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Responses > 015-2122

Freedom of Information request 015-2122

Response published: 3 February 2021

FOI Request

To: Freedom of Information Subject: Payroll Software FOI This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact -------------------------Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust I am writing to make a Freedom of Information Request regarding the payroll software used at your organisation and its functionality. Please complete the FOI questions in the attached document. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

FOI Response

Please name each third-party payroll system used to pay each worker type substantive/bank/temporary. at your organisation in columns B, C, D onwards. For each system, please answer the following questions Substantive Staff Bank Staff Temporary Staff System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 System 5 System 6 System 7 System 8
1. Name of third-party payroll software ESR ESR ESR ESR 2. Contract start date with supplier dd/mm/yy. NHS Supplied NHS Supplied NHS Supplied NHS Supplied 3. Contract end date with supplier dd/mm/yy. NHS Supplied NHS Supplied NHS Supplied NHS Supplied 4. Annual cost of the payroll software in 19/20? Nil Nil Nil Nil 5. Did the organisation use a framework to procure the supplier? If yes, please state the name of the framework used 6. Which staffing groups does the payroll software process e.g. Medical, Nursing & Healthcare Assistants, Allied Health Professionals, Admin & Clerical All All All All 7. What is the frequency of your payroll? E.g. Weekly, Monthly Monthly Monthly Weekly Monthly 8. What is the average monthly number of staff processed per payroll in the last 12 months? 4440 1895 478 218 9. Does the payroll software integrate with ESR Electronic Staff Record.? 10. Does the payroll software have an API integration that allows data transfer between the payroll system and NEST Pensions? Yes Yes Yes Yes 11. Does the payroll software have an API integration that allows data transfer between the payroll system and NHS Pensions? Yes Yes Yes Yes 12. What other third party systems does the payroll software integrate with? E.g. rostering system, HR systems etc. E-roster, data warehouse, expenses, AD E-roster, data warehouse, expenses, AD E-roster, data warehouse, expenses, AD E-roster, data warehouse, expenses, AD 13. Does the software offer functionality to support Pension Caps? Yes Yes Yes Yes 14. Is your payroll managed A. In-house B. Partly outsourced
C. Fully managed/fully outsourced C C C C 15. Please state the name of your payroll service supplier Gloucestershire NHS Finance Shared Service Gloucestershire NHS Finance Shared Service Gloucestershire NHS Finance Shared Service Gloucestershire NHS Finance Shared Service