a corporate level? If possible, can you provide any explanatory notes to explain how you have measured this?
3. Do you use financial proxies to monetise the measurement of social value, such as social local economic value? If so:
1. a. Please specify the method or measure you use to monetise the measurement of social value
1. b. Please provide the total number of contracts to which you applied this financial proxy each financial year since April 2022
1. c. Please provide the total value of those contracts
1. d. Please provide the total monetized social value of those contracts
1. e. Please provide the total value of all contracts let during that same period
4. How much in total have you spent in procurement on local business/organisations, each financial year, since April 2022? Please including your definition of a local business/organisation, if you have one.
5. How much have you spent on SMEs each FY since April 2022? The government defines an SME as a company with fewer than 250 employees, turnover under €50m and balance sheet under €43. If the trust has a different definition then please provide it.
6. How much have you spent on VCSEs each FY since April 2022? Again, please include your definition of a VCSE if you have one.

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1. Codes used by insourcing provider: Please provide a list of each individual tariff (HRG) code, HRG reference name, and total count of references for each code for activity completed by third party insourcing providers. We do not need to know the provider nor the spend. Just the total number of references per code (e.g., FZ51Z, Diagnostic Colonoscopy. Count: 76).
2. Breakdown by Specialty: Please associate and provide the medical specialty (e.g., Gastroenterology, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, etc.).
3. Breakdown by clinical setting: Please specify whether this was for outpatients, day case procedures or diagnostic tests.
4. This information is requested for the financial years 2022-23, 2023-24, and financial year (2024-2025) to date.
Clarification of Terms:
For the purposes of this request, “HRG tariff” renamed “NHS Payment Scheme” refers to the standardised categories and pricing used for specific specialties and delivery types within the NHS.
For the purpose of this request, “elective insourcing services” refers to services provided by an external organisation within your facilities, typically aimed at reducing waiting lists and improving patient access to elective care.

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I am currently conducting some personal research on the size and age of imaging equipment across acute NHS Providers in England. To aid my research, I am requesting that you provide (in editable digital formats) the data points listed below per the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

1. CT Scanners
a. Number operated
b. Quantity
i. Make,
ii. model and
iii. age of each scanner
c. Use of outsourced CT service provider
i. Y or N
2. MR Scanners
a. Number operated
b. Quantity
i. Make,
ii. model and
iii. age of each scanner
c. Use of outsourced MR service provider
i. Y or N
3. PET/CT Scanners
a. Number Operated
b. Quantity
i. Make,
ii. model and
iii. age of each scanner
c. Use outsourced PET/CT service provider.
i. Y/N
ii. If Yes
1. Provider Name(s) and
2. Location

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1) Does the Trust / Health Board use a third-party inventory management / point of care solution?

1A) If yes – please confirm:
I: Which inventory management / point of care solution you use.
II: Contract value (p.a.)
III: Contract renewal date
IV: When did the Trust / Health Board first start using this solution?

1B) If no – does the Trust / Health Board use any internally-built IT inventory management / point of care solutions?

2) Please could you indicate which department(s) in the Trust / Health Board use inventory management / point of care solutions, whether third-party or internal?

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1. For your adult eating disorder service in 2024 what were the BMI of inpatients and community patients with an eating disorder at the time they were discharged?

2. For your adult eating disorder service in 2024 how many inpatients and community patients with an eating disorder were discharged with a BMI of under 15?

3. For your Children’s eating disorder service what was the weight for height percentage of inpatients and community patients with an eating disorder at the time they were discharged?

4. For your Children’s eating disorder service in 2024 how many inpatients and community patients with an eating disorder were discharged at a weight for height of less than 75 ?

5. At point of discharge if patients had a BMI of under 15, or equivalent to weight for height of less than 75, where were your patients discharged to? (for both adults and children)

6. In your adult and children’s eating disorder service what treatment is offered to inpatient and community patients who had a BMI of under 15, or equivalent to weight for height of less than 75?

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