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• What training is provided at Trust level to ensure safe and holistic care of the patients with spinal cord injury and which group of professionals is the training directed to?
• What training is available at Trust level for the Spinal Manual Handling competencies, for band 2, 3, 4, 5 and above? Who is responsible for the delivery of such training, does it fall under the Manual Handling or the Spinal Unit/Centre remit?
• How often is training delivered and how are competencies achieved and maintained?Are updates required to maintain competency?
• What guidance document/competency (e.g. MASCIP) is used during training of Spinal Manual Handling skills?
• How frequently trainers on Spinal Manual Handling skills would require updates?

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Digital Dictation

● Do you use Digital Dictation? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:

○ Name of the supplier & product?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework?
○ The contract start date?
○ The contract expiry date?
○ Total contract value?
○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR?
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service?
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number?
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered?
Outsourced Transcription

● Do you use Outsourced Transcription? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:

○ Name of the supplier:

○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework:

○ The contract start date:

○ Volume of letters per month:

○ Total contract value:

○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service:

○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number:

○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered:

Speech Recognition
● Do you use Speech Recognition? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:

○ Name of the supplier & product?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework?
○ The contract start date?
○ The contract expiry date?
○ Total contract value?
○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR?
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service?
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number?
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered?
Ambient AI Scribe

● Do you use AI-enabled Ambient Scribe? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:

○ Name of the supplier & product?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework?
○ The contract start date?
○ The contract expiry date?
○ Total contract value?
○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR?
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service?
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number?
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered?
Video Consultation

● Do you use Video Consultation? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:

○ Name of the supplier & product?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system, i.e. what framework?
○ The contract start date?
○ The contract expiry date?
○ Total contract value?
○ Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR?
○ What is the name(s) and position(s) of the key internal stakeholder(s) for this service?
○ What is the person(s) email and telephone number?
○ What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered?
○ How many user licences do you have?
○ What % of virtual/remote consultations are conducted using video vs telephone?
Health Information Systems
What supplier(s) do you use for the following?

● PAS (Patient Administration System)

● EPR (Electronic Patient Record)

● eDMS (Electronic Document Management System)

● RIS (Radiology Information System)

● LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System)

● e-Correspondence (e.g. Docman)

● Hybrid Mail (e.g. Synertec)

● Patient Portal

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1. Has the trust received written advice or guidance from NHS England setting out how to comply with the NHS sexual safety charter? Please answer yes or no.
1.1 If yes, please set out what advice or guidance NHS England provided, or provide a copy of it.

2. Point 10 of the NHS sexual safety charter states: “We will capture and share data on prevalence and staff experience transparently.” If you answered yes to question 1, has NHS England provided written advice or guidance as to how the trust should record the prevalence of unwanted, inappropriate and/or harmful sexual behaviour in order to comply with point 10 of the charter? Please answer yes or no.

2.1 If yes, please set out what advice or guidance NHS England has provided, or provide a copy of it. Specifically, please clarify whether this guidance prescribes what sexual harm data the trust should record, and how to record it? For example, does it stipulate that the trusts should record specific categories of sexual harm, such as patient-on-staff or staff-on-patient incidents? If so, please provide details.

3. If the trust has received no guidance from NHS England as to how to record the prevalence of unwanted, inappropriate and/or harmful sexual behaviour, how does the trust currently record these incidents?

3.1 Does the trust record and centrally collate all types of sexual safety incidents? Please answer yes or no.

3.2. Which of the following categories of incidents does the trust record and centrally collate. Please answer yes or no:

• Patient-on-staff incidents
• Staff-on-staff incidents
• Patient-on-patient incidents
• Staff-on-staff incidents
• Visitor-on-staff incidents
• Visitor-on-patient incidents
• Patient-on-visitor incidents
• Staff-on-visitor incidents

3.3 Does the trust record any other categories of incidents, such as incidents perpetrated by members of the public? If so, please provide details of these categories.

4. Is the trust fully compliant with all 10 points of the sexual safety charter?

4.1. If yes, when did the trust become fully compliant?

4.2 If no, what points of the charter has the trust yet to comply with; and when does the trust expect to become fully compliant with the charter?

5. Has the trust’s compliance with the charter been assessed or audited by NHS England? Please answer yes or no.

5.1 If yes, what were the findings of that assessment or audit? Was the trust deemed to be fully compliant, partially compliant or not compliant?

5.2 If yes, when was the assessment or audit carried out and when did the trust receive its findings?

6. Has the trust undertaken any internal audits or assessments of its compliance with the sexual safety charter? Please answer yes or no.

6.1 If yes, what were the findings or this assessment or audit?

6.2 If no, does the trust have plans to conduct an audit or assessment of compliance?

6.3 If you answered yes to 6.2, when does the trust plan to conduct this assessment or audit of compliance?

7. Does the trust keep centralised records of child abuse committed on the trust premises? Please answer yes or no

8. Which incident and risk reporting system does the trust use to record sexual unwanted, inappropriate and/or harmful sexual behaviour? (For example, Datix or Ulysses.)

9. Has the trust appointed a domestic abuse and sexual violence (DASV) lead? Please answer yes or no.

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Can you please confirm that Dr Olusola Kolawole has an E – learning account with you and all courses are alligned to CSTF or UK Resus as applicable.

Also, please confirm if BLS Level 2 Resuscitation Session is practical or online training.

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1. How many clinical coders are employed by the Trust?
2. Who is responsible for the clinical coding team and who does that individual report into?
3. What did the Trust spend on external coding support in the 2023-2024 financial year?
4. What is the current coding backlog?
5. How many Finished Consultant Episodes does the Trust complete per year?
6. How many vacancies does the Trust currently have for clinical coding staff?

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Under the FOI Act please can you provide me with the answers to the below:

In the period 1st October 2023 to 30th September 2024, please confirm which framework was used for the recruitment of agency staff within the following categories:
• Facilities
• Estates
• Administrative / Clerical
• Ambulance / Patient Transport

In the period 1st October 2023 to 30th September 2024, please provide a breakdown month by month of total trust spend for framework agency staff within the following categories:
• Facilities
• Estates
• Administrative / Clerical
• Ambulance / Patient Transport

In the period 1st October 2023 to 30th September 2024, please provide a breakdown month by month of total trust spend for off-framework agency staff within the following categories:
• Facilities
• Estates
• Administrative / Clerical
• Ambulance / Patient Transport

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1. Please confirm the name and email address of the relevant contact within the trust who is responsible for agency hires for the following categories:
Administrative / Clerical
Ambulance / Patient Transport

2. Please confirm whether the trust utilises a 3rd party vendor or tech system for the hiring of the following agency staff categories. If so, please confirm the name of the vendor / tech provider:
Administrative / Clerical
Ambulance / Patient Transport

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I wish to make an FOI request. Please provide the following information for the calendar years 2020, 21,22,23 and 24:

The number of foreign national attendances at A&E services provided by your Trust.

The number of places on waiting lists for elective procedures at your trust currently occupied by foreign nationals.

The number of treatment courses currently being provided by your trust to foreign nationals.

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I am submitting a Freedom of Information request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please could you provide the following information:
1. Total Falls by Hospital: The total number of inpatient falls by hospital, covering the last five years?

2. Total Falls by Ward: The total number of inpatient falls by ward, covering the last five years?

3. Contact for Falls Leads: A list of NHS email addresses for falls leads/groups within the trust or the individuals responsible for fall prevention?

4. Falls Compensation Claims: The average annual compensation paid out by the trust in relation to inpatient falls over the past five years?

5. Absconded Patients by Ward: The number of inpatients who absconded from wards (defined as leaving without informing staff, resulting in a missing person status) by ward, covering the last five years?

6. Absconding Compensation Claims: The average annual compensation paid out by the trust in relation to absconding incidents over the past five years?

7. One-to-One Support for Fall Risk Patients: The average cost per patient, per day, for one-to-one support provided to patients at risk of falls?

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How many incidents of a retained foreign object post-procedure were logged by your Trust in the past five years?
By ‘retained foreign object post procedure’, I refer to retained guide wires, mouth props, surgical instruments, needles, vaginal swabs, throat packs, etc.
Please break down this information by:
• The retained item.
• The financial year, covering April 1st – March 31st (2019/20, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24, 2024/25). For the latter, please provide information from April 1st to September 30th 2024.

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1. How many FOI requests did you receive in FY 20/21 FY 21/22 FY 22/23 FY 23/24 and FY24/25 (to date)?
2. What is the average monthly number of FOI requests received by your organisation?
3. Percentage of the responses that were sent within 20 working days (compliance rate).
4. How many staff do you employ for processing FOI requests? What is their whole time equivalent? What band are they?

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1. Number of Freedom of Information requests received.
2. Percentage that were sent out on time.
3. Number of which were sent back for internal review
4. Number of which were referred to the ICO.
5. Number of staff that you had in the year to process Freedom of Information requests. (if this changed throughout the year, please can we request the total number budgeted for and the average number actually in post)

Please can this be broken down into the following years.
a) 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023
b) 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024
c) 1st April 2024 – to date

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Please may I know if your NHS Trust
a. owns any staff accommodation?
b. If this accommodation currently available for your NHS staff to book on a short term and ad hoc basis?
c. Is the management of bookings of these properties (by staff) outsourced to a 3rd party?
d. If the management of these properties is done inhouse, by the Trust, what software (if any) is used to manage these bookings?
e. Please may I have the name and email address of the manager of this NHS Staff Accommodation service

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This is an information request relating to staff networks at the Trust.
Please include the following information for 2020/22, 2022/23, 2023/24:
• A list of all the staff networks at the trust.
• Whether each network receives funding from the trust and, if so, how much (please express annually for the last three financial years)
• How much FTE equivalent staff time each network is entitled to. For example, a staff network may have a chair who’s entitled to spend 10% of their working hours devoted to the network (please express annually for the last three financial years)
• A list of events that each network has held in this financial year so far (April to the present day), including the title of the event, information on any guest speakers and the time of the event.

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We are a Medical Recruitment Agency who supply doctors into the NHS. As such, we supply under specific NHS Frameworks, one of the framework obligations is that we receive written confirmation that we have verified that the worker completed this training.

Can you please confirm that Dr Olusola Kolawole has an E – learning account with you and all courses are aligned to CSTF or UK Resus as applicable.

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Please provide information regarding the following 6 system contracts and their accompanying consulting support contracts:

1. Analytics (BI that includes outcomes)
2. BI & Data Warehousing
3. Digital Dictation
4. Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
5. Secondary Care EPS
6. Voice recognition

Please enter ‘No System Installed’ or ‘No Department’ under supplier name if your trust does not use the system or have the department:
a) System type –
b) Supplier name –
c) System name –
d) Date installed –
e) Contract expiration –
f) Is this contract annually renewed? – Yes/No
g) Do you currently have plans to replace this system? – Yes/No
h) Procurement framework –
i) Other systems it integrates with? –
j) Total value of contract (£) –
k) Notes (e.g. we are currently out to tender) –

Accompanying Consulting Support Contracts (if applicable):
l) Is there an accompanying consulting support contract for this system? – Yes/No
m) If yes, please provide the consulting firm’s name:
n) Consulting contract start date –
o) Consulting contract end date –

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Please could you help me to find out who is responsible for decision making for the community diagnostic centres? Are they run by the Community Trusts or does it fall under the ICS?

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I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act. I would be grateful if you could acknowledge receipt of this request and look forward to your full response within 20 working days, as stipulated by the act.
As we are updating our HSJ database, we are trying to seek the figures for the Cost Improvement Programme that was delivered for 2023-2024. Please provide the response as per the given questions below.

Org Code Org Name Total Cost Improvement Plan £ millions. 2023-24 Total Cost Improvement Plan as a proportion of controllable operating expenditure %. 2023-24 excluding PFI costs, for example.%

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1. Do any patients at your Trust’s adult eating disorder service have ‘Advance Decisions/Directives to refuse medical treatment’ ADRTs. recorded on their electronic records? It is NHS policy that all ADRTs must be recorded on patients electronic records..
2. How many adult eating disorder patients ADRTs have ‘Advance Decisions/Directives to refuse medical treatment’ ADRTs. currently recorded on their electronic records?

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Dear Freedom of Information Officer,

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. and in relation to disabled children’s occupational therapy OT. services provided in your area Gloucestershire., I would be grateful if you could provide the following information to us:

For the following two periods:
1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022 and
1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023
1. What was the average timeframe from referral of a disabled child to the Occupational Therapy service to the comprehensive assessment of their needs by an Occupational Therapist?

From the date of receipt of this request:
2. How many disabled children are currently waiting for an assessment?
3. After being referred, what is the longest waiting time that a disabled child is currently waiting for an assessment?

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