Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 341-2023
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below.
What written handbook or guidance is given to new mental health team member when meeting and
helping and taking over patients where a team member has left the service?
Any team member new to a service would receive a full induction to the Trust and a service specific
induction to a service within which they are working before completing any patient facing work.
If a new team member is introduced to a service user ideally, they would have received a handover of
their care and treatment needs from the previous team member to avoid the need for the service user to
retell their story. There will be times when this is not possible if the out going team member leaves
unexpectedly or if the team were faced with unforeseen capacity and demand challenges. The team
member would also have access to the patient health record system
FOI Request
Dear Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, would you please answer this request foi what written handbook or guideance is given to new mental health team member when meeting and helping and taking over patients where a team member has left the service