Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 059-2023
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below and in separate attachments.
Q1. Does your organisation have a panel which focuses on supporting adults who hoard or a ‘hoarding panel’.? A1. No – GHG safeguarding team attend the GSAB Fire Safety Sub Group which does accommodate hoarding, however, not specific cases.
Q2. If yes, please can you provide me with a copy of the policy/guidance/standard operating procedure/terms of reference that informs the remit of the panel?
A2. Not applicable.
Q3. Is there policy or guidance in the organisation to support staff working with people who self-neglect? A3. There is a specific self-neglect guidance document issued by the Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adults Board and our GHC Safeguarding Adults Policy
Q4. If yes, please can you provide me with a copy?
A4. practice-guidance-august-2022-final.pdf. Attached is the GHC Safeguarding Adults Policy and Safeguarding Focus on Hoarding from February 2023 which is on the GHC intranet for all staff to access.
FOI Request
I am requesting information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Q1. Does your organisation have a panel which focuses on supporting adults who hoard or a 'hoarding panel'.?
Q2 . If yes, please can you provide me with a copy of the policy/guidance/standard operating procedure/terms of reference that informs the remit of the panel?
Q3. Is there policy or guidance in the organisation to support staff working with people who self-neglect?
Q4. If yes, please can you provide me with a copy?