Gloucestershire Health and Care- NHS Trust logo
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Responses > 193-2022

Freedom of Information request 193-2022

Response published: 9 April 2023

FOI Request

I am requesting the following attached information under the Freedom of Information Act for all Female only Acute Mental Health Wards, disaggregated by Ward Name. If the definition is not clear on the template please use the data definitions in the Adults & Older Persons Mental Health Benchmarking exercise – ‘NHSBN Mental Health Spec 2022 Final’ Please respond via email, using the template attached. If any question would exceed the section 12 cost limit to fulfil, please mark that question as ‘information not held’ and respond to the remaining questions.

FOI Response

Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response attached. Dean Ward Please enter Ward Name here Please enter Ward Name here Please enter Ward Name here Please enter Ward Name here Please enter Ward Name here

Acute Female only Inpatient Services
Number of Beds 15
Available Beds due to Covid 15
Number of Admissions 21-22 FY 76
Number of Admissions 21-22 FY who were detained under the Mental Health Act at time of Admission 47
Number of Available Bed Days 21-22 5520
Number of Occupied Bed Days excluding Leave. 4973
Workforce Analysis WTE. at 31.03.2022
Nursing – Band 5 3.8
Nursing – Band 6 3.8
Nursing – Band 7
Nursing – Band 8
Total Nursing
Nursing Associates – Band 4 1
Support Workers and other Unregistered Clinical Staff 9.8
Peer Support Workers paid.
Social Workers directly employed by the Organisation.
Occupational Therapists OT.
Clinical Psychologists
Psychology – Other
Psychiatry – Consultant
Psychiatry – Assoc Specialist, ST4-ST6, Organisation and Staff Grades.
Psychiatry – Trainees FY1, FY2, CT1-CT3.
Other HCPC Health and Care Professionals.
Administrative and Clerical
Other Staff
Total Staff out-turn. at 31.03.2022 18.4
Workforce & Finance Metrics
Staff Vacancy Rate % 27.89% as at 31 March 22
Staff Sickness/absence % 7.87% as at 31 March 22
Staff Turnover % 0% as at 31 March 22
Total Spend on Bank Staff in 2021/22 251,471
Total Spend on Agency Staff in 2021/22 400,904
Total combined. spend on Bank and Agency Staff in 2021/22 652,375
Total pay costs in 2021/22 1,321,605
Total non-pay costs in 2021/22 3,334
Total costs of service in 2021/22 including corporate costs and overheads. 1,324,938
Inpatient Profiling
ICD10 Diagnosis Summary: All Completed patient episodes in 2021/22 – categorised by patient’s primary diagnosis at point of discharge
F00-F09 0
F10-F19 0
F20-F29 30
F30-F39 34
F40-F48 9
F50-F59 5
F60-F69 22
F99 1
Any other diagnosis code not included above. 1
Quality/Outcome measures for Mental Health Services
Number of incidents involving ligatures in 2021/22 178
Number of incidents involving actual physical violence to patients in 2021/22 11
Number of incidents involving actual physical violence to staff in 2021/22 74
Number of incidences of use of restraint in 2021/22 118
Number of incidences of use of prone restraint in 2021/22 6
Number of incidences of use of seclusion in 2021/22 0
Total number of deaths in inpatient care in 2021/22 all causes. 0