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To: Freedom of Information
Subject: FOI Request – infrastructure failures
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I am writing under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:
Please provide details of clinical service incidents caused by estates and infrastructure failure at your hospital trust for the years 2019/20, 2020/21 and so far in 2021/22.
Clinical service incidents are defined as infrastructure failures that have interfered with clinical services in some way. These could be things like power outages, building defects, water supply, oxygen shortages, food delivery, pest control or sewage supply.
For each incident, please could you provide a summary covering:
a. The date of the incident and the site of the incident.
b. The cause of the incident – eg. water shortage, power failure, pest control.
c. The cost and impact on services, such as delays or cancellations to planned patient care. Including where possible the number of patients affected and the length of the impact.
Please could I receive this information by email within 20 working days – by Monday 14 March 2022. Please send the information to the email
Please could you acknowledge that you have received this request.

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Sent: 16 March 2022 22:05
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Re: FOI 031-2022 – Response Letter
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Thanks for your reply, unfortunately I can’t see any other attachments apart from your response confirmation. Could you please send again? On 16 Mar 2022, at 21:19, Freedom of Information wrote:
Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 031-2022
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response attached.
Kind Regards,
– —
Legal Services Officer Legal Services. Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Address: Edward Jenner Court, Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, GL3 4AW
Telephone: 0300 421 8357 — Website:
From: Rece Pearson [] Sent: 15 February 2022 16:22
To: Rec Personal
Subject: Fwd: FOI Request to help to modernise NHS processes.
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I hope you’re all well and 2022 is treating you well to date ☺.
I’m currently conducting research to finalise a business plan which will enable us to assist the NHS/you with dramatically cutting down on agency spend and shift cancellations. Meaning not only would spend decrease but simultaneously patient care and safety would increase. To move into the next stages we require further information and direct feedback from Agency Staff Bank Managers to hear their thoughts and if they believe it’s something that will help strengthen the NHS recruitment process. I have attached an excel document as a template guide for you to input your answers to the following questions: For Hospitals 1. Names of the Hospitals within your Trust?
2. Do you utilise Master vendor services? ID Medical/Medacs/Retinue/Bank Partners/GRI.. If yes, please provide your Master Vend Account Manager’s email
3. Temporary Agency Staff Manager’s Full Name, Email & Direct Dial Telephone.
4. Permanent Agency Staff Managers Full Name, Email & Director Dial Telephone.
5. Off framework agency spend between Feb 2021-Date
6. Framework agency spend between Feb 2021 – Date
7. Total agency shift cancellations between Feb 2021 – Date 8. Names of the OFF-Framework agencies used between 2021-Date
9. Names of the OFF-Framework agencies used between 2021-Date
For Urgent Care Centres/Walk-in Clinics
1. Names of the Hospitals within your Trust?
2. Do you utilise Master vendor services? ID Medical/Medacs/Retinue/Bank Partners/GRI.. If yes, please provide your Master Vend Account Manager’s email
3. Temporary Agency Staff Manager’s Full Name, Email & Direct Dial Telephone.
4. Permanent Agency Staff Managers Full Name, Email & Director Dial Telephone.
5. Off framework agency spend between Feb 2021-Date
6. Framework agency spend between Feb 2021 – Date
7. Total agency shift cancellations between Feb 2021 – Date 8. Names of all the OFF-Framework agencies used between 2021-Date
9. Names of all the OFF-Framework agencies used between 2021-Date
Eagerly awaiting your response,

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I would like to make a request under Freedom of Information Act relating to job planning at your Organisation, including information relating to your use of job planning.
Please respond to the following questions
1. What was the annual cost for the Trust’s current job plan software in 2020 to 21.
2. What percentage of consultants have an active e-job plan on your system please note an active e-job plan is one that has been reviewed and approved in the past 12 months.. 3. Does the Trust currently send job plan data to your medics rostering software

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Sent: 10 February 2022 16:48
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Private Patient Third Party Involvement
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
————————-Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust,
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding your organisation’s Private Patient Third Party Involvement. Please can you complete the attached questions. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

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● Do you use Online Clinic / Video Consultation? If yes, could you please answer the following questions: ○ Name of the supplier & product: ○ What procurement method if any. was used to obtain this system i.e. what framework: ○ The contract start date: ○ The contract end date: ○ Total contract value: ○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR:
○ What is the name and position of the key internal stakeholder for this service:

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Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust,
I would like to request information under the Freedom of Information Act. Please could you provide the following information:
1. What support do you offer for the family members of patients being treated for cancer within your NHS Trust? Support can include anything that would contribute to the emotional well-being of an individual, such as support groups, counselling or advice..
2. Does your NHS Trust provide any tailored support specifically for young people under 25s. who have family members being treated for cancer?
3. If so, please could you provide details.
4. Are services actively offered to patients’ family members, or do they have to approach the Trust themselves to request support?
I would like to receive the information electronically. If you feel that a substantive response to this request is not possible within a reasonable time frame, or that the request is too broad or vague, I would be grateful if you could contact me and provide assistance as to how I could refine the request.

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I would like to know whether NHS chaplains at the trust or other NHS chaplains have made comments after seeing patients who believe themselves to be possessed.
Please send me all case notes and/or email correspondence from 2022 which describes an NHS chaplain commenting on a patient and includes any of the following words: Possessed, spirit, jinn, jin, gin, shayatin, afarit, exorcism, devil, satan, satanic, demon, evil, infestation, subjection, spectra, occult, witch, Iblis, nafs, waswās, dybbuk, zebola, awre, sagwara, shaitani, gamba, kitimiri, inwatso, loa, iwa, chwal, māra, kuei, shaman, Bhūtavidyā, Bhaironji, peye, setan, Please also send case notes and/or email correspondence from 2022 which describes an NHS chaplain commenting on a patient and includes any of the same words in their plural forms.

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1. What brands of Android devices are used in your Trust?
2. How many devices of each brand are in use in your Trust ?

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I wish to make an FOI request, as set out under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please can your organisation provide the following information:
a. The number of roles in your association expressed in numbers of FTE., that are mainly or exclusively focussed on issues of equality, diversity, or inclusivity. For example, this could include amongst other guises. “EDI officers” or “diversity and inclusion project managers” but would not include general HR managers.
b. Either a. the pay band of each of these roles, or b. the combined total salaries for these roles. Whichever measure is more in accordance with your data preferences.
c. In the past 12 months the number of staff days across your organisation which have been committed to attending equality training programmes, whether internally run or with external consultants. staff days equals duration of the training programme multiplied by the number of staff in attendance for the course.. If unable to provide please mark as in your return.

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Could you please provide me with some information on what Respiratory Diagnostic Equipment
currently in use across Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
I am particularly interested in the equipment in the following departments or similar departments….
Cardio Respiratory
Pulmonary Function Lung function.
Chest Clinic
Respiratory Department
Occupational Health.
Primary Care

I would like to know the following…

1. The number of current devices in use.
2. Manufacturer and type of device.
3. Which Hospitals and departments are they in.
4. Date of installation.

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I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like the following data regarding patients with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder ASD. diagnosis detained under the Mental Health Act within your trust between April 2021 and April 2022:
1. The number of ASD patients detained within your trust that were deemed fit for release and awaiting discharge.
2. The number of ASD patients that were sent to out of area placements. And the following data held on all patients within your trust between April 2021 and April 2022:
3. The number of patients detained under the MHA that were awaiting an ASD assessment. 4. The cost per year of detaining a patient under s3 of the MHA. Please could you share the data you hold between April 2021 and April 2022 and provide the information in the form of a spreadsheet csv or xlsx. as that would be very helpful. If a spreadsheet is not possible then please provide the data in any form you may hold it in.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits Section 12., it would be appreciated if you could provide advice and assistance Section 16 obligations of the Act. as to how I can refine my request. Should you hold information on some parts of the request but not others, please could you provide that information, rather than a blanket refusal.

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Sent: 26 October 2021 10:11
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Re: Automatic reply: Freedom of Information Application – Staff and Agency information request 20/21 FY
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I am just emailing to check if there is an update on my freedom of information request? I have not had a response to date.
Many thanks
Kind regards, Sharon Kuschy
On Tue, 14 Sept 2021 at 11:47, Freedom of Information wrote:
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. In these current unprecedented times and additional demand on our staff in our response to Covid-19 we will endeavour to reply to your FOI within the allocated time however there maybe a delay and we will inform you of the new reply date as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, we do remain committed to responding to your request and will respond as soon as we are able. Thank you for your understanding.
Should our response to your request breach the statutory timeframe and you remain unhappy with our response you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office and you can contact them at:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, tel 0303 123 1113, fax 01625 524 510 or visit web site Need Help Now?
If your enquiry is urgent and relates to the care and treatment of you, a family member, relative or friend, then please take action as follows:
Please contact your health care professional or team without delay, if you are receiving care or treatment from the Trust.
Speak with your GP or Out of Hours GP 111., if you are not receiving treatment from the Trust.
If you are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, you can contact The Samaritans, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 116 123 UK.. You can also visit
If you need an emergency service such as an ambulance, please dial 999.
If you have any queries or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust.

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Sent: 03 September 2021 17:56
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information request – CAMHS Neurodevelopmental Pathway Waiting List by Month
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
————————-Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust,
This is a Freedom of Information Request.
Please supply your answer in an excel spreadsheet.
1. Please can you tell me the number of children and young people who had been referred to your CAMH neurodevelopmental / neurodiversity pathway for treatment on or by 31 January 2019 and who were still waiting to start treatment with your CAMH neurodevelopmental / neurodiversity pathway team as of 31 January 2019?
2. Please answer Question 1 again, but replacing all references to the date “31 January 2019” with the following dates:
28 February 2019
31 March 2019
30 April 2019
31 May 2019
30 June 2019
31 July 2019
31 August 2019
30 September 2019
31 October 2019
30 November 2019
31 December 2019
31 January 2020
29 February 2020
31 March 2020
30 April 2020
31 May 2020
30 June 2020
31 July 2020
31 August 2020
30 September 2020
31 October 2020
30 November 2020
31 December 2020
31 January 2021
28 February 2021
31 March 2021
30 April 2021
31 May 2021
30 June 2021
31 July 2021
31 August 2021
Please supply your answer in an excel spreadsheet.
I appreciate that you have 20 working days to respond to this request, but if you could respond sooner – given this is a very simple request – that would be very much appreciated.
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
Is the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation’s FOI page.arshall

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I am writing to request information relating to your organisation’s computers desktop and laptop..

In 2025, Microsoft is set to end security support for the Windows 10 operating system. Replacement OS Windows 11 has much higher hardware requirements, which will leave many computers unable to run it safely.

So, I would like to request information on the number of desktop and laptop organisations currently in use at your organisation that meet these requirements. I am specifically interested in finding out how many computers do not have processors approved for the new OS. I have attached a list of approved processors.

Please could you provide the following information:

1. How many computers desktop or laptop. are currently owned by and in use at your organisation?
2. How many of these do not have a Windows 11-approved processor as determined by the attached list.?

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Could you please tell me for the calendar year 2021:
1. How many official complaints and PALS concerns your Trust received from patients alleging they had been discriminated against or badly treated by a member of staff because of their being overweight or obese
Please do this by searching for complaints containing any of the words weight, fat, obese, overweight and bariatric and filtering these to find those that refer to allegedly fat-shaming comments or actions made by a member of staff. 2. Can you select the first five such complaints from 2021 and provide me with the following details:
a. What type of staff member was the complaint levelled against? E.g. healthcare assistant, junior doctor, consultant, cleaner, kitchen staff
b. Please quote the words allegedly used by the hospital staff or summarise the offending action
c. Please tell me what, if any, action was taken by your trust in response to these five sample complaints from the beginning of 2021

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Sent: 13 April 2021 08:10
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information – assessments of agreements with Earnd company no. 11391391. Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust.
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
13 April 2021
Hello Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust,
Freedom of Information Request – Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Please regard this as a request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 an FOI request., for specific information from Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust.
If I’ve managed to send this to the wrong address for FOI requests, please be so kind as both to let me know that, and to forward this message on to the correct address/individual within the organization.
Please would you be so kind as to supply me with a copy of any and all assessments made by the Trust as to whether it should enter into an agreement with the company Earnd UK company registration number 11391391., between 31 May 2018 and 31 March 2021.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act, then please provide advice and assistance, under the section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me via email at this address. and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for and discuss the request: my details are as below.
Thank you very much in advance for your time and I look forward to your response.

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Sent: 21 April 2021 14:35
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Good afternoon, I would like to submit the following Freedom of Information request: What percentage of cancer referrals received an appointment within 12 weeks of the original referral from a GP, for each month in 2019 and for each month in 2020. UK Parliament Disclaimer: this e-mail is confidential to the intended recipient. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender and delete it from your system. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, or copying is not permitted. This e-mail has been checked for viruses, but no liability is accepted for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this e-mail. This e-mail address is not secure, is not encrypted and should not be used for sensitive data.

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Subject: Freedom of Information Request: Forensic mental health
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
—————–, I am writing to you to request the following information under the freedom of information Act 2000.. For each of the forensic services NHS and private-run. within the trust please provide the following: 1. 2. Please state how many patients
3. are currently in your forensic mental health wards. Please provide subtotals for patients in low security, medium security and high security wards. 4. 5. 6. Please state how many current
7. patients have resided in forensic wards for:
8. • • less than 1 year
• • • between 1 and 4 years
• • • between 5 and 9 years • • • Between 10 and 14 years
• • • 15 years or longer. • 3. 4. Please state how many current
5. patients were admitted to forensic services under a civil section, and/or have no criminal conviction. 6. 7. 8. Of those current patients
9. who do have a criminal conviction/were sentenced, please state how many were sentenced for prison terms of more than 5 years and more than 10 years. 10. Please provide the information in an electronic format and send it to me by email. If you think my request will exceed time and cost limits, please advise me, as per your duty under S16 of the FOIA, how I can refine my request to bring it within limits. Please contact me immediately for any clarifications – I am more than happy to help.

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from the Trust regarding;
1. How many shifts has your trust used Thornbury Nursing Services for between 1st – 28th February 2023

2. Within this timeframe, please can you list the number of shifts filled by ward or department that Thornbury were used in.

3. Please name all other Off Framework agencies that were utilised within this timeframe 1st – 28th February 2023.

4. How many shifts were filled during this time frame by these agencies 1st – 28th February 2023.

5. Within this same timeframe, please list the number of shifts filled, by ward or department.

6. Please list all suppliers with a general band 5 day charge rate of £50 per hour

7. Please list all suppliers with a general band 5 night charge rate of £55 per hour.

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For the time periods contained in cells B-K please provide statistical information relating to individuals who died whilst receiving in-patient psychiatric care at any facility in your jurisdiction. Please provide the total for the 10 year period in cell L. If do not have information for any of the time periods, or are otherwise unable to provide the information for the full range of years, please provide information on any of the time periods in cells B-K. 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 Total 1. How many individuals who were not detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 died whilst receiving in-patient psychiartic care? 2. How many non-detained patients: a. Died from self inflicted causes b. Died from natural causes c. Died during or after being restrained by medical staff or police called to assist medical staff 3. Of the non-detained patients who died from self inflicted causes how many were: a. White b. BAME c. Not known/ not stated 4.Of the non-detained patients who died from self inflicted causes and were BAME how many were: a. Black b. Asian c. Mixed ethnicity. Where possible please break this down into: i. Mixed White/Black ii. Mixed White/Asian d.Other ethnic group 5. Of the non detained patients who died from natural causes how many were: a. White b. BAME c. Not known/ not stated 6. Of the non detained patients who died from natural causes and were BAME how many were: a. Black b. Asian c. Mixed ethnicity. Where possible please break this down into: i. Mixed White/Black ii. Mixed White/Asian d. Other ethnic group 7. Of the non detained patients who died during or after being restrained by medical staff or police how many were: a. White b. BAME c. Not known/ not stated 8. Of the non – detained patients who died during or after being restrained by medical staff or police and were BAME how many were: a. Black b. Asian c. Mixed ethnicity. Where possible please break this down into: i. Mixed White/Black ii. Mixed White/Asian

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Sent: 07 September 2021 17:28
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information request – Protocols and policies regarding the care of transgender people

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————————-Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust,

I’m writing on behalf of the healthcare provider GenderGP.

We’re writing regarding the policies, protocols, and guidelines operated by each NHS Trust in relation to the care of transgender people.

We’re aware that NHS England Specialised Commissioning is responsible for commissioning specialist gender identity services in England. However, we’re interested in what guidelines are in place for the provision of transgender healthcare at primary and secondary care levels.

With this in mind, could you please provide the following:

1. Any equality and/or diversity policies you have in place for patients.

2. Any equality and/or diversity policies you have in place for staff.

3. Any guidelines, protocols, policies, or similar relating to care provision for transgender adults.

4. Any guidelines, protocols, policies, or similar relating to care provision for transgender children and adolescents.

5. Any guidelines, etc. relating to mental capacity and/or informed consent.

6. Any guidelines, etc. relating to shared care agreements and/or working with private services to facilitate treatment, particularly with regards to transgender healthcare.

We understand that this will be more or less relevant depending on the Trust, but please provide as much information as possible. I am happy to answer any questions you might have or provide further clarification.

Yours faithfully,


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

Is the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the latest advice from the ICO:

Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation’s FOI page.

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Sent: 28 September 2021 15:33
To: FOI Research
Subject: Adult mental health beds & eating disorders FOI
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
————————-FOI team,
I am sending this request under the Freedom of Information Act to ask for the following information:
1. Please can you send me overnight bed availability and occupancy data for mental illness beds in your trust in each of the following speciality codes please provide separate figures for each.:
• 710 – Adult Mental Illness
• 711 – Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
• 712 – Forensic Psychiatry
• 713 – Psychotherapy
• 715 – Old Age Psychiatry
• Eating disorder beds apologies I don’t have a code for this but please provide figures specifically for in-patient eating disorder specific beds if possible.
I would like the data for each week Monday to Sunday. from week beginning Monday 13st July 2020 to week beginning Monday 27th September 2021. Please provide a weekly figure for the following data for each speciality identified above: a. average beds available b. average beds occupied c. percentage of beds occupied
2. Can you please tell me how many patients your trust is currently treating for eating disorders?
3. Of the figures identified in answer to Q2 can you please tell me how many current patients being treated for eating disorders, how many require in-patient care?
If you need any further information from me in order to deal with my request, please call me on 07772206481
If you are encountering practical difficulties with complying with this request, please contact me as soon as possible in line with your section 16 duty to advise and assist requesters. so that we can discuss the matter and if necessary I can modify the request.
Please send me the data requested in the form of an Excel spreadsheet or as a csv file.
Please can you acknowledge receipt of this request.
Many thanks for your assistance.

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Sent: 28 September 2021 18:46
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information request – Employment & Funding of LXP Staff in NHS
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
————————-Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust,
In December 2020 the Adult Mental Health Team at NHSE offered Mental Health Trusts the chance to apply for funding for a Band 7 KUF Lived Experience Professional LXP. role. They have let us know via a FOI request that your trust did not take up the opportunity to apply for this funding.
People who work in LXP roles face a high level of discrimination and blocks to their careers. Most NHS Trusts do not have posts beyond Peer Support roles Bands 2-5..
Please provide answers to the following questions:
*Reasons why this funding was not applied for *Was the decision subject to an Equality Impact Assessment?
*Has your Trust made plans to reapply for the funding, which will be offered again this autumn/winter?
*Do you currently employ LXPs in Band 7 roles?
*If you currently do not employ LXPs in Band 7+ roles since declining the opportunity to apply for funding, please explain why your Trust does does not do so and what steps you are taking to change this situation.
Yours faithfully,
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
Is the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation’s FOI page.

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Sent: 24 October 2021 17:23
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: FOI Request – Temp Staffing
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Hello Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information. Please may you provide me with:
1. What was the cost to the trust for the last 2 years Apr to Mar. of temporary workers split between:
a. 2019 / 20 – paid to agencies
b. 2019 / 20 – paid direct to workers via trust / NHS payroll.
c. 2019 / 20 – paid direct to workers via their own invoices.
d. 2020 / 21 – paid to agencies
e. 2020 / 21 – paid direct to workers via trust / NHS payroll.
f. 2020 / 21 – paid direct to workers via their own invoices.
2. Did the Trust have any irrecoverable VAT in the last 2 years Apr to Mar.? If so, what was the:
a. 2019 / 20 – total amount
b. 2019 / 20 – amount attributable to temporary worker costs
c. 2020 / 21 – total amount
d. 2020 / 21 – amount attributable to temporary worker costs
3. Did the Trust incur any temporary to permanent recruitment fees during the last 2 years? If so, what was the:
a. 2019 / 20 – total amount
b. 2020 / 21 – total amount
4. Which timesheet systems has the Trust used for managing temporary workers during the last 2 years?
5. Which frameworks has the Trust used to source temporary workers during the last 2 years? And which of these frameworks are still being used?
6. Which Managed Service Providers has the Trust worked with during the last 2 years? And which of these are still engaged?
7. Has the Trust used any portals to manage invoices from agencies during the last 2 years? And which of these are still being used?
8. What is the average time taken between completion of a shift and an agency invoice being posted into your AP ledger?
Note: All amounts should be totals, excluding or net of VAT.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined, I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for and discuss the request, my details are outlined below.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response.

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Trust.
Please may you provide me with the following information:
1. The budget allocated to each specialist community perinatal mental health team in your ICS/health board/ trust in the following years – 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23
2. How much your ICS/health board/ trust actually spent on each specialist community perinatal mental health teams in the following years – 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23
3. The projected spend in your ICS/health board/ trust for each specialist community perinatal mental health teams in the year 2022/23
4. Whether there is any difference between funding allocated for 2022/23 question 1. and projected spend question 3.? If so, is this mainly i.e. more than 50%. due to unfilled posts? If not, please explain the other reasons for the difference. Please provide the information in the attached spreadsheet format. If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how we can refine our request.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for and discuss the request.

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I am requesting the Regulation EU. 2016/425 Declarations of Conformity for all type IIR surgical masks provided as PPE to staff since 15 June 2020. Regulation EU. 2016/425 states that the Declarations of Conformity must be provided physically with the PPE or a weblink printed on the PPE packaging. Which means if the PPE provided is legally complaint, then the Declarations of Conformity will be readily accessible.

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Sent: 04 August 2021 12:42
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information request
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Good Afternoon
Please find attached a letter for your attention.

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Sent: 22 June 2021 16:18
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Staff Spend FOI
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
————————-Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, Please could you answer the attached FOI questions in relation to temporary staff spend and waiting list initiative and overtime spend in 20/21. Please contact me for any clarifications and thank you in advance for your time.

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I am writing to you on behalf of the Health Service Journal HSJ..

I am making a Freedom of Information request for the following:

• The number of settlement agreements formerly known as compromise agreements. entered into with staff for each of the following financial years: 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21
• The value of settlement agreements entered into with staff for each of the following financial years: 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21
• If possible, the number of settlement agreements entered into with staff which related to employment tribunal claims for each of the following financial years: 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21
• If possible, the value of settlement agreements entered into with staff which related to employment tribunal claims for each of the following financial years: 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21
• If possible the number of settlement agreements including a non-disclosure agreement or clause entered into with staff for each of the following financial years: 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21
• If possible, the value of settlement agreements including a non-disclosure agreement or clause entered into with staff for each of the following financial years: 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21
Request you to kindly fill your response in the attached excel file. Also request you to kindly acknowledge this request

Please would you respond by 28 July, which is 20 working days from today?

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Dear Officer,
I would like to raise a Freedom of Information request. Please complete the questions below and return to me:
For Rostering, what software system do you use? What is the contract end date for your Rostering software? For Scheduling Community Activities, what software system do you use? What is the contract end date for your Community Scheduling software? For Expense Management what software system do you use? What is the contract end date for your Expense Management software? How many staff are employed in the Trust? How many Trust employees are Community based?

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Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide the following information: The number of cancelled, delayed or missed appointments at your Trust as a result of British Medical Association strikes w/c 11th – 15th April, broken down by
1. 1. Type of appointment, e.g. checkup, treatment, surgery 2. 2. Type of care the appointment/surgery was required for, e.g. cancer – please specify which department too This information should be made available to me in electronic form if possible. If you determine some of the information I have requested to be exempt from disclosure, please redact exempt information with black boxes, instead of snipping or excerpting and please state which Category of exemption you believe applies to the information.

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Sent: 12 May 2021 18:08
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: FOI Request – Car Leasing, Grey Fleet and Salary Sacrifice Schemes
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
————————-Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding your organisation’s car leasing, grey fleet and salary sacrifice schemes for employees. Please could you complete the attached FOI questions. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

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The NHSE South West Outpatient Transformation Programme, Patient Reference Group PRG. consists of 31 patient volunteers with lived experience of outpatient services in the last two years. The group has representatives from each of the 7 ICS’s across the South West. The key purpose of the PRG is to support the NHSE Outpatient Transformation Programme to deliver user centric transformation initiatives that are co-designed in partnership, with a focus on improving patient experience and tackling inequalities in access to outpatient services in the South West.
1-year interim report
Towards the end of 2022 the PRG produced the 1-year interim report, a report by the Patient Reference Group Chair & Vice Chair on the group’s findings of patient experience in outpatient services in the South West and service user involvement over their first year. A key finding is that they could not find any published patient experience surveys on any outpatient services across the South West. This is surprising given that Patient Experience is increasingly recognised as one of the three pillars of quality in healthcare alongside clinical effectiveness and patient safety. To get a further understanding as to why there is an absence of published patient experience data, we have decided to reach out to each NHS trust and make an FoI request for the following
Would you please support our evidence-gathering process with answers to the following questions?
1 Is there a specific system to measure outpatient experience in your Trust?
2. Does your Trust use the NHS Patient Experience Framework themes to measure and record patient experience?
3. Is there an easily accessible place for the public to review on your website your patient experience reports? not just within published board papers.
4. How are these outpatient experience reports used for continuous improvement within your Trust?
If you would like to learn more about how we are involving patients and those with lived experience, please contact the South West Outpatient Transformation Programme
Thank you for helping us to gather evidence on how NHS trusts collect and use patient experience to improve services.

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Sent: 14 April 2021 14:59
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: FOI Request
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
I am writing to submit a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.. It concerns the trust’s placement of patients in inpatient mental health wards. 1. When it is not possible for the trust to place mental health patients in beds in services in the area, is it the trust’s policy formally or informally. to prioritize in-area beds for local residents/nationals and place foreign nationals further afield? If it is the policy, please provide the reasoning behind this policy. 2. Please provide copies of any policies which reference the trust’s placement of foreign nationals in inpatient mental health beds. 3. Please state how many foreign nationals have been placed in out of area beds by the trust in the last three years 2018-21 please provide a total and a total for each year.. Please state how many foreign nationals have been placed in in-area beds by the trust in the last three years, 2018-21, please provide a total and a total for each year.. 4. Please state how many nationals have been placed in out of area beds by the trust in the last three years, 2018-21, please provide a total and a total for each year.. Please state how many nationals have been placed in in-area beds by the trust in the last three years, 2018-21, please provide a total and a total for each year.. Please send the information by email in an electronic format. If you feel that a substantive response to this request is not possible within a reasonable time frame, or that it is too broad or too vague, please provide immediate advice to as to how I could refine the request as per your legal duty under S.16 of the FOIA.

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To confirm, yes, I would like details of the Trust’s spending:
a. with private healthcare providers on occupational health services for the Trust’s staff and
b. on medical treatment for Trust staff delivered by private healthcare providers
for each of the following financial years: Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 077-2022
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. In order to respond to your request our information teams are seeking the below clarification:
Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS FT was formed in October 2019 therefore we can only provide data from this time. Please can you confirm if this is acceptable and we will continue with your request?
Would you be able to provide clarification around the information you are expecting the response to include for this question?
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
To whom it may concern,
Please may you send me details of the Trust’s spending:
a. with private healthcare providers on occupational health services for the Trust’s staff and
b. on medical treatment for Trust staff delivered by private healthcare providers
for each of the following financial years: 2021-22; 2020-21; 2019-20; and 2018-19.

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Sent: 04 April 2022 13:11
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information Request
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Can you please confirm the name of the providers you have for the following services? Please include journey numbers and mobilities for all patient journeys per annum, start date, end date of contracts, include if any extensions may be applicable and initial length of awarded contract. Please also include all complaints/concerns for each provider, both formal, informal, DATIX, PALS, any SUI’s and CQC reported incidents etc. Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services NEPTS. Any Ambulance services not included in the above, including any specialist services Mental Health Transport Services Pathology Courier Services Any other Courier Services Patient Taxi services – for Taxis booked by the Trust are the providers CQC registered?. For all courier work, please confirm if you have regular GP runs, if yes how many individual runs, what services you supply the GPs, how many GPs are associated to them and the number of journeys per annum?

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Sent: 04 April 2022 18:27
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: RT policy
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
I am currently undertaking research nationally reviewing Rapid Tranquilisation policies across the UK, I was requesting if I could have a copy of the trusts rapid tranquilisation policy, so that it could be used for research.

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Subject: Request for Information
This email, created by, has been securely delivered using Egress Switch and was decrypted on Monday, February 21, 2022 2:01:31 PM+00:00
Good Afternoon
I have been informed I need to submit the above to gather some information around a previous patient.
I am looking to establish what the patients capacity was at the time of the incident and if a capacity assessment was conducted at the time?

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Sent: 12 April 2022 13:26
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information request – Inventory Management System
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
————————-Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust,
Please confirm what Inventory Management System the Trust has implemented?

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Sent: 04 February 2022 08:40
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information request
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
I am researching the usage of software for the processing of prescribing and medicines administration, and would therefore appreciate a response under the Freedom of Information Act to the following: What Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration system does the Trust use?
When did the trust go-live or start using the system?
When does the current contract expire?
How many wards use the system?
Is the system used in outpatients/community?
I appreciate your time & response to my FOI request.

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I’m working for Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust, supporting our Dental services across Cambridge, Peterborough, Norfolk and Suffolk.

Our current project includes a review of Special Care Dental nursing, as the trust is currently experiencing some recruitment/retention challenges in certain areas, and I’m keen to understand if these are specific to the local region or a more broader, shared challenge across the country with other trusts.

In particular, am keen to understand current:

Dental nursing vacancy rates qty and %.
Pay bands what band, if aligned, or any variation/tactical amends to aid recruitment – i.e. starting bonus, referral reward etc..
Recruitment strategy where advertised, when.

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Sent: 21 October 2021 17:54
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: RE: FOI 237-2122 – Clarification Required This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Many thanks for your email – yes please if you could respond with the data available since the trust was formed that would be great. Thanks again for your help, From: Freedom of Information Sent: 19 October 2021 12:00
To: Gorman, Chris Subject: FOI 237-2122 – Clarification Required ——————-
Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 237-2122
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. In order to respond to your request our information teams are seeking the below clarification:
• Regarding Q3-Q6 Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS FT was formed in October 2019 therefore we couldn’t provide the full financial data you are requesting. Please confirm if you wish us to answer this request still but with data from October 2019 onwards?
Would you be able to provide clarification around the information you are expecting the response to include for this question?
Kind Regards,
Legal Services Officer Legal Services. Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Address: Edward Jenner Court, Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, GL3 4AW
Telephone: 0300 421 8357 Email: .uk Website:
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
————————-FoI lead, Please find below a request under the Freedom of Information Act. This information would normally be provided by your trust’s patient equality lead/manager, possibly in conjunction with the leads for your patient administratioppointment-booking systems. Questions:
1 – At the point of registration/referral, in line with the Accessible Information Standard, does your trust currently:
• A – ask all patients whether they have any information or communication support needs, and find out how to meet those needs?
• B – routinely highlight or ‘flag’ in the person’s file or notes that they have information or communication needs which must be met?
• C – routinely share this information with other providers of NHS and adult social care, when patients have given consent/permission to do so?
2 – Barriers to compliance:
• A – If you have answered ‘no’ to 1A, what is the main reason why this is not currently done?
• B – If you have answered ‘no’ to 1B, what is the main reason why this is not currently done? • C – If you have answered ‘no’ to 1C, what is the main reason why this is not currently done?
3 – If you have answered yes to 1B, what is the process by which patients’ needs are recorded and subsequently acted on? eg via pop-up alerts within patient administration system, use of colour-coded stickers within paper records.
4 – In the last three full financial years 2020/21, 2019/20 and 2018/19., have you undertaken any audits to assess your compliance against the Accessible Information Standard or the provision of accessible information generally? If yes, please share any resulting reports/findings.
5 – In the last three full financial years 2020/21, 2019/20 and 2018/19., how many complaints has your trust received which primarily related to patients not receiving information in accessible formats? If it is not possible to provide these figures in full without incurring the Act’s Section 12 time/cost limit, please provide any figures you are able to within the limit eg figures for one year, any snapshot reports/audits.
6 – Please provide figures for your trust’s spending on interpreting and translation into non-English languages if possible, excluding British Sign Language BSL. interpreting and translation of materials into easy read. for the last three full financial years 2020/21, 2019/20 and 2018/19. together, if possible, with the number of requests for interpreting/translation that this represents.
If it is not possible to provide the details requested without incurring the Act’s Section 12 time/cost limit, please the information you are able to provide within the limit. I look forward to receiving your response. Please do not hesitate to contact me via if you require any clarification. To avoid any potential confusion please note that this request has been submitted by Healthwatch England – a separate organisation to any local Healthwatch organisations which may operate in your area.
Many thanks, Healthwatch is your health and social care champion. We make sure NHS leaders and other health and social care decision-makers hear your voice and use your feedback to improve care. Visit to share your story, access information or to find your local Healthwatch.
Personal data is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR. and relevant data protection law. You can find information on the processing of personal data by us at Statutory requests for information made under access to information legislation such as the GDPR and the Freedom of Information Act 2000 should be sent to

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Sent: 23 July 2021 10:37
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information request
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Hi, I have been passed your details from Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trusts to complete the attached Freedom of Information request. Please could you provide a response to the FOI attached? Many thanks and best wishes

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Sent: 03 August 2021 17:35
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Covid-19 Vaccines Administered, Discarded and/or Thrown Away.
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
————————-FOI Officer, I am writing to request the following information regarding the number of Covid-19 vaccine doses administered by centres run by your Trust, and the number of vaccine doses discarded or thrown away at these centres run by your trust. Please provide figures and information for the time period starting from when the UK vaccine-roll out began in December 2020 – Present. 1. The total number of single Covid-19 vaccine doses administered by all health authorities within your trust each month, broken down by manufacturer, e.g. AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna. 2. The total number of single vaccine doses that have been wasted or discarded at vaccine hubs controlled by your trust each month, broken down by manufacturer, e.g. AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna. 3. Please state the reasons for this wastage or discarding, e.g. dropped or contaminated vials; human error in the preparation process; expired stock; leftover doses; and faulty syringes.
If you do not hold this specific information I would be grateful if in line with Section 16 of the Act you could provide me advice and assistance as to what information you hold that is relevant to my request. Similarly, if you require any clarification regarding my above questions then please contact me under your section 16 duty.
I understand that under the FOI Act I should be entitled to a response within 20 working days. I would be grateful if you could confirm via email that you have received this request. If obtaining the information I require is likely to incur a fee, then I would also be grateful if you could warn me about this before proceeding.

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Sent: 17 August 2021 16:24
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of information request: funding to charities and third sector bodies
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
————————-Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust,
This is an information request relating to payments made to charities and third sector organisations. Please provide the following information for 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21:
• • • The value of grants made to each of the organisations listed below. Please provide the information
• for each of the three financial years separately, and list all grants separately.
• • • • The value of loans made to each of the organisations listed below. Please provide the information
• for each of the three financial years separately, and list all loans separately. • The payments made to charities and third sector organisations relate to the following only:
• • • Operation Black Vote
• • • • U.K. Black Pride
• • • • Mermaids
• • • • Ozanne Foundation
• • • • Gendered Intelligence
• • • • British Medical Association
• • • • ActionAid UK • • • • Hope Not Hate • • • • Led by Donkeys
• • • • Extinction Rebellion
• • • • Migrants Organise
• • • • CLASS • • • • Black Lives Matter
• • • • Action on Smoking and Health
• • • • Action on Smoking and Health Scotland
• • • • Action on Smoking and Health Wales
• • • • Breath 2025
• • • • Association of Directors of Public Health
• • • • Improving Performance in Practice previously Public Management Associates. • I would prefer a response via email, but if this is not possible, I will gladly accept letters to the address below.
Please acknowledge this information request as soon as possible.

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:
1. The name of the trust’s Electronic Patient Record EPR. solution, if you have one.
2. The name of the trust’s Patient Portal solution, if you have one.
3. The name of the trust’s Clinical Portal solution, if you have one.
4. The name of your Trust Integration Engine.
5. The name of the trust’s Healthcare Information Exchange HIE. platform, if you have one.
6. Please confirm if the trust uses any digital solutions that support Multidisciplinary Teams MDTs., if so, which ones?

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Good morning, In line with the freedom of information act, please could you let me know the following information in accordance with your guidelines: 1. 1. Do you currently use digital dictation? Yes/No
2. If yes, who is your provider for digital dictation?
3. If no, what is your process for letter production?
4. What is the contract end date for your current digital dictation provider?
5. Do you use outsourced transcription or speech recognition or both?
6. Who are your suppliers for each?
7. What is the contract end date for these suppliers?
8. What EPR and PAS system is used?
9. What is your current letter turnaround time target from appointment to letter sent to the GP.?
10. Are you compliant with this target?
11. Do your teams suffer from letter backlogs due to capacity?
12. How many secretarial/admin staff are employed to support outpatient letter production?
I look forward to hearing from you.

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I am writing to request some information about your Hospital Trust under the Freedom of Information Act. This information is being requested from the following contact: Role: Head of Insights
Could you please provide the following information to me via email:
1. Does your Trust routinely offer Laboratory based Coagulation testing? please answer either yes or no to this question..
2. If you answered yes to question 1, can you please provide us with a list of the tests that you perform.
3. If you answered yes to question 1 can you please tell us if any of these tests are sent away for testing outside of your trust please also detail which tests are sent away..

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Please can I request under the FOIA 2000.:
A. For 2021 please supply the total number of times a patient absconded from inpatient mental health facilities within the Trust;
i. A breakdown of absconsions per facility
B. For 2020 please supply the total number of times a patient absconded from inpatient mental health facilities within the Trust;
i. A breakdown of absconsions per facility
C. For 2019 please supply the total number of times a patient absconded from inpatient mental health facilities within the Trust;
i. A breakdown of absconsions per facility
i.e. A. 50 Absconsions
i. 10 – Ward x
20 – Ward y
Please can this information be sent to me electronically. If this request is too wide or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as I understand that under the Act, you are required to advise and assist requesters. If any of this information is already in the public domain, please can you direct me to it, with page references and URLs if necessary. I would like to remind you of your duty under section 16 of the Freedom of Information act to offer such advice and assistance on a request if necessary.
If this request is too wide please can I request that requests A,B,C are answered before a refusal is given.
Please reply to this email as form of a receipt.

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I am emailing under the Freedom of Information Act to request information regarding your trust and its participation in clinical trials by providing patient recruitment and/or acting as a trial site.
Can you please provide answers to the questions below:
1. Does your trust participate in clinical trials by providing patient recruitment and/or acting as a trial site?
2. For the last 3 years FY2019/20 – FY2022/23. how many clinical trials have the trust participated in by providing patient recruitment and/or acting as a trial site for trials that have been sponsored by the following:
a. Academic institutions
b. Pharmaceutical and biotech companies
c. Other non-profit organisations
d. Other for-profit organisations
3. If you have participated in clinical trials with academic institutions, how many trials were conducted at the following stages of a clinical trial? Please answer for the last 3 years FY2019/20 – FY2022/23..
a. Phase 1
b. Phase 2
c. Phase 3
d. Phase 4
e. Other
4. If you have participated in clinical trials with pharmaceutical and biotech companies, how many trials were conducted at the following stages of a clinical trial? Please answer for the last 3 years FY2019/20 – FY2022/23..
a. Phase 1
b. Phase 2
c. Phase 3
d. Phase 4
e. Other
5. For each year in the last 3 years FY2019/20 – FY2022/23. please detail:
a. How much income the trust should have received for all its clinical trial participation?
b. How much income has the trust actually received for all its clinical trial participation?
c. How much income is still owed to your trust for all its clinical trial participation?

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