FOI Response – Waiting times for patients at CAMHS POPULATION SIZE 1. What is the size of the total population covered by your Trust? Age range Total population Core Registered population covered by service – aged 0-16 Community CAMHS. 114525 Core Registered population covered by service – aged 17-18 Community CAMHS. 14078 Total Registered population covered by service – aged 0-18 Community CAMHS. 128603 WAIT TO ASSESSMENT Notes for questions 2-5.: Please note, we are interested in actual waiting times rather than target waiting times. If you only have data available in weeks or months, please provide details of how many days you consider to be in a week or month for the purposes of your calculations. Ideally, we would like data for the primary reason for referral, if you do not record reason for referral, please state this in your response. If there are several reasons for referral, multiple counts are allowed, please state if this is the case in your response. If you only have some of this data we would prefer a partial response than no response. 2. What is your minimum, maximum and median waiting times from the date referral received to initial appointment with healthcare professional this includes a CHOICE or triage appointment and/or telephone or video call assessments.? Please provide data for the previous three full financial years 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020.. Data based on total number of referrals Year Min waiting time in days. Max waiting time in days. Median waiting time in days. Total number of referrals received
01/04/2017 to 31/03/2018 0 365 22 4718
01/04/2018 to 31/03/2019 0 267 24 4554
01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020 0 514 42 5061
3. In the financial year 2019/2020, what is your minimum, maximum and median waiting times from the date referral received to initial appointment with healthcare professional this includes a CHOICE or triage appointment and/or telephone or video call assessments. broken down by primary reason for referral? Data based on main presenting problem or reason for referral to CAMHS service Primary reason for referral Min waiting time in days. Max waiting time in days. Median waiting time in days. Total number of referrals received during this year Advice only ADHD/hyperactivity Anxiety/panic 4 128 29 311
Attachment Disorders 11 89 33 3
Autism Spectrum Disorders 3 136 26 57
Behavioural issues 9 103 34 94
Bipolar 39 39 39 2
Conduct Disorders 23 23 23 2
Depression 0 112 30 82
Drug and Alcohol difficulties 3 109 5 16
Eating disorders 1
Gender discomfort issues 31 131 34 7
In crisis Obsessive compulsive disorder 0 62 26 4
Psychosis Personality disorders 23 25 24 3
Phobias 1
PTSD 32 32 32 7
Relationship difficulties 6 46 24 21
Self-harm behaviours 0 91 8 268
School difficulties 13 69 14 7
Tics Others 0 514 48 1118
Not known 0 268 61 3057
WAIT TO TREATMENT 4. What is your minimum, maximum and median waiting times from the date referral received to start of treatment, based on the total number of referrals? NB. If you base start to treatment on anything other than 2nd appointment, please state below what you identify as start of treatment. Data based on total number of referrals Year Min waiting time in days. Max waiting time in days. Median waiting time in days. Total number of referrals received
01/04/2017 to 31/03/2018 01/04/2018 to 31/03/2019 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020 5. In the financial year 2019/2020, what is your minimum, maximum and median waiting times from the date referral received to start of treatment, broken down by primary reason for referral? Data based on main presenting problem or reason for referral to CAMHS service Primary reason for referral Min waiting time in days. Max waiting time in days. Median waiting time in days. Total number of referrals received during this year Advice only ADHD/hyperactivity Anxiety/panic Attachment Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorders Behavioural issues Bipolar Conduct Disorders Depression Drug and Alcohol difficulties Eating disorders Gender discomfort issues In crisis Obsessive compulsive disorder Psychosis Personality disorders Phobias PTSD Relationship difficulties Self-harm behaviours School difficulties Tics Others Not known ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please provide any additional information:
FOI Request
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Under the Freedom of Information Act, we would like to make a request regarding the waiting times for specialist multi-disciplinary Tier 3.* community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services CAMHS.. Our request consists of five questions:
Size of population
1. What is the size of the total population of under 18 year olds covered by your Trust?
Wait to initial appointment
2a. Overall based on the total number of referrals to Community CAMHS, what is your minimum, maximum and median waiting times in days from the date referral received to initial appointment with healthcare professional this includes a CHOICE or triage appointment and/or telephone or video call assessments.? Please provide data for the previous three full financial years 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020..
2b. In the financial year 2019/2020, what is your minimum, maximum and median waiting times in days from the date referral received to initial appointment with healthcare professional this includes a CHOICE or triage appointment and/or telephone or video call assessments. broken down by primary reason for referral?
Wait to treatment
3a. Overall based on the total number of referrals to Community CAMHS, what is your minimum, maximum and median waiting times in days from the date referral received to start of treatment? Please provide data for the previous three full financial years 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020..
3b. In the financial year 2019/2020, what is your minimum, maximum and median waiting times in days from the date referral received to start of treatment broken down by primary reason for referral?
We kindly request that the information is sent digitally in a spreadsheet format: Excel format .xlsx. would be ideal if possible – the attached spreadsheet Excel WAIT Study FOI Request Revised.xlsx. provides a template to enter the requested data. If you do not wish to use this Excel sheet, we recommend you look at it to clarify the data we are requesting.
If you need any further clarification then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours faithfully
The WAIT trial team
* We appreciate that some services no longer use a Tiered approach; therefore, we have specified what we mean by each Tier below so you can align it to the services provided for by your Trust: • Tier 1. Early Intervention and Prevention. Usually provided in community settings such as schools and children’s centres, and provided for by health visitors, school nurses, GPs. • Tier 2. Early Help and Targeted Services. This may be some CAMHS services, but also covers school based or community counselling, educational psychologist support, targeted youth support teams, and family support.
• Tier 3. Specialist CAMHS. This is specialist support for children, young people and their families provided for by specialist multi-disciplinary teams who will usually provide outpatient services in a community clinic setting. This will cover services for mental health and learning disabilities. • Tier 4. Highly Specialist CAMHS. This is highly specialist outpatient and inpatient services. These can include secure forensic adolescent units, eating disorder units, specialist neuro-psychiatric teams and other highly specialist teams, usually serving more than one region/district.
If you only have data available for Tier 2/3 combined services, this data would be preferable than no data. Otherwise, we do not require information about Tier 1/2 early intervention / uni-disciplinary. or Tier 4 inpatient or very highly specialist. CAMHS.
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