Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 008-2023
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below.
1. How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services for between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023? TNS only 650
2. Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services were used between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023? TNS only
Ward Total
Abbey View Ward – Tewks Hosp 5
Abbey Ward – Wotton Lawn Hospital 37
Cashes Green – Stroud Hospital 16
Chestnut Ward – Charlton Lane Hospital 45
Coln Ward – Cirencester Hospital 12
Cotswold View Ward – North Cots Hospital 12
Crisis – Cots & Vale 2
Crisis – West Glos 1
Dean Ward – Wotton Lawn Hospital 18
ECT – Wotton Lawn Hospital 9
Forest Ward – Dilke Hospital 11
Greyfriars PICU – Wotton Lawn Hospital 47
Jubilee Ward – Stroud Hospital 13
Kingsholm Ward – Wotton Lawn Hospital 20
Lydney Ward – Lydney Hospital 9
MIiU – Cirencester Hospital 11
MIiU – Forest Hospitals 3
MIiU – North Cots Hospital 18
MIiU – Stroud Hospital 29
MIiU – Tewkesbury Hospital 36
MIiU – Vale 27
Montpellier Ward – Wotton Lawn Hospital 61
Mulberry Ward – Charlton Lane Hospital 33
Peak View Ward – Vale Hospital 19
Priory Ward – Wotton Lawn 33
Rehab Inpatients – Honeybourne 5
Rehab Inpatients – Laurel House 12
Surgical – Stroud Hospital 10
Theatre – Tewkesbury 19
Willow Ward – Charlton Lane Hospital 62
Windrush Ward – Cirencester Hospital 15
Grand Total 650
3. How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used Nutrix, Genesis or AMC nursing agency for between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023? Nil
4. Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where Nutrix, AMC or Genesis were used between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023?
5. Please name any other OFF CONTRACT SUPPLIERS who have been utilised by the Trust between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023 above the NHS Improvement + 50% caps and how many shifts each of these agencies have filled. Medgen
6. If for any reason you are unable to supply data up until 1st January 2023 and 1st March 2023?
7. Can you confirm your head of procurement name, phone number and email address? Clyan Andrews 8. Can you confirm the head of bank office department phone number and email address? prefer email only – phone is for operational calls – email is
FOI Request
1. How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services for between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023?
2. Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services were used between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023? 3. How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used Nutrix, Genesis or AMC nursing agency for between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023?
4. Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where Nutrix, AMC or Genesis were used between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023?
5. Please name any other OFF CONTRACT SUPPLIERS who have been utilised by the Trust between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023 above the NHS Improvement + 50% caps and how many shifts each of these agencies have filled. 6. If for any reason you are unable to supply data up until 1st January 2023 and 1st March 2023?
7. Can you confirm your head of procurement name, phone number and email address? 8. Can you confirm the head of bank office department phone number and email address?