Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below.
1. The total number of NHS patients sent to private inpatient mental health hospitals, funded by your trust, by financial year, since 2010.
Financial Year Number of patients sent to a Private Inpatient Mental Health Hospital
2017/18 17
2018/19 34
2019/20 38
2020/21 25
2021/22 35
2022/23 42
Grand Total 193
2. The total number of days that NHS patients spent at a private inpatient mental health hospital, funded by your trust, by financial year, since 2010.
Financial Year Total Number of Days Patients Spent at a Private Inpatient Mental Health Hospital
2017/18 895
2018/19 1056
2019/20 1759
2020/21 653
2021/22 1083
2022/23 910
Grand Total 6356
3. The average cost per day of sending NHS patients to private inpatient mental health hospitals, funded by your trust, by financial year, since 2010.
The only answer that we can provide is that in 21/22 the cost per bed was £620