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Responses > 069-2122

Freedom of Information request 069-2122

Response published: 4 December 2021

FOI Request

--- E-mail: Website: DATE: 22/04/2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UK Healthcare ------------------- Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 069-2122 Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below. 1. The number of latex allergy incidents recorded in the trust for Patients and Healthcare Workers within the last 5 years. 2 x Latex Allergy incidents. 2. Were these incidents all recorded on Datix? Yes these two incidents were all reported on Datix. 3. Type of medical device that caused a latex reaction. 1. Catheter x 2 4. Most recent Latex Allergy Policy. Please find attached as a separate PDF document. Should you have any queries in relation to our response in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you are unhappy with the response you have received in relation to your request and wish to ask us to review our response, you should write to:- Associate Director of Corporate Governance Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust Edward Jenner Court 1010 Pioneer Avenue Gloucester Business Park Brockworth GLOUCESTER GL3 4AW If you are not content with the outcome of any review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office ICO. for further advice/guidance. Generally, the ICO will not consider your case unless you have exhausted your enquiries with the Trust which should include considering the use of the Trust’s formal complaints procedure. The ICO can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. Yours sincerely, Freedom of Information Officer On behalf of Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust

FOI Response

Protocol for management of latex sensitivity Issue 1 2005
Reviewed: Jun 2020
Review: Apr 2021
Owner: Clinical Nurse LeadOH will assess staff for latex sensitivity using the Questionnaire for identifying latex sensitivity
WWF-010. in the following circumstances:
. At pre-placement where the New Starter Latex Surveillance Form for Staff where LATEX
gloves are used regularly WWF-006. has been used and is positive.
. When annual surveillance by the manager using the Annual Surveillance Form for Staff
where LATEX gloves are used regularly WWF-012. produces a positive response.
. At any time that staff report a reaction that they relate to the use of latex gloves and this
may be management or self-referral.
If staff do not react each time they use latex gloves, or do not react when other latex products are
used, it is very unlikely that they have been sensitised to latex. The staff member should then be
advised about general hand care, hand washing techniques and the use of emollients and
reviewed if there is no improvement.
Where staff report that they react to latex gloves, if this occurs on each occasion that they use
latex gloves and they react to other latex products, such as Marigold gloves at home or children’s
balloons, they should have a blood test for latex specific IgE RAST test..
If the RAST test is positive, the OH practitioner should:
. Inform the staff member that they may have a type 1 sensitivity to Latex, and
assessment/investigation may be needed.
. Arrange an appointment to see an OH Physician for confirmation of diagnosis and decide
if further tests are indicated
. Advise HCW to avoid contact with all forms of latex both at home and work
. Inform manager in writing that staff member may have a latex allergy and this is awaiting
confirmation by OHP.
. Advise manager to carry out risk assessment of work place to identify products or
equipment that contain latex and how exposure can be minimised.
If the RAST test is negative, the OH practitioner should:
. Offer the individual an appointment with the OH Physician to discuss the need for further
investigations such as skin prick testing or patch testing. Skin prick testing is not
available through GHNHSFT and referral arrangements to the Dermatology departments
at Bristol and Cardiff are in place for this..
Patch testing for type IV allergy to accelerators can be arranged through the Dermatology
departments GRH or CGH. This may be indicated if the tests for Type 1 allergy are negative.
Protocol for management of latex sensitivity Issue 1 2005
Reviewed: Jun 2020
Review: Apr 2021
Owner: Clinical Nurse Lead
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If a type 1 latex allergy has been confirmed, the following steps should be taken:
Advice for and management of Employee
. Inform employee in writing of latex allergy.
. Advise possible symptoms of latex allergy
. Advise to obtain medic alert bracelet
. Obtain consent to inform GP of diagnosis
. Consider the need for Epipen in conjunction with GP
. Advise to inform medical, nursing or dental practitioners of allergy and also beauty
therapists, hair dressers etc
. Advise employee that manager will undertake risk assessment of the workplace to
identify possible exposures and minimise
. Advise employee that their name will be kept on a register in occupational health and
they will be recalled annually to monitor their condition and control of symptoms
. Advise employee to strictly avoid latex at work and at home:
. Advise employee about RIDDOR regulations.
Possible Sources of Exposure to Latex
BP cuffs Car tyres
Stethoscopes Motorcycle and bicycle handgrips
Gloves Carpeting
Airways Swimming goggles
Endotracheal tubes Racquet handles
Tourniquets Shoe soles
IV tubing Expandable fabrics
Syringes Waist bands
Electrode pads Dishwashing gloves
Surgical masks Hot water bottles
Goggles Condoms
Respirators Diaphragms
Rubber aprons Balloons
Masks Dummies
Catheters Baby bottle nipples
Wound drains Erasers
Injection parts Rubber bands
Rubber tops of multi dose vials
Dental dams
Erasers/ Rubber bands
Information for Manager
. Advise Manager in writing of latex allergy
. Advise that a risk assessment is required to identify possible sources of latex exposure
and how this can be minimised
. Advise to liaise with Health & Safety advisor or OH if assistance required with risk
. Advise manager that employee must avoid exposure to latex as far as possible
. Advise symptoms of latex allergy
. Latex allergy and occupational dermatitis are reportable under RIDDOR and this should
be carried out in liaison with Health & Safety
. Discuss the need for resuscitation kit depending upon ongoing exposure
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. Advise that annual review of employee will be undertaken by OH using WWF