Gloucestershire Health and Care- NHS Trust logo
with you, for you
Responses > 091-2023

Freedom of Information request 091-2023

Response published: 6 January 2023

FOI Request

Does your Trust employ nurse associates or assistant nursing practitioners? Y/N If you employ nurse associates/assistant nursing practitioners, do these groups of staff undertake any of the nursing roles ascribed to RMNs or LD nurses in the Mental Health Act or the Mental Health Act Code of Practice? Y/N If so does this role include: Receipt and scrutiny of section papers? Explaining s132 rights? Granting leave at the nurse’s discretion? Any other duties outlined in the Mental Health Act or the Mental Health Act Code of Practice? If nurse associates or nursing practitioners undertake these role do they have additional training/supervision to gain competency? Do other registered clinicians/practitioners working in inpatient care such as Occupational Therapists or Social Workers undertake any of the duties described in the Mental Health Act or the Mental Health Act Code of Practice? If so can you describe what these are?

FOI Response

Does your Trust employ nurse associates or assistant nursing practitioners?
RNA – Yes
If you employ nurse associates/assistant nursing practitioners, do these
groups of staff undertake any of the nursing roles ascribed to RMNs or LD
nurses in the Mental Health Act or the Mental Health Act Code of Practice?
If so does this role include: Not applicable
Receipt and scrutiny of section papers? Not applicable
Explaining s132 rights? Not applicable
Granting leave at the nurse’s discretion? Not applicable
Any other duties outlined in the Mental Health Act or the Mental Health Act
Code of Practice?
Not applicable
If nurse associates or nursing practitioners undertake these role do they have
additional training/supervision to gain competency?
Not applicable
Do other registered clinicians/practitioners working in inpatient care such as
Occupational Therapists or Social Workers undertake any of the duties
described in the Mental Health Act or the Mental Health Act Code of Practice?
If so can you describe what these are? In line with appropriate
legal framework and scope
of practice, eg Social
Workers who are AMHP’s