Gloucestershire Health and Care- NHS Trust logo
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Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:

For the last financial year, what was the total amount spent on translation costs?
Can you provide a breakdown of these costs by language translated.

Do you hire any dedicated translators? If so provide details of how many, total salary cost and for what language.

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Please could you answers the following questions?
1. What is the population size you cover?
2. What proportion of your contracted budget is spent on Mental Health if unknown, please provide an estimate.
3. Please complete the table below for the last 5 financial years starting with the financial year April 2018 and detail the digital funding you have received from NHS sources i.e. NHS England or associated commissioners integrated care boards/clinical commissioning groups..
Month Year Amount of digital funding received £. Funding source i.e NHSE/ICB. Name of funding programme, if applicable Capital/Revenue?

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Please can I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act. Please contact me if you have any questions.
1. Please advise what software/systems you use for managing medical devices to be compliant with MHRA Guidance Jan 2021? See link Safeguarding public health
2. If applicable, how long is the contract and when does it expire month and year.?
3. What is the annual budget for the system listed in response to question 1?
4. Please advise on the name and contact for the person responsible for ensuring compliance with the MHRA guidance quoted above.

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I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, the following information:
1. The number of a. first consultant appointments after an urgent referral, b. first definitive cancer treatments, and c. subsequent cancer treatments, that were cancelled or rescheduled by your trust in financial year 2022/23:
i. once
b. twice
c. three times or more

2. The most amount of times the date was changed on a single one of the above cancer appointments by your trust in FY 2022/23.

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I am writing to request the following information from your NHS trust:

• The number of whistleblowing claims raised with the trust in the past five calendar years 2018-2022., broken down by year, department and main concern i.e. patient safety, poor care/abuse, etc.
• If possible, please specify how many claims were investigated, how many resulted in disciplinary/organisational action, and how many were dismissed

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I require details of all of the annual data since the data began to be collected until the present date you provide the information for Gloucestershire and for the UK as a whole for the following areas:
1. Data on the total number of diagnoses on an annual basis for the mental health As defined within the DSM-5 as calculated from UK Mental Health services using the DSM-5 criteria. area for both the UK as a whole and also specifically for Gloucestershire.
2. Data on the number of known misdiagnoses on an annual basis for the mental health As defined within the DSM-5 as calculated from UK Mental Health services using the DSM-5 criteria. area for both the UK as a whole and also specifically for Gloucestershire. And if this data is not known then I require details of why it has not been collected and if that information has been collected anywhere else in any form or as part of any other report..
3. A percentage breakdown of the number of misdiagnoses on an annual level for both Gloucestershire and the UK as a whole and if in place details of any allowable level of misdiagnoses from the legislation passed by the great and the good in both of those places The houses of Parliament and Lords..
4. Details of the number and percentage of specifically Autistic diagnoses as both a number and a percentage along with the total for both the UK and Gloucestershire.
5. Details of the actual number and percentages of the expected number of Autistic diagnoses for both the UK and Gloucestershire.
6. Details of the actual and reported overturned/revised or altered reports and /or misdiagnoses in both the UK and Gloucestershire along with the expected number of overturned/revised or altered reports / and or misdiagnoses for both the UK and Gloucestershire, and if there are no such reports and details in those areas then Why?

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I want to make a Freedom of Information request, could you please send me the following information with regards to the organisation’s Mobile Phones contract.
You may have received the same request in the past and this information sent has now expired and I require an update as soon as possible for the following information:
If there is more than one provider, please split all the information including the annual average spend, number of connections, duration, contract dates and internal contact details.
1. Network Providers. – Please provide me with the network provider name e.g., EE, Telefonica, Vodafone, Three
2. Annual Average Spend for each Network Provider – Can you please provide me with the average annual spend over the last 3 years. If this is a new contract, can you please provide the estimated annual spend.
3. Number of Connections- Number of connections for each network provider. Number of voices only devices, voice and data devices, data only devices. please provide me with the breakdown and not the overall total.
4. Duration of the contract- please state if the contract also includes contract extensions for each provider.
5. Contract Start Date- please can you provide me with the start date of the signed agreement. Please do not provide me with the framework contract date. I require the contract dates of the signed agreement. if there are multiple start dates, could you please provide me with the earliest date for each provider.
6. Contract Expiry Date- please can you provide me with the expiry date of the signed agreement. Please do not provide me with the framework contract date. I require the contract dates of the signed agreement. If the contract is rolling, please state.
7. Contract Review Date- Please can you provide me with a date when the organisation plans to review this contract.
8. The person in the organisation responsible for this particular contract. Can you send me the full contact details Contact Name, Job Title, Contact Number and direct email address for each network provider? If full contact details cannot be provided, please send me their actual job title.
9.If the mobile phone contract is provided by a managed contract, please provide me with the actual name of the network provider along with the number of connections and the internal contact from within the organisation responsible for this contract.

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Please could you let me know about the services that you use to collect offensive and clinical waste? Forgive me if I’ve missed this on your website. Specifically, could you please let me know when you will next tender for these services, which framework you prefer and the annual tonnage for offensive waste and clinical waste?

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Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:
Which hospitals in your Trust open elective theatres at the weekend? please list the name of the hospital followed by a Y/N as to whether elective theatres are open at the weekend.
How many of the following scans has your Trust carried out in the last year, broken down by daily activity?
o CT Scans
o MRI Scans
o X Rays

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I am writing a request for information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Please could you provide me with:

– Numbers of people who have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia from 2019 to 2023;
– How much, in terms of waiting times, did it took to have a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia;
Please provide me with a breakdown per gender and year.

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I am submitting this request, on behalf of myself, under the Freedom of Information Act and the Code of Practice on Openness in the NHS.
Please confirm the Trust holds the following data, and where it is held please provide the data as requested. I would like to receive this information by email.
1. Does the Trust provide a Specialist Tier 3 Weight Management Service?
2. What is the title and grade of the clinicians. who is clinically responsible for patients seen in this service?
3. Please provide any clinical pathways and/or protocols or service specifications for this service.
4. Please provide any quality metrics and/or reports for this service.
5. How many patients was/is the Trust commissioned for, in:
a. 2022/23?
b. 2023/24?
6. How many referrals did/has the Trust received., in:
a. 2022/23?
b. 2023/24?
7. How many patients are currently waiting for their first appointment in the T3WM service?
8. How does the Trust charge for this service:
a. NHS Tariff/Payment Scheme.
b. Other Per Appointment Pricing Scheme.
c. Per Patient/Pathway Pricing.
d. Block Arrangement.

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Please provide me with the details below. Section 1: Medical Locum Expenditure
1. 1.0 Between 1st April 2023 and 31st October 2023, what did the Trust spend on Agency Medical Locums? Clarification: Include all charges pay, agency fees, managed service fees, etc.. excluding VAT. All grades, including Consultants. a. 1.1 What proportion of this was attributed to the services of a Managed Service Provider MSP. / Neutral Vendor / Master Vendor and/or Technology Provider? Section 2: MSP & Tech 2.
3. 2.0 Does the Trust have a Managed Service / MSP either Neutral Vendor, Master Vendor, or otherwise. and/or technology for managing the supply of agency medics, and/or Direct Engagement? If the answer to question 1.0 is yes, please answer the following questions: a. 2.1 Which company provides this solution? Clarification: If there is more than one company involved, for example, if the tech/software is separate from the service provision, please list all contracts that are in place. Other than where an agency is providing managed services or tech, there is no need to list all of the locum agencies involved in the supply chain. b. 2.2 Which Framework was this contract / were these contracts procured under? c.
3. 2.3 Please disclose the expiry dates. of the contracts. 4.
4. 2.4 Please disclose the fee structure and cost of the above-mentioned provisions. Clarification: Excluding all elements of locum doctor pay / the cost of agency locums and excluding the agency commission charges, and excluding VAT.
2.5 What percentage of spend on agency medics was processed via a Direct Engagement model during October 2023? Clarification: how much of the agency locum spent during this period benefitted from VAT efficiency via a Direct Engagement provision? 2.6 What was the average hourly charge rate paid by the Trust for a Locum Consultant between 1st August – 31st October 2023? Clarification: Including pay and PAYE tax, NI, etc.., and agency fees. Exclude MSP / Tech fees and VAT. 2.7 What was the maximum charge rate paid for a Locum Consultant between 1st August 2023 and 31st October 2023? Please specify the specialty. Clarification: Including pay and PAYE tax, NI, etc.., and agency fees. Exclude MSP / Tech fees and VAT Section 3: Accountable People 5. 3.0 Please provide the name, email address, telephone number, work mobile if applicable, and job title of the person responsible on behalf of the Trust, for the management of the above-mentioned contracts.. a. 3.1 If different, please also provide the same details of the person or persons accountable for delivering the Trust’s strategic objectives in relation to agency medics.

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If you do not deal with this, please pass this email along to the department/person in your Trust that does.

Please tell me of the length of the current waiting time between referral acceptance and Diagnostic Assessment for Adult ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder. in your Trust.

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Section 1: Agency Nurse Expenditure 1. 1.0 Between 1st April 2023 and 31st October 2023, what did the Trust spend on Agency Nurses? Clarification: Include all charges pay, agency fees, managed service fees, etc.. excluding VAT. 1. 1.1 What proportion of this was attributed to the services of a Managed Service Provider MSP. / Neutral Vendor / Master Vendor and/or Technology Provider? Section 2: MSP & Tech 2. 2.0 Does the Trust have a Managed Service / MSP either Neutral Vendor, Master Vendor, or otherwise. and/or technology for managing the supply of agency nurses? 3.
If the answer to question 1.0 is yes, please answer the following questions: 1.
2. 2.1 Which company provides this solution? Clarification: If there is more than one company involved, for example, if the tech/software is separate from the service provision, please list all contracts that are in place. Other than where an agency is providing managed services or tech, there is no need to list all of the nurse agencies involved in the supply chain. 2. 2.2 Which Framework was this contract / were these contracts procured under? 3. 2.3 Please disclose the expiry dates. of the contracts. 4. 2.4 Please disclose the fee structure and cost of the above-mentioned provisions. Clarification: Excluding all elements of nurse pay / the cost of agency nurses excluding the agency commission charges, and excluding VAT. 5. 2.5 What was the average total cost paid by the Trust for a “Day Rate” Band 5 Agency Nurse between 1st August – 31st October 2022? Clarification: Including pay and PAYE tax, NI, etc.., and agency fees. Exclude MSP / Tech fees and VAT. 6. 2.6 What was the average total cost paid by the Trust for a “Day Rate” Band 5 Agency Nurse between 1st August – 31st October 2023? Clarification: Including pay and PAYE tax, NI, etc.., and agency fees. Exclude MSP / Tech fees and VAT. 7. 2.7 What was the maximum charge rate paid for a Band 5 Agency Nurse between 1st August 2023 and 31st October 2023? Clarification: Including pay and PAYE tax, NI, etc.., and agency fees. Exclude MSP / Tech fees and VAT Section 3: Accountable People 3.
4. 3.0 Please provide the name, email address, telephone number, work mobile if applicable, and job title of the person responsible on behalf of the Trust, for the management of the above-mentioned contracts..
6. 3.1 If different, please also provide the same details of the person or persons accountable for delivering the Trust’s strategic objectives in relation to agency nurses.

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I would like to request the following information:

1. Please provide numbers and details of incident reports on psychiatric inpatient wards of any type. where a tampon, period pad, continence pants/pullups and/or menstrual cups or other period products were involved, used or are listed in the incident information .

Please include redacted details where possible.

Methods may relate to swallowing item, using to create ligature or using to block bath/basin, using to block door, using to hide other items etc

There may be other incident reports relating to period products, please provide these.

Please provide these details to the present day from 01/01/2020

This is my real name and I am requesting this information for my use

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For the time periods contained in cells B-F please provide statistical information relating to individuals who died whilst receiving in-patient psychiatric care at any facility in your jurisdiction. Please provide the total for the 5 year period in cell G. If you are unable to provide all the information request please provide as much information as possible. 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
1. How many individuals died whilst recieving in-patient psychiatric care? 2. How many of the individuals who died whilst recieving in-patient psychiatric care were not detained under the Mental Health Act 1983? 3. How many non-detained patients: a. Died from self inflicted causes b. Died from natural causes c. Died during or after being restrained by medical staff or police called to assist medical staff 4. Of the non-detained patients who died from self inflicted causes how many were: a. White b. BAME c. Not known/ not stated 5. Of the non-detained patients who died from self inflicted causes and were BAME how many were: a. Black b. Asian c. Mixed ethnicity. Where possible please break this down into: i. Mixed White/Black ii. Mixed White/Asian d.Other ethnic group 6. Of the non detained patients who died from natural causes how many were: a. White b. BAME c. Not known/ not stated 7. Of the non detained patients who died from natural causes and were BAME how many were: a. Black b. Asian c. Mixed ethnicity. Where possible please break this down into: i. Mixed White/Black ii. Mixed White/Asian d. Other ethnic group 8. Of the non detained patients who died during or after being restrained by medical staff or police how many were: a. White b. BAME c. Not known/ not stated 9. Of the non – detained patients who died during or after being restrained by medical staff or police and were BAME how many were: a. Black b. Asian c. Mixed ethnicity. Where possible please break this down into: i. Mixed White/Black ii. Mixed White/Asian d.Other ethnic group

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What is the approximate size of the population you serve?
How many staff do you currently employ?
How many AHPs do you currently employ?
What AHP services do you offer?

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Sent: 25 March 2022 10:04
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Re: FOI 042-2022 – Clarification Required This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Hi thank you. Yes it relates to physical health and care by the Community/District Nursing teams.
From: Freedom of Information
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2022 3:35:24 PM
Subject: FOI 042-2022 – Clarification Required ————————-Graham,
Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 042-2022
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. In order to respond to your request our information teams are seeking the below clarification:
Can you please confirm if your request relates specifically to Mental Health, Physical Health or both? Would you be able to provide clarification around the information you are expecting the response to include for this question?
Kind Regards,
– —
Legal Services Officer Legal Services. Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Address: Edward Jenner Court, Pioneer Avenue, Gloucester Business Park, Brockworth, GL3 4AW
Telephone: 0300 421 8357 — Website:
From: GHC Web Forms Sent: 24 February 2022 14:45
To: GHC Comms ; Freedom of Information
Subject: Communication via the website
Submitted details:
How can we help you?
Please select an option… I have a question about the trust Your details
Your name Graham Wallis Your email address Your phone number 01285 712377 What is your query? Hi
Please can you provide me with a copy of the GHC Policy/protocol for drug charts for community nurses, for treatments/injections prescribed by GPs.
Kind regards,

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in order to determine whether your trust provides any training or professional development about being an active bystander in response to sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace context. If this training is available, please can you provide information on:
1. whether this training is mandatory or elective;
2. if any pamphlets, brochures, handbooks, online materials which can be sent to me as a PDF. or similar content is made available either stand alone or as part of the training, and if so, please attach it to the FOI response; and
3. where available, the number or percentage of your staff who have completed this training and/or education.
In the absence of this training, can you specify whether such education and/or training is being actively considered or if your trust is in the process of implementing this training.
I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request. I look forward to your response within 20 working days, as outlined by the statute.

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This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
————————-FOI team,
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I’m requesting the following information on employees with post-Covid syndrome.
1. How many employees at your trust have an ongoing absence from work owing to illness from COVID-19 that has been ongoing for 12 weeks or more as of 11 March 2022?
2. How many employees at your trust have had an absence from work owing to illness from COVID-19 that lasted for 12 weeks or more between 30 January 2020 and 11 March 2022?
3. How many RIDDOR reports has your trust submitted to HSE since 30 January 2020 relating to:
a. accidents or incidents at work which have, or could have, led to the release or escape of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. dangerous occurrences.?
b. a person at work a worker. having been diagnosed as having COVID-19 attributed to an occupational exposure to coronavirus a case of disease.?
c. the death of a worker as a result of occupational exposure to coronavirus a work-related death due to exposure to a biological agent.?
Please provide the information by email.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined, I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for and discuss the request.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response within 20 working days.

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To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information request – Long Covid statistics by NHS Trust
This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust,
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information on the number of staff impacted by long Covid under your trust.
How many staff members were recorded to have had long Covid while working for your trust at any time in the period between March 2020 – September 2021?
What were the five longest periods in days that a member of staff took a leave of absence due to long Covid in the time period between March 2020 – September 2021?
Could you state all leave of absences taken where long Covid was cited as the cause between March 2020 and September 2021.
Does your trust offer any specialised support for staff members living with long Covid? If so could you please provide details of these services.
What plans, if any, are in place to improve the support available to staff members who are living with long Covid while working for your trust?
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
Is the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust? If so, please contact us using this form:
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the latest advice from the ICO:
Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.
If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation’s FOI page.

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Trust. Please may you provide me with:
1. How many total referrals did your Trust receive for psychosexual services in the years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021? Please give your responses in tabular form. 2. As per the form filled by GPs and health practitioners when referring patients, please give a detailed breakdown of total figures into categories for the reason referrals were made: Erectile dysfunction
Delayed ejaculation
Premature ejaculation
Arousal problems
Loss of libido assumes endocrine causes ruled out.
Sexual pain non-organic.
Other please state.
If your Trust uses a different form/lists alternate reasons, please delineate that breakdown instead.
3. What is the trust’s target waiting time for adults who are referred to psychosexual services to start treatment?
4. What was the average waiting time to start treatment for adults referred to the Trust’s psychosexual services in 2019, 2020 and 2021 – or however best you delineate your yearly figures? Again, please provide answers in tabular form.

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I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information Act, the size of your trusts net budget surplus or deficit in each of the last 5 financial years.

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I am trying to understand the number of SME suppliers the public sector purchases from so please can you send me a list of all suppliers you purchase goods or services from and the annual value you bought from them in your last financial year. Please note this information is not commercially sensitive as all you will be giving me is the total money spent with each supplier not any detail of what you bought. Many thanks

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Please disclose the information listed below by return email within 20 days as per the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Trust Payment arrangements for Bank worker shifts – what point on the Agenda for Change pay scale is paid? Do you administer any bank-enhanced rates of pay? If so, what are these and what staff groups/grades, and where are they applicable? What % of WTR payment is made with regards to Bank worker pay? What financial and non-financial benefits do your Bank workers have access to and what rationale for these?
Locum Nurse AHP NMNC Locum Nurse AHP NMNC Locum Nurse AHP NMNC Locum Nurse AHP NMNC

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Please could you provide me with a list of each of the NHS patients, aged less than 18years, within your trust who have been billed for NHS care during the whole of the financial year of 2020-21, and any from the financial year 2021/22 that you currently have available. Please do not include the billing of any EEA nationals, or private patients. If possible, please format the data in an excel spreadsheet and include:
1. Year of birth
2. Country of birth
3. Nationality
4. Sex
5. Ethnicity
6. Date of entry into the UK
7. Amount billed
8. Date billed
9. Whether charging was deemed non-urgent, urgent or immediately necessary if this is evident.

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Freedom of Information request
Dear Officer,
I would like to raise a Freedom of Information request. Please complete the questions below and return to me:
For each system identified in a column please complete the following questions: Electronic stock management Baby tagging in Maternity Patient location system RFID staff and/or patient location and security Patient flow monitoring Tagged asset management system for monitoring use and location of medical equipment and devices and other assets.
What system does the Trust use? Which departments is the system rolled out to? E.g. stores, theatres, ED, wards how many., outpatients how many. When did the Trust go-live or start using the system? When does the current contract for the system expire? Who is responsible for managing the current system contract? Please provide email address. What is the annual cost of the system contract? I appreciate your time and response to my FOI request.

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1. Please confirm your Trust’s overall spending on Translation and Interpreting Services, for each of the financial years:
a. 2020-2021:
b. 2022-2023:
2. Please provide a breakdown of languages for the last 12 months
3. What languages were your suppliers not able to supply in 2022?
4. Which external suppliers. do you currently use to deliver your interpreting and translation services ?
5. Are you able to provide approximate fee / interpreting session for:
a. In-person/face to face interpreting
b. Telephone interpreting
c. Video interpreting
6. If you outsource the provision of interpreting services to an external provider, could you please confirm:
a. Whether the provider was contracted via a national framework? If so, which one?
b. When does the current contract expire?
c. Is there is an exclusivity clause, which would prevent the trust from piloting new cost saving interpreting services during the duration of your contract with your existing provider?
7. From which budget within your organisation are interpreting services funded?
8. Where do you advertise your tenders? If you do not do a full tender / which frameworks would you use?
9. What is the start and end date for either the framework or direct contracts you have with interpreting and translation suppliers.?
10. Please provide the name and email of the contract manager for the service
11. If we would like to engage in conversation with a member of staff in your organisation to discuss the innovation we propose to develop, who would be the most suitable person to approach?

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Could you please provide the following information

Please do not publish my name or personal details if a response to this request is published anywhere

1. How many people have been diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD. in the trust during the past 20 years or as far back as the records allow you to search.
2. In the past 20 years or as far back as it is possible to search records. how many people with Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD. were treated in primary care services.
3. In the past 20 years or as far back as you may be able to search in the records. how many people diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD. were treated in secondary care.

4. Can you provide me with a yearly breakdown of how many people within the trust have been diagnosed with BDD and treated per year over the past 20 years or as far back as the records allow you to search.. Broken down by:

a. The number of people diagnosed/treated with BDD per year and the area/region within the trust.

b. Gender

c. Ethnicity

d. Age

e. Regiorea in the trust

Kind regards,

– Conway

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1. How many people have been diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD. in the trust during the past 20 years or as far back as the records allow you to search.
2. In the past 20 years or as far back as it is possible to search records. how many people with Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD. were treated in primary care services.
3. In the past 20 years or as far back as you may be able to search in the records. how many people diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder BDD. were treated in secondary care.
4. Can you provide me with a yearly breakdown of how many people within the trust have been diagnosed with BDD and treated per year over the past 20 years or as far back as the records allow you to search.. Broken down by:
a. The number of people diagnosed/treated with BDD per year and the area/region within the trust.
b. Gender
c. Ethnicity d. Age
e. Regiorea in the trust

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I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Request 1A:
For 2021 please can I request the total number of times an inpatient in a mental health care facility within your trust. was restrained.
Request 1B:
For 2020 please can I request the total number of times an inpatient in a mental health care facility within your trust. was restrained.
Request 1C:
For 2019 please can I request the total number of times an inpatient in a mental health care facility within your trust. was restrained.

Please can this information be sent to me electronically. If this request is too wide or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as I understand that under the Act, you are required to advise and assist requesters.

If any of this information is already in the public domain, please can you direct me to it, with page references and URLs if necessary.

Under section 16 of the Freedom of Information act I request you offer advice and assistance on this request if necessary.

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I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000..

Could you please tell me:

– What is the number of asylum seeking and/or undocumented migrant women who had a miscarriage while in the care of your trust in the latest one year period you have data for?
– What is the overall number of women who had a miscarriage while in care of your trust during the same period?
– What is the total number of pregnant women you cared for during the same period?
– What is the number of asylum seeking and/or undocumented migrant women who had a stillbirth while in the care of your trust in the latest one year period you have data available for?
– What is the overall number of women who had a stillbirth while in care of your trust during the same period?
– What is the total number of pregnant women you cared for during the same period?


– Are you using private debt firms to recover treatment costs from overseas patients ineligible for free NHS treatment?
– In the latest year you have data available for, how much money did you recover from ineligible patients, and how much was the total debt?
– In the latest year you have data available for, how much money did you spend on fees for private debt firms to help recover payment from patients ineligible for free NHS treatment?

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust, separated by the hospitals within your trust:
Could you please provide me with the total number of EUS-FNB procedures have you performed overall in the past year 2021. and how many have been done so far?

Please provide the information in the form of an email to

If it is not possible to provide the information requested for each hospital within your trust, please provide it for the trust overall.
If, after that consideration, this request exceeds the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to clarify what I am asking for.

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Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:

What is the total number of staff hired in a diversity, equity or inclusion role? I would like information for those currently on staff and for any vacancies you may currently have.

What is the total annual salary cost for these roles?

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Please answer the following questions:
1. What Electronic Patients Records System do you use and when was it implemented?
2. Does the Trust scan paper records? If yes, do you
– scan day forward and legacy records? or
– just day forward records?
3. Is above handled – In house by your own scanning team? – Outsourced to an off site external service provider?
– On site by an external provider?
– Combination of above?
4. If any of the above outsourced, please name providers. and details of when the contracts. ends
5. What route to market used to obtain these services a. open tender b. framework – if yes, which one?
6. Do you have a published road map for paper-free at point of care ‘Digital at point of care’? If yes, please provide a copy or link to this document 7. Finally, please advise names of any individuals involved in this process including your Medical Records Manager b. Chief Information Officer c. Digital Project Lead?

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In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, could you please provide me with the following:

1. Name of the trust’s EPR
2. Name of the trust’s integration platforms.
3. What are the trust’s digital priorities?
4. Do you have any plans for a clinical data repository/regional shared care record?
4A. If so, what is it called?
4B. If no, is this likely to happen?
5. Does the trust have any clinical systems which are unable to share data interoperably?
6. Does the trust use or is planning to use Artificial Intelligence for diagnostics?
7. Does the trust use or is planning to use Clinical Decision Support tools?
8.Does the trust have a Genomics data management strategy?
9.Does the trust have an OpenEHR or other vendor-neutral interoperability strategy in place?
9A. If not, is it likely the ICB will develop one?

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Sent: 26 May 2022 10:51
To: GHC Comms
Subject: Re: Grayfriars Ward Manager Wotton Lawn This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Thank you for the info.
I see the website info on ward managers at Wotton has now changed.
Please would you tell me:
1. what date became Alice Bayntun manager for Greyfriars?
2. The link to Greyfriars written policy re duties/processes for:
a.consultants/other staff communication and liason with a patients nearest relative, details for both with patient consent, and without consent.
b. patients nearest relative on occasions they wish to communicate info to and from consultant/staff in writing only as opposed to always receiving or making phone calls only. . details for both with patient consent, and without consent.
c. when patients nearest relative wish to have confirmation ftom greyfriars that facts and concerns provided by relative. have been written on the patients record. details for both with patient consent, and without consent.
d. consent: all details please including what attempts should be made by greyfriars to have in writing as well as verbal only, – policy and processes for verbal and written consent – details in writing re the permanence and duration of verbal consent and written consent, consent being withdrawn then re-instated, duties and explanation re-asking patient on a daily/ hourly basis once consent has been given by patient. 3. date of latest CQC inspection, has it been completed.
Best wishes
Ms Temple
On 26 May 2022, at 10:01, GHC Comms wrote:
Good morning Ms Temple
Thank you for highlighting the Greyfriars information is missing from our website. We have just had a website refresh so I will ask someone to look into this asap.
The Unit Manager for Greyfriars is Alice Bayntun. Please phone Wotton Lawn Reception on 01452894500 and they will be able to put you through.
Alternatively, if you have any concerns or require assistance please contact our Patient Experience team on 0300 421 8313 Email: and they will be able to advise and pass on your email. Kind regards
Debbie Communications Administrator
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Address: Edward Jenner Court, Pioneer Avenue, Brockworth, Gloucester, GL3 4AW
Email: Website:
From: S.A.T Sent: 25 May 2022 21:09
To: GHC Comms
Subject: Grayfriars Ward Manager Wotton Lawn This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Please may I have the name and contact details of the Ward Manager for Grayfrairs Ward at Wotton Lawn Hospital in Gloucester?
Asap please.
The website give details of managers of all other wards at Wotton Lawn, but unexplained omits mention of Grayfriars, with no ref whatsoever:
I’ve searched the internet and asked various glos nhs staff but the info is not shown anywhere?

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Thanks for your email.

— Strategy plan reads as 2021. I am seeking the latest 2023 version. Please provide.
— Please share the Business Plan and Budget report
— please brief why the structure chart not available

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Please could you tell me how many patients under the auspices of the Trust have been recorded as being treated for obsessive compulsive disorder OCD. over the last two full years.

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Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information regarding locked rehabilitation placements for adults with all mental health diagnosis. Please provide answers on the attached and accompanying Excel spreadsheet.
For the avoidance of doubt, whilst there is no set definition of a locked rehabilitation ward, we generally mean a hospital unit where patients are unable to leave as and when they want. They’re used to treat people who are considered high risk to others, so with serious conditions such as psychosis.
Where possible, please kindly include responses on the attached spreadsheet. 1. Please could you supply the name, email address and telephone number of the commissioner with responsibility for placements in locked rehabilitation. For questions 2 through 7, please supply the following snapshot information for the financial years 2019/20 to 2022/23, and budgeted information for 2023/24. 2. Please provide the total number of adults funded by the Trust in locked rehabilitation. 3. Of the total number of adults funded by the Trust in locked rehabilitation q.2. please provide the number that are male and the number that are female. 4. Of the total number of adults funded by the Trust in locked rehabilitation q.2. please provide the number that were detained under the Mental Health Act and the number that were admitted on an informal basis.
5. Of the total number of adults funded by the Trust in locked rehabilitation q.2. please provide the number that were placed ‘in area’ and the number that were placed ‘out of area’.
6. Of the total number of adults funded by the Trust in locked rehabilitation q.2. please provide the number that were placed in NHS provision and the number that were placed in independent provision. 7. Of the total number of adults funded by the Trust in locked rehabilitation q.2. please provide the number presenting with a primary support need of learning disability, a mental illness, an acquired brain injury, a neurological condition, or a personality disorder. 8. Please provide the Trust’s average and highest weekly expenditure fee. per individual throughout the financial year in locked rehabilitation
9. Please provide the Trust’s total expenditure on locked rehabilitation placements for the financial years 2019/20 to 2022/23, and budgeted information for 2023/24.

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am writing with a Freedom of Information request regarding the use of healthcare and specialised transport services within your Trust.
To better understand how your trust deals with healthcare and specialised transport services, please clarify whether your trust provides these services in-house, outsources them all, or uses a mix of both approaches.
Additionally, please provide the following data for your Trust and for each financial year 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, and 2022/23:
1. What was the spend £ value. on in-house healthcare and specialised transport services within your Trust, and the respective volumes of patients / transportations that you realised with in-house capacity, split by:
– High Dependency critically ill. patients
– Neonatal newborn / premature. patients
– Non-Emergency patients
– Other patients, not included in previous splits.
– Other non-patients, such as equipment and medication.
2. What was the spend £ value. on independent sector providers for healthcare and specialised transport services within your Trust, and the respective volumes of patients / transportations that you realised with contracted independent sector providers, split by:
– High Dependency critically ill. patients
– Neonatal newborn / premature. patients
– Non-Emergency patients
– Other patients, not included in previous splits.
– Other non-patients, such as equipment and medication.

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I am writing with a Freedom of Information request regarding the use of healthcare and specialised transport services within your Trust.
To better understand how your trust procures healthcare and specialised transport services from the independent sector, please clarify how many private providers were contracted each year.
Additionally, please provide the following data for your Trust and for each financial year 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, and 2022/23:
1. For each independent provider, what was the spend £ value. on independent sector providers for healthcare and specialised transport services within your Trust, and the respective volumes of patients / transportations that you realised with contracted independent sector providers, split by:
– High Dependency critically ill. patients
– Neonatal newborn / premature. patients
– Non-Emergency patients
– Other patients, not included in previous splits.
– Other non-patients, such as equipment and medication.

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We are currently updating our records on your Trusts Video Consultation solutions.
If you could kindly complete the fields below with what you currently hold, that would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to mark ‘No VC Solution’ if your service does not currently deliver video consultations.
Solution name list if use more than one. –
Contract expiration date –
Video Consultation solution definition: the video consultation platform of choice for delivering video consultations, individually or in groups, to patients. Note: this is not regarding how you conduct your internal meetings.

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I would like to please request copies of all policies which refer to the management of self-harm or suicidal patients in inpatient settings, and policies which outline the response to a suicide of an inpatient which are from within the Trust.

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I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the following:
1. Please provide the number of Chief Executive Officers your Trust has had since 2010.
2. Please provide the shortest amount of time a Chief Executive Officer has served at your Trust since 2010 or since you started recording this..
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12 of the FOI Act, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

I request that the information be sent to me digitally and within the legal timeframe for requests.

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To whom it may concern,

I am writing to request, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the following:

1. Please provide the number of times your Trust called in emergency contractors or builders for unplanned maintenance and repair works in 2022.
2. Please provide the total cost of emergency contractors or builders for unplanned maintenance and repair works in 2022.
3. Please provide the largest cost for a single unplanned maintenance and repair work in 2022.

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12 of the FOI Act, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.

I request that the information be sent to me digitally and within the legal timeframe for requests.

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Please see below information requested under the freedom of information act:

Over the last financial year, how many Nurses, Drs and AHPs have been recruited internationally?
How many international nurses, Drs and AHPs were recruited via an agency?
How did the trust engage with these agencies direct award, Call off agreement, tender, mini-competition.?
Which agencies were used over the last financial year for international recruitment, and were any of them on an exclusive basis?
How many vacancies do you currently have for international Nurses, Drs and AHPs?
What is the budget for international recruitment over and above any grant funding?
Who within your Trust is responsible for International recruitment?

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I am writing today to make a Freedom of Information request.

I would like the numbers of patients being nursed on End of Life care pathways each month on Mulberry Ward at Charlton Lane Hospital from June 2012 until the present day.
Tim Whittard

+44 7421 746 708

Freelance Journalist, Sunday Sport

Freelance Reporter, Fortean Times

Documentary Producer, Dragonfly Films

Executive Producer, 9 of Cups Productions

Director, Fortean Film Festival

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I am writing to begin another Freedom of Information request.
I would like to know the number of unexpected deaths and suicides of inpatients at Charlton Lane Hospital from September 2021 to present.
For each of these deaths I would also like to know the number of staff on duty on the wards concerned for the shifts when they occurred. Please state whether or not safe staffing numbers were met or breached on these shifts. Please also state the ratio of regular staff to bank and/or agency workers for these shifts. Additionally, please state whether or not the designated shift co-ordinator for each shift was a member of regular staff, or a bank/agency worker.
Freelance Journalist Sunday Sport.
Director Fortean Film Festival.
Documentary Producer Dragonfly Films.

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With reference the this request I meant to put from September 2021 to present.
Freelance Journalist Sunday Sport.
Director Fortean Film Festival.
Documentary Producer Dragonfly Films.

I would like to know the number of DATIX reports for allegations of any sort. being made against nursing staff for each of the three wards Charlton Lane Hospital from September 2022 to present.

I would like to know the number of these incidents which resulted in staff being suspended from work for each of the three wards.

Freelance Journalist Sunday Sport.
Director Fortean Film Festival.
Documentary Producer Dragonfly Films.

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