Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Trust Freedom of Information Co-ordinator, Legal Services Department
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
Robinswood House
Under the Freedom of Information Act please can you supply the following information:
The NPSA1 and the recent HSIB investigation into nasogastric tubes2 have reinforced the need to
have clear and transparent reporting for X ray requests and interpretation of nasogastric tube
“X-ray checking procedures must be timely and carried out by clinicians assessed as
competent to do so. All results should be confirmed and recorded in the patient record
ensuring the most current x-ray for the correct patient is reviewed, the four criteria for
confirming gastric placement and clear instructions as to actions required are
documented using a structured approach and communicated to the relevant nursing staff”.
There is limited flexibility within the National Interim Clinical Imaging Procedure NICIP. Code set and
may require the PACS team to capture the inputs in the free text fields.
Q1 Can you please confirm with the RIS/PACS team if the Trust have implemented the
recommendations set out by the NPSA and reinforced in the HSIB report for X Ray reporting?
Q2 Can you please confirm the number of “Plain Film Chest X-Ray” requests XCHES. where a
nasogastric tube / NG tube was specified as free text in the clinical indication field or
requested as “XR Nasogastric tube position” XNASG. for the period from April 1st 2021 to
March 31st 2022?
Number of cases reported
XCHES + free text
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Enteral Access Technologies | Liverpool Science Park | 131 Mount Pleasant | Liverpool, L3 5TF————————-George,
Regarding the FOI on NG Tubes and the CXR process around them, the X-ray facilities in Community Hospitals are managed by GHFT.
We in GHC neither take the X-ray nor are responsible for reporting on them, therefore we suggest the FOI request is sent to GHFT.
We have found out its email address for you:
We hope that helps.
Thank you,
Information Governance and Records Team