Unfortunately this does not relate to Gloucestershire Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust. Can we therefore suggest that you contact Gloucestershire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust who provide maternity services and should be able to provide this information.
FOI Request
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information.
If this information is already publicly available or you might be able to guide me to another information source, any advice would be gladly received.
Please provide data for each question for the years 2018 - 2022, broken down by calendar year i.e. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022..
1. Please provide the number of term stillbirths 37 weeks or more. at your trust
2. Please provide the review process for each stillbirth recorded, e.g.. X number of PMRTs, X number of SIIs, X number referred to the coroner. If relevant, please include the number that led to no review.
3. In any reviews done following a stillbirth please list how many times each of the following was a contributing factor, concluded from the investigation.
a. Failing to monitor reduced foetal movements
b. Wrongly interpreting test results during pregnancy
c. Failing to act on test results which highlight a problem
d. Failure to treat infections in the mother
e. Poor staffing levels
f. Failure to notice vital signs of distress
4. Please provide the number of neonatal deaths at your trust
5. Please provide the review process for each neonatal death, e.g. X number of SIIs, X number referred to the coroner. If relevant, please include the number that led to no review.
6. In any reviews following a neonatal death, please list how many times each of the following was a contributing factor, concluded from the investigation.
a. Failing to monitor reduced foetal movements
b. Wrongly interpreting test results during pregnancy
c. Failing to act on test results which highlight a problem
d. Failure to treat infections in the mother
e. Poor staffing levels
f. Failure to notice vital signs of distress
g. Failing in antenatal care
h. Insufficient or inaccurate handovers
i. Failing to recognise need for caesarean
7. Please provide the number of maternal deaths at your trust
8. Please provide the number of midwifery staffing red flags at your trust
If the request exceeds costing limits set out under the act, please advise how I can refine my request. If you do not hold data in calendar years, please provide data in financial years from 2018-19 through to 2022-23.