To whom it may concern
The British Medical Association is the trade union and professional body for all doctors and medical students in the UK.
As part of ongoing work undertaken by the BMA to improve the working lives of doctors, we are currently conducting a Freedom of Information request to all NHS trusts in the UK, along with Integrated care boards ICBs., to better understand the support and facilities available to doctors in trusts that may impact on inequalities that occur within the workplace. The results of this will enable the BMA to provide meaningful and targeted to advice to our members.
In order to gather this data effectively, under the Freedom of Information Act, I am writing to ask for you to complete the attached spreadsheet in response to the questions below. Please can I ask for the responses to these questions to be a simple “Yes.” or “No.” please delete where appropriate, on the spreadsheet.. The only exception to this is question 12, where further detail is required.
Please use the column ‘Additional information’ to expand on your response and provide examples of best practice and explanation as to why you have responded “No.”
Also provide the contact details for the people leading on best practice if you would be happy for follow-up communication.
Caring responsibilities 1. Does your trust have a suitable area for staff where breastfeeding / milk expression can take place which meets the criteria of the Health and Safety Executive criteria below.?
Criteria: ‘You must provide a suitable area where pregnant workers and breastfeeding mothers can rest. It should include somewhere to lie down if necessary, be hygienic and private so they can express milk if they choose to – toilets are not a suitable place for this, include somewhere to store their mil, for example a fridge?’ 2. Do you hold facilities which are equipped to store expressed milk which staff can access including during night and weekend duties.?
3. Do your staff have access to a workplace nursery?
4. Do you offer any other forms of employer supported childcare benefits?
Reporting and acting on discrimination
5. Have you performed any analysis on your pay data by ethnicity? including pay gaps, awards e.g. clinical excellence awards.
a. If yes. Have you separated the analysis to look at the ethnicity pay gap of your medical workforce?
6. Does your organisation provide an independent route not HR or management. where staff can raise concerns of discrimination?
7. Do all staff inductions including medical students on work placements and doctors on short term contracts. include information about how to raise concerns?
8. Does your trust use the NHS England Just Culture Guide or a similar process when investigating incidents of patient safety?
Faith, health and wellbeing
9. Does your trust have a menopause policy?
10. Has your trust implemented the recommendations from Section 7. Appendix B of the NHS England Uniforms and Workwear Guidance regarding accommodating faith groups. into your local policies?
International medical graduates
11. Does your trust provide an induction for newly recruited international medical graduates? a. If yes. Does your induction meet the minimum requirements set out in the document Welcoming and Valuing International Medical Graduates: A guide to induction for IMGs recruited to the NHS? Specialty and specialist doctors SAS.
12. What number of SAS doctors that you employ are in leadership or extended roles? Respond as far as possible where you do collect the information. Please state in the comments column if you do not collect this information. Number of doctors Total doctors employed
Total SAS doctors employed
SAS clinical leads
SAS directors
SAS appraisers
SAS appraisal leads
SAS clinical governance leads
SAS medical directors
SAS educational supervisors
SAS undergraduate education lead
SAS audit lead
Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 339-2023
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below.
1. Does your trust have a suitable area for staff where breastfeeding / milk expression can take place
which meets the criteria of the Health and Safety Executive criteria below.?
Yes, as per the maternity policy states: 5.13.9. Should employees wish to continue breast feeding once
they return to work, line managers must ensure that adequate breaks are provided in order to allow the
employee to express milk. An appropriate location must be identified where employees may express,
and storage facilities for expressed milk must also be identified. The manager should ensure that a risk
assessment is completed before the employee returns to work.
2. Do you hold facilities which are equipped to store expressed milk which staff can access including
during night and weekend duties.?
As above
3. Do your staff have access to a workplace nursery?
4. Do you offer any other forms of employer supported childcare benefits?
The Trust does not currently offer supported childcare benefits, however the Trust has been liaising with
Vivup regarding their ‘Family Pay’ offer, which would enable colleagues to use the Vivup Platform to
spread the cost of childcare fees, however this is currently in the discussion stages.
5. Have you performed any analysis on your pay data by ethnicity? including pay gaps, awards e.g.
clinical excellence awards.
a. If yes. Have you separated the analysis to look at the ethnicity pay gap of your medical workforce?
The Trust generates a GPG report that includes gender and clinical excellence awards, which is
reported through the government reporting process and made available on our Trust internet. Internally,
ethnicity pay representation can be accessed through an NHS dashboard. However, for the 23/24
period, there are plans to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the ethnicity pay gap.
6. Does your organisation provide an independent route not HR or management. where staff can raise
concerns of discrimination?
7. Do all staff inductions including medical students on work placements and doctors on short term
contracts. include information about how to raise concerns?
Medical students attend the speak up guardian induction
8. Does your trust use the NHS England Just Culture Guide or a similar process when investigating
incidents of patient safety?
9. Does your trust have a menopause policy?
11. Does your trust provide an induction for newly recruited international medical graduates?
a. If yes. Does your induction meet the minimum requirements set out in the document Welcoming and
Valuing International Medical Graduates: A guide to induction for IMGs recruited to the NHS?
As far as we are aware we do cover most of the points at induction, but this may be a question for NHS
England who do the initial on boarding, visa and English speaking and qualification checks.
12. What number of SAS doctors that you employ are in leadership or extended roles? Respond as far
as possible where you do collect the information. Please state in the comments column if you do not
collect this information.
Number of
Total doctors
30 specialty
226 with trainee
Total SAS doctors
SAS clinical leads None
SAS directors None
SAS appraisers Two
SAS appraisal
SAS clinical
governance leads
SAS medical
SAS educational
None, but 5 3 in
psychiatry and 2
in sexual health
medicine. are
occasional clinical
education lead
SAS audit lead None