This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, relating to detention under the Mental Health Act in a hospital in the Trust. Q1. Between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2022, how many people were detained under the Mental Health Act? Alongside the total, please provide a breakdown by calendar year. Q2. How many people detained under the Mental Health Act between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2022 were asylum seekers? Alongside the total, please provide a breakdown by calendar year. Q3. Between 1 January 2022 and 31 May 2023, how many people were detained under the Mental Health Act? Alongside the total, please provide a breakdown by month. Q4. How many people detained under the Mental Health Act between January 2022 to May 2023 were asylum seekers? Alongside the total, please provide a breakdown by month.
Search for a reference number
092-2023 BBC
Can I please request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.
1. The total amount that the trust has spent on the Good Governance Institute’s services since 2015.
2. A breakdown of the specific work that the Good Governance Institute has completed for the trust e.g. well-led reviews..
3. The basis on which the trust chose the Good Governance Institute as an external facilitator for such reviews, should this be applicable.
I would like to request a copy of your seclusion policy – as part of my doctoral thesis I am planning to review these to explore current practice in seclusions in the UK.
068-2023 BBC
For each question, please can you provide data for the following years – 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 to date.
1. How many sexual assaults were reported to the trust?
a. Of these allegations, please advise whether they were:
i. On Staff carried out by a staff Member
ii. On Staff carried out by a patient or visitor
iii. By Staff on a Patient
iv. By Staff on a visitor
v. On Staff carried out by a visitor
vi. On a patient carried out by a patient
b. Of these alleged offences, how many were reported to the police?
c. If these alleged offences involved members of staff or contractors of the trust, please outline whether disciplinary proceedings took place and what was the outcome?
2. How many rapes were reported to the trust?
a. Of these allegations, please advise whether they were:
i. On Staff carried out by a staff Member
ii. On Staff carried out by a patient or visitor
iii. By Staff on a Patient
iv. By Staff on a visitor
v. On Staff carried out by a visitor
vi. On a patient carried out by a patient
b. Of these alleged offences, how many were reported to the police?
c. If these alleged offences involved members of staff or contractors of the trust, please outline whether disciplinary proceedings took place and what was the outcome?
Please can you provide under the Freedom of Information Act, the details of your Screening & Immunisations staff inclusive of ‘Screening and Immunisation Lead’, ‘Screening and Immunisation Manager’ & ‘Screening and Immunisation Coordinator’ with their full job titles and the names of individuals who hold these positions with email addresses.
This is a freedom of information request.
Please can you provide me with the number of employees employed on 1st April 2023 or the closest date to this where you have the data. whose role is specifically focused on the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion.
Please also provide me with each of these employees’ annual salaries in GBP.
Please present this information in tabular format as a .xlsx file with each branch presented separately.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you can identify any ways that my request could be refined I would be grateful for any further advice and assistance.
Please provide your response by the statutory deadline of 20 days. This is Friday 28th June.
I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act for the total amount spent by your trust on ‘collaborative banks’ between January 2022 and January 2023. Specifically, I am seeking information related to collaborative banks as opposed to the trust bank spend.
I would appreciate it if you could provide the information in electronic format, such as a spreadsheet or a PDF document. If this information is already available in the public domain, please provide me with references to the relevant sources.
I am trying to understand the level of clinical trials activity that is taking place in the UK. Specifically can you tell me how many commercial clinical trials have been taking place in this hospital trust during the calendar year of 2022?
This could be completed trials, or trials that are ongoing. When I say “commercial trials”, I mean trials that are funded or sponsored by a commercial company such as a pharmaceutical company.
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:
Please provide your total spend on communications and public relations for the last three financial year’s 20/21,21/22,22/23.. For each year I would like a breakdown containing the following information:
Spend on communications and public relations activities.
Total number of communications and public relations employees.
Total salary cost for all communications and public relations employees
This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, regarding reporting systems for sexual misconduct. 1. 2. 3. Do all hospitals in your Trust have a reporting system for sexual misconduct? If the answer is
4. ‘no’, please share how many hospitals within your Trust do have a reporting system for sexual misconduct and how many do not.
5. 2. 3. 4. If some or all of the hospitals in your Trust have a reporting system for sexual misconduct, please
5. outline the reporting system. 6. 3. 4. 5. If none or not all of the hospitals in your Trust have a reporting system for sexual misconduct,
6. please outline what a Trust staff member should do if they are a victim of sexual misconduct and another Trust staff member is the perpetrator. 7.
I would like to submit a Freedom of Information Act request regarding the cost of staffing, I have previously requested this information as part of other correspondence but it has not been provided. Specifically, I would like to know,
What is the cost of a Band 5 nurse working a bank shift?
What is the equivalent cost of an Band 3 Agency HCA for the same shift to the trust, not just their hourly rate.?
1. The number of nurses your organisation referred to the Nursing and Midwifery Council in each of the following years: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
2. The number of Midwives your organisation referred to the Nursing and Midwifery Council in each of the following years 2019,2020,2021, 2022 and 2023.
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Trust regarding. The amount of: 1. How many RGN/RMN shifts have been filled using an “Off Framework” Agency between December 1st 2023, and February 1st 2024. 2. Which “Off Framework” Nursing agencies have been used by the Trust between December 1st 2023, and February 1st 2024. 3. A break down of shifts filled by each “Off Framework” agency between December 1st 2023, and February 1st 2024. E.g. 3 RMN Shifts and 5 RGN shifts were filled by X agency. 4. The total cost for each individual “Off Framework nursing agency between December 1st 2023, and February 1st 2024.
Please may you provide us with answers to the following questions:
1. How many people are currently on your waiting list for ADHD assessments?
Please break this down between children and adults.
2. How many assessments have you carried out every calendar year between 2018 and 2023?
If possible, please break this down between children and adults.
3. How many ADHD referrals did you receive each calendar year between 2018 and 2023?
Please break this down between children and adults.
4. How many ADHD referrals did you accept each calendar year between 2018 and 2023?
Please break this down between children and adults.
5. What is the mean. average time patients wait between referral and an assessment for ADHD for each calendar year between 2018 and 2023?
If possible, please break this down between children and adults.
I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like the following information to be provided to me as an electronic copy. If any of this information is already in the public domain, please can you direct me to it, with page references and URLs if necessary. 1. Do you have a dedicated on-site scanning team for paper records? 1. If so, how many FTE are within the team? 2. What volumes are the team scanning on a daily / weekly / monthly / annual basis? 3. Are the team scanning legacy records or day forward, or both? 4. What hardware & software is used by the team? 5. Is the hardware leased, rented or was it purchased outright? 6. Who is responsible within the organisation for the procurement of hardware and software? Please supply contact details. 2. If you do not have a dedicated on-site scanning team, is there a contract for outsourced document scanning provisions? 1. If so, who is this contract with? 2. What is the value of the contract? 3. When is the contract due for renewal? 3. Do you have on-site facilities to store paper records? 4. Do you have contracts. for off-site storage? 1. If so, who is the contract with? 2. Does the contract include scan on demand or digitising services? 3. If so, what volumes of pages / images are scanned daily/weekly/monthly/annually? 4. What is the annual cost for outsourced scanning – either on-demand or scheduled? 5. Are there departments within the organisation that scan their own documents locally? 1. If so, what hardware and software is used to manage this? 2. Are volumes captured? If so, what are they? 3. What types of documents are scanned? 6. Who is responsible for records / document management programmes/systems? Please provide contact details 7. Who manages the contracts. relationships with hardware providers and outsourced storage or scanning providers? Please provide contact details
I wish request information related to the Trust under the Freedom of Information act.
Can you please provide the following information:
1. Number of Employees
2. Number of IT Staff
3. The Name of your current IT Service Management Software and the company that supplies it?
4. Whether this is a Cloud / SaaS / or On Premise solution
5. The number of Licenses and whether these are Named or Concurrent
6. The length of your current contract for this Software / Service
7. The Contract expiry date, and whether you intend to change it
8. The Contract Review date or approximation
9. The Annual Cost of the Contract
10. The Total Cost of the Contract
11. The person responsible for this Software / Service. Please provide Contact Name, Email and Direct Phone Number
12. The lead person to Contact about future IT related Project. Contact Name, Email and Direct Phone Number.
I would like to make a freedom of information request.
I am doing a research project investigating call-off contracts in the public sector. I have identified two potential call-off contracts awarded by Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust, but I can’t find details of the framework agreements they were awarded from.
I have attached an Excel file that contains the information I am looking at. The last two columns Title of framework used and Further framework info. is where I am missing information. Please could you provide the name of the specific framework agreements or DPS agreements used here. If there is any further info which you think would help me locate the framework agreements e.g., a link to the framework’s Contract Finder or FTS listing, the framework provider, or a widely-used reference number such as CCS’s RM codes., please use the final column for this.
Please note that I have identified these contracts as possible call-off contracts, so some of them might not be. Some could be, for instance, procured directly without being called off from a framework agreement., or could be themselves notices of the establishment of a framework agreement. Therefore I would kindly ask you to specify in these incidences what kind of procurement was used in the Title of framework used column.
I have provided the title, description, details of the email contact from the notice, the publication date, and procedure type used to award both potential call-offs, as well as a URL link to the call-off in question and a unique reference ID for each potential call-off. Please let me know if there is anything else you need to complete the request.
I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, details in respect to the information below:
1. Do you currently receive a neutral vendor managed service, or master vendor managed service, for the supply of temporary agency staff?
Please provide the following information for each staffing group. If there is no service provider, please state this.
i. Medical / Dental
– Name of the managed service provider?
– Are they a neutral vendor or master vendor?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs. / Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical
– Name of the managed service provider?
– Are they a neutral vendor or master vendor?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
iii. Nursing and Midwifery / Healthcare Assistants HCAs.
– Name of the managed service provider?
– Are they a neutral vendor or master vendor?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
iv. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
– Name of the managed service provider?
– Are they a neutral vendor or master vendor?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
2. Do you currently have a direct engagement DE. provider in place, for VAT reclaim on agency spend?
Please provide the following information for each staffing group. If there is no service provider, please state this.
i. Medical / Dental
– Name of the DE provider?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs. / Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical
– Name of the DE provider?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
iii. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
– Name of the DE provider?
– Expiry date of contract with the managed service provider?
3. Please can you provide 2022 full calendar year 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2022. spend figures on temporary agency staff agency throughput.? If this is unavailable, please provide figures for FY 21/22.
Please provide the following information for each staffing group. If there is no agency spend, please state this.
i. Medical / Dental
– 2022 spend on temporary agency staff excluding VAT.?
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs. / Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical
– 2022 spend on temporary agency staff excluding VAT.?
iii. Nursing and Midwifery / Healthcare Assistants HCAs.
– 2022 spend on temporary agency staff excluding VAT.?
iv. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
– 2022 spend on temporary agency staff excluding VAT.?
4. Please can you provide the name of the person who looks after temporary agency staffing at the Trust?
Please provide the following information for each staffing group. If multiple people lead this from different departments, please give the details of each person. i. Medical / Dental
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs. / Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
iii. Nursing and Midwifery / Healthcare Assistants HCAs.
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
iv. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
5. Please can you provide the name of the person who leads temporary agency staffing at ICS level?
Please provide the following information for each staffing group. If multiple people lead this from different departments at ICS level, please give the details of each person. i. Medical / Dental
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
ii. Allied Health Professionals AHPs. / Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
iii. Nursing and Midwifery / Healthcare Assistants HCAs.
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
iv. Non-Medical, Non-Clinical NMNC.
– Name
– Job Title
– Department
1. Telephony and UC/ Collaboration
a. Please confirm the manufacturer of your telephony systems. that are currently in place b. When is your contract renewal date?
c. Who maintains your telephony systems.?
d. Do you use Unified Communications or Collaboration tools , if so which ones?
2. Microsoft
a. What Microsoft 365 licence do you have across the business e.g. E3, E5
b. Which partner looks after your Microsoft tenant?
c. Where do you host your applications? Do you have on-premise infrastructure or do you host your applications in public or private cloud? Which?
3. Storage
a. Does your organisation use on-premise or cloud storage or both?
b. Please confirm the on-premise hardware manufacturer c. Please confirm your cloud storage provider d. What is your annual spend on cloud storage?
e. How do you back up your data and with who e.g. Backup as a Service
1. In the last 60 days how many hours has your trust utilised Thornbury Nursing Services for agency nurses?
2. In the last 60 days which wards, departments were these TNS requests for?
3. Please can you confirm how many nursing shifts have been filled by Thornbury Nursing Services?
4. In the last 60 days has your Trust utilised any other off framework provider for agency nurses? If yes, please name these providers.
5. Please can you confirm how many shifts have been released/allocated to off framework agencies within the last 60 days?
6. In the last 60 days which wards, or departments were these off framework requests for?
7. Please can you confirm how many nursing shifts have been filled by off framework agencies within the last 60 days?
8. How many long-term lines of work or block bookings are currently being supplied by off framework agencies?
9. Which off framework agencies is the trust currently utilising for Nursing vacancies and what is the spend on these agencies year to date?
10. What is the average charge for both RMN’s and RGN’s from off framework agencies?
11. Who at director level is responsible for patient safety and staffing levels?
12. Who at temporary staffing is responsible for onboarding new agencies and could you provide me with their contact details?
13. Can you confirm if your Off-Framework agency suppliers list PSL. is always looking to onboard new agencies. If not, what dates does the Trust review this list and look to bring new agencies onto It?
I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the FOI Act 2000.
Please proved information regarding the following systems:
1. Analytics BI that includes outcomes.
2. Child Health System
3. Health Information Exchange HIE.
4. Improving Access to Psychological Therapies IAPT.
5. Order Communications
6. Pathology
7. Population health management
8. Transfers of care system
9. Trust Integration Engine TIE.
10. Voice recognition
BBC 128-2023
I am writing to request the following data under the Freedom of Information Act.
If all the below questions cannot be answered within the appropriate time limit, please can you answer the questions in order as below until the limit is reached.
1. In each of the following financial years, how many individuals were referred to IAPT/NHS Talking Therapies by drug and alcohol services?
i. 2018-19
ii. 2019-20
iii. 2020-21
iv. 2021-22
v. 2022-23
2. How many of those in question 2 were a. accepted and b. declined for support from IAPT/NHS Talking Therapies? Please break the information down by the following financial years.
i. 2018-19
ii. 2019-20
iii. 2020-21
iv. 2021-22
v. 2022-23
Please provide a figure for c. other, where relevant. For example, if the individual was referred but didn’t engage further with your service and was therefore neither accepted nor declined.
3. In each of the following financial years, how many individuals with known drug and/or alcohol issues or dependence were referred to IAPT/NHS Talking Therapies by a GP?
Where required for data collection, please take ‘drug and/or alcohol issues or dependence’ to mean the ICD10 codes F10-F19 inclusive.
If data for the number referred ‘by a GP’ is not available, please provide the number referred from primary care.
i. 2018-19
ii. 2019-20
iii. 2020-21
iv. 2021-22
v. 2022-23
4. How many of those in question 3 were a. accepted and b. declined for support from IAPT/NHS Talking Therapies? Please break the information down by the following financial years.
i. 2018-19
ii. 2019-20
iii. 2020-21
iv. 2021-22
v. 2022-23
Please provide a figure for c. other, where relevant. For example, if the individual was referred but didn’t engage further with your service and was therefore neither accepted nor declined.
I am getting in touch from BBC Radio 4, File on 4. I wish to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:
For the following calendar years; 2023 up to date., 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 please provide the following information broken down by calendar year.
1. How many appointment requests for coil fittings did your trust receive? *
2. How many appointment requests for coil removals did your trust receive? 3. How many Intrauterine device IUD. fittings were performed by your trust? 4. How many Intrauterine device IUD. removals were performed by your trust? 5. What was the average wait time for a patient to have a Intrauterine device IUD. fitted? 6. What was the average wait time for a patient to have a Intrauterine device IUD. removed?
7. How many complaints did your trust received regarding coil fittings? 8. How many complaints did your trust received regarding coil removals? If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the time or cost limits identified in Section 12, please provide the information in part and chronologically with a priority placed upon 2022 and 2023 data.
Please can you send me the ICB organisational chart with all names and job titles in Commissioning and Transformation.
Thank you for your recent response to my FOI request. I would like to submit a follow up request. Please answer the questions below under the FOI Act.
This request relates to FOI 480-2023 your reference., in which you stated 2 people with diagnosed eating disorders primary or secondary diagnosis. were discharged from inpatient services within your trust with a BMI <15 between 1 Jan 2018 and 31 Dec 2022. Of those 2 inpatients discharged with a BMI <15 2018-22.:
1. Please state the number of patients that were discharged from a. a specialist inpatient eating disorder service if you have one, and b. general inpatient care. 2. Please state the number of patients that were a. 18 and above, and b. below 18. 3. Please state the number of patients who had a BMI of a. 14-14.99, b. 13-13.99, c. 12-12.99 and d. <12 4. Please state the exact BMI of the patient discharged with the lowest BMI
5. Please state how many were a. self-discharged and b. discharged by the service
6. Please state how many were subject to an MDT-informed clinical assessment before discharge
7. Please state how many were discharged under a community treatment order
8. Please provide a breakdown of where patients were discharged to - i.e. NHS intensive day-patient care / NHS outpatient care / no onwards care organised by the trust etc. If data is not recorded or retrievable in this format, please provide any information you have available concerning which NHS or non-NHS treatment/service these patients were discharged to.
I am emailing with a Freedom of Information request, regarding digital discharge summaries. My query is:
Where a freetext search is possible, how many digital discharge summaries included any of the terms “spiked”, “spike” or “spiking over the past 5 calendar years, and the year to date. Please provide data for each year:-
1. 2018
2. 2019
3. 2020
4. 2021
5. 2022
6. 2023 – latest available data – please specify period
I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding your current Patient Level Information and Costing Systems PLICS. provider.
Specifically, I would like to request the following information:
• Name of your current PLICS provider
• Renewal date of your current PLICS contract
• Annual support and maintenance rates for your current PLICS provider
If your trust uses multiple PLICS providers, please provide the above information for each provider.
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. to request information relating to the provision of ADHD Attention deficity hyperactivity disorder. services by Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust.
Please provide the following information to the email address specified below.
1. Please name the organisations. that delivers. CYP children and young people. ADHD assessment / diagnoses in your Trust area
a. When did the contracts. begin and when is the contracts. due to end
b. What is the annual spend for this service for 2022, and for the last 5 years?
c. How is the service contracted – is it Block, Activity-based, or AQP contracting?
d. If the service is commissioned with other CCGs, ICSs or Trusts, which are these?
e. At what prevalence % of the child population. have the contracts been commissioned against?
2. Does the same organisation as for Question 1 also deliver CYP ADHD prescriptions and post-diagnosis ADHD support in your Trust area? If not, please provide the same information for this organisation.
3. Please outline the CYP ADHD pathway in your area, including key referral sources
4. How many children and young people are currently waiting for a CYP ADHD assessment in your area? What is the longest and median wait time from a referral?
a. Within the last year, how many children and young people were assessed within 12 weeks of referral?
b. Within the last year, how many children and young people were discharged without assessment?
c. Please answer Questions 4, 4a, 4b for as many historic years as possible, up to 5 years
5. For the last 5 years, please give the number of CYP patients per year in the Trust who were:
a. Referred for ADHD assessment
b. Given an ADHD assessment
c. Given an ADHD assessment from a ‘Right to Choose’ provider, outside the service contracted
d. Diagnosed with ADHD
6. For the last 5 years, what was the average number of ADHD-qualified staff delivering services in the area? How does this split by role:
a. Qualified psychiatrists
b. Paediatricians
c. Speech and Language therapists
d. Clinical Psychologists
e. For a-d, please also give numbers of trainees
7. Please provide equivalent answers for Questions 1-6, but for Adult ADHD services in the Trust. If the Trust does not distinguish between CYP and Adult ADHD services, please answer Questions 1-6 for all patients collectively
This is an information request relating to events held staff networks within the Trust.
Please include the information for the current financial year, 2022/23 to the present.
• A list of the events organised by the staff networks
• Full details of each event, including which network ran/hosted the event, the start and end time, the date, whether it was held online or in-person, the length, the topic and/or title, the number of attendees if held. and the speaker if possible.
If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under the Section 16 obligations of the Act, as to how I can refine my request.
If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me via email or phone and I will be very happy to clarify what I am asking for.
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act, to confirm if you hold and are able to share the following information.
Clinical Coding
• Please can you share a copy of your Clinical Coding policy if you hold this information?
• Please can you share if you hold any Standard Operating Procedures, Guidance, process guides for the clinical coding function?
Data Quality
• Please can you share a copy of your Data Quality policy if you hold this information?
• Please can you share if you hold any Standard operating Procedures, Guidance of process guides for staff working in the Data Quality Function?
Please may I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please can you indicate in the table below which services, if any, your organisation procures and advise who currently provides that service. Please confirm the current contract end date, how many journeys are conducted per annum including aborts, excluding cancelled., the approximate spend per annum and lastly, please indicate how many months in the previous 12 they achieve their Inbound and Outbound KPI targets. If you are answering on behalf of multiple sites / Trusts or geographical areas please state which and if the contracts differ between these please complete a separate table as appropriate.
Services Procured Current Provider Contract End Date
Patient journeys per annum Spend per annum In the previous 12 months, how many times was KPI achieved?
Outpatients OUT
Non-emergency patient transport High Dependency Mental Health Renal Dialysis Taxi Services – staff and/or patients
Under the Freedom of Information Act, please could I request the following information:
1. Please advise if the following services are outsourced to third parties. If outsourced, please provide the scope of services outsourced, the name of organisation outsourced to and the contract end date. Outsourced or in-house? Scope of services Name of organisation outsourced to Contract end date
Finance and Accounting Services e.g. accounts payable & receivable. Payroll Procurement 2. Please advise what software platforms you use for: Name of software platform Version
Finance and Accounting
Finance ERP
e.g. Agresso. Procurement
Requisitioning System
if Finance ERP not used. Catalogue Management System
e.g. GHX Nexus. Inventory Management System
e.g. eDC Gold. Tendering/Sourcing System
e.g. Atamis. Contract Management System
e.g. Atamis.
In the period 1st August 2024 to 31st October 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
• Total trust spend with framework agencies for locum doctors
Please provide a further breakdown for locum doctors by:
• Spend per grade
• Spend per specialty
• Spend per agency name
In the period 1st August 2024 to 31st October 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
• Total trust spend with off-framework agencies for locums doctors
Please provide a further breakdown for locum doctors by:
• Spend per grade
• Spend per specialty
• Spend per agency name
In the period 1st August 2024 to 31st October 2024 please provide a breakdown of:
• Total trust spend with the internal trust bank or associated external provider for locum doctors
Please provide a further breakdown for locum doctors by:
• Spend per grade
• Spend per specialty
• Spend per internal or associated external provider
Has your trust offered key worker accommodation historically?
If your trust has offered this historically, and you don’t currently, why do you no longer provide it?
If your trust has offered this historically, what happened to the accommodation you did have?
• What training is provided at Trust level to ensure safe and holistic care of the patients with spinal cord injury and which group of professionals is the training directed to?
• What training is available at Trust level for the Spinal Manual Handling competencies, for band 2, 3, 4, 5 and above? Who is responsible for the delivery of such training, does it fall under the Manual Handling or the Spinal Unit/Centre remit?
• How often is training delivered and how are competencies achieved and maintained?Are updates required to maintain competency?
• What guidance document/competency (e.g. MASCIP) is used during training of Spinal Manual Handling skills?
• How frequently trainers on Spinal Manual Handling skills would require updates?
Digital Dictation
● Do you use Digital Dictation? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:
○ Name of the supplier & product?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework?
○ The contract start date?
○ The contract expiry date?
○ Total contract value?
○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR?
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service?
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number?
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered?
Outsourced Transcription
● Do you use Outsourced Transcription? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:
○ Name of the supplier:
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework:
○ The contract start date:
○ Volume of letters per month:
○ Total contract value:
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service:
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number:
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered:
Speech Recognition
● Do you use Speech Recognition? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:
○ Name of the supplier & product?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework?
○ The contract start date?
○ The contract expiry date?
○ Total contract value?
○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR?
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service?
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number?
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered?
Ambient AI Scribe
● Do you use AI-enabled Ambient Scribe? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:
○ Name of the supplier & product?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework?
○ The contract start date?
○ The contract expiry date?
○ Total contract value?
○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR?
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service?
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number?
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered?
Video Consultation
● Do you use Video Consultation? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:
○ Name of the supplier & product?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework?
○ The contract start date?
○ The contract expiry date?
○ Total contract value?
○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR?
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service?
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number?
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What % of virtual/remote consultations are conducted using video vs telephone?
Health Information Systems
What supplier(s) do you use for the following?
● PAS (Patient Administration System)
● EPR (Electronic Patient Record)
● eDMS (Electronic Document Management System)
● RIS (Radiology Information System)
● LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System)
● e-Correspondence (e.g. Docman)
● Hybrid Mail (e.g. Synertec)
● Patient Portal
The name, email address, and contact number of the person(s) or department responsible for managing the supply of temporary staffing for Allied Health Professionals (AHP) and Health Science Services (HSS) within your trust.
• In each year, how many MHPS investigations were instigated?
• Please provide the length of time each investigation took to complete. Length of time should begin on the date the clinician was notified that an MHPS investigation was instigated and end on the date the Case Manager wrote to confirm the outcome of the initial fact-finding report and decision on next steps.
• How many of these MHPS investigations resulted in disciplinary proceedings?
• How many of these MHPS investigations concluded the allegations were not substantiated? How many MHPS investigations were incomplete at the date of this request?
• In how many of the MHPS investigations were external investigators appointed?
• Please provide the names of the external investigators and/or the companies for whom they worked or were contracted. What are the criteria by which an external investigator is appointed?
• For each calendar year what was the financial cost to the Trust of employing the services of an external investigator?
• In how many of these MHPS investigations did the allegations relate solely to conduct?
• In how many of these MHPS investigations did the allegations relate solely to capability?
• In how many of these investigations were the clinicians excluded during the investigation?
• In how many exclusions was the reason for exclusion capability concerns?
• In how many exclusions was the reason for exclusion concern of interference in investigation process?
• What was the shortest and the longest period of exclusion?
• What proportion of the investigated were male?
• What proportion of the excluded were male?
• How many investigations involved a clinician over the age of 50?
• What ethnic origin does the clinician under investigation identify as?
• What ethnic origin does the clinician excluded identify as?
1. Please identify the Talking Therapies service that you are answering on behalf of.
2. Please may you inform us whether Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) appears on your drop-down menu as a diagnosis/ problem descriptor on for example
IAPTus or PC-MIS software for measuring outcomes? (If not, what descriptor, do you use?)
3. If it is not on the drop-down menu, can you identify people with BDD in a different way (for example, the number who have completed the Body Image Questionnaire for BDD)?
4. Do you use a digital front door like Limbic to screen clients? If yes, which one do you use, and does it directly screen for BDD?
5. Please inform us whether your staff ask the recommended screening question to help identify people with BDD? (The “Talking Therapies manual for anxiety and depression” recommends a question “Have you worried a lot about your appearance or the way a bodily feature looked and wish you could think about it less?”. ) If you do not use the recommended question, do you routinely screen for BDD with a different question or leave it up to therapists to identify if it appears clinically relevant? (if yes, what is the question)?
6. If you use a screening question to try to identify people with BDD, at what stage do you ask the question. e.g., (a) first contact/triage, (b) at assessment at step 2 guided self-help (c) at assessment for step 3 (high intensity)?
7. Please inform us if you use the recommended Anxiety Disorder Specific Measure (ADSM) “The Body Image Questionnaire” (BIQ) in people with BDD to determine outcomes during therapy? If not, do you use the PHQ9 and GAD7 for BDD or something else?
8. For people discharged in the year 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024, please inform us of the total number of people you discharged (all diagnoses, at least one contact) and the total number of people discharged for BDD as the main problem.
9. For people discharged in the year 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024, please inform us of the total number of people you took on for therapy (all diagnoses, at least 2 contacts) and the total number of people with BDD that you took on for therapy (at least 2 contacts) that were discharged.
10. Of those that you took on for therapy, what proportion / numbers of people with BDD received treatment at Step 2 with a PWP? If treatment is with a PWP, what proportion and number is a generic CBT for anxiety/ depression or other approach, and what proportion and number received a specific computer program or workbook for BDD? Please specify which one you use.
11. Of those with BDD who received treatment at Step 2 with a PWP, what was the average number of sessions for generic CBT for anxiety/ depression and for a specific computer program or workbook for BDD?
12. For people discharged from the 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 with the last treatment type being step 3, what was the average number of sessions in the episode for those treated with BDD and the average for all other diagnoses in the service?
13. For people discharged in the year 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024, please inform us of the number of people with BDD who had 2 Body Image Questionnaires completed prior to discharge (and the number who had the GAD7 instead of the BIQ) at Step 2 and at Step 3 (high intensity)?
14. For people discharged in the year 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024, what percentage and number of people with BDD in the treated sample achieve reliable improvement at Step 2 and Step 3? (Note the reliable change on the BIQ is ≥10 – please state if you are using the GAD7 for reliable improvement). How does that compare to the percentage and number who achieve reliable improvement on all the other diagnoses in the service?
15. For people discharged in the year 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024, what was the mean and standard deviation and number of clients of the Body Image Questionnaire in those taken on for treatment at Step 2 and at Step 3?
16. For people discharged in the year 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024, what was the mean and standard deviation and number of clients with BDD on the Body Image Questionnaire after treatment at Step 2 and at Step 3?
17. For people discharged in the year 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024, what proportion and number achieve reliable improvement and recovery after treatment (≤ 40 is no longer a case) with BDD on the Body Image Questionnaire at Step 2 and Step 3?
18. How many of your CBT therapists have attended a top up workshop or any other training in treating BDD?
19. Please can you do a survey of your CBT therapists in your service and ask them.
“How much of a priority do you think is training in BDD compared to other problems in your service?”
1. – Not a priority
2. – Low priority
3. – Medium priority
4. – High priority
5. – Essential
1. How many people do you have in your access request team?
2. How many data access requests do you get annually on average?
3. What is the average time spent on a single access request?
4. How many different systems are checked as part of an access request on average?
5. What is the approx. number or percentage of requests that breach the expected response time over an annual period?
6. What system or process do you currently use to manage your SAR requests
7. Are the Trust medical records digital, paper, or mixed
8. If digital, what EPR and/or EDM system is used to manage these records.
9. When is the expiry date to the EPR and/or EDMS contract?
A list of all band 6, 7, 8a mental health/psychiatric nursing jobs that have been advertised since October 2023.
1. Do you have an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system in place?
2. If so, when was the EPR is deployed?
3. What is the value of the EPR contract, either annually or total contract value ?
4. When is the current EPR contract due for renewal?
Is FERN still operational and comprised of the same team members?
If yes, is this not counter to NHS England’s position statement that police should not be involved in care?
If no, what has replaced it and how has police involvement in care been “eradicated” as mandated by NHS England?
Q 1 Please provide for the five individual years 2019-24 the total number of patient safety reviews in inpatient mental health carried out by the trust.
Q 2 Out of those PSR’s how many examined a patient death?
Q 3 Out of those fatal PSR’s please let me know how many deaths in the report were linked to staffing levels. ( a straightforward wordsearch in the conclusions would suffice).
1. Has the trust received written advice or guidance from NHS England setting out how to comply with the NHS sexual safety charter? Please answer yes or no.
1.1 If yes, please set out what advice or guidance NHS England provided, or provide a copy of it.
2. Point 10 of the NHS sexual safety charter states: “We will capture and share data on prevalence and staff experience transparently.” If you answered yes to question 1, has NHS England provided written advice or guidance as to how the trust should record the prevalence of unwanted, inappropriate and/or harmful sexual behaviour in order to comply with point 10 of the charter? Please answer yes or no.
2.1 If yes, please set out what advice or guidance NHS England has provided, or provide a copy of it. Specifically, please clarify whether this guidance prescribes what sexual harm data the trust should record, and how to record it? For example, does it stipulate that the trusts should record specific categories of sexual harm, such as patient-on-staff or staff-on-patient incidents? If so, please provide details.
3. If the trust has received no guidance from NHS England as to how to record the prevalence of unwanted, inappropriate and/or harmful sexual behaviour, how does the trust currently record these incidents?
3.1 Does the trust record and centrally collate all types of sexual safety incidents? Please answer yes or no.
3.2. Which of the following categories of incidents does the trust record and centrally collate. Please answer yes or no:
• Patient-on-staff incidents
• Staff-on-staff incidents
• Patient-on-patient incidents
• Staff-on-staff incidents
• Visitor-on-staff incidents
• Visitor-on-patient incidents
• Patient-on-visitor incidents
• Staff-on-visitor incidents
3.3 Does the trust record any other categories of incidents, such as incidents perpetrated by members of the public? If so, please provide details of these categories.
4. Is the trust fully compliant with all 10 points of the sexual safety charter?
4.1. If yes, when did the trust become fully compliant?
4.2 If no, what points of the charter has the trust yet to comply with; and when does the trust expect to become fully compliant with the charter?
5. Has the trust’s compliance with the charter been assessed or audited by NHS England? Please answer yes or no.
5.1 If yes, what were the findings of that assessment or audit? Was the trust deemed to be fully compliant, partially compliant or not compliant?
5.2 If yes, when was the assessment or audit carried out and when did the trust receive its findings?
6. Has the trust undertaken any internal audits or assessments of its compliance with the sexual safety charter? Please answer yes or no.
6.1 If yes, what were the findings or this assessment or audit?
6.2 If no, does the trust have plans to conduct an audit or assessment of compliance?
6.3 If you answered yes to 6.2, when does the trust plan to conduct this assessment or audit of compliance?
7. Does the trust keep centralised records of child abuse committed on the trust premises? Please answer yes or no
8. Which incident and risk reporting system does the trust use to record sexual unwanted, inappropriate and/or harmful sexual behaviour? (For example, Datix or Ulysses.)
9. Has the trust appointed a domestic abuse and sexual violence (DASV) lead? Please answer yes or no.
1. How many buildings / blocks are you responsible for owning / managing from a maintenance perspective? (Include any under PFI contracts)
2. How many of these buildings / blocks contain asbestos?
3. How many Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) do you have? If you are uncertain, please provide an estimate.
4. What format of asbestos register do you have? (e.g. paper based, Excel, internal database, externally digital, asbestos consultant system, survey reports etc.)
5. Does your Trust have a dedicated person(s) to manage asbestos? If so how many roles.
6. What is the job title of the person (or persons) who are responsible for managing asbestos day to day (not the Dutyholder)?
7. Does this person / role solely cover asbestos or do they have other responsibilities?
8. What asbestos / health & safety qualifications do those persons involved in the management of asbestos hold? (e.g. Asbestos Awareness, NEBOSH, CoCA, P401, P402, P403, P404, P405, P406, P407, S301, W504 etc.)
9. Does your Trust have external support for asbestos management? (Not including undertaking removal/ abatement, surveys, sampling, air monitoring, training etc.)
10. Does your Trust employ an Independent Assessor / Authorised Person / Authorising Engineer for asbestos?
11. Does your Trust undertake external audits of asbestos management?
12. Do you undertake any of the following asbestos activities in-house – sampling, re-inspections, removal / abatement, training?
13. Do you employ asbestos consultants?
14. Do you require asbestos consultants to be UKAS accredited?
15. If using consultants, what services do you get them to undertake? (e.g. management / refurbishment / demolition surveys, air monitoring & 4SC, specification writing, training etc.)
16. If using consultants, how do you procure their services? (e.g. per job, approved list, national framework, internal framework, annual contract etc.)
17. Within the last 3 years have you had issues with the standard or work undertaken by asbestos consultants?
18. Do you employ Licensed Asbestos Removal Contractors (LARCs)?
19. Do you employ Non-Licensed Asbestos Contractors?
20. If using contractors, how do you procure their services? (e.g. per job, approved list, national framework, internal framework, annual contract etc.)
21. Within the last 3 years have you had issues with the standard or work undertaken by asbestos removal contractors?
The first part of my request relates to contact centre service contracts which could relate to one of the following:
1. Advanced call distribution to control the flow of calls and maximise customer experience
2. Email, website live chat and integrations with popular social media apps like Facebook and Instagram
3. Performance monitoring tools to track performance, customer satisfaction and other key sales metrics
1. Incumbent Supplier: For each of the contract(s) please can you provide me with the supplier of the contract.
2. Annual Average Spend: For each supplier, please state the annual average (over 3 years) spend for each supplier
3. Contract Duration: For each supplier, please state the contract duration of the contract expires. If available please also include any contract extensions.
4. Contract Expiry: For each supplier, please state the date of when the contract expires.
5. Contract Review: For each supplier, please state the date of when the contract will be reviewed.
6. Contract Description: For each supplier, please state a brief description of the services provided of the overall contract.
7. Contact Details: For each supplier, please state the person from within the organisation responsible for the contract. Please provide me with their full name, actual job title, contact number and direct email address. At the very least please provide me with their actual job title.
8. Number of Agents; please provide me with the total number of contact centre agents;
9. Number of Sites; please can you provide me with the number of sites the contact centre covers.
10. Manufacturer of the contact centre: Who is the manufacturer of the contact centre system that you operate?
11. Do you use Microsoft Exchange 2003 as your email server? If not, then which products do you use?
12. Number of email users: Approximate number of email users across the organisations.
The second part of my request relates to the use inbound network services contracts which could relate to one of the following:
1. 0800, 0845, 0870, 0844, 0300 number
2. Routing of calls
3. Caller Identifier
4. Caller Profile- linking caller details with caller records
5. Interactive voice response (IVR)
1. Incumbent Supplier: For each of the contract(s) please can you provide me with the supplier of the contract.
2. Annual Average Spend: For each supplier, please state the annual average (over 3 years) spend for each supplier
3. Contract Expiry: For each supplier, please state the date of when the contract expires.
4. Contract Review: For each supplier, please state the date of when the contract will be reviewed.
5. Contract Description: For each supplier, please state a brief description of the services provided of the overall contract.
6. Contact Details: For each supplier, please state the person from within the organisation responsible for the contract. Please provide me with their full name, actual job title, contact number and direct email address.
1. Tetrabenazine usage. I am trying to determine the disease areas for the usage of Tetrabenazine.
Therefore, where possible to split the usage between the following disease areas:
Huntington’s Disease
Tardive Dyskinesia
Parkinson’s disease
Medication induced Dystonia
2. I am also trying to define the treatment sites for mental health provision within both the hospital and community settings, e.g.
All available treatment pathways for patients with eating disorders in the Trust’s various specialist services (e.g. inpatient / day patient / community)?
The number of eating disorder patients in total on each available pathway and in each available setting so far this year and in each of the past 5 years.
The number of patients in total with an eating disorder that have died of any cause so far this year and in each of the past 5 years.
Of the patients in question three, above, please provide the location in which the death occurred, for example, in an acute hospital, in the Specialist Eating Disorder Unit, in a palliative care setting, elsewhere in the Trust, or outside any Trust setting.
Please provide a copy of your Trust’s SEED (Severe and Enduring Eating disorder) pathway or similar pathway for patients with long-standing eating disorders.
How many patients have been treated through the Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust’s post-COVID service, and what ethnic groups are they a part of? Please can you break down the numbers year by year since the service started to the present day.
How many patients remained on the waiting list each month for the service, and what ethnic groups are they a part of? Please can you break down the numbers year by year since the service started to the present day.
How many staff have been designated to your post-COVID service each year since the service started to the present day?