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Responses > 182-2122

Freedom of Information request 182-2122

Response published: 8 October 2021

FOI Request

Sent: 21 July 2021 10:01 To: Freedom of Information Subject: Freedom of Information request - Human Resources Information This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact -------------------------Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, Can I please have some information on the HR Team. 1. How many HR Advisors in the HR Department 2. How many disciplinary cases have HR processed since April 2019 to current and what were the reasons/allegations for these cases 3. How many disciplinary cases were processed to a final hearing since April 2019 to current and what were the reasons/allegations for these 4. How many disciplinary cases resulted in dismissal since April 2019 to current and what is reason for these dismissals.

FOI Response

Trust HQ
Edward Jenner Court
1010 Pioneer Avenue

E-mail: Website:
DATE: 10/08/2021
Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 182-2122
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below. Please note, in relation to the answers in questions 2-4, information on the following is only available from October 2019 when Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS FT came into existence.
1. How many HR Advisors in the HR Department?
There are 2 HR Advisors within the structure of the HR Operations team. There are number of other roles within the HR Operations structure that also provide advice on HR matters.
2. How many disciplinary cases have HR processed since April 2019 to current and what were the reasons/allegations for these cases?
Between 01/10/2019 and 01/08/2021 40 disciplinary cases were recorded as having been initiated. The reasons or allegations for each of those cases is listed below:
No. Reasons or Allegations
1 Failed to provide adequate stewardship of an individual case related to the care delivery for a patient stopping a medication
2 Use of inappropriate language, working relationships, harassment and bullying, and failure to follow the Trust’s values and behaviours 3 Stole a packet of Clinell wipes from store room at a time where there was a known shortage.
4 Breached patient confidentiality by leaving a notebook, that contained personal information for a number of patients, in the home of a patient
5 Failure to pass on a message to the Care Co-ordinator.
6 Engaged in an inappropriate conversation with a non-Trust colleague in relation to personal weapons and the current coronavirus crisis. 7 Bullying and harassment of staff and previous line manager.
8 Claimed business mileage for journeys that were not undertaken.
Undertook paid work for a clinic whilst off sick from role with the Trust.
9 Inappropriate relationship with a service user.
Failed to conducted self in a manner that did not adhere to standards enshrined in the Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers in England.
Breached the Trust’s Safeguarding Adults Policy, and Relationships and Professional Boundaries Policy.
Failed to uphold Trust values. 10 Deviated from standard practice whilst engaged in a team PMVA intervention.
Response was disproportionate in relation to the associated risk and when a less restrictive alternative was available.
11 Failure to take any appropriate or necessary action following the discovery of a drug error.
12 Formed an inappropriate relationship with a patient.
13 Inappropriate use of language with sexual connotations and inappropriate reference to ethnic minorities.
14 Failed to use techniques or methods that are approved in Trust training in a PMVA intervention. 15 Behaved in an inappropriate, unprofessional and bullying manner to a member of staff both within and outside of the workplace, which is not in accordance with the Trust’s values or the principles of the Bullying and Harassment policy.
Had inappropriate communication with a member of staff, including the use of inappropriate language.
Acted in an inappropriate and unprofessional manner whilst on a work sponsored event.
16 Engaged in an inappropriate conversation with a colleague in which you referenced their body and made comments that could be considered offensive.
Sent social media communication to a colleague which included inappropriate content.
Engaged in communication and behaviour that is not in accordance with the Trust values.
Used a non-recognised and inappropriate technique on a service user when redirecting them.
Used inappropriate force towards that patient in that intervention.
17 Failed to use techniques or methods that are approved in Trust training in a PMVA intervention. Breached patient confidentiality on a number of occasions.
Failed to maintain professional boundaries with patients.
Brought weapons into the workplace, which you stored in your locker and took out to show some patients.
Breached Trust policies namely the Health and Safety, Prevention and Management of Violence, Health and Social Care Records and Relationships and Professional Boundaries. Failed to uphold Trust values.
Conducted self in a manner that did not adhere to professional standards enshrined in the Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers in England.
18 Failed to effectively administer medication in line with the Policy on Prescribing, Ordering and Administration of Medicines POPAM. and did not follow the required actions under the Competencies for the Administration of Medication in relation to the error. Breached the Infection Control policy and protocols. 19 Slapped a patient.
Used a non-recognised and inappropriate technique on a patient.
Used inappropriate force towards that patient in that intervention.
Failed to uphold Trust values.
Failed to behave in a way that reflects the Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers in England.
20 Played an inappropriate audio of a video containing sexual content at work of which the audio was broadcast over Microsoft Teams. Took unauthorised TOIL.
Took unauthorised absence. Failed to maintain professional boundaries by sharing contents of a confidential meeting. 21 Inappropriately accessed and removed confidential information from the office. 23 Concerns regarding the level and quality of team supervision and management.
24 Displayed inappropriate behaviour towards a service user, not in line with the Trust values. 25 Deviated from standard practice whilst engaged in a team PMVA intervention.
Response was disproportionate in relation to the associated risk and when a less restrictive alternative was available.
26 Slapped a colleague on the back of the head.
Took photos of staff without their permission which showed patients in the background. 27 Poor record keeping, administered drugs not on drug chart, falsifying patient records.
28 Unknown
29 Unknown
30 Breach of patient confidentiality.
31 Inappropriately accessed the health record of a family member.
32 Showed two patients video footage of a Trust service user who was clearly in distress.
Failed to maintain patient confidentiality.
33 Pushing a colleague into a cupboard.
34 Inappropriate relationship with a service user. Allowing service user to bring alcohol onto ward.
Breach of patient confidentiality.
Accepting gifts / money from patient.
Aided a patient to provide medication to another staff member.
35 Attended work and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol and not fit to work
36 Breached the Trust’s Relationships and Professional Boundaries Policy by having a personal relationship with a former service user. 37 Complaint made to the police about a potential assault during a visit to a service user. 38 Inappropriate relationship with a service user. Allowing service user to bring alcohol onto ward.
Breach of patient confidentiality.
Accepting gifts from patient.
Asked patient to give them prescription medication they had access to at home.
Took medication from the ward.
39 Accessed the appointment search for a relative within the clinical systems record, with no professional reason to do so. 40 Unauthorised absence from work. 3. How many disciplinary cases were processed to a final hearing since April 2019 to current and what were the reasons/allegations for these?
Between 01/10/2019 and 01/08/2021 6 disciplinary cases proceeded to a full disciplinary hearing. The reasons or allegations for each of those cases is listed below:
No. Reason or Allegations
1 Use of inappropriate language, working relationships, harassment and bullying, and failure to follow the Trust’s values and behaviours 2 Inappropriate relationship with a service user.
Failed to conducted self in a manner that did not adhere to standards enshrined in the Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers in England.
Breached the Trust’s Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure, and Relationships and Professional Boundaries Policy.
Failed to uphold Trust values.
3 Formed an inappropriate relationship with a patient.
4 Slapped a patient.
Used a non-recognised and inappropriate technique on a patient.
Used inappropriate force towards that patient in that intervention.
Failed to uphold Trust values.
Failed to behave in a way that reflects the Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers in England.
5 Slapped a colleague on the back of the head.
Took photos of staff without their permission which showed patients in the background. 6 Attended work and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol and not fit to work
4. How many disciplinary cases resulted in dismissal since April 2019 to current and what is reason for these dismissals? Between 01/10/2019 and 01/08/2021 3 disciplinary cases resulted in dismissal. The reasons recorded for 2 of these 3 cases was gross misconduct. The reason for the third case is not recorded.
Should you have any queries in relation to our response in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you are unhappy with the response you have received in relation to your request and wish to ask us to review our response, you should write to:-
Associate Director of Corporate Governance Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Edward Jenner Court
1010 Pioneer Avenue
Gloucester Business Park
Tel: 0300 421 8321
E-mail: If you are not content with the outcome of any review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office ICO. for further advice/guidance. Generally, the ICO will not consider your case unless you have exhausted your enquiries with the Trust which should include considering the use of the Trust’s formal complaints procedure. The ICO can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information Officer
On behalf of Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust