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with you, for you
Responses > 140-2022

Freedom of Information request 140-2022

Response published: 6 April 2023

FOI Request

Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust , Can you please advise contact name and e mail of person or department responsible for catering, vending and beverages at Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust Many thanks your help

FOI Response

Good morning Crispin,

With regards to your FOI request below, the contact name and email address is:

Thank you,

Information Governance and Records Team

Sent: 15 June 2022 13:00
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information request

This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe. If unsure, please contact
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust ,

Can you please advise contact name and e mail of person or department responsible for catering, vending and beverages at Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust

Many thanks your help

Kind regards

Crispin Ensoll

Fairtrade Vending Ltd
Unit 1, Henley Business Park
Medway City Estate

Tel: 01634 726163
Fax: 01634 720711