Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 394-2024
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below.
1. Is the Trust commissioned to provide a service for patients assessed as meeting diagnostic criteria for Binge Eating Disorder BED.?
1. For under 18s yes
2. For 18+ year olds yes
2. Does the Trust provide any kind of treatment for patients assessed as meeting diagnostic criteria for Binge Eating Disorder BED. or signpost them to services provided by other organisations?
1. For under 18s yes
2. For 18+ year olds yes & yes 3. If applicable, please outline the services that the Trust provides for patients assessed as meeting diagnostic criteria for Binge Eating Disorder BED., including:
a. the types of treatment that the Trust provides specifically for Binge Eating Disorder BED. e.g. binge eating disorder-focused guided self-help, group eating disorderfocused CBT [group CBT-ED], individual eating disorder-focused CBT [individual CBT-ED]. and,
For most cases treatment is in the form of CBT-T. For some high-risk adolescents, we may seek to treat with family-based therapy however on the whole the treatment is CBT-T. We also signpost to BEAT for a specific programme called Momentum. This is focused guided self-help. b. how these are provided i.e. by eating disorder service/s, Improving Access to Psychological Therapies IAPT. service/s, other primary care-based mental health services, Weight management services or otherwise.. In the case of self-help, please specify whether this is guided or unguided. CBT-T AND FBT are both treatments provided by the Gloucestershire Eating Disorders Service. Guided self-help is provided by BEAT and is called Momentum. If applicable, please describe any service restrictions/eligibility criteria around accessing treatment specifically for Binge Eating Disorder BED. e.g. age, weight/BMI, comorbidity, severity etc.. If the Trust provides more than one relevant service, please list answers separately against each.
Not applicable. Beat complete an initial triage and can restrict or decline based on risk criteria.
FOI Request
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information:
1. Is the Trust commissioned to provide a service for patients assessed as meeting diagnostic criteria for Binge Eating Disorder BED.? 1. For under 18s 2. For 18+ year olds 2. Does the Trust provide any kind of treatment for patients assessed as meeting diagnostic criteria for Binge Eating Disorder BED. or signpost them to services provided by other organisations? 1. For under 18s 2. For 18+ year olds 3. If applicable, please outline the services that the Trust provides for patients assessed as meeting diagnostic criteria for Binge Eating Disorder BED., including: a. the types of treatment that the Trust provides specifically for Binge Eating Disorder BED. e.g. binge eating disorder-focused guided self-help, group eating disorder-focused CBT [group CBT-ED], individual eating disorder-focused CBT [individual CBT-ED]. and, b. how these are provided i.e. by eating disorder service/s, Improving Access to Psychological Therapies IAPT. service/s, other primary care-based mental health services, Weight management services or otherwise.. In the case of self-help, please specify whether this is guided or unguided. 4. If applicable, please describe any service restrictions/eligibility criteria around accessing treatment specifically for Binge Eating Disorder BED. e.g. age, weight/BMI, comorbidity, severity etc.. If the Trust provides more than one relevant service, please list answers separately against each.