Freedom of Information Request – Ref: FOI 162-2122
Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find our response below.
1. Is your NHS organisation currently using
any software/apps that include artificial
intelligence AI.?
Should you have any queries in relation to our response in this letter, please do not hesitate to contact
me. If you are unhappy with the response you have received in relation to your request and wish to ask
us to review our response, you should write to:-
Associate Director of Corporate Governance
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
Edward Jenner Court
1010 Pioneer Avenue
Gloucester Business Park
FOI Request
I am writing to make a freedom of information request. Please can you provide answers to the 3 questions below?
FOI request questions:
1. Is your NHS organisation currently using any software/apps that include artificial intelligence AI.? If answer to Q1 is yes:
2. Please provide a list of any AI-based software that is currently in use within your organisation. Please include the brand name of the software and the name of the company that sells it. 3. For each of the AI-based software products currently in use, please state whether: a. it is only being used within the context of a research study or pilot project OR
b. is has been purchased/commissioned by your organisation for routine use.
Additional information that might be helpful: To help you to identify whether any AI-based software is in use in your organisation, here are some definitions and examples please note this is not a comprehensive list.:
• AI is sometimes also described as ‘machine learning’, ‘data-driven’ or ‘advanced algorithms’.
• Common examples of where AI is currently in use include: o Medical image processing software, such as: For chest/cardiac CT scans: examples include HeartFlow company name HeartFlow., Veye Chest Aidence., icolung icometrix., EchoGo Ultromics.
For brain CT scans: examples include Aidoc: head Aidoc., e-CTA and e-ASPECTS Brainomix., Icobrain Icometrix., and qER Qure., Veolity MeVis., and RapidAI iSchemaView, Inc.
For mammography: Transpara Mammography and Transpara DBT ScreenPoint Medical., HealthMammo Software Zebra Medical Vision., and ProFound AI for 2D Mammography, Mia Kheiron. and ProFound AI for DBT iCAD.
Retinal imaging, such as Automated diabetic retinal image analysis software Optos PLC.
o Radiotherapy planning, such as DLCExpert Mirada Medical Ltd.
o In primary care, such as Babylon/GP At hand, or RITA: Referral Intelligence and Triage Automation Deloitte.
o Symptom checker apps/software such as C The Signs C The Signs.
o Mobile cardiac monitoring such as Zio-Service iRhythm Technologies Ltd.
o Appointment scheduling/efficiency systems such as DrDoctor ICNH Ltd.
I am a student at the University of Liverpool, studying for an MSc in data science and artificial intelligence. My dissertation will be on how artificial intelligence AI. is used in the NHS. As part of this I am asking NHS providers whether they are currently using any AI-based software, to get a picture of the uptake of these new technologies in the NHS. The information you provide will be included in my MSc dissertation and could potentially be included in academic publications. I know that this is a very difficult time for the NHS and so I am very grateful for the time taken to complete this request. I am aware that it may take longer than the stated 20 working days to respond, any responses will be very helpful to me, regardless of how long it takes.
Many thanks,